Saturday, January 14, 2012

Black Beans and Rice...and Cuban Picadillo

Being on WeightWatchers is so much fun, and versatile with all the interesting and delicious foods you can prepare, right out of the cookbook, or get recipes online. Not only that, but you can create your own menus, as long as they are not too fatty, or too much carbs. I love beans, any kind...especially black beans. Here is South Florida we have a huge population of Cuban/Americans that have brought their culture, and cuisine with them to carry on and you can find a Cuban restaurant, or market all around town, here in West Palm Beach, but mostly in Miami!
It's so easy to make Black Beans and Rice, very satisfying with the addition of the Picadillo, which is stirred into the ready made Black Beans and Rice, and if you want to keep it vegetarian...just omit the Picadillo. I will include the basic ingredients for the Picadillo, which is a Cuban hearty ground beef dish, that can be also served with rice, just by itself...combining it with the black beans is really, so hearty and delicious with a simple salad on the side!

Black Beans and Rice
by; Weight Watchers New Complete Cookbook

4 teaspoons olive oil
1 green bell pepper seeded and chopped
1 onion, finely chopped
5-6 garlic, minced
1 (16-ounce) can black beans, rinsed
and drained
1 (14 1/2-ounce) can diced tomatoes
1 cup vegetable stock, or broth
4 teaspoons dry sherry
1 teaspoon finely chopped fresh thyme
or 1/2 teaspoon dried
1 bay leaf
1/4 teaspoon dried oregano
1/4 teaspoon hot red pepper sauce
1/2 cup water
1 teaspoon finely chopped fresh cilantro
Salt and ground black pepper to taste
4 cups cooked white rice

In a medium saucepan, heat the oil. Saute the bell pepper, onion, and garlic, until very soft, about 15 minutes. Stir in the beans, tomatoes, stock, sherry, thyme, bay leaf, oregano, pepper sauce, and water; bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer, stirring occasionally, until the sauce thickens and vegetables are tender, about 45 minutes. If the mixture becomes too thick, add hot water to thin to desired consistency. Stir in the cilantro, and season with the salt and pepper; discard the bay leaf. Serve over the rice. Makes 4 servings.
Points Value: 9

Note: with the addition of the picadillo, another 3, or 4 points are added. What I did, was have my usual coffee at breakfast, and ate an entire grapefruit (0 points)...NO OATMEAL...I saved my 4 points to have the Picadillo

For the Picadillo:
Saute 1 medium onion, 4 cloves chopped garlic, in small amt. of olive oil. Add 3/4 cup tomato sauce, 3/4 cup beef broth, 1 teaspoon oregano, 1 teaspoon cumin, few dashes of red hot sauce, and simmer for about 30 minutes. Stir in 8 to 10 pimento stuffed green olive (you can cut them in half) and chopped cilantro. Simmer for an additional 15 minutes. You can serve them over rice, or add, and stir in with the Black Beans and Rice.

Linking to: Cookbook Sundays @ Couscous & Consciousness

On a lighter, and brighter note: Thank you all, for your caring, and kind comments regarding my kitty, Prince, who is just about 19 years old now...Last week, I almost had to put him down, at the urging of my vet, Dr. Eric. Since Prince's eyesight came back, after mysteriously losing it for several hours (still a mystery) his pupils totally covered his beautiful green eyes, which disappeared into 2 total black eyes...lasted for hours, me...comforting him, the next morning, after a total sleepless night, it came back, but, since last week, he is eating well, and is his "old" sweet, and calm self...just taking one-day at a time. Dr. Eric is out of town for 5 days, and I will have to take him to his colleague vet, if an emergency should happen...otherwise, we are just fine! Thank God!

Last, but not least...I do want to pass this beautiful award that I received from my dear friend, Amelia to 6 wonderful food blogger friends...hopefully, they will pay this forward to at least 8 to 10 deserving food bloggers. The only reason I'm passing this on to 6 food bloggers, is...because since the last year, or two...I have received just about every award out there on the Internet, and faithfully passed it only have about a handful of bloggers to even acknowledge that they received it...never mind, passing it on! So now, I am passing it on to 6 food bloggers from 3 different countries, including the United States...they are all well deserving participants, and my dear followers/friends!

