Monday, October 3, 2011

Haitian Cole Slaw...and a Giveaway!

I've been on the cabbage kick all last week. I bought 2 heads of organic cabbage at Whole Foods, and also, I bought Daikon radish, the long white Japanese radish, Scotch Bonnet peppers, and really "kicked up" the spices in my Haitian Cole probably wonder what is a Haitian Cole Slaw?...and what makes it Haitian. I do have an answer for that. I became acquainted with it several years ago, working in the country club with Haitian cooks that make this fabulous slaw. Usually it's served with griot, which is a crispy fried pork dish, and a side of lettuce wedge with French dressing, and the cole slaw...and oh, my! spicy, tangy, and slightly sweet. Absolutely zero fat, healthy, refreshing, and delicious!

Haitian Cole Slaw
my own recipe

2 cups of water
1/2 cup cider vinegar ( I used organic)
1 t. sugar
1 t. salt
1 head of green cabbage
cored, and thinly sliced
2 carrots peeled, and shredded
1 medium onion, finely chopped
1 Daikon radish, peeled, and sliced thin
(you can use regular radish, instead, of the Daikon)
1 to 2 Scotch Bonnet chilli, seeded, and sliced thin

Whisk water, vinegar, sugar and salt, in a large bowl. Stir in all the ingredients. Let the cabbage pickle overnight in the refrigerator. Transfer to a clean 1quart jar, or 2 small pint jars.
The slaw will keep several weeks in the fridge. Very healthy, and delicious as a side dish or just by itself to snack on.

....and now, for the Giveaway!

Do you remember my Israeli Couscous recipe?

Well, I went to Whole Foods this weekend and bought a box of Israeli Couscous...8.8 ozs-250g.
to give away, as my gift to you!

A few of you have mentioned that you cannot find this at your location, so I thought it would be a good idea to give it away!

So, this is it! the original Israeli (pearl) Couscous...a Unique Mediterranean Toasted Pasta Specialty!
You don't have to do a thing...just make sure you follow me on my blog, and twitter. (I'm not very active on facebook)...Let me know how you are planning to make this!...Remember, all you have to do is to just comment, and I will ship the couscous in the United States, Canada, and any other country outside from U.S. and Canada!
I will use the random generated number, by Wednesday, Oct. 5th, @ 11:00PM, based on Eastern Standard Time!
I know you will enjoy this specialty easy to cook, Israeli Couscous, as much as I do!
Have a wonderful week!
Hugs, to all!
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  1. I love cole slaw of any kind and this sounds yummy. I also love couscous and can find it here where I live in so many varieties. The brand I get is Rice Select. If they don't have it in a store near you this is their site that shows the various ones they carry.

  2. Haitian Coleslaw sounds a lot like my mum's homemade pickled radish and carrots. We don't use cabbage ... I guess that's where the "slaw" part comes in. I think I'd prefer this over regular coleslaw ... a much more refreshing accompaniment! Oooh, if I were to be so lucky to get the couscous .... I really need to check out our middle eastern shops.

  3. Finom lehet ez a haiti saláta is, sajnos nálunk nem nagyon találhatóak meg az összetevői. A Kuszkusz is jól hangzik, szívesen kipróbálnám vele a te receptedet, az izraeli kuszkuszt, de Romániába szerintem nagyon sokba kerülne a postaköltség.

  4. this does look yummy, I have to say my family wans't a fan of couscous ,, but I liked the salad i made with it,, I also put it in a greek soup i made once, kind of a wedding soup with meatballs and spinach,,

  5. Haitian coleslaw.. hmm sound wonderful ! I'd love to try it also..
    Can U send me that couscous too? :p

  6. this one definetaly caught my eye. I will be hitting the market for cabbage tonight! Love that its Haitian.

  7. That looks amazing but I though those peppers were too hot to eat!!!

    They scare me!!!

  8. Nagyon finom a saláta, én is gyakran készítem sültek mellé.
    Kuszkuszt is szeretem, de ilyennel még nem találkoztam az üzletben ahol vásárolok.:)

  9. Your coleslaw looks so fresh and healthy, with a kick. I always love your photos. If I made it though, I would cut waay back on those Scotch Bonnets. I have a Whole Foods in the area.

  10. Coleslaw is my favourite although I prepare it diferently and much thines slized;) But will try your ingredients;)

  11. A big Hello Elizabeth :)The coleslaw looks so refreshing and very crunchy and colorful too.Enjoyed the pictures as usual:)

  12. Elizabeth!!
    Kuszkuszt minden formában szeretem,a szilvás gombócról nem is beszélve,de a káposzta saláta sok az epémnek,de káposzta nélkül,jöhet!!!!:):):):)

  13. I love this cole slaw, with cider vinegar and olive oil dressing.


  14. The coleslaw looks delicious Elisabeth. I like how you pickle the cabbage first. Delicious. I never had Israeli couscous before so I'm not sure what I'm gonna make. But on top of my head, I'm thinking they make great accompaniment for chorizo and chickpea stew.

  15. I just finished making a cabbage dish, cooked, though. I love it any ol' way. (Maybe even with couscous, which I also made -- yesterday!)

  16. Oh, what a lovely slaw! Spicy and delicious! I love Israeli couscous and I usually make a chicken, artichoke and sundried tomato dish to serve over it. I have a good stash, so I won't enter your generous give away. Hope you had a great weekend! xoxo

  17. Elisabeth,this looks so fresh and healthy! Love the spice of the scotch bonnets too! I love Israeli couscous! Your dish is so pretty and sounds delish! xoxo

  18. Wowowo , the salad looks so fresh and good and also different , never had pickled cabbage before .

  19. Thanks again, Eli! I seriously thought I had corrected the title before I posted it. o man..that's just embarassing.
    The slaw looks so appetizing..spicy, tangy..that's my type of food.
    Thanks, Eli, for sharing the recipe, and being my friend.

  20. Very nice AND spicy coleslaw,Elisabeth!I love your dressing also!!Just in time for Canadian Thanksgiving,it will make a very colorful addition to the menu!!XO

  21. Tetszik a saláta (is)! Káposztát ritkán készítek, mert az én epém sem igazán örül neki. :)))

  22. What a tasty alternative to coleslaw where everything's drenched in mayo. Sounds so flavourful!

  23. absolutely yummylicious..droooooling here..:P
    Tasty Appetite

  24. Nice giveaway.Planning to make this for Diwali :)

  25. oooo i love cabbage too! my favorite way is to steam it... and eat it with almond butter. i know the pairing is weird... hahaha.

  26. Beautiful giveaway...delicious coleslaw..

  27. Love that Cole slaw.Nice giveaway too.

  28. Lovely presentation on this looks great!

  29. Lovely presentation and your coleslaw looks delicious.

  30. That's a lovely looking coleslaw, Elisabeth.

  31. What a nice idea to add Daikon in the coleslaw! Very light and healthy. Yum!

  32. I'm so sorry to have missed this great giveaway (we don't get these pearl couscous here), but I'm sure glad to have checked out your Haitian slaw. It looks delicious with the cider vinegar and Scotch Bonnet chilli in there! Btw, I've missed coming over here too ;-).

  33. I've never heard of Haitian coleslaw but it sounds intriguing and delicious. My husband loves coleslaw and of course spicy anything, so I'll have to make this soon!
