Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Roasted Peppers, the Easy Way!

If I show you step-by-step how easy is to make the best roasted peppers in your own oven, I guarantee that you won't buy the jarred kind, which does not come remotely close to the homemade kind. I'm not going to convince you that it's cheap to buy red, yellow, or orange bell peppers, but if you can find a local produce market, chances are they always have bulk buys of whatever kind of vegetables that they have an abundance of, or they are getting a little too ripe, so they will put it on sale. Our local Cuban produce market has the freshest and such a variety of every kind of produce you can find.

I'm linking this to Full Plate 5-26-11 @ Miz Helen's Country Cottage

You don't want to miss out on this giveaway on Lora's blog @ Cake Duchess Honey Girl Organic Skincare products, from Hawaii. Be sure to check it out!

You can visit their website to learn more about their amazing products! There is even a video here on this page that shows how they get the honey from their own bees in Hawaii.


I was so thrilled when my daughter gave me 2 large bags of peppers, and zucchini, that she bought for $1.00 each bag from the produce market. That's what I call a real thrift buy and I am truly grateful for it.
If you love peppers as much as I do, follow me through all the steps and I will show you how easy it is to make roasted peppers.

This is where the easy part comes in. Cut the peppers in half, and clean the seeds out. Also, discard the core.
Depending how many peppers you have, Line one or two bake pans with aluminum foil.

Place the peppers facing down, and spray with cooking spray. You can also scatter some garlic cloves around them. Do not drizzle with oil, or it will get too wet. Peppers will release a lot of liquid during roasting time. You don't have to season peppers at this stage.

I would have preferred also some red and yellow, although there was one red pepper in the bunch. What can I say? This bunch cost $1.00. I am happy with this "loot." Set your oven at 425 degree F. Roast peppers for about 45 minutes, do not turn them...it's not necessary.
When they appear wilted, and wrinkled like in the photo, you can remove from the oven.

Have a large plastic baggie ready. With a tong, remove peppers to place into the bag and snap it closed.

Put all the peppers in the bag, and let it sit in the bag for about 20 minutes...by that time they will also cool down and it will be easier to peel the skin off.

Empty the peppers into a colander and place into a clean and empty sink.

Just look, how easy the skin comes off. Pile the peppers on a platter, and ready to prepare them.

These are the peeled peppers, ready to be sliced.

On a cutting board, with a small sharp knife, slice all the peppers, and line a platter decoratively.

Line a platter with the peppers, and in between the layers, drizzle a very nice extra virgin olive oil, and white balsamic vinegar.

This is the amazing White Balsamic Vinegar I used to drizzle on the peppers. Notice that it's fig infused which gave a slight sweetness. Just sprinkle with sea salt, a small amount of garlic powder, and freshly ground pepper, and you can also add a nice touch of sliced sun dried tomatoes in olive oil.

note: you can also add the roasted garlic pieces to the layered peppers. The reason I added garlic powder, because fresh garlic overpowers the sweet natural flavor of the peppers.

I like to make my own sun dried tomatoes, which I do quite often and keep in a jar, but I did find this beautiful California Sun Dried Julienne Cut tomatoes which I truly love to add to my recipes.

Just look at the beautiful vibrant colors...the sun dried tomatoes, and the roasted peppers. You can add them to sandwich, use as appetizer with crunchy pieces of bread, add them to pasta, or salad, and you can also add them to cooked vegetables...Enjoy!
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  1. Fabulous post, ur stepwise pictures will be helpful and useful for many of us..

  2. wow a knockout thrift buy tht was...how healthy you eat compared to us :(
    thnx for the colorful treat!

  3. WOW!! That's awesome! I love roasted peppers and your look absolutely delicious, Elizabeth!! Great presentation too :)

  4. this sounds do able and I justbought some orange peppers,, beautiful photos,,

  5. Wowowoowo , thanx for the tip , I hate roasting peppers but your way is so easy , thanx again :D

  6. Neat trick on putting them in a baggie to cool. I always kind of struggle getting the skin off of my roasted peppers...

  7. Gorgeous platter, Lizzie. I could just gobble them all up...raw or roasted, I adore bell peppers! I love your hint about just spraying them with cooking spray...how easy! And, you're right, these are SO much better than what you find in a jar.

    Happy Wednesday, my friend! xo

  8. That's just awesome! I will have to look out for some fig vinegars too.

  9. Beautiful colours of roasted peppers. I love them on pizza!

  10. What a fantastic bargain and lovely plate! I still think it is a relative steal to buy the package from Costco with two red, orange, and yellow peppers for around $5, compared to the scary grocery store prices.

