Thursday, January 20, 2011

Teriyaki Glazed Boneless Chicken Thighs

I've been debating what to make for dinner, and decided on a simple organic chicken thighs, and a side of jasmine rice with a little bit of steamed peas, and sauteed sliced mushrooms, mixed into the rice. Yumm!...simple gourmet, is always a winner! Topped off with fresh thin sliced scallions, mostly green parts, over the rice, and the chicken.
I could not decide on the chicken thighs whether to bake, broil, fry, or grill, so I opted for simple baking. I opted for a nice recipe for the chicken, from The Food, Ellie Krieger which I adapted a little.
 Teriyaki Glazed Boneless Chicken Thighs
  • 1/4 cup low-sodium soy sauce 
  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons dry sherry
  • 2 tablespoons rice vinegar
  • 2 garlic cloves, crushed with a garlic press or minced
  • 1 teaspoon finely grated fresh ginger
  • 1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes
  • 2 pounds skinless chicken thighs
Combine the soy sauce, sugar, sherry, vinegar, garlic, ginger and red pepper flakes and stir until the sugar dissolves. Transfer to a resealable plastic bag and add the chicken. Seal the bag and marinate the chicken in the refrigerator, turning once, for 1 hour. The chicken can be marinated for up to 4 hours.
Line a baking pan with aluminum foil. Arrange the chicken on the baking  pan skin side down and drizzle it with 1 Tbsp. vegetable, or canola oil, a little salt and pepper, and bake until tender for about, 25 -35 minutes, turning the chicken once during half way of baking.
Note: If you are cooking the chicken with the skins on... carefully, remove the skins, after baking. Drizzle with additional reserved Teriyaki sauce. Serves 4-6
As I approached my daughter's house, along their driveway, the white picket fence, I noticed the beautiful pink hibiscus plants.I immediately took my camera out of my purse, to capture the moment.
It was a partly cloudy, somewhat warm and muggy day today. I thought about complaining about the weather, but then I realized all the unfortunate people up north, so discouraged by all the snow storms, and now the icy roads, all the floods in Australia, and Brazil, with so many people losing their homes, and lives, I suddenly focused on the single flower, and meditated on what is here, what is reality, and how precious life, and nature is.

There are two ways to live your life. 

One is as though nothing is a miracle. 

The other is as though everything is a miracle. 

A human being is part of the whole called by us 'Universe', a part limited in time and space.
We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest...

This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us.

Our task must be to free ourselves from the prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty...

Walking on the glorious beach makes you think why you are here, and to appreciate nature, your loved ones, and all that nature has to offer. These creatures of God are here for a purpose, and so are please be thankful every day of your life.

You are a blessing...and "do" count your blessings, they may be, "blessings in disguise" that you are not aware of!

"Today is a smooth white seashell, hold it close and listen to the beauty of the hours."

“I am you; you are ME.  You are the waves; I am the ocean.  Know this and be free, be divine.”

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. The food looks amazing! And so does the flower. My son loves chicken teriyaki, especially with steaming hot rice.

    Most of the time, I choose to live life as though everything is miracle, it helps me to be more grateful and not take things for granted.

  2. I love all things savory! This looks fantastic, Elisabeth!

  3. i love the pink hibiscus flower. can't wait for spring to come here so I can smell the flowers.

    the photos are so beautiful, thanks for sharing Elisabeth.

  4. Elizabeth, Te mindig olyan érdekes bejegyzéseket tudsz írni:-)
    Nagyon guszta a csirke, gyönyörű a Hibiscus, a történet pedig igencsak elgondolkodtató!

  5. Nagyon szépek a képek a hús meg mennyei

  6. Omg, wat a delicious and droolworthy platter, makes me hungry...beautiful clicks Elisabeth..

  7. I made a similar teriyaki-like sauce for salmon last evening and had broccoli with jasmine rice. Great minds! And thanks for the thoughtful messages. I'll remember today that life is a miracle.

