Sunday, November 14, 2010

A Beautiful Sunday, "Shout Outs" & Awards

The gorgeous blue color you're looking at, is not a screen background, but the blue sky today, here in Palm Beach...and NO, it's not a "prop" set are actually seeing the Goodyear Blimp. We were sitting on the beach, which by the way, was so rough and wavy, you could not even walk along the sand because the waves were like ten feet high, hitting the beach and knocking little people down i.e. my little 4 year old grandson. More photos, later.
I have a couple of "shout outs", and 15 awards to give out!
My friend Brenda, from Brenda's Canadian Kitchen has a real fun club...of course it's associated with foods, and yummy desserts. It's called Cookbook Sundays. Last Sunday, I linked to it and picked up the widget, and I really wanted to post a nice cake very befitting for the holidays from a nice dessert book of mine. I'm a little embarrassed for not keeping my promise to do this. I joined her club...not sure if it's "exclusively" hers, or somebody else started it, still trying to straighten this out, including my widget which is still "looming" on the bottom of my page, but I did set it up. Just check out her blog, and see the beautiful Rum Cake she has on for this Sunday.
Next-my new friend Kavita, from Kavita's Kitchen awarded me with another award...which I'm overwhelmed with, and I still have 30 bloggers to post, and announce from last time...but I will start with 15, from Kavita's award to pay forward. (By the way, why do we say "pay forward"? doesn't sound right in my dictionary, or I may be old fashioned, but I would say "passing it on" any rate, please visit Kavita's blog if you want to try out some beautiful traditional Indian cuisine, and yummy desserts. You will surely be glad you did!
Thank you Brenda, for not reminding me what I started out to do, and Thank you Kavita (her name means Poem)...what a lovely name for a lovely lady!

1. Kavita's Kitchen  Kavita is a recent new friend. She is on a Hershey's "baking roll" these days, and who can blame her-check out her latest. Chocolate coconut balls. Yumm!...perfect for the holidays.

2. The Sweet Tooth Chronicles-Is another new recent friend, her blog full of beautiful desserts, and more desserts, that will amaze you. You'll probably ask yourself why you havent't found her blog you will, and I know you will want to browse through and keep coming back!

Greg's World On Plate-Greg is a professional chef by trade-another new friend. He has been blogging for a while now, but needs to get more exposure with his fabulous travels to sea, and his beautiful creative dishes. You must visit his blog, and leave some comments. Don't know where he's been hiding, but I'm glad I found him.

Bright Morning Stars Foodie-Mia is a caring and loving lady, when you first open her blog, it's like you've never seen anything like it. So unique...everything with hearts, pink and purple, even the fonts too...once you've settled int, she will tantalize you with her beautiful dishes, her desserts, and step-by-step amazing photos. Check out the latest cookies she "die for"

What's Cookin Italian Style-Claudia has a blog that is loaded with family treasured recipes that she is sharing with us. So generous and kind, Check out the beautiful apple cake recipe and photo of the cake, and her beloved grandmother. Once you visit her're hooked!

Welcome to Kimba's Kitchen-Kimba is such a talented young woman, she not only is a fabulous cook, but baker, and her photography just "blows you away"'re going to "drool" over her beautiful desserts, and dishes...I promise. She is so humble, kind, and gracious, and will comment back each time.

Cinnamon Spice and Everything Nice-Reeni is a recent new friend...I'm sure no strangers to a lot of you out there. She has more followers than "stars in the skies" on a clear Florida night, which is so often here (once the hurricane season is over) She is a Foodbuzz contestant, and has completed challenge #7. (can't think of the initials of the contest at this moment...short memory) If you need any Thanksgiving side dish recipe ideas, she has them all, along with the beautiful photos. We wish you all the best in continuing on to the next challenge, Reeni!

My Kitchen in the Rockies-Kirsten is a fabulous cook and baker. She will share her creations of her German heritage beautiful dessert and dishes, along with the traditional familiar dishes that we all know. Her latest is a beautiul pear and almond muffins with fall spices. Yumm...and so pretty too!

The Church Cook-This is a lovely lady-a recent friend, we have a lot in common...she is a profesional caterer, turned church cook/caterer, devoting her precious time to the needs of the church in her community, and cooking up fabulous meals and organizing parties and events. I too have that same thing in common with her, but the only difference was, that I cooked every Weds. evininig suppers for 3yrs for our local church(which I was not a member of)...but it was very rewarding.

10 Jane Deere-Jennifer has a "green thumb" and a beautiful garden where she grows her own vegetables, and is resourceful with them. Do visit her blog, for great recipes, and photos, as well.

11 The Tiny Bento-A must visit blog, especially if you have little children it will amaze you all the wonderful ways to pack their lunch, and make it fun, and pretty too...not to mention appetizing! No kid will turn down their lunch packed into these cut little Bentos. I must recommend this to my daughter!

12 Good Food Week -Shari is a beuatiful young lady, from Australia, she is still new to her blog, I befriended her on Foodbuzz, where most of my friends are from. She made this "killer" curried egg salad sandwhich, which I love, since I love curry powder. No more plain egg salad for me. Do visit her blog, and say "hello"!

