Thursday, December 15, 2011

We Wish You a Merry Christmas... a Restaurant Review!

Wednesday, December 14, at  Cafe Sapori  West Palm Beach, Florida
Undoubtedly, you know the song...but seriously, in case I forget to wish all of my dear blogger friends, a peaceful and Blessed Holiday Season! As far as baking, I'm so not ready, as for Christmas shopping...same issues, but I did make an awesome Chocolate Chip Date Nut Spice Loaf...for recipe, click on to Claudia's Florida friend, @ What's Cookin' Italian Style Cuisine! She has all the old fashioned Italian style recipes, from her dear mom. and grandmother!

Linking my Chocolate Chip Date Nut Spice Loaf to:
  Full Plate Thursday, 12-15-2011 @ Miz Helen's Country Cottage


I was so impressed with this old fashioned Date Nut...(minus the nuts) bread, with chocolate chips, and the dates steeped in Kahlua liquor! ...but as in my case, I had to substitute the Kahlua, for my homemade coffee made instantly, with 3/4 cup cold espresso coffee, 1/4 cup vodka, sweetened with 1 Tbsp. Organic Blue Agave nectar. I added all this to 1cup of halved seedless dates and stored in a Mason jar for overnight!

I remember, Christmas pasts, my Hungarian aunt would make coffee liquor, with vodka, and strong espresso coffee, but it was too sweet, just like any other sweet liquors are. The only time I would have sweet liquors around, if a recipe requires it, but then again...they are way too expensive, and as for vodka, I had to use my son-in-law's, since I don't keep that around, either. I just keep nice bottles of wines...both red, and white! So, now you know what I keep in my liquor cabinet!

Allow me to take you on a fabulous tour and check out the most beautiful Christmas tree...just wait to sample the desserts, as well!

For the past six years, Cafe Sapori has been quite the "spotlight" of Northern Italian cuisine, at affordable prices. It's not often I dine there; even though my son-in-law, Executive Chef Fabrizio, and Francesco, his long time friend own it Can't go there, just unexpectedly, but invitation only...with my daughter Lora, and grandchildren. They are quite busy at this time of the year, and of course during the Florida busy season.

Simple, elegant sign, no flashy neon sign.Tuscan gold color building is easily recognized with beautiful tall neatly manicured shrubs, all around the building, located close to the Intracoastal waterway, which divides West Palm Beach from the island of Palm easy access from the Palm Beacher clientele to find the restaurant, as well as the locals.

The entrance to the restaurant is from the side, since it's located on a busy main road...Southern Blvd. It gives you such an incredible feeling with the beautiful green plants, the happy gold color of the building, the Christmas lights festively and tastefully decorated all around!

So here we are...just look at the healthy and vibrant plants literally growing on the wall. (somebody has a green thumb, around here...which is Fabrizio) He has the same method with gorgeous plants at their home.

note: these photos are all taken with my little Canon flash!

We arrived about 6:15, still early before it gets real busy.
Huge beautiful Christmas tree is the first thing we notice, of course!

I would have loved to dine on the beautiful and charming patio, but my grandchildren wanted to be close to their daddy, popping out from the kitchen to keep checking on use with each portion (I was banned from taking photos of the several courses, so I just sneaked in a few of the most important ones....desserts...yeayyy!)

We were seated at this little corner table...the closest to the kitchen, so my son-in-law could pop in and out to check on us, and the kids couldn't be happier!
(you guessed it, that empty corner seat was patio for me!)...but all was good. Got a good spot of the entire dining room!

Didn't even have to get up from the table...taking photo of the gorgeous tree from the corner where I was sitting!
I noticed an elderly gentleman wearing a Christmas light garland around his neck, with the lights flashing...again, I was cautioned not only by Lora, but Gabby as well!
"Don't take a picture!)...OK, no picture! It was quite a sight, couldn't take my eyes off the flashing lights around his collar. Wonder how his seating companions put up with the distraction?...eventually he shut the flashing lights off!

Now, if you think I'm kidding...I am not...see the finger of my 10yr old granddaughter Gabby? ...what does that mean, Nonna?..."Stop! or was it wait?)...OK, now you've witnessed it for yourself. Three generations of "bossy" females...seriously. All three of us are so alike...

Took a photo of them anyway...while they were smiling for their mommy, but not for me!

I sneaked a photo of one of the appetizers...what seemed to be sliced salame, sauteed with roasted chestnuts, and the most enticing delicious sweet and savory sauce!

...after this, my camera had to be turned off for the main courses...ordered by my daughter, Lora; but in the meantime, I kept telling her "eat"...why are you eating so slow? just kept coming out, and my grandchildren ate everything that was on their plate!

