Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Mark Bittman's Perfect Pancakes

This is my Part 3 project of my blueberries!...pancakes! Who doesn't love pancakes? ...especially when they are homemade, and it's so easy to make. Why would you want to buy the boxed kind? Mark Bittman's How to Cook Everything is my "Bible" of cooking. Everything is simplified, just like the book title says: "Simple Recipes for Great Food"...it is so, so, true. I have the huge paper book version of this fabulous book, and it was the best thrift find of my entire life...that's how strong I feel about it. Got the book at Goodwill store for a mere $.79 (79 cents...a steal)
I have mentioned this last year on my blog. There is no way "under the sun" you can ever find a brand new paper book at Goodwill for this price...at least, not at my local store. Now they are selling them on E-Bay, so that's the end of that!
Finally, I was able to copy and paste the recipe...sorry for any inconvenience!

From the book How to Cook Everything (Completely Revised 10th Anniversary Edition) by Mark Bittman

Basic Pancakes

Serves 4 to 6

Total Time 20 minutes


Fast, easy, and fluffy, these pancakes should make you forswear boxed mix forever.


2 cups all-purpose flour

1 Tbsp. baking powder

½ tsp. salt

1 Tbsp. sugar

1 or 2 eggs

1½ to 2 cups milk

2 Tbsp. melted and cooled butter (optional), plus unmelted butter for cooking, or use oil

1 tsp. vanilla (optional)


Preheat a griddle or large skillet over medium-low heat while you make the batter.

Mix together the dry ingredients. Beat the egg(s) into 1½ cups of milk, then stir in the 2 tablespoons melted cooled butter and vanilla (if you are using them). Gently stir this into the dry ingredients, mixing only enough to moisten the flour; don’t worry about a few lumps. If the batter seems thick, add a little more milk.

If your skillet or griddle is nonstick, you can cook the pancakes without any butter. Otherwise, use a teaspoon or two of butter or oil each time you add batter. When the butter foam subsides or the oil shimmers, ladle batter onto the griddle or skillet, making any size pancakes you like. Adjust the heat as necessary; usually, the first batch will require higher heat than subsequent batches. The idea is to brown the bottom in 2 to 4 minutes, without burning it. Flip when the pancakes are cooked on the bottom; they won’t hold together well until they’re ready.

Cook until the second side is lightly browned and serve, or hold on an ovenproof plate in a 200-degrees oven for up to 15 minutes.

This is The Basic Pancakes recipe by Mark Bittman, and I have followed this exactly...and adapting it a little by adding the blueberries...oh, so yummy. The secret of not bruising the delicate berries is: do not fold the berries into the batter...just follow my step-by-step method!..
Note: The important thing I wanted to explain, is I don't fold the blueberries into the batter, so it doesn't get smashed, or bruised, I add them separately piece by piece into the individual pancakes, and when I turn them over gently it stays nice and firm...does not get squished.
1Tbsp butter added to 1/4 cup Agave syrup, heated in microwave

or not!...yesterday, I spent at least 2 hrs. on my step-by-step photos post at my beach apartment...as you know, I'm house/dog watching for my daughter Lora (Cake Duchess) while they are vacationing in Italy, but I do not upload photos on their computer..I only use theirs to check e-mail, and comments on theirs.

 If you are familiar with Zemanta program, which highlights the words, and you can check the sources, also puts the words for your "labels" in for you...but beware of the actual symbol "Zemanta"...once you delete that while it's on your post, you will delete your own content, and photos, to have to upload them again...sigh!
That's exactly what happened to my step-by-step-recipe photos.
I copied and pasted Mark Bittman's recipe for you...didn't even know it was out there...sigh of relief...phew!...


  1. These look so fluffy and delicious! I would sub chocolate chips for blueberries since I have a weird aversion to any hot fruit except raspberries! Just one of my many eating quirks. Thanks for sharing and enjoy the beach house!! :)

  2. sorry about the problems with posting,, very maddening isn't it..The pancakes look delicious,, I'm checking this out.Everywhere you go this man's cook book gets rave reviews,,sounds like something I need.I have tried several of his,, "non recipes" recipes from Zen Habits,, I like his simple concept

  3. Ahhhh...so frustrating isn't it? I can't believe you found that great deal at Goodwill. My only find was The Frugal Gourmet, and that was still a dollar heheh...mostly they have Cooking Light and Southern Living Annual Recipes books...tons and tons of those.

