Monday, November 1, 2010

A Lovely Blog Award

I am so honored to have The Lovely Blog Award bestowed upon me, not once, but twice. The first one was one week ago, from Emma, at  Sunflower Days, and the second, today, from Lora,
at cake duchess. I am so excited every day to think of new things to blog about, and also checking to see what my foodie friends are blogging about
If it wasn't for the Foodbuzz Community, I would not have some many wonderful, and talented people from all over the world.There are so many beautiful blogs out there, and I have been fortunate to have made friends with a lot of them.
I have been so inspired by all the different cultures, and their dishes that every day is such a joy for me to be able to get into contact with all my friends.

So this is a "shout out" now to the 30 bloggers.
Thank you Emma...thank you Lora, and thanks to all of you!

I apologize for the delay...I came up with with my list, just have to link it and shout it out!

Anecdotes and Applecores-Monet
Angie's Recipes -Angie
Books, Thoughts, and a few Adventures-Patty
Brenda's Canadian Kitchen-Brenda
Cake Duchess-Lora
Cardomom Hills
Chic Gorgeous-Jo
Citrom hab
Culorile din Farfurie-Sara
Deba Roo Roo-Debbie
Dreams of Sugarplums-Alexandria 
Food Fun Freak-Sabby
Green Girl
La Kocinera-Koci
Liv Life too-Kim
Mari's Cakes-Mari
More than a Mountfull-Chef Dennis
My Kitchen in the Rockies-Kirsten 
Priya's easy n tasty recipes-Priya
Quay Po Cooks-Veronica
Shosh's yummy foods
Susi Kochen und Backen-Susi
Shepwell Kitchen -Anne
That skinny chick can bake-Lizzy
US Masala-Aipi
Weekend Gourmet-Wendy
What's for dinner-across Statelines-Gina
Yesim Style Kitchen-Yesim

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Thanks Elisabeth!! Your Foodbuzz comments are right on... I also have made so many friends from around the world through this amazing community. I look forward to catching up with everyone throughout the week, not only through recipes but through the posts telling us tidbits about their lives.
    Thank you so much for the award! I am truly honored to be chosen and in such good company. The award given to you was truly deserved, your blog is indeed one lovely blog!

  2. Kim-Your blog has been always a very favorite of mine, and you and the others truly deserve to honor. Thank you for your kind comment, and all the others on my blog.

    I contacted a few of you already...sorry for any inconvenience, I am almost ready with the list of 30, now I just have to post it on my blog, and link it to your blogs.

  3. Thank you so much Elisabeth :o) I feel honored to be included in this list of awesome blogs!

  4. Thank you Elisabeth for my first award!!!!! U really dont know how much that means to me =) If it wasnt for foodbuzz, I probably wouldnt have met any of you great bloggers out there!

  5. Congrats Elisabeth on your award..well deserved, thanks a lot for passing it on to me, am honored and it really means a lot to me..

    US Masala

  6. OMG, an award for me????? My very first award. Thank you so much for including me in your list along these great bloggers, I'm honored

  7. Thank you so much, Elisabeth. That is very nice of you to include me in the list with all these other talented bloggers.

  8. Thanks for the award, Elisabeth! It's wonderful to be included among so many other great blogs. :)

  9. Thank you, Elisabeth, for thinking of me. :-))


  10. Gosh, I am SO touched...what a nice honor, Lizzie!!! I will slowly get my list together...but I have to first agree about Foodbuzz...what a wonderful community!

  11. hello!
    as I see you have awarded twice with this... but... I'm gonna award you too! :P


  12. THANK YOU SO MUCH!! That is incredibly sweet and I so happy you thought of me :). I'm giving it right back to you! Loving your blog and appreciate all your awesome comments on mine! Have a great day!

  13. Wow, thank you so much! I've never won an award before, so this is very exciting :)

  14. Hi Elisabeth, thanks for sharing ur award with me, am honoured..

  15. Hi Elisabeth,
    Many thanks for adding me to the “Lovely Blog Award”. I feel so honored.
    Do I just copy the picture of the award and write a post about it? I am sorry I am so densed hehe


    Comment from Quay Po Cooks, in e-mail

  16. Thank you from the heart Elisabeth. I feel honored to be part of your favorite blogs.
    Me too, I'll send all my friends. Kisses.

  17. I am so honored that you all responded back to me, and accepted the award.All of you truly deserve the award! I am so blessed to have all of you as my foodie friends, and I have to be honest about this,it's all because of FOODBUZZ!

    If I did not join, I would probably be a sad, and lonely food blogger...never mind the "thrif" end of it.

    Lizzy-I'm so glad that I became your "first" friend on Foodbuzz, and we have kept in touch since that wonderful September, of this year. I became a member not long before you, in August of this year.

    Eatgreek-You are so sweet to honor me once again...back at you too! Thank You!

  18. Felicidades on your award.

    Thank you so much Elizabeth!! I feel really honored that you thought of me, I receive this blog award from you with much love and appreciation.

    Have a beautiful day :D

  19. First of all...thank you so much for the award. It means so much coming from you...your blog is such an inspiration to me. I find myself visiting whenever I need to smile. Secondly, I'm so sorry I've been absent around here. I know you understand...but please know that I miss it! I'm back in Austin now, so I should be able to blog more. Your sweet words on my own blog mean so very much to me. You have a beautiful spirit, and it touches so many people!

  20. Elisabeth, thank you so very much for the award. You're so sweet and I'm very honoured. I hope you're having a wonderful day!

  21. Thank you so much Elisabeth! I'm so glad to have met you and so many other wonderful bloggers through Foodbuzz!

    Look forward to a long blogging relationship!

  22. Elisabeth, Thank You for the very 1st award. And you're much too kind. A toast to our blogging friendship like what Gina said "I too look forward to have a long long blogging r'ship with you, Gina, Lizzy, Karen, Ali, Kimba, gosh the list goes on and on." Lol. Hopefully 1 fine day I'll have the chance to meet all of you lovely ladies. Cheers~Jo

  23. Hi Elisabeth

    thank you so much for thinking of me, I am truly honored. I totally agree about Food Buzz, they take some heat from some people, but if it wasn't for them I would never have met so many wonderful people from all over the world, and my little blog would still read only by my family. They are such a wonderful group of people

  24. Jo-Yes, a toast to our blogging friendship! Don't you wish that we could all meet up together?
    I just wish we could all be at the Foodbuzz Festival!

  25. The honor is all mine, Dennis! I could not imagine not awarding you, knowing that your day is filled with so much responsibilities. I am so thrilled that you accepted.

    Foodbuzz is a wonderful community that brought all of us together, and I am so grateful for meeting such amazing people with their lovely blogs.
    I cannot imagine that only your family would be reading your amazing blog, but then again...I felt the same way about my blog...I literally had to beg, and plead even with my family..."please check out my blog"...and not even commenting.
    A toast to FOODBUZZ, and a special toast to all of us!

  26. Thanks for the sweet award, doll! I appreciate the blog love and wanted you to know I love your blog too! I'll mention it in my next post on Friday and will pass it on then!!


  27. Wendy-I'm so happy to hear from you! So excited about your POM party. Can't wait to see all the posts, and photos!
    You've been my Foodbuzz friend since day 1, and I do cherish your friendship!

  28. Thank you so much for including me with all of these talented bloggers. Your food is amazing. Your heart is huge. I truly appreciate this sweet award. :)

  29. Wow, thanks so much for this award Elisabeth!! It's a great honour to receive it from you.

  30. Thank you so much for the award! I can only agree with everyone here about Foodbuzz...such a wonderful place!