  11. I'm not a big fan of roasted peppers, but I must say, your presentation is so awesome, Elisabeth!

  12. I loved this article, step wise step pics are great

  13. I love this post! Such joyful and happy colors! And roasted peppers... yummy, can't get better!

  14. Thanks for sharing your roasted peppers recipe Elisabeth. What lovely presentation. I enjoy making them at home too, but just in case of impatience, I always have a jar ready to be used in the cupboard... :)

  15. i love roasted red peppers particularly. mmMMMm. beautiful recipe - u can't go wrong with these veggies!!

  16. I love the vibrant colors and the flavors that bell peppers emit. I love your presentation too. Our theme this month for our Filipino cooking club is "flowers" and I think you inspired me to do something similar to this.. i mean the presentation.. thanks for the inspiration.


  17. Oh Elisabeth...those look beautiful...

  18. Elisabeth, I love roasted peppers and your tips are so helpful! Thanks for this delicious post!

  19. HUGHUGHUGHUGHUGHUG HUG!!!!! I love roasted peppers and have been daunted by the process of holding it by an open fire and burning myself and getting carbon bits all over. Had these in olive oil in Italy and have been dying for them for awhile. You've just made my day. Ok, byeee ... going off to the market now to get a whole bunch! Thank you sooooo much!

  20. These look far more beautiful than what I normally buy at the store. I can't wait to make this! Thank you for sharing with me tonight. You injected my day with creativity and beauty. I hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow, my dear friend! Hugs and love from Austin.

  21. Yummy! So many delightful colours! Looks totally irresistible :)

  22. So glad I stopped by because when I saw that photo I instantly knew what you were up to! Just last night I thought of roasting some peppers I have in the fridge that are looking a little tired. I LOVE roasted peppers. And you're so right, they are so much better when made from scratch. Thanks for introducing me to the white balsamic vinegar you like, I'll have to try it. I want some roasted peppers on toast now even though it's just breakfast time, lol!

  23. Those are my favorite, I just made them last week and they are so good..I do add garlic, vinegar and oil kind of marinade..but yours look fantastic with fig infused vinegar!!! Delicious stuff!:))
    I will have to try your version too..thank you for sharing!!!!

  24. To follow up . . . What a coincidence, that brand of balsamic vinegar was on sale at the market today, 2/$5. So I bought the fig infused one and regular white balsamic vinegar. Thanks for the tip!

  25. Hooray! Your comment went through...maybe there will be an end to this craziness :)

  26. Hi Elizabeth, I tried to comment earlier but it wouldn't work so I'll try again!
    I make my roasted peppers the same way you do and I love them with virgin olive oil and different things like capers or pesto that compliment them. You gave an excellent explanation of how to make them with great pictures. The store bought roast peppers are never as good, they just don't have the flavor in my opinion. Thanks for stopping by my blog;-)

  27. Around September I will have TONS of red peppers... my garden is good to me ;-) ... I roast them and then I make Ajvar (pepper spread) ... can't wait to share that with you!

  28. Hi Elizabeth! I love roasted bell peppers. And Elizabeth, I have to thank you for sharing this COOL trick! It's amazing how you "easily" peeled off the skin. I was shocked! You should videotape it and post it on youtube. I'm sure you get thousands of people watching the video clip and you will get tons of traffic to your site. ^_^ I'm so excited about this trick! Big thanks!

  29. I adore the flavor of roasted peppers ! Will second Nami here ~ thanks for you cool tricks n tips always very helpful! You are a brilliant cook Elisabeth.
    US Masala

  30. Elizabeth,nagyon guszta,és szép,ha valaki mégsem szereti a sült paprikát,innen biztos kíváncsi lesz,annyira kínálja magát!!!!

  31. I love roasted peppers but am not keen on the bottled kind, thanks for the great step by step instructions Elisabeth!

    I love the look of the organic skincare products too :)

  32. Hi Elizabeth,
    What a beautiful plate of peppers and so delicious. I love your tutorial, it is very good. What a wonderful presentation for a week end event. Thanks for shasring with Full Plate Thursday and come back soon!

  33. Gorgeous! I love this method and will definitely be giving it a try. I usually do them on the grill but that is not always convenient, I am sure the bag method would work after grilling as well :)

  34. Io li faccio sempre, sono buonissimi! A me piacciono molto conditi con olio e aglio e accompagnati con pane e ricotta, oppure sulla pizza :)

  35. I absolutely love roasted pepper! I usually add capers and garlic, but sundried tomatoes look like a great idea!

  36. Bene per la preparazione, ora manca il "giusto" condimento siciliano, guarda qui: http://cucinainmusica.blogspot.com/2010/12/peperoni-alla-griglia.html/.
    Saluti Giulia

  37. These do look fabulous! I'd love to dice them up and put them in a pasta salad. Great post!