All you have to do, is to copy, and paste...mention who it came from, and pass it on to at least, 6 to 10 bloggers of  your choice, who you think are deserving of this. Thank you Amelia, and thanks to all of you, dear all deserve an award, so please consider yourself being awarded...take the award, and pass it on!
Hugs, to all!

Gizi- @ Gizi Receptjei- from Hungary
Wanna @ Relaxotour-from Hungary
Csilla @ Csilla Konyhája -from Hungary

Jo @ChicGeorgious- from Malaysia
Ping@ Ping's Pickings- from Malaysia

Beth @Baking and Cooking, A Tale of Two Loves-from the United States
Lyndsey @ Tiny Skillet-from the United States

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. the black beans look really good and sound delicous, I'm so glad you beautiful kitty is feeling better, its a hard thing to lose a cherished friend such as yours, I know because i have been in your shoes,

  2. Delicious rice and beans. I need to try Picadillo. Hope your kitty Prince is doing well now.

  3. Such a healthy dish love black beans

  4. Nagyon finom lehet ez a babos étel, gyönyörű fotókat készítettél róla!
    Örülök, hogy a cica meggyógyult.
    Gratulálok a díjhoz!

  5. Nagyon gusztusos étel, és szeretem a bab és rizs kombinációt! Gratulálok a díjhoz!
    A receptet elvittem.

  6. I love the look of this dish. Beans and rice are always such a wonderful combination, and I am intrigued by the picadillo which I have never heard of before but an eager to try.
    Sue :-)

  7. I love black beans, I'm always looking for recipes for them and this looks wonderful. WW is always healthy but they manage to make everything tasty as well.

    I hope your little kitty keeps feeling well and happy.

  8. Beans and rice seem always great together. With a little bit of picadillo would be even better for me.

  9. Én még nem ettem eddig ebben a párosításban, de ki fogom próbálni:)

  10. Hey, thank you so much for another award, Elisabeth. I receive this with mixed feelings ... happy that you're always so thoughtful of me and think that I deserve being called inspirational (really?) and sad to know that it's just a matter of a short time before Prince has to go and keep the big man upstairs company. It's good that he's given you so many wonderful years but it's never enough, is it? I'm gonna stop talking now before I start bawling. (I'm also thinking of my other kitty who was with us for too short a time). Hugging you to bits!

  11. Elisabeth-Thank you so much for the award. I am honored to be the recipient of this award from you. I will pass this along, soon.

    Such good news about Prince!

    Your Black Beans and Rice with the Cuban Picadillo sounds good. I'm putting it on my to make list~

    Have a wonderful Sunday

  12. Kedves Elisabeth!
    Nagyon-nagyon köszönöm a díjat!!!!! Nagy megtiszteltetés ez számomra, hogy éppen engem találtál méltónak arra, hogy megajándékozzál vele. Éppen beteg vagyok, lehangolt, de most nagyon örülök, és feledem a betegséget. Már gondolkodom is, hogy kiknek ajándékozzam tovább.

    Nagyon finom salátákat készítesz. Ez a fekete bab saláta is nagyon tetszik, elfogom én is készíteni. Igaz kicsit változtatnom kell rajta, mert nincs fekete babom, de vörös lencsét fogok helyette használni. Szerinted azzal is elkészíthetem???

    Nagyon sajnálom a cicádat. Szegényke elég öreg már, de reménykedjünk, hogy még sokáig kényeztetheted. (én 2 éve vesztettem el a drága kutyusomat, és nagyon hiányzik, minden este gyertyát gyújtok érte)

  13. Hi Elisabeth - just stopped by again to stay thanks for sharing this at Cookbook Sundays :-)

  14. Weigh Watchers ain't what it used to be! It's great that there are so many ways to eat beautifully without too many extras! I love these beans and rice -- always have a can of black beans in the pantry.
    Such great news about yourPrince!

