Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Original Nestlé Toll House Chocolate Chip Cookies, and Thrift Finds

It's been raining practically all day yesterday, and I have not had the desire to go outside in the rain, to do any errands, except just to chill out inside my condo apartment, open the windows in my living room and listen to the rain. I just love watching summer rain, and listen to the rain drops. Sounds corny, but it's one of the sounds of nature that I love so much. In the early morning, I love to open my back windows in the bedroom, just to hear the cricket sounds, and watch the lush greenery of the enormous grape leave trees. The clean fresh air, even if it's 79 to 81 degrees F. in the morning, I love to open my windows and get the nice cross breeze from the ocean, which is only about 100 ft. away.

I'm linking this to:
I decided to bake cookies last night, and I always refer to the Original Nestle Toll House Cookies recipe.
The only adaptation I use for the full recipe, is instead of 2 sticks of butter, I substitute 1 cup of Crisco all vegetable shortening, which equals to the 1 stick of butter. The reason for that cookies always come out so perfect and just the right amount of crispiness. It never flattens down, as it would with the full amount of the butter. So that's my little secret "tip!"
Now, do you see what I mean?...Perfect cookies every time! Later, I plan to make enchiladas, which I have not made in filled with leftover rotisserie chicken, and the other vegetarian.
In the meantime, here's the link to the Chocolate Chip cookie recipe. Yeayy!!! saves me from typing it all out! Trust me on this one. Perfect cookies every time!

Since my blog originally started out as a Thrift Finds blog...but unfortunately I can't seem to hook up with thrift blogs...wonder if they have a Thrift Community, as we do have a Foodbuzz Community. I tried, but they "snub" me for some reason. Is it because I combine it with the food?...don't know, but at any rate I still enjoy finding some awesome thrift! not the fresh rosemary, or the sea shells, but the vase, so pretty. I use the sea shells that I found on the beach last year...sorry to say, but this year it's as if they are extinct! The fresh rosemary, I use as a decor, it has such wonderful aroma permeating throughout my apartment. My ex-hubby grows these gorgeous rosemary in his garden. Every time he comes to visit, he brings me a bunch of fresh herbs. I have so much in my freezer as well, and I thought this would be a nice way to display it...just put it in water, add about 1 Tbsp. white vinegar, and a couple of ice cubes, and with the sea shells they make a pretty "conversation piece" on your table!

These shells are so gorgeous...last year at this time I was able to scoop up dozens, and dozens, of these beautiful shells, just could not resist them. This year just little generic ordinary ones are to be found!

These rosemarys are not just any ordinary rosemary bushes. They were originally brought here from Sicily...just a little baby bush, smuggled in the suitcase, wrapped up in wet newspaper, and in a plastic bag, and they thrived, over the last few years. They must love the South Florida climate.

Another beautiful thrift find...this cobalt blue vase!
I just love, love, cobalt blue vases, glasses, dishes. I have always said..."you gotta have at least one cobalt blue vase in your house."
The cost of this gorgeous heavy crystal vase?...under $5.00, and the other, the same! I love collecting vases, and giving them as gifts as well!

The bronze colored crystal platter that these amazing and gorgeous "hand picked" sea shells and corals are on, is also a thrift is the glass dish that the sea glass collection is in. I collected these shells last year! Some were in the ocean, and you could actually see them when you you would go in the water...of course, the ocean water would be crystal clear, and no waves.

I would first clean them from the sand, and bring them upstairs to soak in my kitchen sink, with bleach and water...let them dry, and display them. As for the sea glass, they are very rare! I've been collecting them for the last ten years. From what I learned...they are at least 50 to 100 or more years old. Bottles that were tossed into the ocean, and over the decades and centuries would be washed ashore, shaped and formed the way they are from the ocean. They are not jagged, they look like jewels. To me, this represents, the past of all the people that have been out there on ships, and boats...they have good "vibes" do the shells, as well. It brings peace, and serenity from the great vast ocean!
I'm sharing more, than I probably shouldn't, about what I you get to know a little more about my lifestyle, and the things that I love! This is my beautiful Scandinavian dining room table, that is a true "Deco" piece from the fifties, which I purchased 15 years ago at an Antique Consignment shop, and had the seats recovered at least three times, since then.

Originally the seats were yellow vinyl...yuck...they were so ugly. Now, they are Zen Green, with a soft floral design like "Lilly Pulitzer" dining room walls are also a Zen Green, from Lowe's. On the floor to the right is my kitties' food, on a tray. In the background is another chest, an antique, that I purchased in West Palm Beach "Antique Rowe"...way overpriced, but I also had this now for over 10 years. On the chest to the left, is another Cobalt Blue Vase, filled to the rim with the same sea shells, as in the clear vase. Anyone that enters into my place immediately feels a calmness, and peace...seriously! They all tell me, over, and over. I wonder why? it the Cobalt Blue, The Zen Green walls? The Sea Shells? The Sea Glass? The Antique Furniture? The Sicilian Rosemary?...They all have a story to tell!

I always keep fresh flowers in the vase, or other greens, or "baby breath"...all, very economical!
Have a wonderful Wednesday, my friend!...Be kind to one another, and say at least one positive thing to a friend, that would put a smile on their face!
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  1. I would like one of those cookies right now :)

  2. That a great cookies recipe. Yours are them perfect. I just had a flash back to Phoebe, from FRIENDS, in the episode she told Monica this was her great grandmother's recipe :) I love the cobalt blue vase.

  3. I like enjoying summer rain too... Smell the fresh soil and listen to water' rhythm... hmm, I miss my homeland. And with those cookies.. I'm sure, I just feel warm inside :)

  4. How I love the rain sweet love love it....the sound, the smell, the whole vibe in general...and....I'm a cobalt blue lover too, and have collected some fun pieces over the years - how fun that we share that in common :) Your finds are great, and perhaps when it comes to the peacefulness of that space it's all of the above. The cookies...sigh...perfect! I need to do some baking today, have some bananas that need using up....have a glorious afternoon

  5. Did you make cookies because you knew I'd smell them and come running over, lol. I can't believe it's raining there, we've had really nice weather. I do love listening to it though. I found a really cool new piece at a local store, I will show it off after I refinish it. Love your dining table. Hope you are having a lovely week.

  6. Yummm.. chocolate chip cookies. Hmm I believe I have some toll house choc chips or butterscotch chips laying around. You've just given me an idea Elisabeth. Have a great week and what great way to add some colours to your dining table. Hugs, Jo

  7. oooo interesting tip with the vegetable shortening! i always put in a drop of maple syrup or corn syrup and it turns out nice and soft yet crispy! :D

    i love buying vases only b/c i can fill them with beautiful flowers :D. lots of times i'll buy vases when i buy flowers for ppl and give it to them together!

  8. Wow..what lovely crust and texture..I want that stack of cookies :)

  9. Cookie Monster sütije nálunk is nagy kedvenc. Ez az amit a gyerekek szinte önállóan is el tudnak készíteni. Köszi a recept tippet. :))
    A kagylók gyönyörűek. Ilyenkor sajnálom, hogy itt nincs tengerpart. :)))

  10. I love the cookies:)And your sea collection.I have one in the jar in bathroom,all collected down the road on the Pacific Ocean beach:)

  11. I love chocolate cookies and would need a few of them now ;-))
    Blue is in trend this year again..I like your rosemary..and sea shells as the base is just so pretty.

  12. Interesting tip with the crisco! I'll have to give that a try cause your cookies look PERFECT!

  13. I'm coming to the realisation that I'm just not cooking enough cookies. I think I'm worried of how many I would eat alone. Also could be because I'm on the lookout for a choc chip cookie recipe. Will give these a try. They look incredible

  14. you're right they are the best,, we don't have tollhouse here in our Canadian store but i get them in Michigan when we go across to see our daughter, thankyou for visiting today, choke cherries are small with a little stone,, you cook them and then starin the juice, then make jelly,, they are tart and sweet at the same time,they aren't good to eat from hand because they are so tart and the stones, the black bears gobble them up for winter fattening,

  15. Hi Elizabeth! Nice chocolate chip cookies! Yum...very classic and yours seems perfect. I'm going to save this recipe and have to try it with the kids. Your home is beautiful and I like your thrift finds. For a longest time I wanted the seashells as decoration in my house, but I realized we live in canyon and it makes sense to have more trees and other themes... but looking at your decoration, I feel envious!

  16. good lord who can resist these! wow~

  17. Woooowww...gli originali Cara!!!!
    Assolutamente da fare,grazie per la ricetta!!!:-))
    E complimenti,son proprio favolosi..
    Un bacione ciaooo**

  18. Thanks for the tip! I love that I have been making cookies for years, but can still learn something new every time I read a great blog. Awesome.

  19. Hi Elizabeth,
    I wanted to make sure you received my email that you've won the Kuhn Rikon Watermelon Knife for my giveaway. Please check your AOL email for more info.

    By the way I love Toll House Cookies and your table decorations are so pretty. You're very creative!


  20. My family loves Tollhouse cookies (I know I'll get requests if they see my blogger friend, Lizzie, has made these :)). And what FABULOUS finds...I love cobalt, too, and have a beautiful blue vase on my dining room table. Have a great weekend! xoxo

  21. Elizabeth, I love the sound of the rain too! It is such a comforting sound. Your cookies look wonderful! Chocolate chip cookies were the favorite of our house when my kids were growing up. Nothing like a great chocolate chip cookie...with a tall glass of milk! Just love your cobalt collection. Have a great weekend!

  22. Gorgeous chocolate chip cookies, Elisabeth...and pretty vases too! Would you give them to avid followers like me? LOL
    Enjoy your weekend, dear!

  23. i used to avoid vegetable shortening but now I use it in my baking when short on vegan butter since it's cholesterol free. Your cookies turned out great!

    I envy you for living so close to the ocean and feeling its breeze every day.
    Love buying vases too and have lots of shells myself. I always go shell picking every time I visit my in laws in South Carolina.

  24. It's always nice to visit,Elizabeth..I L-O-V-E your chocolate chip cookies but I also A-D-O-R-E your seashell collection and sea glass!We always go on fishing trips to Cape Cod and every year I collect so many sea shells I have no space to display them anymore...!Have a great weekend!

  25. Köszönöm a kommentedet nálam. Tudom, hogy az Amerikai háziasszonyok egy része (tisztelet a kivételnek) "Too much work!" felkiáltással megveszi inkább készen. A nagymamám testvére Akron, Ohio-ban lakik, és mikor nála töltöttünk a húgommal 2 hónapot, sokszor hallottam ezt a feleségétől.
    Azért írtam, hogy a gyerekeim is el tudják készíteni, mert nekem van egy hasonló receptem és azt a gyerekeim meg is szokták csinálni, kis segítséggel. A Te recepted azonban nagyon tetszik, és mindenképpen kis fogjuk próbálni.:)))

  26. I tagged you in the 7 Links game. Have a great weekend!

  27. i wish i could open my window and let the breeze from the ocean come in too. although i live 5miles away from the Pacific, it's not as close as yours... love those collection of seashells and sea glass, so relaxing to collect those ain't it?
    happy weekend!

  28. Hi Elizabeth,
    Those classic cookies look so delicious. I am really excited to get your tip and will be using it the next time I make these great cookies. Hope you are having a great week end and thanks for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    See you soon!
    Miz Helen

  29. Your cookies do look wonderful!
    I have a friend that goes to thrift shops every couple of weeks and I went with her for the first time this past weekend. I thought about you as I was wandering through all of the goodies :)

  30. Just can't wait to try this recipe. When I was young, like 5 yrs old, I remember my Aunt always used Crisco & not butter or marjorine. I swear they changed the recipe on the package. I used butter or marjorine & my cookies come out flat as a pancake. I am going to use crisco next time. Thanks for the tip.
