Sunday, November 21, 2010

Cookbook Sundays-Cranberry Oatmeal Walnut Cake

There's been so much going on getting ready for Thanksgiving, and this year it's going to be with two other families and their children. Glad it won't take place in my "shoe box" size beach condo. I actually did get a head start on Cookbook Sundays, thanks to my friend Brenda, from
 Brenda's Canadian Kitchen...who started it. I will link this back to her blog.

This cake is so perfect for Thanksgiving morning with coffee or tea, and it really is from a coffee cookbook, called Coffee Cakes, by Lou Seibert Pappas. it's a 2006 edition, and it's a fairly new book for me that I found about a month ago, at Goodwill for $.79. Originally listed for $18.95. Now, that's what I call a bargain. I may want to start a "giveaway"...because, really, I'm starting to feel guilty for getting all these nice books for "peanuts"...and the rule is at Goodwill, any paper back regardless of the size, is 79 cents, so therefore, I have quite a lot collected, and I've been donating them back, along with a lot of my own that I don't need. I think it would be nice to pass them along to other bloggers that can use them. I will mention about this soon.

Enhanced by Zemanta
Cranberry Oatmeal Walnut Cake
adapted from Coffee Cakes by Lou Seibert Pappas

1 1/2 cup quick cooking or old fashioned
rolled oats
2 large eggs
1/2 cup firmly packed light brown sugar
1/2 cup canola oil
1 1/2 cups buttermilk, or low-fat plain yogurt
1/2 cup dark molasses
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup unbleached all purpose flour
1 cup whole -wheat flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
2 cups fresh or frozen cranberries
1/2 cup (2 ounces chopped walnuts
pecans, or toasted and skinned hazelnuts

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Butter and flour a 9x13 inch baking pan
(I used a bundt pan)
Spread the oats in a rimmed baking sheet and bake for 8 to 10 minutes or until
lightly toasted. Let cool.

In a large bowl, beat the eggs, brown sugar, and oil together until blended and
stir in the buttermilk or yogurt, molasses, and vanilla.
In a medium bowl, combine flours, toasted oats, baking soda, baking powder,
salt, and 1 teaspoon of the cinnamon. Stir to blend. Add the dry ingredients to
the buttermilk mixture and beat for about 1 minute, or until smooth. Stir in the
cranberries. Spread evenly in the prepared pan. Toss the nuts, and remaining 1
teaspoon cinnamon together, and sprinkle evenly on the top.

Bake for 25 to 30 minutes, or until the cake is golden brown and a cake tester
inserted in the center comes out clean. Let cool in the pan on a wire rack.
Cut into squares, or strips.
Serves 12.
Note: I used a bundt pan, and used the 2 teaspoon cinnamon, along with the chopped
walnuts in the batter. Also I used 2 cups of unbleached all purpose flour. (did not have
whole-wheat flour on hand. Also, I used a simple sugar glaze, mad with one cup of powdered sugar, and about 1 teaspoon water, mixed to a medium thick glaze, and drizzled the cooled cake with a large spoon.


  1. Elizabeth, tegnap csak késő este tudtam a kommentekre reagálni, mert a névnapomat ünnepeltük, ha ez nálatok is szokás, akkor Isten éltessen. Mindenképpen meg akartam köszönni a posztot ( ez csak természetes ). A bejegyzésedet azért töröltem ( remélem ezzel nem bántottalak meg ) mert elég személyes jellegű volt és nem akartam, hogy mások is olvasgassák.
    Mégegyszer nagyon köszönöm a kedves szavakat, amivel bemutattad a blogomat!

    Amúgy nagyon mutatós a kuglófod és biztos finom is!

  2. That's a perfect coffee cake! Buttermilk, dark molasses, cranberries, and all the winter spices...I would love a large chunk of it!

  3. I Love it!!! Do you think dried cranberries would work also, please?? as I am not sure if I could find any frozen ones today :)

  4. Scrumptious cake, looks super prefect..

  5. I absolutely love coffee cake and yours looks soooo delicious. I love the addition of fresh cranberries, yum!

  6. This cake looks delicious! I think if I could get my hands on cookbooks for less than a dollar I'd need a lot more storage space.

