Monday, February 14, 2011

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY...and a Giveaway!

If someone asks you...What does Valentine's mean to you? would you answer that?...As for me, I would say that to me it means a day to show your loved ones how much you care, and how much you love them. Not just gifts and cards, but in words and expressions! I'll be honest with you this cake I made with a cake mix...yes, boxed cake mix, and not my own...but, I doctored it up so well, that I was so inspired to be creative with the frosting, which really is from "scratch"...and being more creative by adding something pink or red, which happened to be a can of lite cherry pie filling that I had in my cupboard from this summer, that I did not get to use for my cheesecake. So, I decided to share my little heart shaped cake, which was baked in my heart shaped spring form pan, which was a thrift find...brand new Wilton's, for $1.99 retailing at least $16.99. I have gotten so much use out of this, that it's for sure, a keeper.
How can you not love this yummy cake filled, and frosted with real chocolaty goodness, and the oh, so yummy cherry filling, which is drained from the liquid, and save the cherry liquid to spread on top of the chocolate frosting.
Last minute dinner at my son's house...not knowing if I should go, my kitty Prince being so sick for the last couple days...not eating, just moping around, not letting me sleep at night...he was pacing up and down, I thought for sure this is it, since he is so old, but still so full of life and energy. How can you not feel sad when your pet gets ill?! I took this special little cake to my son's house, we shared it after a fabulous meal, and then off to my daughter's to share the other half of the cake...while they were in the middle of their fabulous home made sushi dinner, that Fabrizio made...even the little 4 year old grandson, the little guy, loves much for that, I went there to pick up my beautiful roses that they gave to me.
2 dozen beautiful roses, that I received from my family...they told me they bought it at Costco, since they were shopping there on Sunday. Isn't it so thoughtful? A favorite kitty mug, and a bouquet of roses, and "I Love You, MOM" ...HAPPY VALENTINE' much more would a Nonna, and a Mom want from her children, and Grandchildren. This is what Valentine's is about. Not the "Bling" or $$$...but a thoughtful simple gift, and to let your loved one know how much you care about them!

Chocolate Sour Cream Frosting
my own recipe

1 cup semi sweet chocolate chips
8 Tablespoon=1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened

1/2 cup sour cream
dash of salt
3 cups confectioners' sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 can-15 oz. lite cherry pie filling

Melt chocolate and butter together in the microwave, just
until softened, stir together, and set aside to cool a little.
Stir the sour cream into the chocolate. Add the vanilla, salt, and in a large bowl add the confectioner's sugar, adding the chocolate mixture and with electric mixer mix until frosting is light and smooth, and spreading consistency. Bake cake according to package direction, and when it is cooled, split in half.

Split cake in half, strain the cherries saving the liquid. Spread all the cherries on the bottom part of the cake,
and top with half of the frosting. Place the upper portion of the cake on top, and frost all over. Chill for about 20 minutes and spread the cherry liquid, which is already thickened over the top of the cake. (optional)...I was not happy with the result for the top, was expecting to do something more elaborate, but I was not prepared with other additions. You can just frost the top of the cake, let it chill for about 1 hr. or longer, before cutting it.
Actually, the cake was doctored up, I will be honest "Abe"...but will not divulge information, how it was, all I can tell you is that this was the easiest cake, ever...everybody loved it! Now, you will just have to get my giveaway, which is a fabulous book.
Now, for my fabulous "thrift find" book which is a 2003 addition, such a welcome for doctoring up cakes, and making cookies, cupcakes, bundt cakes, and one of my very favorite is a Banana Pudding cake, made with yellow cake mix, pudding mix, banana slices folded into the pudding, and topped with whipped topping...recipe is in the book. They'll think, you slaved away for this yummy dessert.
No rules apply...Just follow my blog!

Giveaway ends, on February 17, 2011, at 11:00 PM standard time...Sorry, but only U.S. and Canada apply!
Winner will be judged by Random generated number. I promise you, you will love this book and even if you don't it really is a nice gift for someone, who will appreciate short-cut and yummy cakes!

Wishing you all a  HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY, from me...
PRINCE and MUSHIKA to your beloved pets...
with LOVE!

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Gyönyörű rózsákat kaptál:-)
    Boldog Valentin napot kívánok Neked én is!

  2. Cake looks very gooey and yummy!! The roses are beautiful and your kitties are so cute! I love cook books, i have never seent his one before, but i am sure it would be great to have in any library!!

  3. Elisabeth, the roses are beautiful! It's so nice to see you spoiled by your family. Sounds like you had a wonderful Valentine's celebration with your loved ones.

  4. Boldog Valentin napot kívánok.
    Csodásak a virágaid:-))
    A süti pedig nagyon jóóó:-)

  5. Happy Valentine's day Elisabeth, cake looks super yummy and beautiful..

  6. Happy Valentine's Day! The cake looks SUPER! The cup at the side looks lovely.

  7. So sorry to hear kitty is not feeling well :( I know how hard it is to see your little furry babies sick.
    Your cake did turn out superb though. Boxed cake mixes rock!

  8. Sorry to hear about your kitty. Happy valentine's day. cake looks awesome.

  9. What a wonderful treat for a perfect day!

    Happy V day to you n your loved ones dear Elisabeth :)

    US Masala

  10. It does indeed sound like you were well-spoiled and well-loved for Valentine's Day! No better way to show your own love than baking -- or in my baking-challenged case, cooking! Heart-shaped pizzas tonight!!

