Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Garden Style Frittata-and my giveaway gifts

I came home yesterday afternoon, and I had a huge box propped against my door. I was so excited, because before I even opened the box I saw the Red Gold label on the box. My amazing giveaway gift via Wendy,
@The Weekend Gourmet  Red Gold  Diced tomatoes are 100% natural, you can just spoon them right out of the 14.5 oz can, and eat them raw, that's how good they are...so fresh, and naturally sweet. For more information on these amazing Midwest tomatoes, you can go online to http://www.redgold.com/ They are not California tomatoes, but from my home state, Ohio, and a couple of other Midwest states. Thank you Wendy, and thank you Red Gold!
I first thought that I got a case of tomatoes, because the box was so huge, but not too heavy...instead, just look at this gorgeous box of goodies. A large ruby red tote bag (I'm a tote bag collector, hee hee)...a beautiful little special edition collectors 2004 Gold Chevy, which I will give to my little grandson as a birthday gift at the end of the month, for his 5th birthday (can't wait)...he has already such a huge collection of little cars, but this will be a large one, and most unusual. Also, a cookbook, which I love, and made the Garden Style Frittata from...last night...for my light supper, also a key chain, more recipes on index cards, and of course, the three different cans of diced tomatoes...LOVE IT!!!...just look at the red frills that it was packed in. (me, as a thrifter, will save these packing to use for another occasion)

 Here's a little EGG TALK...about a thrift find book of mine called Never Eat More Than You Can Lift...by SharonTyler Herbst, a book about noteable quotes, and edibles. You find everything here, from A to Z.
Cute little book cost $20.00 in the U.S, and $27.95 in Canada...I picked it up for $1.95 at a World Thrift store.

BAD EGG: A good-for nothing one who's unreliable or dishonest.
DON'T PUT ALL YOUR EGGS IN ONE BASKET: Don't invest all your time, energy or money in only one investment, activity or person.
EGGHEAD: An intellectual, a "brain"
EGG ON ONE'S FACE: Embarrassment or humiliation after saying or doing something foolish.
GOOD EGG: A likable trustworthy person.
INNOCENT AS A NEW LAID EGG: Fresh, unspoiled.
LAY AN EGG: To fail miserably, usually in front of others.
NEST EGG: Money or other investments set aside for the future.
ROTTEN EGG: A "bad egg" only worse.
WALKING ON EGGS: To move with caution, whether verbally, or physically.

"Put all your eggs in one basket"...WATCH THAT BASKET- Mark Twain

"The egg is to cuisine what the article is to speech"-Anonymous

The Book is called, Heartwarming RECIPES for the busy cook, by Red Gold. is my recipe that I adapted. I used 6 eggs, and 1 can of the 14.5 oz. tomato drained, and not (2) that the recipe calls for. I did not want to use the Mexican Fiesta diced tomatoes, since this is an Italian inspired frittata, therefore I used the Garlic, basil, and oregano diced tomato, which was fabulous, pairing it with 1/3 cup of Reggiano Parmigiana cheese, grated, mixed in with the beaten eggs, and also used on the top. I used sweet onions chopped, instead of the scallions, which I did not have.
Also, I used fresh chopped Italian parsley, to sprinkle on top, and a handful of small grape tomatoes halved, which I have on hand. I omitted the sage, as well. I added the diced tomatoes on top of the eggs while they were cooking in the skillet, and added the fresh tomatoes on the top when I placed them in the broiler.

At any rate, here's the rest of the original recipe.

Beat the eggs in a bowl with a fork just until blended. Stir in the cheese, sage, salt and pepper. Heat the olive oil in a medium nonstick ovenproof skillet over medium heat. Reserve 1 tablespoon of the scallions. Add the remaining scallions to the hot skillet.
Cook for 2 minutes, or until limp, stirring frequently. Add the egg mixture, tilting  the skillet to ensure even coverage. Reduce the heat to low. Cook for 3 minutes, lifting the edge of the frittata with a wooden spoon to allow the uncooked egg to flow underneath; do not stir.
Spoon Red Gold Diced Tomatoes over the top of the frittata. Cook for 2 to 3 minutes or just until the eggs begin to set. Sprinkle with the reserved scallions. Broil for 1 to 2 minutes or until light brown.