13 The Ardent Epicure-Alisha-Magic of Spice-She has the most amazing exotic blog, her latest with the most delicious and hearty mixed bean soup, with such aromatic spices...and don't forget to check out her decadent chocolate fudge cake, just previous to that. I promise you, your chocolate cravings will be cured!

14.Me My Food and I -Michael is a recent new friend, whom I hade the pleasure of befriending through being a guest post on Chef Dennis More than a Mountfull blog. He posted his latest pasta with pesto, potato, and green beans, from "Nigella"...I am not only a potato lover, but also pasta, maybe even more!

15.Mistress-of-Spices-If you want to take a nice tour around the world...let Mistress of Spices be your guide...her latest at this chic Japanese Bistro, in Paris...oh, ...and sigh...if only I could fly there...well, maybe in my "dreams" for now!
 Please do visit her blog, and all the above wonderful friends' blogs, as well!
Enhanced by Zemanta
The white foam you see is a dangerous unpredictable body of water that came rushing out to the shore that it literally knocked you down. The temperature was so perfect at 75 degrees, and the sky a crisp bluest blue. This is your typical South Florida sunshiny day...I guess that's why they call it the "Sunshine State."
There's nothing like a grandfather's hug to his (and my) only grandson...parents in the background.


  1. I am so jealous !!! You guys are sooooo lucky,I actually almost thought it was some screen background until I read the post:) Thanks for such an effective and heart warming shout-out,Elizabeth. I was looking at the traffic source, couple minutes back and saw your blog url :) I am glad I passed the award to you,you deserve every bit of it.Enjoy the beach weather with calm waters:)

  2. Thanks for adding me to your list, Elisabeth!

  3. Again I am so honored to be added to the list and receive this award.. Thankyou

  4. Beautiful clicks...congrats on ur award..

  5. Wowww what a beautiful day, beautiful sky and beautiful beach!!

  6. awwww the grandson's picture with his grandfather is so cute.He is such a sweetie :)!!! The water is gorgeous. What am I doing here on the east coast fighting this mad winter...brrrrrr Elizabeth,thanks my dear friend for sharing back the award with me. I am proud to have recieved it from such an amazing cook:) Thank you :)!!!!!

  7. Thank you so much for my award. That was very nice to think of me.
    I love the beach pictures. Your little grandson is adorable.

  8. I love the pics. If I didn't live in CA I'd love to live in FL. I'm a blue sky and ocean kinda of gal! Your being good and keeping up with passing them along, I slacked on them.

  9. Hi Elisabeth, congratulations on your award and thank you so much for passing it on to me...I know many of the bloggers on your list but there are a couple of new ones for me to check out :)
    Your photos are beautiful, and your grandson is so cute...looks like a wonderful day.
    Have a fantastic week :)

  10. Such beautiful pictures of your family...and the ocean! And Congratulations on the award. You deserve it. I'm excited to explore some of the blogs that you listed! Thank you so much for sharing with me. Happy Monday!

  11. Thank you for the shout-out Elisabeth! And yes, Cookbook Sundays is "mine", lol. I started it this past summer out of necessity. I have too many cookbooks that I don't use. I hope you have a wonderful week. Enjoy that gorgeous weather!

  12. What a sweetheart you are! thank you so much for thinking of me and your kind words, a fellow Floridian, your pictures are marvelous! I love the clarity! You are truly well deserved on your award and thank you for adding me among these talented bloggers! Claudia L

  13. That sky is a sight I'm familiar with, you and I live in places with similar weather I think :)

    Congratulations on your awards everybody!

  14. So grateful for you, Elisabeth! Thank you so much!

  15. What a beautiful day!
    And congrats on the award.

  16. Oh Elizabeth ,thannnnk u for ur award!!
    And all ur kind words , m sorry am a little late here!!
    Am gng to post it rite away on my awards page and then lemme make a list to pass that on:-)

    Am gng to cehck all those lovely blogs u talk about and yeah those family pics u share are so beautiful:-)
    U know the beaches here too look very similiar and i live in a very sunshine state too , Goa:-)

    Im specially happy with ur award , coz m neck deep with assigments for my exams sooon and this feels liek i already have an award for doing well!!
    Huggies and love,
    lots of it,

  17. Thank you so much for the award (and congrats to you too), I've just posted it on my blog! You have a beautiful grandson and your picture makes me wish that I was in Florida right now!

  18. I've just landed on your lovely blog!
    Now I'm following you... I will dig into it to discover your beautiful recipes!
    I've also got a small blog, come to see me if you want!

    Have a nice day!

  19. Blue sky, beach, weather you have there!

  20. Such a beautiful place..your pics are stunning!
    Congrats on the award dear..well deserved!

    US Masala

  21. Congratulations on your award! Thanks so much for passing it on to me with all of your kind words! Your grandson is adorable!

  22. First of all congratulations on your award! and second of all, thank you so so much for sharing it on to me. I am well flattered.
    have a great day. Michael

  23. Oh Elisabeth you're right I've overlooked the award section!! Thank you so much, I am extremely flattered... xo

  24. beautiful pictures and another great list of blogs, I lost myself already in those chocolate recipes