  8. delicious food and pictures, thank you for sharing this recipe with us!

  9. Hi Elisabeth. I adore teriyaki chicken and it's in my dinner list the next few days. Love sweet and salty food like this. Yours look beautiful and delicious. Have a great weekend.

  10. Teriyaki chicken looks delicious. Life is gift given by the God. I think we have enjoy the fullest. nice clicks.

  11. Eli, your teriyaki chicken looks simply delightful...I wish I lived nearer, so I could just ring the door bell and enjoy it with you. :-))

  12. What a beautiful post :)
    Your chicken dish looks wonderful as well, love this glaze :)
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  13. Elisabeth,
    megint csudajót főztél, nagyon ínycsiklandozó!
    A többi fotód is szenzációs, szépséges a hibiszkuszod-én legalábbis annak néztem. Gyönyörű a parti kép is!

  14. Nagyon szeretem a teriyaki csirkét, nagyon klasszat főztél, a fotó is szuper.
    A hibiszkusz meg gyönyörű.

  15. Love your words of wisdom, Lizzie...and your gorgeous photos (I won't tell you about our windchills this morning!!!). I always gravitate towards dishes with an Asian flair, so your teriyaki chicken is calling to me! Beautiful shot of your dish...makes me want to dive right in! xoxo

  16. I love how you view the world, Elisabeth :)

    And the chicken looks delicious with everything else you've plated up. I would happily eat that anyday!

  17. Delizioso piattino e bellissime foto!!!! ;-)
    Brava Cara un bacio***

  18. OmG , this is sooo good!
    I was drooling over the chicken Teriyaki in Nigella's book and u have done so wonderful here!
    I agree , simple gourmet rocks and u have here, very well that too!
    I wish i could have a meal with u right away!
    Oh yeah , the flower is beautiful!
    I loveee Gods creations and nature too and for me life , every day is a miracle!:-)

  19. Also see that have missed lods of deliciousness on ur blog the Italian Sausage with Grilled Cheddar Polenta looks fantastic and so does the Vegetarian Pasta Carbonara!

  20. And i have an earnest request to u too:-)

    My blog has been nominated for best if Indian Food blog awards and is the only goans food blog:-))
    there is a poll , right on FB

    And u can also vote for me here at my site

    Im 4th from Below or number 14 , Bright Morning Star! —

  21. hi Elisabeth

    I love teriyaki chicken! You did an outstanding job with this dish, what a beautiful presentation!!
    Your other images are gorgeous, thank you for sharing them, I am in a barren frozen tundra..sigh

  22. It looks so deliciously warm there! Freezing temps here today are making me shiver. :) The chicken looks yummy- I'd love for it to appear on my dinner table tonight!

  23. What a beautiful food picture and presentation! I love the simple dishes, they often end up being the tastiest!

  24. That look awesome ..delicious and so colorful!
    and just to let you know that I have little blog award at my blog for you!

  25. It is always such a pleasure to read your posts with all the beautiful pictures and interesting stories, and the food is so vibrant and flavors so composed! As for Teriyaki Glaze, copy- paste- save as Elisabeth's Teriyaki Glazed Boneless Chicken Thighs -done- mental note: must try! Thank you for sharing :)

  26. I am making this tomorrow it looks great cant wait to tast it.

  27. I love this blog post. Very uplifting! I was just thinking the other night that it's been a long time since I've made a teriyaki dish. Thanks for the recipe! Have a wonderful Sunday.


  28. This is my kinda meal too!

    What kind of camera are you using! Your pics are always awesome!

  29. Michelle-I use a Canon SX130IS which is such a great little camera, and it takes beautiful zoomed in photos that turn out clear, unlike my old camera did. Just got this camera as a present for myself for this past Christmas.

  30. Nagyon szuper étel készült el itt, és fotó sem elhanyagolható.