    Your pancakes look stunning! I love the photo with the syrup pouring in motion. Maybe I'll add bananas or mangoes! Thanks!

  4. Hmm , very frustrating right , but the pics you put up are delicious , I love blueberry pancakes , they are my family's fav , it's just too good and like you said who doesn't love pancakes ??.

  5. I love pancakes and yes good question who doesn't :) Yours look absolutely mouthwatering..and blueberries are just a amazing addition!! Great job!!!

  6. I clicked on the recipe link but it didn't work! Anyway, your pancakes look perfect indeed...and I'm sure they taste really good too!
    Enjoy the rest of the day, ELisabeth!

  7. Eli, those pancakes are so fluffy and ligh--perfect indeed!

    The link doesn't work for me...

  8. Pancakes looks soo delicious and prefect, even i can have this everyday for my breakfast..

  9. These look awesome my dear we love light pancakes and with usually blackberries but boy these look awesome~ great photo I want to dive right in!

  10. Now I really want breakfast for dinner tonight :)
    Sorry about all the posting challenges, sounds like a pain...
    Hope you are having a great week

  11. I like MarkBittman's recipes as they are always easy to make and fool proof. This blueberry pancake looks delicious, I made one time with frozen one not fresh, I will try with fresh now. How is your 4 th of July weekened is celebration. If you are not able to find curry leaves, you can susbstitute with thai basil. It is will be okay.

  12. Perfect pancake is what you need for a perfect breakfast ~ you got it down good! :)
    US Masala

  13. I would love to get a fork to get a piece of your pancake when I see the pic with the syrup pouring down. Sorry to hear about the posting problem, blogger doesn't need to cook, we need to encounter lots of technical problem!

  14. These look wonderful. I'd love to have them for breakfast or brunch. I'm sure they are delicious. delicious. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  15. Ebből is kedvencem az áfonyás:))) Kényeztető édesség, imádom!

  16. ahhh blueberry pancakes are my family favorite :D

  17. Elisabeth, I wish I was there, ummm! Great tips to make perfect blueberries pancakes! After all that trouble, I am sure it was comforting to have that stack of pancakes waiting for you!

    Hugs :)

  18. just right for a good breakfast...looks very delicious. First time here, you have a really nice space.

  19. Látom nagyon szereted az áfonyát. Imádnivalóan néz ki

  20. Elizabeth, Gorgeous pancakes! So sorry for your technical problems! I deleted my whole post a few months ago and it's so frustrating!

  21. Oh, these are marvelous, Lizzie! Blueberry pancakes always remind me of my childhood...we'd go out to breakfast after Mass during our summer vacations in Aspen. It was a rustic diner, always packed...and my parents would both get the blueberry pancakes with blueberry syrup! Yours are so perfectly puffy....mmmmm. And you've reminded me of my mission to hit Half Price Books and peruse the cookbooks...so many treasures to be found.

    LOL at your comment on my blog...yeah, double posting...I have SO many posts ready to go and I shuffle them around...and goof up every once and a while :) No wonder hubby says, "you don't have to blog about everything, you know." Too many good recipes not to share the winners :)

    I know nothing about Zemanta, but sorry for the disappearing post...ugh! You always have new info for me...I'm going to check it out.

