Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Vegetarian Pasta Carbonara

Last Saturday, we were all so busy with gathering up warm clothes for the kids, to wear in the snowy and cold NYC climate. Suppertime was nearing, and my sweet daughter was so concerned to make some kind of pasta for the kids... her hubby working in his restaurant as usual, so he doesn't eat at home, only on his days off. Lora decided, on Pasta Carbonara...oh, but no pancetta left over from Teresa's care package? bacon?...what is one to do!?....Alas, suddenly, I got a great idea, "how about some Carbonara without pancetta, or bacon?...A "Vegetarian, Pasta Carbonara!...So, I agreed to make it, so easy, told my daughter just go pack...she even had 3 egg yolks left over, which she saved, from a cake she was making, and handed me a bag of frozen peas....frozen peas?...."yes, she said, the kids like that"..."OK, so let's get started," I said..."just go pack, and I will take care of it. 

Vegetarian Pasta Carbonara

3 egg yolks
2 whole eggs
1/2 cup grated Parmigiana Reggiano cheese
1/3 cup heavy cream
salt, and freshly ground pepper to taste
1 bag of frozen peas, about 12-16 ounces
1 onion chopped
2 cloves garlic minced
1 lb. spaghetti (I used organic, from Whole Foods)
2 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil

The first thing you must start, is to boil the water for your pasta. In the meantime, saute the onion and garlic in the olive oil until the onion starts to get a nice rosy color. Now, add the peas, and saute all together just until incorporated. In a medium bowl, add the yolks, the whole eggs half of the cheese, salt, and generous amount of freshly grou d pepper, the cream and with a wire whisk, blend it well, until nice and creamy, but just a few strokes of the whisk. (Do not over beat it.)

Strain the pasta into a colander, and save about 1/2 cup of the cooking water.(you might need it later) to thin out your pasta, if the sauce gets too thick. Put the pasta back into the pot, make sure the heat is OFF, drizzle about 1 Tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil, mix it up, and pour the carbonara mixture into the pot with the pasta. Gently mix all together, just make sure you are not scrambling the eggs, heat has to be turned off. Now, take the carbonara pasta mixture and pour into a large serving pasta bowl, Add the peas and onion mixture, and gently combine.

Add  a little more (1Tbsp) extra virgin olive oil on the top of the pasta, another 1/4 cup grate Parmigiana Reggiano cheese;
(all together you will be needing 4 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil, and 3/4 cup grated cheese)
The result of this outrageously yummy and rich pasta will be a memorable dish, that you will want to make over, and over again.
Note: you can omit the peas, and you also can use chili pepper flakes, or diced red bell pepper, or zucchini, sliced thin, instead of the peas. The choice is yours!
This was a version that I created with ingredients on hand, and I am happy to share with you!

Palm trees swaying, a beautiful 74 degree mostly sunny day, people are out walking their dogs, and most of them just plain walking or jogging, a truly, divine weather while most folks up north are stuck inside their homes, and snow and icy roads...I truly count my blessings, and wish that I could extend an invite to all my friends who are suffering the brutal winter weather...and my family enjoying the winter snowy weather in New York City, connecting with friends, and having a "blast"...Hooray, for them! I promised that I would walk the puppies, since I'm watching them while family is enjoying the snow and cold weather for 3 days in the Big Apple, NYC, we're enjoying the glorious sunshine, in a perfect S. Florida winter weather, of 74 degrees on Monday, Jan. 10, 2011. Got the little guys well trained, walking in a perfect line, like "little soldiers"..ha, cute, the both of them!

Started to get a little shady, if you look to the far left, across the Intracoastal, is where I live, on the island, of Palm Beach, an island, divided by two waters. The Intracoastal , and the Atlantic Ocean...which reminds me, that a friend, from California, just happen to tell me very casually, on the phone when we were having a conversation, BTW, you know "you're gonna be under water soon, global warming" I think he was quoting from the movie, "2012"...scary thought, hope it won't happen soon, in our "lifetime"...although a lot of strange natural disasters have been happening, all over the world. Can't deny those!...sigh! Have a wonderful day, my friends!


  1. pasta looks so inviting ... perfect for a bright sunny day


    Super Yummy Recipes

  2. Hi Elisabeth. The pasta looks delish. I made a version of vegetarian carbonara before but using soy beans instead and it was delish. Same story, didn't realise that there was no bacon in the house. I was so shocked to be running out of bacon/pancetta/sausages in my fridge.

  3. Ez a spagetti nagyon jól néz ki és a part is gyönyörű:-)

  4. Wow! that looks fantastic... very nice color and done just right. I could eat a whole plate-full:)

    US Masala

  5. Elisabeth,

    Pasta looks creamy and rich love it as it vegetable version I can try them. I love you clicks.