  15. This black beans and rice dish looks fabulous! I would love to be eating it right now for dinner! I am going to try this one soon.

  16. OOO black beans and rice, I only had this similar combination once and it was really good. Am definitely bookmarking all your weight watchers recipe. Truly inspirational and keep up the good work and yeayy!! to losing 3lbs. Fantastic!! A new year with new you. I just manage to hop on will be catching up on reading for this week. THANKS SO MUCH for the mention and award my friend. Be sure to check it on my next post. Not the current one I just posted today ;). Take care now!! Huggggsssss

  17. Yes, thanks god for the miracle for Prince! Cat has 9 lives, and long life for Prince, the royal Prince!

  18. Elisabeth this looks wonderful...healthy too!

    Prince is so beautiful...thank God for miracles! xo

  19. Hi Elisabeth, thank you for the mention, you're welcome. My dear friend, you absolutely deserve this award.

    Your prince is so cute, keep finger cross he will be ok.

    And your beans and rice look extremely delicious, love the combination and very colorful too. Wish I can have some now, LOL
    Have a nice day.

  20. Mouthwatering here, the picture itself tempts me a lot.

  21. Hello Elisabeth, köszönöm a díjat, nagyon örülök neki, ahogy korábban is írtam egy szakember dícsérete különösen értékes számomra.
    A mai recepted is szép és jó, mint mindig,

  22. i love rice and beans. delicious and healthy dinner here. :D and i didn't know grapefruit would be considered zero points?? crazy!

  23. This black beans and rice dish looks amazingly delicious, can't believe it's from Weight Watchers! Sounds like you're doing great on the new regime, congratulations!

  24. What a yummy black bean dish! You are doing such a great service to those watching their calories...showing that Weight Watchers food doesn't have to be bland and boring. I'm SO glad your sweet Prince is better...what a scare. And congrats on yet another blog award...I think you've won them all! That says a lot, my friend. Have a great week...

  25. Very yummy looking! It helps when you're on a diet to have visually appealing food, with some zip to it. Beans are so good for us and very versatile. Glad to hear your Prince is doing better :)

  26. Great Combination, very festive colors and I have to say I love beans even though can't eat them like I use to. Love your recipe!
    also I am happy that your kitty is doing better, I know he have all the care and love from you! Congrats on the award!!!
    wishing you lovely week ahead!

  27. What a beautiful combination of flavors and healthy choice! I hope your Prince will do better day by day!

  28. Elisabeth, thank you so much for the award. I will do my best to pass it on.

    Here in southwest Florida we have large amount of Cuban infuence as well. We love black beans and rice and it's a mainstay at out house. I love how you can bring a whole pot to a gathering. I brought some to the Super Bowl Party last year. (I don't know if I ever posted it or not) :) I like the green olives in your picadillos, makes it special.

    I know what you are going through living with an elderly pet (family member). Our dog in 15 and his hearing is almost gone and his eye sight is starting to fail him now, but he still thinks he is a puppy. To think he used to run miles and miles with my husband. Good to hear that Prince is doing better.

  29. I am glad that you are enjoying the weight watchers programme. The beans and rice look delicious. I adore black beans too though it's a shame I don't eat it that often. That needs top change I reckon.
    I am also very very pleased that Price is doing better. I hope he'll get better day by day.

  30. Hi Elisabeth! First, since it's been so long, Happy New Year! Second, I love the quote you added to the top of your blog. Third, I love the combination of flavors in this dish! Sorry to hear about Prince. I'm sure it was a difficult time for you after being together for 19 years. I didn't think cats lived that long, actually. Well, I'm glad he's with you and I'm sure he's great company - from photos I've seen of him with you while you work on your computer I should say that I know he's great company.

  31. I am so happy about Prince, but strange with the eye sight have not heard of that happening before.
    I adore beans and rice, and love those olives in there, what a nice touch :)

  32. I'm impressed that these weightwatchers meals look so tasty. Love all the flavours in here.