    Thanks for being such a supportive friend...you always post the most thoughtful comments, and I appreciate the time it takes to read and comment! xoxo

  22. These pancakes really do look like they're pretty perfect! I love blueberry pancakes, but sadly, we don't get blueberries where I live :( Tragic, isn't it? For now, I'll just drool over your pictures! :)

  23. Lizzy-and everyone, who would like to know more about Zemanta!
    I have used their service now, for nearly one year, and love it. It takes the guessing work out of filling in the "labels", the links, and gives you great suggestions to post. I use it with my Firefox sign in...actually I have two sign ins...one through E, which is connected with the Google..(that one still has the permament sign-in, can't sign out)...the other, is with Firefox that has so many features, including Zemanta. The only thing with Zemanta, is not to post your labels, until the end of your post...that's when it literally "devours" your posts with your photos, when you try to change or delete something...and that's just what happened to me...otherwise Zemanta puts your posts out there...for the "world" to see, soon as you install it, which is totally FREE!!!

    Here' a link, and review about ZEMANTA


  24. I love Mark Bittman, blueberries and pancakes. Needless to say, this post made me smile! Thank you for sharing with me. Visiting your blog is a great way to start my morning. I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday full of good food and laughter. Hugs from Austin!

  25. Oh my goodness, Elisabeth, these look so wonderful! I'll be back to read later - on vacation. But I had to get a picnic post up and it's the post with the fig-infused vinegar finally and a link to you. Thanks again for the great tip!

  26. Thanks, Lizzie! I just downloaded! And I appreciate your tips :) xo

  27. Love the soft and delicious pancakes.. With the blueberries it must be YUM..
    Bhalo Khabo

  28. Wow!!! Looks so good! I love pancakes & blueberries, but I have never tried blueberry pancakes, I bet they taste really good!

  29. Elisabeth,
    Great post and great pictures. I discovered placing the blueberries on the pancakes, when I wound up with too many "purple pancakes." .Your pancakes are mouthwatering.

    Also, thank you for the tip on Zemanta. I'm on Firefox, too. Going to check it out. Hope that your ankle is better.

  30. Oh my. Now I want blueberry pancakes! I wonder if 8pm is too late to make them? Dessert anyone? :-D

  31. ...there are no blueberries at the supermarket right now. Tease me, why don't you!!!

    These pancakes looks fabulous. I wish I had some

  32. These pancakes are oozing of blueberries goodness!!:D
    Most of the blueberry pancakes had only one or two pathetic blueberries in them, and they call them blueberry pancakes! Now, this is what I call a REAL BlueberrieS pancake:)

  33. Mark Bittman's book seems to be very good because this, sure, is very appealing. The blueberries ate complimenting these pancakes so much! Thanks for sharing!!

  34. The pancakes look wonderful, and really blueberries do make the best pancakes (muffins, bread, and jam)...well just about anything. Great us of the super fruit.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. It is wonderful getting to connect with all sorts of new people :)

  35. Jövök áfonyás palacsintát enni!!!!!

  36. Oh those pancakes look so good!! I love me some blueberry pancakes! :)

  37. I saw you commented on my Italian post in Italian. That's great! Are you Italian or do you speak Italian? I hope they have a great time in Italy! Happy 4th of July to you too!

    Ciao bella to you too!

  38. Elisabeth, thanks for your comment on my blog for cauliflower-lychee curry with curry leaves. I am happy that you liked the recipe. Looking forward to visiting your blog again very soon (I loved your blog!!). Keep in touch!!

  39. I just had to comment on these pancakes because they are exactly how I like them...fluffy and brimming with blueberries. Looks like a lovely recipes and I love the way you enriched the agave syrup, I imagine it is velvety and delicious sweetness.

  40. Hi Elizabeth, I'm so impressed by all your photos here, I know how hard it is to photograph pancakes, at least it was for me, lol;-0
    I am so technologically challenged I'm afraid to try new things- might mess more things up!
    Have a wonderful holiday weekend and good luck holding down the fort;-)

  41. such juicy blueberries!!! and I love agave syrup....fabulous photos dahling!

  42. I love these huge :) and delicious looking bluberries added to your pancakes, Elisabeth!!! Awesome recipe, thanks for sharing!!

  43. Hi Elisabeth,
    Hope you had a wonderful 4th of July :)
    These pancakes sound great, I love eating berries with fluffy homemade pancakes but never added blueberries to the batter. What a great idea!
    Thank you for sharing.

  44. My favorite go to book.. I have not tried his pancakes but have tried many other of his..