  6. Pasta looks great, so does the sunny weather!!

  7. Omg, am just drooling here..soooo tempting..

  8. Wow its gorgeous in your area nothing so clear here on the Space coast... cold and wet! The pasta looks like a perfect addition with that warm weather... two hours away and what a difference!

  9. The pasta is as glorious as the day! Nice shots of your area, thanks Elisabeth.

  10. Your pasta looks creamy and delicious! I love pasta carbonara; great idea to use peas to make it into a vegetarian dish :).

  11. The pasta looks so inviting & comforting!!

  12. Why don't you just trot on over to Tampa and feed my daughter this carbonara? Make sure she's eating right. Seriously, a great take on the dish -- won't even miss the meat. Nicely done.

  13. You and I cook a lot alike! Thanks for following too!

  14. To me pasta in any form is heavenly!! Thanx for sharing!

  15. "Necessity is the mother of invention"....Love your approach to cooking and the simplicity of the dish. These are often our best meals when done right.

  16. I love love love Carbonara! And this veggie version looks awesome- my kids would totally devour it! I may have to throw some peas in my pasta tonight! Happy New Year!

  17. Manasi will drool over these pics and I have bookmarked this for her. What a wonderful day ,the pictures I have posted are such a contrast to the fantsatic weather you have :)I hope your family had good time in the big apple city.

  18. now here's a way to get me to eat peas! not a fan but this looks yummy enough to have to try!

    about the chicken and rice comment... thank you. it is easy, right. I'm not sure it's sophisticated or just lazy on my part not to have to have to eat off the bones. LOL xo

  19. Elizabeth, Thanks for stoping by my blog and for your very kind words. Your pasta looks amazing and so appetizing! It would also make a great dinner for the cold north-east. This sounds crazy but I'm one of those people that actually love the snow! I will have to try it one night…as soon as my husband is off South Beach!

  20. This looks fresh and light. Have you made Comida es mi vidas, Mushroom and Kale dish? It is superb, and you must. I see you are following the Petite Chef, isn't she darling? Ciao, my friend.

  21. You are just as sweet as Lora. I so wish I could have dinner with the both of you! My husband will be thrilled with this recipe. I eat meat, but he doesn't...yet he still loves all those yummy Italian favorites. I loved seeing the pictures of all that beautiful and warm landscape. Thank you for sharing with me. You brightened my day.

  22. I love carbonara...actually had some days ago. Net time I am going to try this vegetarian version. Looks delish!

  23. Just found your site. You have some great recipes. I need to make the date bread.

  24. oh your killing me with that beautiful weather!! it was 15 today....brrrrrrrrrrrr
    your vegetarian carbonara is a delightful pasta dish..I would love to enjoy a bowl of that pasta with a nice hunk of crusty bread!
    Enjoy the weather and have a wonderful weekend!

  25. Great idea to make it without the pancetta. I mean, pancetta is very good and adds flavour but you really can't go wrong with eggs, butter, onion and parm!

  26. I love your vegetarian carbonara. Looks so bright just like the weather in Florida :)
    Just like you, i also add peas or small cut green beans to my pasta, love the combo.
    thanks for sharing Elisabeth

    hope you'll have a wonderful weekend,

    p.s. emailed you last night, hope you received it

  27. I love any kind of vegetarian (read vegetables).. due to my hubby will avoid this, but I think I can spoil my self in this weekend with this ^_^

  28. Nagyon szépen köszönöm a kedves szavaidat a blogomon, nagyon kedves vagy.
    Visszanéztem a blogodat és rájöttem, hogy én már jártam Nálad :-))
    Nagyon klassz dolgokat készítesz, ezentúl rendszeresen járok hozzád:-)))

  29. I love pasta and peas together- this carbonara sounds delicious. We're trying to do more meatless meals, and this one is perfect! :)

  30. Can't help hopping in when I saw your carbonara! Looks so tempting! Great shots!

  31. That's a gorgeous recipe, Elisabeth!! Your spaghetti look so tempting :)

  32. A lovely spring dish! I make a pasta dish with peas,'Tomatoe Pea Macaroni'. I will be trying yours soon! I'll let you know what the family thinks. Glad

    P.S. Jan from 1-2Punch is my sister....we are sister that love to cook

  33. I love a good pasta carbonara. The peas really would be a tasty bonus. I have a few yolks leftover from a cake today as well and am going to try another sauce with them tomorrow.

    Im amazed at how green all the plants are in your pictures! I can't even see plant life today and the poor trees that did make it out of the snow are covered in a layer of ice.

    Thanks for stopping by Pass the Sushi and leaving a comment! I find them more easy to respond to then foodbuzz. I'm still learning my way around there and have lost more then one reply to who knows where.
