Friday, December 31, 2010

Chocolate Chip Granola Banana Bread

What better way to end the Old Year,  than to snuggle up with a comfy little throw blanket, watch re-runs on T.V...
or if you're a thrifter like me, get some VCR movies for 69 cents at Goodwill, or if you're lucky, you can get DVD's for $2.99, and get some real good ones, if they're even available. One great VCR movie I still cherish, and like to watch it on New Year's Eve is "When Sally Met Harry" It's from the 80's and I love the 80's classics. There's a quote in there that makes you think,

"What does this song mean? My whole life, I don't know what this song means. I mean, 'Should old acquaintance be forgot'? Does that mean that we should forget old acquaintances, or does it mean if we happened to forget them, we should remember them, which is not possible because we already forgot?"

I'm certain this has happened to a few of us, over the course of time..."old acquaintance forgotten"...not by choice, it's just how life takes a different turn. Everybody has something in their life that sometimes they just don't wish to share with others, so they fade away from sight, meaning...they would rather not be "acquainted" with you. I think it has a lot to do with the economy changing, location, jobs, family, relationships, so it's easier for them not to share things with you, or not wanting to divulge information, that might change your friendship...instead, ending it is the better option...sigh!

So, make yourself a nice hot cup of your favorite herb tea, and have a nice piece of banana for me and my family, I like to add chocolate chips, not just in the mix, but sprinkle them on top of the bread.

Just as with my cheesecake which I have memorized the recipe, which is so basic, so as the banana bread. It turns out perfect every time. You can of course, omit the chocolate chips, and add nuts, and raisins, or dried cranberries,but always add dried fruits, and not chopped fresh ones. The mashed ripe, (not overripe) bananas add the moisture, and any other ingredients other than the chocolate chips, nuts raisins or dried fruits will make it too wet, and it will not rise properly. I added half a cup of granola to it, knowing that it's dry and will even give it a better flavor, and make it healthy.  The baking time is done to a science, I promise you this is another "tried and true" over, and over again recipe. Recipe, to follow!

Chocolate Chip Granola Banana Bread
My own recipe

1 1/2 cup All purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 cup Granola (if you don't use granola, add 1/2 c. flour)
2 eggs
3 ripe bananas ( mashed with a fork)
1/2 cup sugar
1/3 cup milk
1/3 cup vegetable, or canola oil
dash of salt
dash of cinnamon
1 cup of semi-sweet chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray a loaf pan with nonstick spray. Mash the bananas with a potato masher, in a small bowl. In a medium bowl mix the sugar, the milk the eggs, and the oil with a whisk together till it's incorporated. In a large bowl, add the flour, baking powder, baking soda, the salt, and the cinnamon. Stir together. Now, you are ready to add the liquid mixture, then, fold in the bananas, the granola, and last, fold in half the chocolate chips, and spoon into the loaf pan, adding the last half of the chips, sprinkling it on the top. Bake at 350 degrees for the first 30 minutes, lower the temperature to 325 degrees, and bake for an additional 25-30 minutes. It should look like the photo above, just the right color, nice and golden brown, separated on the sides of the pan, the chocolate chips should be nicely sitting on the top (not sunken in) in the pan for about 20 minutes, before inverting it. This is a tried and true
"fail proof" recipe, every time. I guarantee it!
Before you all start your New Year's Eve celebration, others in various countries are getting closer, and some may be already bringing in the New Year, so I'm wishing you all a healthy, prosperous, safe, and...
Happy New Year!

(click on link below)

Here's how my last day of 2010 was spent with my daughter, and grandchildren! First, we spent a glorious couple hours at our local zoo, The Dreher Park Zoo, which is just a short drive from their house, it was another gorgeous day, temperature in the low seventies, perfect breeze to just wander through checking out the different and interesting species. Did not get to see the tigers, and some of the other animals, but managed to get some great photos of the ones, we did.

This is the entrance of the zoo!
My little tour guides, that I'm following through, while entering cute is that?
These swans were so graceful, and beautiful, and the weather was so, so perfect. There were a lot of people there today, must be tourists, and of course, locals!
A little Koala bear, snoozing. Took this shot close up, with my new camera...mind you, there's a screen, dividing us from the little bear, but you would not notice it!
These parrots were actually posing for me, and afterwards, flapping their wings, making a if to say, "no more pictures!"
Here's a duo, so cute and playful!
Although this statue is cool, but a bit "scary!"
It was so hard to take a picture of this little fellow, he was running so fast back-and-forth, that I barely caught this shot of him/her?
Next, was the gift shop...have your choice of these cute little stuffed animals, if your don't mind spending $12.99 for them, which actually is not too bad, because they are so unique!...I would have take the frog, for see if my "prince" will come at the stroke of midnight...but in the meantime, my loyal kitty, Prince, is constantly at my side.
Here's a beautiful python, with his owner, Just look closely, at the python, he is sticking his venomous tongue out!
I went up to the python, and petted him, and was told, that "you cannot pet this particular python"...OK, just a warning? could have been bitten?...don't know, but will not do it again.
clip_image010 does this song go? it? "Do, or D, a female Deer"...this little cutie posed for me too, so friendly, I could have taken him/her home!
Watch out for this humongous Florida alligator...and we have plenty of these in our local canals. One of the reasons why I would not want a house with a canal in the back. They come out of the water and sneak up in your back porch or garage...well, maybe not this big!
Florida flamingos are so amazingly beautiful, they are so unique...notice, how they do everything synchronized. Such great creatures, of God!
Just look at their sleek long necks, and the gorgeous pink colors...that's why they call them Pink Flamingos...only, in  Florida!.... We are so proud of them!
Last...these beautiful pink, and coral colored birds...don't know the species name...anyway...ddddthat's all folks!
Hope I didn't freeze up your computer, or put you to sleep, it's New Year's nice to have spent time with all my friends through Foodbuzz, and all others, as well...without you, I would be just posting to myself!
See you, in safe, if you're at a party, or driving late! XOXO


  1. while you enjoy "when sally met harry" i spend my night reading blogs :)))
    we went out early but came home as soon as our daughter started to rub her eyes, bed time was getting close :)

    your chocolate banana bread looks delicious, thanks for sharing.

