Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Spaghetti Con Aglio e Olio=Spaghetti With Garlic and Oil

Exactly one week ago, I was in such a daze, and so helpless seeing my sweet daughter Lora in so much pain and going through a major surgery like that was not something any of us were expecting, but fortunately she had all the love and support from family, and friends, and all her and my friends through both of our food blogs, as well.

Thank you so much to all of you dear friends for your kind words of caring, and support throughout this past week!

I should be cooking up a "storm" and baking something fabulous, but she has her amazing mother in-law Teresa from Como, Italy there, to cook and bake every day. They have not had store bought bread in the two weeks because Teresa has her trusty cup of "starter" in the fridge to make fresh homemade breads and rolls every day. As I mentioned before, I always have the basic herbs, and spices on hand, and I'm virtually never without fresh parsley, basil, and of course fresh garlic. A nice quality of spaghetti, and a good chunk of imported Parmigiana Reggiano freshly shaved, will make a gourmet dish that does not require anything else...perhaps a side salad, and a nice piece of crunchy bread.

Spaghetti con Aglio e Olio=Spaghetti With Garlic 
and Oil

Start out with a large batch of Italian parsley, chopped

In a large skillet, heat 4 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil on med. high heat. Add 1 teaspoon chopped fresh garlic, and a good sprinkling of crushed red pepper flakes.

Add the chopped parsley to the garlic oil, and 1/2 cup of reserved boiled water from the pasta, and mix the pasta right into the skillet.

Add freshly coarse grated of your best Parmigiana Reggiano cheese, and you are in "pasta heaven."

Aggiungi Parmigiana Reggiano grattugiato ...

Buon Appetito!

Another little trick I learned...I purchase a small jar of concentrated red pepper flakes in oil at the Asian market, and added it to a fancy jar, that I bought at my local thrift store, for a little over $1. that has a rubber sealed top. I put the jar in the dishwasher to disinfect it, and when it was dry, I added the concentrated pepper oil, and filled the jar with my own olive oil, it doesn't have to be extra virgin olive oil.

You can keep using this pepper oil by adding more oil to it. For the recipe, I used some of this oil, as well, including more pepper flakes.
Even the two little Chihuahuas of Lora's...Stella, following Luigi, were so happy to go for a stroll. For one week they didn't get a chance to be walked. Teresa was busy with the grandchildren and the American household, and would not know how to walk these little guys since they don't have any pets in Italy.

So I leave you with good thoughts, and a beautiful day! I hope your area has already bloomed into spring. Ciao, Ciao:DDD
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  1. Talk about making people up North miss gorgeous weather these pictures certainly make you feel a need to visit Florida... just gorgeous~~ we are so lucky. Then bonus enjoy the freshness of this dish..its just a lovely all around post!

  2. Jól néz ki, fincsi lehet, és nagyon szépek a képek is.

  3. pasta looks so fresh and savory! love the parsley in evoo combo :).

  4. Omg, i want that plate rite now,soooo irresistible and tempting..

  5. I am IN LOVE with that garlic oil, so you know I have to try this one. :)

    US Masala

  6. I adore savory blend of herbs and garlic! This looks fabulous, Elisabeth!

  7. I love this pasta dish. So simple and easy, but yet delicious and flavourful. I think I know what I'm having for tea tomorrow night. Thanks for the inspiration Elisabeth!
    Have a nice day.

  8. Sure red pepper flakes has given the kick to this dish. Love that garlic oil to. The Chihuahua's are enjoying the day out.

  9. This looks delicious and exactly how I like my pasta. Sorry to hear that your daughter is in so much pain. Hope she feels better soon.

  10. Neat trick with the pepper flakes! Glad to hear your daughter is on the road to recovery as well :)

    Thanks for updating us!

  11. Your spaghetti looks wonderful! And what a great trick for the red pepper! I am so glad Lora is doing well - I bet the doggies were happy to get out and about too!

  12. I love this simple and delicious pasta! That looks perfect for a quick work-day meal. I hope everything is back to normal soon! :)

  13. Oh my dear friend...I was so happy to hear that Lora 's surgery went well. We texted the other day, and it was such a blessing to hear from her. She is a true gift, and I know we are all praying for her speedy recovery. This simple pasta dish looks comforting and nutritious. Just perfect for a season such as this. Thank you for sharing your light with all of us. You are a jewel.

  14. Spaghetti, garlic, and olive oil...that is a simple but definitely a winner combination.
    I am so pleased to hear that everything went well with Lora's surgery. (((HUG)))

  15. Oh my, I am loving the big hunks of grated parmesan on top. Great tip about the pepper oil too, I will have to try it out. I do love me some hot chili oil :)

  16. i'm reading backwards so don know yet abt Lora's surgery. i'm so glad it went well though. i didn even know LOra@Cake duchess was your daughter!!!!!!!!!!!!
    the sphagetti is delectable and you sound relaxed too!

  17. I'm so glad to hear Lora is getting stronger every day. Even though my surgery was minor in comparison it is hard when the mind is strong, but the body is weak trying to recover.

    Your spaghetti sounds like the kind of simple meal that I enjoy on a busy weeknight. All I would need on the side is nice glass of red wine and it would be perfect!

  18. Venho pela primeira vez, desejo que sua filha fique bem. Aqui sinto-me acolhida e em casa.
    Estou seguindo.
    Um abraço

  19. What a simple, but delectable pasta! Love the tip about storing some red pepper flakes in olive yummy.

    Glad Lora is on the mend...her pups are adorable!

    Happy weekend, my friend!

  20. I'm right at home with this meal. I make it all the time. The ultimate simple comfort food.

  21. This is a beautiful dish! Pasta is my favorite thing, in fact even when I am sick it is what crave. Last summer we grew our own peppers and seeded them and when the seeds were dry we put them in a jar. It was so easy and they are still so good!

  22. Sharing this great recipe on my Wednesday and wandering list, thanks so much. Hope all is getting better for you and your family. It has been a tough time for you all. Sending my best thoughts your way.

  23. What i beautiful photos..I love one with a clouds sticking out..just stunning! I love your spaghetti recipe..amazingly delicious!!!

  24. wanted to say what a beautiful photos :)))
