Monday, September 20, 2010

A Nice Salad, and "WOMEN FOOD AND GOD"

I've been obsessing the last couple weeks, about my life,  and doing a little (lot) of soul searching, what is it with us women that we always have to be worrying about our weight? It should be more of a problem how you look, and how you feel, not because of that magic number which could be either joyful, or detrimental to our self image. If you feel good, and you are comfortable with yourself, no matter the size, (except obesity)-which is another subject, then why torture yourself, "what if I loose 10 lbs, 30 lbs, or maybe 50? Well, if you set your mind on it and you really want to do it, then by all means set your goal.
I ordered this "gently used" book from ( remember? I'm a thrifter.) I just cant' seem to put it down, it is really intriguing, and tugging at your "heart sleeve" about these stories of women that have been trying to lose weight for years with all the diets that are out there, only to lose it and gain more weight back. So, stop dieting, and concentrate on being happy with who you are, the way you are, and get to know YOU! You will start to have a clearer focus of what you are actually feeding your stomach, and your soul.
Since I've been blogging about FOOD, and THRIFTING, just for about a few months, I've been so focused with all the helpful information out there, through my Twitter friends, and my Foodie friends, from Foodbuzz. I did not even imagine all the wonderful people out there that have so much to give, and share. So, do yourself a favor, and check out all these amazing food blogs, and the great people that contribute them from the heart. You will not be sorry...and you will make lots of friends in the interim.
I did not express this minor confession for the reason that I have these issues, but then we all have some sort of issues that we have to, or have had to work out, and FOOD is one of them for most people. Either you get passionate about it, and start realizing that there are so many fresh and nutritious things are out there, there is no excuse for any of us not to start a new chapter in our lives, with our love of GOOD FOOD, and not obsessing about it like a "lost love"...maybe a lost puppy! ...hope not.

Here are some deep excerpts, from WOMEN FOOD AND GOD by: Geneen Roth

I don't believe in the God that most people call God, but I do know the the only definition of God that makes any sense is one that  uses this human life and its suffering--the very things we believe we nee to hide or fix--as a path to the heart of love itself. Which is why the relationship with food is a perfect doorway.
While I realize that some people find the word God explosive and potentially divisive, and that others have a deeply satisfying relationship with God, I us the word in this book because it evokes a vast expanse that we cannot penetrate with our minds, although we can know it through silence or poetry or simply sensing what is always here.
And because pairing food with God fizzles the mind--the two seem as unrelated as titanium computers and scarlet peonies-- all that you believe about food and God can fall away.

After reading a few chapters of my book, I wanted to be more aware of what I'm going to make for lunch for myself. Romaine salad, always on hand in the frig, better than the ready bags of salads. This one, you cut it yourself, and it's more economical, and lasts longer,. Three nice heads of Romaine, is equivalent to a bag of cut up salad, and (you can feed an army with the Romaine)...and lasts longer when it's not cut up. Cucumbers, sliced red onions, sliced tomatoes, and a few olives Top it off with hard boiled, sliced eggs, and freshly grated carrots...use nothing but your best extra virgin olive oil, and a little drizzle of your favorite vinegar. I like white balsamic, lately. Oh, and the plate, I bought 2, just to make myself looks so nice on the photos. Isaac Mizrahi plates, from Target, purchased ate Goodwill, for 79 cents, each. Now, isn't that special!?

A simple Lipton ice tea, made with the real tea bags, specifically just for ice tea. One tea bag will make a huge pitcher of ice tea. I love it with lime, lately, since lime is so cheap to buy, you can get about 10-15 limes for just $1.00. The glass is a Coca Cola collectible glass, @ 69 cents a piece, I was able to get two, so now I have a set of two special collectors glasses.

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  1. I've come to the same conclusion myself about weight.

    When I was in my 20s and 30s I was a perfect size 8. But something funny happens as we get into our 40s and 50s--we put on weight. We can diet and exercise, but no matter how hard we try, realistically, we may never be a size 8 again.

    Learn to love yourself for who you are now--not who you used to be. And if someone rejects you because you're not a size 8 anymore then they were never your friend in the first place.

  2. I would love that delicious salad for dinner! And your plate find is marvelous :)

  3. Thanks for your uplifting comment. I know exactly what you're saying. I just can't get below a size 12 no mater how I watch what I eat, and exercise. I've learned to be happy with myself a long time ago, but every now, and then I just wish I could do more to look better, although my health is great. Just had a full check up. Doctor told me to exercise more. More cardio! Walking on the beach does not consider a cardio workout...sigh...back to the gym, again!

  4. My dinner consisted of hot Italian sausage (from an authentic Italian meat market) Sausage, and peppers to be exact. I may not post the photo, I would be a little cautious "tooting my horn" about eating salad for lunch, and "digging my grave" with this high cholesterol dinner! Thanks for commenting, Lizzy!

  5. Preach it- we all need to be at peace where we are, on the path we are, while still striving for enlightenment. Always easier said than done, but it's nice to have a community of help along the way!

  6. Mi ingles no es bueno, pero me he traducido tu página, jeje.
    Me han gustado mucho tus palabras (I like your words??)
    Un beso

  7. Elisabeth this post made my day! I used to always wish I was thinner. Until I quit fighting it and just started to like myself for who I am today! The other day I saw a story about models that were size 12 and are plus size. So I decided well if I'm plus size at least I can still be a model!

  8. Mis palabras ar del corazón. Para no preocuparme, puedo contestar en Espanol.
    Un beso, tambien!

  9. Hi Gina,
    Size 12 is not such a bad size, even for someone at 5'4". I'm a "nonna"=Grandmother now, so I consider myself, LUCKY, or should I say, BLESSED!
    I'm so glad to hear that you are happy with yourself! Every woman should be! We have so much to's not about the weight, or size!

  10. Hi Jennifer,
    I never stop preaching! The usual saying:" Been there, done that!" We all need to be at peace with ourselves. We need to please ourselves, and accept who we are, before we need to ask permission from others, for their approval of us! First they need to look deep into their own selves, before judging us!

  11. Seriously, amen sister. We have to be at peace with ourselves. When that happens nothing else matters.

    And funny thing, the more I cook, REALLY COOK, the more quickly my weight comes off. I used to always wonder how all those famous chefs stayed so skinny. Ha! Cooking is fun, but hard work!

    I love your blog, and all the great food pics. I think we may share the same taste buds. I found you on foodbuzz. I'm following you! I'll be back soon!

  12. Ana,
    La página de traducción está bien par tener cada uno para ser capaz de leer otras.
    Un beso, tambien'

  13. Jennifer,
    Peace, and enlightenment always comes from within, and although it sounds easier preaching about it, but each of us will find that path when we are willing to be ready for it'

  14. Hi Nicki,
    I'm so glad you found me on Foodbuzz! I will be checking out your blog too, and will certainly follow you!

    Cooking and eating good food, sharing it with people we care about and love helps us stay balanced, healthier, and happier. As for loosing weight, or keeping track of it, is a personal journey for everyone. Cooking is not so hard, it's the prepping and the clean up what takes more time.

    Bringing joy with good food, makes you forget how hard you worked!

    Thank you for the nice comments regarding my blog!