  7. $0.79!! What a deal for a good cookbook!! Makes it even better :). I think that's a great idea share cookbook son giveaways! I've debated it myself :) The cake looks awesome and a slice would be great with my coffee right now!

  8. wow, that looks so moist and melting in the mouth kind. Loving and drooling over the pics!

    US Masala

  9. The cake looks and sounds so scrummy,Elizabeth :)!!!

  10. Elisabeth,
    This looks so delicious! I love coffee cake. I don't drink coffee but I love the cake that you are supposed to eat with it. :) I am considering making this for my contribution to Thanksgiving! yum!
    Like you I get excited about awesome thrift finds. My dad found a whole bunch of (like 12) Fiesta plates for me for under $60 and I was so excited.

  11. This cake looks delicious but I really love the quote in your header!

  12. That cake looks so moist and lovely! I would love a piece of that for morning tea :)

  13. Looks like a lovely cake to serve, lots of great flavors too. thanks for sharing.

  14. what a flavorful cake! The oats are such a nice touch, and its the perfect time of year for cranberries!
    Thanks for sharing the perfect holiday cake!

  15. Angel-I could not connect to your blog. Yes, you could use dry ones instead of the fresh or frozen. You will get the same results, and it will be just as good!

    Thanks for your kind comments, everyone!

  16. Kedves Erzsi-Nincs semmi baj, csak egyes személyek kissé megvoltak sértődve rám hogy nem mutattam fel az ő blogukat. Mi nem ünnepeljük itt a névnapot, el is felejtettem hogy az volt.
    Remélem szép és jó volt a névnapod! Legközelebb e-mail cimedre fogok irni személyesebb dolgot. Örvendek hogy többen láthatták a blogodat, észre is vettem hogy 1 vagy kettő követ is.

  17. Sounds like a fantastic recipe. The title alone makes me love it. Great recipe.

  18. Mmm sounds wonderful for this time of the year! Yum!

  19. Isn't Goodwill a great place to find books? We have stocked out library with 50 cent finds. It has been such a blessing for a poor graduate student! This cake looks like the perfect way to start off a day of Thanksgiving cooking. I would love to have a slice with a big cup of coffee. Thank you for sharing with us! Here's to a great week!

  20. Great job with the cake Elisabeth!! It looks so pretty and the cake looks nice and moist!

  21. This cake looks so good! Moist too I bet, what a score on the book.

    Wishing you and your family A Very Happy Thanksgiving!

  22. This sounds lovely - and there are some nice healthy ingredients in there too!

  23. Elisabeth, I love this cake!! Holiday Bundts are my favorite. Family will be ariving soon and I have leftover fresh cranberries, perfect!! Thanks.

  24. $.79 for a book, that's a bargain. All the time I go to Goodwill is to give, I don't remember actually going into the store but next time I will, maybe I'm lucky too and find a bargain.
    Back to cake, looks so good, I love cakes that call for sour cream or buttermilk, they stay moist even after few days, if it lasts that long.

  25. Wow - totally gorgeous looking cake, and what a wonderful find of a book :-)

  26. That cake looks fabulous Elizabeth! (Dangit! Another cookbook I now have to buy!!)Thanks for visting my page and leaving your sweet comment! You made my day!

  27. I just made oatmeal cookies yesterday because I wanted something with oatmeal. I've never considered making a cake with oatmeal for some reason - makes perfect sense. And yours looks gorgeous with those cranberries and that glaze, wow!

  28. WHat a wonderful cake! I know this would be a hit in our household!

  29. What a beautiful cake, so moist with all of the flavors of the season :)

  30. That just looks simply divine! I think it would be perfect for Christmas morning too! :)

  31. That cake looks and sounds incredibly yummy!

  32. Elisabeth, I just love coffee cakes! What a great cookbook, I'd have a blast working my way through that. Thank you so much for linking this yummy cake up to Cookbook Sundays and my apologies for taking so long to visit you. I hope you're having a great week!