Desserts are stopping me! Grabbed my camera, and took quick photos! We shared all these amazing desserts...most with various gelatos, and semi freddo, also with a coffee creme brulee which was my favorite!

Gabby's favorite and mine too!

Coffee Creme Brulee...with puff pastry and vanilla cream!

This was a traditional cheesecake, with cranberry sauce, and fresh cranberries, sauteed! Lora's favorite!

 Lemon cake with lemon curd...lemon gelato...yumm!!

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. It looks lovely...
    I am so glad you had a wonderful time!!!

  2. Hi Elisabeth, oh.... all the desserts looks so delicious and tempting. I'm drooling now.... LOL
    Thanks for sharing all the beautiful photos, the restaurant looks exclusive and nice environment too. Glad to hear you had a good times. Have a nice day.

  3. That is so nice! Love the looks of all the food. I saw her post on family recipes too. I just love that, just like you often have.

  4. Az étterem és a karácsonyfa gyönyörű, és a tányéron lévő falatkák is, nagyon finomak lehettek!:))
    A karácsonyfa teljesen lenyűgözött, imádom!!!!:))

  5. Csodálatos helyen vacsoráztatok, és nagyon izgalmas lehetett néha lopva, lefotózni az ételek.Nagyon finom lehetett mindegyik. Az unokáid nagyon aranyosak.:)

  6. I don't get to dine at my husband's restaurant, too as he probably expect me to work there more! I'd love to try every single dish at Fabrizio's restaurant, especially the dessert! :DD

  7. Elisabeth= Looks like you had a beautiful evening with your family, and gorgeous desserts. I'm getting hungry now!

  8. I think you made it better than any bread I have seen... yours is so rich and delicous looking what a great shot you have here... next time I may have to ask you for your photos instead! I love them~ thanks so much for linking my post.. yours looks GRANDER~ is that a word? Merry Christmas my West Palm friend :)

  9. I adore Claudia and her dishes..very tasty and authentic..
    and your review is FABULOUS! what a delicious food..Oh I am so hungry now:)) Beautiful photos of your grand-kids!!!

  10. it's ok if you didn't take pictures of the entrees but these desserts ahhh to die for!
    im glad you are enjoying the greatest gifts this season brings... the gifts of love and warmth of being with the family.

    Merry Christmas!

  11. Always love your posts, great photos

  12. Great post! Congrats to Fabrizio the place looks beautiful and the food FANTASTIC! You are one lucky mother-in-law :)

    Have a wonderful weekend and a blessed Christmas.


  13. Hey man, if a guy is wearing a flashing necklace he WANTS his photo taken :)

    Those desserts look outstanding!

  14. Sounds like a wonderful time even if you didn't get to take all the pictures you wanted! The tree is gorgeous! And your spice loaf sounds wonderful!

  15. Yeah, the guy with the flashing lights around his neck is definitely calling for attention! ... or maybe trying to get the attention of a waiter :D
    Nice cosy restaurant. Great food too! Glad the family had such a great meal together. Wishing you and all the furries a Merry Christmas and here's a hug for all!

  16. I can see that you had a really good time there, and how couldn't you? Everything looks so tasty and delicious!

  17. Csodás helyen és csodás desszerteket fogyasztottatok, príma, hogy lefotóztad. Kellenek az ilyen vacsorák-ebédek a családdal. További kellemes adventet-készülődést kívánok!

  18. I'm not ready, either!!! I should be baking, but I had to stop by and say hello! I get those same looks and finger from my family...LOL...glad to know I'm not alone! And what fun to see Fabrizio's restaurant...I love dish you were allowed to show us ;) And those grandchildren of yours are so darn cute!

    Hope you're having a fabulous weekend...Merry Christmas to you, my friend! I hope to be back before the holiday~ xoxo

  19. Your son-in-law's restaurant looks fabulous and those desserts are gorgeous. My aunt and uncle owned an Italian's such hard work. I wish I was ready for Christmas...a little more baking...a little more shopping and a lot of wrapping! Have a merry!!

  20. haha 3 bossy generations!
    The restaurant looks FANTASTIC! All those desserts look remarkably delicious and intriguing.
    Happy Holidays to you and your family too!

  21. Fantasztikusak a képek! A lányok, a fa, a desszertek, köszi ezt a mesés virtuális élményt! :)

  22. Hi Elizabeth,
    This restaurant looks so fabulous and your datenut loaf looks delicious. I just love the addition of dates with all the goodies at Christmas. Hope you are having a great week and thanks so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen
