Sunday, October 10, 2010

Stuffed Artichokes

I've been wanting to make stuffed artichokes for the longest time, but was not quite satisfied with the looks of them. They have to be large, firm and a beautiful deep green color, in order for me to buy it. This pair was a perfect match for stuffing and steaming, and served with a olio, aglio our language, a nice dipping sauce with easily made with the combination of your best mayo, extra virgin olive oil, Dijon mustard, and red wine vinegar.

The proper way to call these artichokes is Poached Stuffed artichokes. They are poached in a large pot, in small amount of boiling water for about 45 minutes. Make sure you cut the core off almost all the way to the bottom, so they can stand up. Snip the prickly leaves all around. They are no use. Also, with a serrated knife, cut the top off, about 1 inch, to expose the "heart". Wash well in water, and immediately rub with cut lemon, or lime juice, or white vinegar. After they're cooked, it's such a fun way of eating them, they have superb flavor. You simply peel off leave one-by-one, and dip them in the accompanying sauce, and the best part is, when you get to the heart, which has a rich, soft, butter flavor. Yumm!
Recipe, to follow.

Stuffed Artichokes (Poached)

2 nice large artichokes
1 cup plain breadcrumbs
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
2 cloves garlic chopped
salt and pepper to taste 
juice of 1 whole lemon, or lime
a handful of fresh parsley chopped
or (1 container of Tabbouleh...fresh, store bought)
( I used fresh parsley, and leftover Tabbouleh, from the 

In a small bowl, mix together all your ingredients, if not moist enough add a little more oil, or small amount of water, for a pasty effect. Stand artichokes upright, make sure you rub all over with the lemon, or lime, stretch the leave out, being careful not to tear them and lightly pack them with the special way, just wherever you can pack the stuffing lightly, all around. Now, drizzle a little more oil on top, and  place them in a large pot, just the way you see it in my photo, on top. Add water, 1/4 way up, and bring to a boil. Cover the pot, and gently simmer, over medium to low heat for about 45 minutes. You might have to add more water, as it cooks down. With a tong, gently remove to a platter, and make the dipping sauce for it. Serves, 2-4..depending how many persons want to try it.

Olio Aglio Sauce, or American version of Garlic and Oil 

1 cup of excellent quality, Mayonnaise
1 Tablespoon Dijon mustard
1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
1 garlic clove minced
1/4 cup red wine vinegar
salt and pepper, to taste

In a medium bowl, mix together all the ingredients, except the olive oil, With a whisk, carefully drizzle the olive oil, whisking well after each addition. Adjust the seasoning, and serve it on the side for the artichokes. Very good dipping sauce for the stuffed poached artichokes.

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  1. Those Artichokes are looking pretty. What did you use for the stuffings?

  2. Cool! I don't think I have ever worked with fresh artichokes. Thanks for sharing!

    I am your new follower. :-))

  3. Hi, Gourmet Foodie,
    I will post my recipe for this, momentarily, the stuffing is real easy!

  4. Hi Angie,
    Just visited your blog, after noticing you are following me. Your blog is amazing! So many beautiful recipes, and photos of them. Thank you for following me, also!...I followed you, in a heartbeat, and linked you!

  5. Yumm, I love artichokes, especially stuffed. Those were the perfect size for this dish! I have to go find some!

  6. I love artichokes! They're so tasty and such a great appetizer, too. These look delicious!

  7. I've never cooked with artichokes, because they always sounded like a real pain, but this recipe sounds do-able and delicious! I am right there with ya food, and love flea markets (and thrift stores!)

  8. Sooooooooo yum these looks...seeing these them for the first time and they look so pretty :)

  9. Wow, that sauce sounds divine...truly mouth watering. I could snack on one of your artichokes now. And I agree. Finding the artichoke that looks "just right" is hard to do. Guess it's a little like the "Three Bears."

  10. Una manera deliciosa de comer alcachofas...
