Monday, December 5, 2011

Alaska Surimi Seafood Lettuce Cups

Alaska Surimi Seafood Lettuce Cups, from Taste Pavilion, in San Francisco
With more holidays just around the corner, how does anyone find the time to do all the cooking, baking, Christmas shopping, taking photos, uploading them, and  posting stories, and recipes? As for myself, not easy! I have not baked any cakes, cookies at all for awhile, but did make hearty soups, and seafood dishes, but just did not want to post about them, although they were delicious, and totally my creations...just off the "top of my head" recipes! Sometimes, I get into these moods where I think, "why should I even bother to take photo, try to remember the ingredients used"...why?...who really even cares, other than my family, or friends!?...well, obviously they do/did care, or I would have leftovers! Just not feeling up to "par"...must be the "holiday blues"...when it should be the most joyous occasion!

Alaska Surimi Seafood Lettuce Cups

12 oz. Alaska Surimi Seafood
1 1/2 cups cooked rice (preferably short grain)
1/2 cup cucumber, peeled, seeded and chopped
1/2 cup avocado, peeled, and chopped
1 cup Asian style salad dressing, bottled (preferably with ginger and wasabi)
1/4 cup pickled ginger chopped, for garnish
1/2 cup toasted seaweed (nori) for garnish, (optional)
3 Tablespoons toasted sesame seeds for garnish
1 head iceberg lettuce

Lettuce cups:
Cut off the bottom third of the lettuce head. Soak lettuce top in ice water for 10 minutes-this will help separate the leaves, one at a time to make the cups. Using scissors, trim each lettuce cup to form circles. A head of iceberg should yield 8 to 10 lettuce cups. Save the lettuce core for chopped lettuce salad.

Combine Alaska Surimi Seafood, cooked rice, cucumbers and avocado in a large bowl. Add salad dressing, toss to coat all ingredients. Place lettuce cups on a large plate and fill each with about 1/2 cup of the surimi-rice filling. Garnish with pickled ginger (optional,) nori (optional) and sesame seeds to serve.
Makes 4 servings, ( 8 lettuce cups)

Can't believe it's been 1 month since we were at the 3rd. Annual Blogger Festival! So much fun, such fond memories, totally enjoyed all the blogger friends I met up in person, the sights were incredible, the food, the bakeries, especially the BOULANGERIE, that was about 2 blocks away in Japan town, where Jo and I stayed at the cute little Tomo Hotel, after the Foodbuzz Festival ended.

So sorry to show these photos without description...had an entire step-by-step instruction on them, and my link with Zemanta seemed to have "swallowed" the link up, when I clicked to change format, so it maybe out there on their link that I link to. I do love the Zemanta program, linking your posts, and you, finding links, but sometimes I wonder where my photos, and links end up!

Would have loved to pick at least one of each!
Such amazing tarts, and cakes
My dear food blogger friends...Nami, from Just One Cookbook, and Jo from ChicGorgeous at the bakery
Brenda, graciously let me take photos preparing delicious sandwiches for their daily lunch!

House For Sale...anyone interested?...I know I would love to have a Victorian style house.
Hotel Tomo, on Buchanan

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Finom lehet az a surimis saláta, mi is szeretjük:)

  2. Guszta nagyon. A képeid ismét csodásak. A nagybátyáméknál eltöltöttem egyszer régen 1,5 hónapot Akronban. A fotóid kapcsán mindig eszembe jut az a nyaralás... :))))

  3. Very refreshing little salad wraps Elizabeth!

  4. i made tacos yesterday and i put mine in lettuce cups too! :) yay for blogger meetups. i've read nami's blog once or twice too!

  5. Maybe you are just tired from the trip still!!!

    Take care!!!

  6. Great pictures Elizabeth- I can tell you're still on a high from your trip so enjoy it as long as it lasts! I enjoy seeing light food this time of year, sometimes there's a bit of a sugar overload;-)

  7. Oh those look delightful, Ihave seen nothing but cookie posts all day so I love this post.

  8. Elisabeth I always look forward to seeing photos of all the wonderful food you create! Those lettuce cups look so good, especially with all the heavy foods that come with the holidays. Enjoying dishes like this leave more room for dessert :)

  9. Great finger food for the party, looks so elegant and light! I often have the same thought as well: why do I bother to take photos and remembering the recipe to put into the blog? I think it's the love for food and people's encouragement that keeps me going!

  10. I sure have no time. work work work... if I had one day off before Christmas maybe I could like the season... retail kills it~ but love to see what everyone else gets to do,. Glad you had such a great time!! Maybe in my next life! )

  11. Hi my dear, your salad looks so appetizing and tempting. Lovely presentation too.

    Thanks for sharing the other photos, they are all very beautifully taken.

    Have a nice day.

  12. Salad looks awesome perfect. Love all your clicks.

  13. Yummy salad looks catchy,colourful and tempting.

  14. oh that looks delish!!!! Hugs and thank you for folloing Katherines Corner ( P.S. I'm already a follower of your blog)

  15. Great photos...and beautiful dish. I love seafood and this looks absolutely divine.

  16. Ohhhh, those seafood cup wraps looks so light, fluffy, and delectable. Great idea to skip the roll. It looks like you had a wonderful time, Elizabeth! I'd love to own a Victorian row house and meet Nami! I'll have to stop by her blog soon and see what she's been up to. Have a great day!

  17. You should take the time for us! These lettuce cups looks brilliant! A great fresh, summer treat :) And how awesome is it to meet Nami! Totally jealous!

  18. Great idea for a brunch party! Or even a light lunch for myself ... not if I eat every single one of them tho :D
    Lovely pictures of your trip!

  19. Nagyon finom lehet ez a saláta, csodaszépek a képek. Úgy szeretek itt nálad nézelődni, és megismerkedni olyan tájjal, várossal ahova soha nem fogok eljutni.:)

  20. Dear Elisabeth , I always look forward to your post , it's always fun to read them , those lettuce cups look wonderful and the pics of the tarts are mouthwatering . Don't ever stop blogging , we all care :)...hugs .

  21. Your seafood cups sound really wonderful and they would be a perfect part of a holiday meal. Your photos are also terrific. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  22. I'm so glad you felt up to posting this gorgeous that it's beautiful, healthy and delicious!!! And I love that you still had more SF photos to share with us, too :) We ALL miss you when you don't post! xoxo

  23. Hello, Szuper a saláta, szépek a fotók! Nekem is kevés időm jut a főzésre, sütésre, blogra így karácsony előtt, inkább egyszerűbb dolgokat készítek, meg nem is minden nap.
    Az eladó ház tetszik :), a stílus is bejön...

  24. What a delicious-looking dish, and your pictures are beautiful. This isn't the sort of recipe I expected to encounter this time of year, but I think I'll change things up and give this a try. Thank you for sharing.

  25. What a beautiful, healthy looking dish, and just perfect for this time of year when we all tend to over-indulge so much.
    Sue :-)

  26. Hi Elisabeth! The seafood lettuce cups look refreshing and delish! Thanks for the mention - it is really a month passed already? OMG... Time flies too fast. But I guess the next foodbuzz will come very soon, right? Looking forward to seeing you again!

  27. . . . And would love to meet you too!

  28. Ooh i am drooling at all this lovely eye food.