  1. What a great giveaway to win!!! Love the frittata, it looks delicious and healthy.

  2. Congrats on your win. Garden style fritata looks colorful and delicious.

  3. Congrats n hugs Elisabeth..am so happy for you :)

    Your Fritata looks very Pretty..loved all the gorgeous colors n flavors going in there!

    US Masala

  4. Congratulations!
    Frittata is always one of my go to dinners when time is spare. We all love it.

  5. Hi Elizabeth,
    Congratulation on the win, it is always so much fun to be a winner. Your Garden Frittata looks delicious. Thank you for sharing and have a great day!

  6. I just want the frittata, please send that to me only not here for the giveaway lol..... this is marvelous looking I want the whole things on dry ice or better yet I will drive there to pick it up~ xo

  7. This is so beautiful, and colorful! Love food that are colorful and fresh! Delicious Masterpiece!!!

  8. What a wonderful giveaway treasure trove! Love that you already have uses for everything in that box. Just love Wendy and her goodies.
    Lovely job on the fritata. Always Ike to see your experiences in the kitchen over the "real" recipe.

  9. Elisabeth, tht's the best fritata I have seen recently - so rich, colourful, flvourful and delicious!! nd the photos re so stunnung :)

  10. Congrats on the win, keep rocking..frittata tempts me a lot,yummy..

  11. I'm so glad that you received your box...and that you loved the Red Gold tomatoes as much as I did! Your frittata looks fantastic!!

  12. That box is amazing and I have never heard of that brand of tomato!!!

  13. Really need to try a frit sometime!

  14. Wow that is one great package of goodies...your frittata looks delightful :)
    Hope your having a great week

  15. Quite a score you won. I like what you did with it too. I think my head would have been spinning with all kinds of ideas.

  16. What a fun package! The frittata looks delicious, one of my favorite ways to enjoy eggs.

  17. Oh my...what a lovely package to have arrive at your door. Congratulations on winning such delicious treats. I loved the egg facts too. So fun! And of course, I'm drooling over that frittata. I want a slice now :-) Thank you for sharing, sweet friend!

  18. Mi már nagyon várjuk a tavaszt és sehogyan sem akar megérkezni:-(
    De, ha ránézek erre a csodás, színes ételre, mindjárt kicsit jobb kedvem lesz:-))

  19. What a gorgeous frittata (would love to be having it for breakfast today!) and a great giveaway!!!

  20. Congrats on your win--happy for you!

  21. Congrats on the win! How wonderful!
    The frittata looks delish. Love the vibrant colours. :)

  22. Congratulations !!!Enjoy the wonderful giveaway-You so deserve it:)Elizabeth,the frittata looks ravishing,loved the colors and the ingrdients.

  23. Congratz on the win and love the frittata , how colorful :D

  24. Congrats on winning that fun package! Your garden frittata looks amazing - delicious!

  25. Congrats !! Such a colorful and YUM frittata..

  26. Congratulations, Lizzie! And I love the frittata you made...tomatoes and sage...yum! Happy Wednesday, my friend...and a hug for you as I know you've been supporting your dear daughter during a tough time...xoxo

  27. Made my first Frittata tonight... loved it and thanks for always inspiring!

  28. I included one of your recipes in my Ash Wednesday blogroll today. Thanks for the outstanding food ideas:)

  29. Both the gift and your garden style frittata look amazing!!

  30. *happy feet dance*, aint that so exciting?
    Love that v thoughtful hamper and that car is truly coollll!
    The tomatoes sound fantastic and u sure did a wonderful frittata with this one.

  31. Oooo...lucky you! What a great hamper! And that fritata is so pretty. I can just taste the juicy goodness of those tomatoes ... yum!

  32. That's the best frittata I have ever seen! I too want a large slice!

  33. oh Elisabeth how so good and exciting to get such giveaways or any gift for tht matter propped against your door...don Indians gift much or is it tht i don get any?

    the fritata and it's lovely story...

  34. your fitatta looks so beautiful and colorful. I'd enjoy a slice for my brunch.
    congrats on winning the giveaway

  35. Congratulations on the win! that is one amazing looking frittata. The tomatoes really make it so so vibrant.

  36. What a great giveaway gift basket! I have never made a frittata before, but that looks AMAZING. I am going to make it asap. Seriously, like, tomorrow.

  37. Congrats on winning the giveaway, so pretty and yummy at the same time! Love your frittata, looks so spring and summer infused!!! Thank you for sharing and have a great Sunday :)

  38. What a beautiful frittata! Congratulations on your win! :)
