Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Not so-Wordless Wednesday

Egy szál fehér rózsa. A single white rose
Egy szál fehér rózsa   A single white rose
Szeretetem, szó szólója. My Love, of a word defined.
Köszönteni Téged,   
         To greet You,...

Bodor László oldala
...Single white rose..."peace offering from a friend, from Budapest, Hungary"
 My quiet time to myself...a peaceful walk on the beach, thinking about the unrest, and violence in the Middle East, my family and friends in the Mid west, suffering the horrible snow storms...
The evening is settling in, a few clouds form...but no rain, it is so eerily quiet, I can hear the gentle waves of the ocean, and my heartbeat...on to a new adventure, tomorrow! my dear departed father used to say..."God willing"...
The sea grass up close...absolute darkness, and total quietness envelopes the entire area...time to settle in, and watch CNN...or maybe not, Just pray for "PEACE"!

 collected all these gorgeous uniformed shells-one year ago, at this time...this year no shells of any significant type...sigh

 Dinner I made last night-Brown sugar glazed baked salmon, sauteed organic kale, and Basmati rice...(will post recipe tomorrow)...matching colors with the shells above-Granddaughter, Gabri took the picture!
 Set of 78 Tarot cards, book, and cloth to lay out cards-thrift find, 2yrs ago $2.99 still sealed in box. Retails $33.99...Self taught...(they say that readings are good for 6 months.) 

I have done my own readings about 3 or 4 times in the last 2 years, and they are unmistakenly correct, I have done the readings to a psychic friend, who was bewildered how correct is the situation in her life, I did the readings first, when I went to Italy by by myself...actually, my son-in-law sent me there paying my ticket with his "frequent fly miles"...did his mom's, his 2 sister readings, in Italian...boy, that was a challenge...had all three of them in tears; seriously, so, so correct! My daughter will not let me do her readings, she does not want to know what has happened, in the past 6 months, or prior...nor what will happen in the next 6 months! 

Tower card-Past influences=let go of the past!  Wheel of fortune-How others view us!

Cards laid out in Celtic Cross pattern-total of ten card you choose, from the 78 cards. you have to have the cards facing down...only turn them over when they are all laid out.

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Beautiful pictures!!! I'm partial to the rose and the salmon!

  2. Ciao Bella!!!!
    Ma che belle foto che inserisci sempre,davvero belle da ammirare..e poi quel piatto col salmone...che bontà!!!!;-)
    Bravissima 1000 kisses*

  3. Elizabeth,the tarot cards have already piqued my curiosity and I am amazed at their accuracy which you endorse :)Loved all the pictures and look forward to the recipe.Loved the three in the dish - White-peace,Green-Life,nature & fertility and pink-Love & friendship. It makes me hopeful about everyone's future who is going through tough times now :)

  4. ooops I meant the three colors in the salmon preparation...

  5. Beautiful clicks. I would love walk along the beach. Here is super cold today.

  6. The rose is absolutely breathtaking. I had a deck of tarot cards but I never really fell in love with them, the colours were wrong and I didn't feel attracted to them. I don't miss them but I do want another deck.

    I'm looking forward to the salmon recipe, I've been craving salmon but hubby and i are trying to be really good about using non-farmed salmon. It's surprisingly difficult even though we live in Nova Scotia.

  7. That salmon sounds delicious! I love peaceful walks on the beach and those Taro cards are neat!

  8. Elizabeth, Photos are beautiful and your salmon looks fantastic! Because I enjoy your blog so much I am awarding you the Stylish Blogger Award via my blog!

  9. I love the white rose :)

    Hugs from DR

  10. Love your pics Elisabeth, especially that gorgeous white rose. And the salmon.... :o) One of my favourite foods.

  11. That salmon looks great - I can't wait for you to post the recipe. I eat salmon at least once a week, and am looking for ways to mix it up a little.

    Shari from

  12. Absolutely gorgeous photo's and salmom is amazing!

  13. love all the photos. the white rose is so beautiful. the salmon is so delicious.

    have a wonderful Thursday Elisabeth

  14. Such beautiful photos! I love that bowl of shells, so nice.

  15. I love salmon! We eat it at least once a week in my home... only Atlantic salmon though... it's the best and has so much flavor! Although I might be biased being from Atlantic Canada :) We like it just with some lemon juice and dill... so good. I do envy your beautiful weather as we are freezing our butts off here up north!

    Take care!

  16. Lovely post. That salmon looks perfectly cooked. I think it is very interesting that you can read tarot cards and that you've found them to be correct. I am kind of like your daughter--I'm not sure I want to know might be coming in the future!

  17. What a comforting post...and your photos are amazing, as well as the salmon dish, glad the recipe is coming :) I have several set of tarot cards including the set you have pictured, have not read in a bit...Chinese New Year seems like a good time :)

  18. First, Lizzie, that salmon is just amazing...what a mouth-watering photo!!! I always enjoy your musings...I've had one Tarot card reading...something about water came up. As our home is always springing leaks, I figured it had to be accurate! But I'm with Lora, I'd rather just be surprised with what's in my future :) xoxo

  19. That salmon looks delicious! Beautifully done. Love your photos.
