Thursday, October 21, 2010

I've Been Tagged

Lizzy, of  thatskinnychickcanbake said...
You've been tagged, Lizzie. Answer these 8 questions in a new post, and tag 7 bloggers with your own questions (I'm having trouble coming up with 7 bloggers I know!!).
OK Lizzy, here are the answers, from the other goes, don't be too shocked!
My questions:
1. Who taught you to cook?
I'd like to be honest about this...really! Actually not one particular person. All the women in my family were amazing cooks, my mom was a professional seamstress, her baking was superb! I actually self taught from "Betty Crocker" cookbook!
2. Do you prefer cooking or baking?
I like to do both, but I have more patience for cooking, because I could be more creative, and adapt the recipes to my way, but in baking you have to follow much closer, any recipe you make.
3. What is your favorite meal to cook for company?
Gotta be shrimp! Buy lots of it, and have fun with it. You can cook it so many different ways. Living in South Florida also helps too. Good shrimp is very affordable here.
4. Are there any foods you will not eat?
You bet! Will not eat any kind of "intestines" of beef, or pork, especially, certain parts of animals, ie. pig's feet, beef tongue, etc.
5. Who is your favorite TV chef?
I already knew I wanted to pick Tyler Florence, but for sure he is my favorite. I did a little "bio" search on him, and saw he graduated from Johnson & Wales Culinary of Arts prestigious! He was also born on March 3rd. which happens to be my dad's birthday too...which I did not
6. What famous person/people would you love to dine with (dead or alive)?
No doubt, Meryl Streep. My all time favorite actress. She played in so many roles, so many different character. I just loved her in the role of Julie and Julia!
7. Was your favorite meal ever eaten at a restaurant or someone's home? Tell us about it.
My favorite meal ever, was eaten at the original "Olive Garden" in Cleveland, Ohio where I grew up!
8. What dish are you still trying to master?

Here are my 8 questions to 7 bloggers, that I will be tagging.
1. What is your all time favorite comfort food?
2. What kind of foods did you take to school, for lunch? (any grade)
3. What is your favorite all time cooking show on T.V... past or present...and why?
4. Which  celebrity, famous person, or famous chef,  would yo invite to your next holiday party in your home?      
5. Which  holiday you love the most?
6. If you won an all expense paid trip for ten days to the choice of the official Top 3 wine regions
    which of the 3 would you pick?  1.) Bordeaux, France, 2.) Tuscany Italy,
    or Napa Valley, California  (these are in their actual order on the top 10 favorites)
7. What kind of food you absolutely hated, growing up, as a young child, or teenager.
8. What was the most dreaded dish that you prepared and said you would never prepare it again?
Finished my Links, and will be tagging you good people!
Any one that would like to jump on the "bandwagon"...please, do so!
 1.  spoon-and-chopsticks
 2.   dreams of sugarplums
 3.  brenda's canadian kitchen
 4.  food fun freak
 5.  susi's kitchen
 6.  patty-a day with me
 7. deba roo roo
 8. chic gorgeous


  1. What wonderful, well thought out answers!! So fun to learn a bit more about you...and thanks so much for being a good sport and playing along! xo

  2. Lizzy-I actually enjoyed answering the questions. I came up with 8 questions of my own for the next 7 bloggers. I hope they will take the time to participate. This is a good way to promote others, and learn some interesting things about them.

  3. Love it, you actually played right! I can't stand tripe either, by grandparents cooked it! So lucky you have access to all that fresh shrimp!

  4. What a fun concept and a great way to learn more about our fellow foodies! I'd love to be tagged :)....Michele @ (you can find me on FoodBuzz too :)

  5. Elisabeth, thanks so much for including me. I've actually been tagged twice :o) and I will try and post my answers over the weekend :o)

  6. Elisabeth I loved your answers! I would have answered almost all of them the same way. Including my mother hating to cook, is a quilter (runs a shop) instead. Very cool.


  7. wow.. It's great to know that you come from a family of cooks:). This is such a fun way to know fellow foodies ...

  8. Hey, I've given you a shoutout in my blog, an award. Check it out when you have a moment :)

  9. It was fun to know more about you..:)

    US Masala

  10. Hi Elisabeth! Thanks for tagging me too. I'm drafting the post now in my blog at time same time posting a comment here. Will buzz you once I post my answers. Now, I'm scratching my head as to who to tag. Lol..

  11. Loved reading all of your answers, and I'm totally with you on the animal "parts"... blech!
    Thanks for the waffle recipe... we just got ourselves a new iron (not a deal like your though!) and Liv loves them. She frequently gets them for dinner on late dance practice nights.

  12. Hi Elisabeth

    Thanks for tagging me. I have answered your questions and tagged 7 more bloggers. You can read about it on my blog post here:
