Friday, October 21, 2011

Apple-Date Cobbler...and Homemade Biscuit Mix

I have been searching around in my little trusted file box from Better Homes and Gardens to pull out some "magic" in pulling a rabbit out of a magic hat?...well, it certainly came down to that, because I am just fresh out of ideas, for finding something out of my favorite cookbooks, ie: How To Cook Everything, by Mark Bittman, or my Southern Living collection, my Food and Wine Collections, or my Cooking Light collection of series, from the year 2000 all the way through 2010...all of which are "thrift finds," but my collections of newspaper clippings, which I have totally narrowed down, and have stopped collecting, and index cards that I have pasted or written recipes on, are now, a "thing of the past."...done, and gone!

Nowadays, you can find so many recipes on the Internet, and you don't have to go further than, your foodie buddies' blogs, to get inspired by all the amazing recipes they create, and post. I get inspired just by visiting, and commenting on all the my favorite blogs...most of, who are my friends that I like to keep in touch with! So why don't I just stay comfy-cozy, and keep getting ideas from their blog?'s because I need to accomplish what I set out to do, is to go through my collection of recipes...or just toss them out...which most I have already done so!

Homemade Biscuit Mix
from Sun Sentinel, West Palm Beach, 1994

1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
1 Tbsp. baking powder
1 Tbsp. sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup vegetable shortening

In a medium mixing bowl, stir together flour, baking
powder, sugar, and salt. cut in shortening until mixture resembles coarse crumbs.
Store in an airtight container, and refrigerate. It will keep fresh for up to one month, or you can freeze it and keep up to 6 months. Just let it come to room temperature before using it, either way.
Makes up to 2 1//2 cups.

Apple Date Cobbler
my own recipe

1/2 cup Homemade Biscuit Mix
2 Tbsp. whole-wheat flour
2 Tbsp. light brown sugar
1 Tbsp. cane sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon powder
1 egg, lightly beaten
2 Tbsp. milk
4 apples, peeled, cored, and thinly sliced
juice of 1 lemon
2 Tbsp. unsalted butter
1 cup pitted dates

In a medium mixing bowl, combine biscuit mix, flour, and 1 Tbsp. of cane sugar. Stir in the lightly beaten eggs, and the 2 Tbsp. milk, just until they are combined, and smooth. In another medium bowl, combine the sliced apples, the 2 Tbsp. brown sugar the one teaspoon cinnamon powder, juice of the one lemon. In a medium skillet, melt butter, add the apple mixture, and saute until al-dente (not quite soft)...add the 1 cup of the pitted dates, stir for a few minutes to let the dates heat up, and soften a little.

Transfer the mixture to a 1 quart oven proof casserole that has been sprayed with cooking spray. Immediately spoon biscuit mixture atop of the hot fruit mixture, into 4, or six mound (I added 6) Bake in a 400 -degree F. oven for about 15-20 minutes. Spoon out, 1 biscuit, and surround with fruit. You can sprinkle with powdered sugar, or additional cinnamon, mixed with sugar.
Serves 6.
Note: If you are using frozen fruits for the cobbler, you can mix 1 Tbsp. cornstarch into 3 Tbsp. water, to add to the fruit mix to heat up.

I made this in the middle of the afternoon, and my 10 yr.old  granddaughter Gabby and I enjoyed a serving of this...just check out the biscuit, how light, and fluffy, the apples still in beautiful pieces, and the dates, slightly softened...Mmmm...let me tell you, this is a TREAT!...a great middle of the afternoon snack, with a nice cup of hot tea (which I don't drink unless it gets cool outside)...or a cup of cold glass of milk!

As you can see, these are my "best loved recipes."
Tucked away, in the little red box, ready to downsize, and toss some of them out since I have not made those recipes, and probably will not make them. I have another box, full of more recipes, which I will get to next time, to sort out.

These are not in order, any more...can't believe I actually glued them onto index cards...before I even owned a computer, in the early nineties. This is something that kids in grade school do these little 5yr. old grandson Luca knows how to make copies in the printer/scanner/copier, he cuts out his little "fishies," "cars," and what have you and glues them on to his index cards, and sheets of papers, using up his momie's computer paper, and color ink in the copier...LOL

...and here's the Homemade Biscuit Mix recipe, and the Fruit-filled Cobbler, which actually called for frozen unsweetened cherries, that I didn't have, but did have the apples, and decided to use up my leftover pitted dates.
I also have a bag of frozen cranberries, which I will use next time, in place of the frozen cherries, and will follow the actual recipe!

This recipe, for the Lemon Meringue Bars, is a keeper. It has the recipe attached with a paper clip, for the Basic Butter Cookie Dough, which is very versatile. I can't wait to make this soon!
From Woman's Day magazine, 2004

I can tell you exactly, where I copied this recipe from: Border's Bookstore, the year, 1999. Bookstore has gone out of business in my former area, where I lived. It was walking distance from my home, and I would just walk over in my spare time, always ready with scratch pad...which actually was a "scratch pad"...copying recipes that interested me, so I wouldn't have to buy the entire book. Frugal, and "thrift"...get it?...that's me!
As for the source, just did not jot that down:(
Another keeper, really a very good recipe for pastry cream used for tarts, covered with fresh berries!

...and yes, I have made this a long time ago, will attempt to make it again, soon!
This is a photo copy from a library book, which I made at Office Depot, for about 5 cents a copy, cut out with scissors, and glued on an index card with Elmer's glue...again, don't know the source, at any rate, in retrospect...did I have a life back in the mid nineties?...I'm sure I did, working 2 cooking jobs, about 60-70 hrs,,,hmmm. Kids were away in college, abroad...was this my only entertainment on my one day off? collecting, clipping, copying, pasting recipes?...all before I owned a coputer? I had my first Windows 95 computer, in 1997...had no clue how to use it...self taught...crashed it a couple times! Got hacked a couple times...ahh, but Windows 98 was much better, and I became sophisticated...again. self teaching with those "Windows" 98 for Dummies!...well, this "dummie" learned a lot since then, and all is Good!

Have a wonderful weekend, my dear friends, (and readers)...(and followers)...who I never hear from, but I know you are out there, in silence, but that's good. I missed Wednesday's posting...jurst pondering, and planning things for Halloween...and today, I have to make a cake for my granddaughter Sophia's 10th Birthday, for tomorrow! Good luck Lizzie (that's me)...not a "cake baker"...not too many chef's are!...just no time, and mostly "no patience."...and/or imagination...creativity maybe, but that's not enough. You have to be a "born" cake baker...I could start a list, of fabulous bakers... but I'm running out of time!
Hugs, to all!

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Now this is one healthy sweet looking dessert I would love~

  2. I haven't given up all my various and sundry recipe collections! I'm impressed. I find that when I'm looking for inspiration, I go to my cookbooks and magazines. (Or, yes, I still have clippings.) But when I want something specific, I go to the internet. But you sure are right about our blogging buddies. I've saved half a dozen from you alone, Elisabeth!

  3. Ciao Bella!!!
    Mache ricetta interessante e golosa hai fatto Cara...strepitosa,complimenti di cuore davvero!!!;-)
    Un bacione

  4. Yummy , so many apple recipes but I am gonna try yours coz it never goes wrong . I too have a lot of recipes ,w hich I love collecting but now I have stopped coz there's just too much and looking at our blgger friends is enough and also unlike you ( wonderfully organized ) , I have my recipes all over my house . Have a great weekend Elisabeth :D .

  5. I have read many apple recipes last few days...and this one has got to be the best one! I love dates here combined with apples in this autumn cobbler! Marvelous.
    Love your homemade biscuite mix too.
    Have a peaceful weekend!

  6. I know that you could spend of afternoons looking through recipes that you own...that would be great fun...

    I love the homemade biscuit preservatives and bad stuff...

    Thank you for sharing!!!

  7. How organized you are ELisabeth , I was like this one time now everything gets messy as little one will try to play with it first. I like this cobbler and homemade biscuit mix.

  8. What a yummy treat,Elizabeth !!! You are so right the biscuit looks so fluffy and soft,I have to make this for my daughter when she comes home for thanksgiving:) Bookmarked!!! Mucho love:)

  9. I am loving the looks of this cobbler! Especially the big medjool dates! It sounds wonderful :)!

  10. It sounds so peaceful that you made this in the afternoon and enjoy it with granddaughter. I need some slowdown time like that. This looks delicious and easy enough for me to try! Thanks for letting us peak your recipe box! =) That was another nice treat. ;-) Good luck with making cake! I'm not a cake baker or even regular baker, but I know you will make a beautiful cake!

  11. This is perfect timing for this recipe,because I have loads of apples and they are my favorites right now. I also have boxes of those clippings and recipes scribbled on scraps of paper too. Maybe one day I'll have the time to sort through them, because I know there are some gems that I don't want to lose! :)

  12. Hi "Lizzie"!I love your cobbler,as well as your recipe filing system ! Just like you,before "computer age",I used to cut recipes out of magazines and file them,then went through a period of buying LOTS of cookbooks and now I'm dealing with a compilation of all the above,recipes from fellow-bloggers and accumulated experience..Have fun baking with the grandchildren! XO

  13. i like your food pictures and want to invite you to try out it's for anyone that just wants another place to submit photos and share it will other foodies.