    May this new year bring many opportunities to your way,
    to explore every joy of life
    may your resolutions for the days ahead stay firm,
    turning all your dreams into reality
    and all your efforts into great achievements.
    Happy New Year to you & your loved ones.

  2. Elisabeth, your bread looks stunning. Your day at the zoo brought some great times and photos. Have the best New Year ever.

  3. A Very Happy New Year to you my friend!!!
    Loads of Hugs....
    Your Banana Bread is just too good.....i made an attempt to make mine but its nothing in front of your delicious and alluring bread....
    Hope you had a blast!! Have a great year ahead...

  4. the chocolate banana cake looks awesome! thanks for taking us on a trip to that wonderful zoo on this new year.. my son gleefully shouted, MONKEY!!! over my shoulder and didn't allow us to wander away from the page for quite some time :)

  5. Your chocolate chip banana bread looks like the perfect way to spend New Years. I love the thought of curling up with a cup of tea and a thick slice of bread. I loved seeing all of those animals photos too (except the snake :-) Thank you for sharing with me. I wish you and yours a blessed new year!

  6. OMG!!!This is too damn delicious!!! Wishing u & ur family a very happy new year filled with happiness & good health!!

  7. Chocolate, granola, banana ...all my favourite ingredients in just one loaf!
    Happy 2011!

  8. Happy New Year, my dear friend. And WHAT!? You petted a python?!?! Good grief! Better stick to petting your kitties.
    I love banana bread/cake with lots of oozing butter. Can l substitute granola with muesli? Looks so good ... need a slice right now.

  9. Chocolate chip granola bread looks awesome.I like crunchiness of granola in them. I like your day in zoo. Nice clicks, even my hubby( who is my photographer) agreed with me.

    Wishing you and family a happy and prosperous 2011

  10. HI Elisabeth

    I love when Harry met Sally, and I don't think we ever found out what it meant! But I do know that granola bread looks totally amazing!
    Have a happy new year my friend!

  11. Hi Elisabeth!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog! Have a happy new year, with many reasons to smile!

  12. that looks super good..
    My Heartiest Wishes for 2011..:)
    Tasty appetite

  13. Hi Elisabeth,
    the bread looks wow ! Have a Great 2011 , sending loads of love n cheers !!

  14. Wishing you and family a happy and prosperous new year.Bread looks marvellous..

  15. Elisabeth, your bread looks great!!
    HAPPY NEW 2011 YEAR!!!

  16. Wishing you a great blogging new year.

  17. That's a great looking banana bread- tried and true recipes are always the best! I love thrifting too. We have a local opportunity shop- All of the workers are volunteers, all of the merchandise is donated, it's sold at extremely low prices, and the proceeds all go to charity. (And you can find incredible bargains there.) Everybody wins! I hope you and your family have a wonderful new year! :)

  18. Have a great new blogging year, you sure started out on the right track this looks drool worthy!

  19. Hi Elisabeth. HAPPY NEW YEAR to you too! I'm back and can't wait to start this new year 2011 with more cooking and baking adventures. What an interesting recipe. I love choco chips, banana and granola. It's been a wonderful friendship indeed, and of course we will keep in touch. A toast to our new friendship and more cooking and baking! Huggss, Jo

  20. Hi Elisabeth- A very happy new year to you. Hoping to see a lot more cool work from you this year like this one. I am a total fan of baking bread and always looking for new ideas and I liked your use of granola. The zoo pictures remind me of the promise we've been making our three year old. Now that the weather is coming around, it is probably a good time. Good luck and lotsa hugs :)

    US Masala

  21. very nice ... thanks for the recipe...
    happy new year .
    Please visit my blog..

    Lyrics Mantra
    Ghost Matter

  22. Brite and Happy sunshine new year to u, with lots and lots of love !
    And u sure had a very delicious choco chip granola bread for new year!!
    Oh even more wonderful is the last day spend with ur dearest daughter , how fun is that!!!
    Soooo muc!
    And what precious moments i have caught!!
    am very sorry for the late replies to ur comments , i jus replied :-)
    and babe , u always have suc encouraging and kind words , im thrilled to meet u online , ur a warm and kind lady and i loveee that!!
    looking forward to lods of deliciousness on ur blog and more than that to more about u and ur adorably sweet grandchildren...
    ahh, now am off to drool over that wonderful cheesecake u have there:-)

  23. Happy New Year! Your banana bread looks so delicious! And I am having a blast following your adventures on this blog. Go you!! :)

  24. Happy 2011 dear Elizabeth :)* hugs* Love the granola banana bread,I do it just the same except for granola,and can't wait to try it with this now.I loved the deep color your bread has,it looks so inviting. When Sally met Harry is my all time favorite,and I can watch it over and over again:)

  25. Harry Met Sally is one of my all time favorite movies, great quoted from it.
    What a beautiful post Elizabeth, and you photos are gorgeous...Speaking of gorgeous, wow on the banana bread :)

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Banana bread with those chocolate chip looks awesome.
    I enjoyed all the photos.They look fantastic.
    Wishes for a very Happy and prosperous 2011
    Do drop by
    when u find time

  28. Your bread looks so good! And easy to make too :)

    Happy New year to you as well, love all the photos at the zoo too.