  11. I am so sorry to hear about Prince not feeling too well,I hope he feels better soon. The frosting and cake looks so delcious and the roses look so wonderful. I know all that matters is the thoughtfulness and the lovely gestures of your children. Have a great day,Elizabeth and wish you a wonderful valentine day :) Love & hugs ,Kavita

  12. Happy V-day Liz! The cake looks PERFECT! ^_^

  13. Happy Valentine's Day, Elisabeth!! Your cake looks so yummy! And the roses are merely BEAUTIFUL!!

  14. Happy Valentine's Day Elisabeth! Hope you are having a wonderful day.
    The cake looks wonderful and delicious.

  15. Ciao Cara!!!
    è davvero una torta stupenda per questo giorno cosi romantico..bellissime anche le rose,bravissima!!!! ;-)
    1000 kisses

  16. Happy Valentine's Day! What a sweet way to share the day by traveling with your cake and sharing it with your kids! It looks yummy!

  17. What pretty flowers :) Happy Valentines Day Elisabeth, there's nothing better than a day with cake and flowers eh?

    ps I love the name of that book!

  18. I hope your baby is doing better, my cats had a horrible upper respiratory infection on meds for two weeks, so scarey, love her like a child...sorry to hear about yours... your cake looks wonderful! Good luck to miss Kitty! xo happy V.D.

  19. Love the flowers... and love the cake! Happy V-day!

  20. Oh, boy, what a fabulous cake!!! One of our favorite cakes is made with a box those shortcuts that bring such delicious, decadent results! I hope your sweet kitty Prince feels better...poor thing :(

    Happy Valentine's Day, Lizzie...your family is blessed to have you!

  21. How fun (count me in please) thanks!

  22. Elizabeth, Happy Valentines Day! That is one awesome cake and I'm sure everyone really enjoyed it!
    How lovely you got to spend Valentine's Day with your children and grandchildren! I'm hoping your kitty is doing much better.

  23. Thank you everyone about your sweet comments and concerns about my sweet kitty, Prince. He is such a "trouper" ...a little old guy, is celebrating his 18th birthday at the end of this month, and he is much better now. He lost a lot of weight over the few years, and not eating as well...he had a stomach virus, just like we, adults get them. No sleep for either of us for 2 nights.
    Things are back to normal now, and Prince is eating now, and resting on the foot of my bed, as I speak!
    Thank you all, for your kind concern, and I truly appreciate all your caring comments. You're the best!
    I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's Day!
    Thank you for your kind comments, and I will see you tomorrow!

  24. I've been thinking about you and your kitty...I'm glad that he is eating again! And I loved seeing all of these goodies (the flowers, the cake). You are one special woman! Thank you for sharing with me tonight. Hugs and well wishes from Austin! Happy Valentine's Day!

  25. So good to hear that Prince has recovered. You must hv been worried sick ... I know I'd be. Now you can enjoy your Valentine's day thoroughly. Cute cup that. And a luscious looking cake! Happy Valentine's day, my dear friend.

  26. congrats on top 9 :). beautiful heart shaped cake!!

  27. Sometimes we are thrifty cooks just as we are thrifty shoppers! Looks yummy! Beautiful flowers too!

  28. what a delicious cake you made for Valentines day!I 'm happy to see you had a good Valentines day, and the roses are beautiful!

    Congrats on your top 9 today!

  29. Beautiful cake and flowers. :) So so yummy!

  30. Oh Elisabeth...we will say prayers for Prince and hopefully he will feel better soon...

    The cake is making my mouth husband and I split a cupcake last night after sushi...

  31. Swimming in awards, and family love AND FB Top 9 for your gorgeous cake! Love abounds and there is no one more deserving! Yipee for you!

  32. Happy (late) Valentine's Day! What a delicious looking cake. Congrats on the Top 9! Your cake is just beautiful :)

  33. I was so glad to read through your comments and see that your kitty is better. I am sure you gave him lots of TLC. Your cake looks lovely.

  34. yes through words and expressions!!!! That is what means the most to me! And rather than buy gifts I love to spend time with the ones I love and do something together - that night we were nursing sick babies, it started out as just my 2 1/2 year old having strep and a cold, then my soon to be one year old caught the cold, but my husband and I were able to make a lovely dinner together, sharing a bottle of Argentinian Malbec - we made Croque Madame and a pear, gorgonzola and walnut salad, it came out AWESOME! Plus, my husband gave me a card and penned very special endearments within and it really plucked my heart strings!

    happy valentine's day to you, belated! the roses are beautiful and the cake is just darling - hugs!

  35. Wow.. the cake and the roses looks beautiful..

  36. Csodás rózsákat kaptál, a csokis szívtorta nagyon kedves, finom lehetett!
    Utólagosan boldog Valentin napot!
    Bocs, hogy késve, de igen eltemetkeztem a munkában:(

  37. I so want to try this book! (Folling your blog)

  38. Oh your poor kitty but happy to hear he is doing 18!
    This cake looks fantastic and sounds like a wonderful valentines dinner with family :)

  39. Oh what a sweet Valentine's day. And such a pretty cake. Made with a deal, totally you.
    Poor wee kitty baby! I hope he's feeling better. You've got such beautiful human and fur babies!

  40. Hello Elisabeth, please visit my blog, an award is waiting for you !!

  41. I love how you guys celebrated, it's perfect! I hope Prince is feeling better. That cake is so pretty. So hope this week is better!

  42. Fist landing on your blog :) The cake I am sure made for a perfect Valentine's day treat - Lovely post and look forward to visiting you ... :)