  14. apples and dates together sound fabulous!!! haha i know what u mean - i get inspired by other ppl's blog posts too :D. and the Sicilian marinara with carrots and raisins sound amazing!!! do you have a recipe post for it?

  15. Very interesting recipe. I like the way you made the biscuit mix.

    Spoon and Chopsticks

  16. Nagyon guszta lett! Az almával nekem tipikus őszi desszert. Tetszik a receptdobozod. :)

  17. im impressed that you kept it neatly in a cute box! i have so many recipes all over the house and with the constant moving, i don't know were the rest are.. hahah
    these are great inspiration i can't wait for more!
    happy weekend elisabeth!

  18. Elizabeth, This cobbler is wonderful looking. I bet you and Gabby really enjoyed this threat. How nice she lives close enough so that she is able to spend an afternoon with you.
    I find that with all my cookbooks and clippings I often now go to the internet for inspiration, too! Have a wonderful weekend!

  19. Hi Elizabeth! You were on my mind this morning and I wanted to say 'hi'! I love this recipe and you feel like a kindred spirit with the mention of the recipe cards. I too become a bit lost on the internet recipe-wise at times and come back to my favorite cookbooks (Mark Bittman is one for me too) and have been using my Grandmother's recipe box alot of late. I actually pulled out a recipe file of mine that I have not looked at for years. Found some good stuff I'd completely forgotten about.

    Right now on my blog is an adaptation from a Better Homes and Garden recipe I tore out a number of years ago when getting the magazine sent to me to replace one that went out of business. Loved seeing your recipe box! Think of all the current home cooks who'd scratch their head at that! Hope you are all well and enjoying fall (as much as you have fall in your beautiful area!).

  20. Cold milk for me, please with my cobbler :) Such an incredible looking dish! Well done!

  21. The cobbler looks delicious! Now you've got me craving for some. Maybe you'll find me at your doorstep instead! :D
    My mum inlaw passed her recipe box to me recently and I'm still trying to figure out some very well used yellowed cards, stained with butter, chocolate etc. It's fun tho.

  22. happy birthday to sweet bella Sophia!!!!!! I can't wait to hear how the celebration went, and the apple date cobbler looks so fantastic. I laugh when I think about how far we've all come since the 90's learning about computers...I remember getting on the internet for the first time in 1995...and when I think of the first time I stepped into the blogosphere a year and 1/2 ago, how foreign it all seemed, it was a world of it's own...and I know I still have so much more to learn but am so proud of us for coming this far...what a glorious adventure, and what a wonderful "traveling companion" you have been.....p.s. still pregnant :)

  23. Hi Elizabeth,
    I just love your Apple Date combination for a cobbler. That sounds like a wonderful flavor. All the recipes that we have tucked away in special boxes and files are the very best. I love to go through mine, its like running your hand over your favorite old book. Sometimes you can smell the aroma of the dish and almost taste that special flavor, remembering all the special moments surrounding each one. I am so happy that you will be watching over my little friends when they arrive in your area. They will be in good hands! Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful week!
    Miz Helen

  24. Wonderful recipe! I could go for two scoops for sure:)) Love how juice and delicious it looks!!! Thanks for sharing, and have a beautiful night!!!

  25. Hi Elisabeth. Delicious and very appetizing, yummy.I always love the combo of apple and cinnamon.
    I like your little red box, very nice and cute.
    Have a nice day.

  26. Elisabeth, you are so organised. If you can take a peep at my desktop, I think you will faint! hehehe...This is a great recipe and go straight into my to do recipe list. Thanks dear.

  27. I'm sure Sophia's birthday cake was have baked many marvelous desserts like this lovely cobbler! Your biscuit topping looks fabulous...and I'd have to make it without the dates to appease my family, but I'd love a serving of yours with a scoop of vanilla ice cream :) Have a great Monday!!! xo

  28. I think I need a portion of this cobbler right now as it is getting cold. This looks so warm and comforting and delicious! Like you, I used to have my newspaper clippings and notes everywhere but not as much these days. The blog helps me keep all my recipes organized and in one place.

    Thank you so much for both of your comments. It came through fine. Sorry you had trouble with the captcha. It can be a nuisance but necessary because of spam. Hugs....Biren♥♥

  29. Happy Belated Birthday to Sophia and I am sure the cake will be delightful :)
    This cobbler looks so wonderful and so comforting, would love to have some right now with coffee :)
