Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Time for Reality Check....Chicken Soup for the Soul!

Chicken Soup for Flavor, Comfort, and for the Soul is always a welcome, whether you are on a diet...or not, but just enjoying  a nice cup, or bowl  of fresh homemade chicken soup!

As you know, I have announced my diet to the whole world, and also mentioned which kind of diet I am pursuing~
Well, I still stick to my WeightWatchers Diet that I lost 35 lbs in 3 months, which was 7 yrs ago, and have gained the weight back...only. because I just did not care, or keep track of what I'm actually eating...and that does add up over months and not fool yourself, because, it does make a difference to keep track of what you are eating!
I think good home made soup is the best therapy for the soul, and also for a healthy DIET! Since I chose Weight Watchers Diet online, this time...knowing my point system, this is the best, of the best chicken noodle soup recipe that I already have been making for years, and years, but you can always revise it!  As long as you have the basic chicken soup (stock recipe) you can always revise it to your liking! The best part of it, this is acceptable on every diet you have decided to join!

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Hi Elisabeth, this soup looks so delicious. Thanks so much for sharing the recipe because I am certainly going to make a big pot of it this week. Happy New Year also. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris

  2. Istenem, micsoda színek! Hát ez tényleg lélekmelengető!:) És a háttérben pázsit meg virágok!!! Bárcsak félméteres hó lenne itt a pázsit helyett, és nem köd, latyak, sár.:(

  3. Hi Elisabeth, I love the soup, looks superb. And lovely presentation of the soup outside the garden, wish I can join you and would you mind to share a bowl with me, please! LOL
    Congratulation on losing 1 ibs in 2 day, I wish I can so I'm also trying very hard over here. hahaha

    I have a inspiration award for you, please claim from my blog. Have a nice day.

  4. I love to have soup during my lunch. i am going to try your great recipe. it sure looks delicious!

  5. Going to make some soup for the lunch today too. I love your chicken soup, but mine will be a simple tomato soup.
    1lbs in 2 days...that sounds really good to me. Did you cut your hair?

  6. Oh, ez a leves valami fantasztikusan néz ki!
    Gratulálok az eredményedhez, így tovább! :)

  7. Super satisfying soup, simply inviting.

  8. Csodaszép színei vannak annak a levesnek:)

  9. Oooo ... this is getting serious, taking pictures and all.
    Well, I could go for this soup for sure, not a problemo.
    1 lb in 2 days ... gosh, at this rate, you'll disappear in no time!

  10. wow, good for you taking pictures and sharing your progress with us. that is a huge step! don't give up! and the soup looks delicious~ i love homemade chicken noodle soup!

  11. Both soups look amazing but I bet yours tastes much

    Good luck!!!

  12. happy new year Elisabeth! After spending 10 days over there in FL of eating and laughing during the holidays(aka spending time with family) I need this soup to start off my "diet" mode. Yes i need to do it and DO IT NOw haha...
    How's it been? I hope you had a wonderful holiday.

  13. Beautiful soup! I make chicken/veg soup quite often - we are off carbs, so no noodles (I miss them) just extra chicken in lieu.
    I envy you your green grass and flowers :)

  14. Way to be accountable!!! You are a brave soul...and I applaud you!!!! Excellent soup, too...I could eat it day after day!

  15. Your soup looks delicious. I actually just joined WW again too.. today is day 3!!! I am so excited you have points values for the soup.. perfect for me. Keep up the good work.. you (and I) can do it :)

  16. I need to loose 35 too! I love your soup, it looks SUPER delicious! I wish you the best in your new diet.


  17. Sound like you are well on your way to becoming the you that you would like to be. Happy New Years, and looking forward to seeing a skinny new you.

  18. Elisabeth soup looks delicious. Glad that you are losing weight, may be it take some time but you can reach the goal.

  19. Hi Elizabeth, the soup is excellent. I was sick during New Year's Eve and I too made some chicken soup. Good luck with the diet, keep up the good work!

  20. Csodálatos látvány ez a lélekmelegítő leves!!! Csodálatos képek. További erőt és kitartást a diétázáshoz. Én is két napja finom húslevesen élek, holnap pedig halat készítek. Igaz most éppen korog a gyomrom, és éhes vagyok, na de megyek iszom egy pohár vizet, és majd csak elmúlik.:))

  21. Hi Elizabeth, I am such a soup person that no matter how full I am, my stomach always has room for some soup but most of the time, I can just have soup as a meal and that will full me up as well. Losing weight has to do with diet, exercise and mental, you're doing great!

  22. Elizabeth, Your soup does look good, and comforting to the soul. Good Luck on wight Watcher's plan. You are off to a good start!

  23. I've been making a lot of soup lately. Yours looks terrific!

  24. What a great and delicious way to start a healthier new year! Thank you for sharing yet another delectable post. I'm exhausted after my first day back from vacation, but happy to be reading your words and seeing your eats! I hope you are doing well, my friend. I'm excited to see how your diet goes!

  25. well that soup looks wonderful, I also lost 35 pounds 3 years ago, I have now officially gained it all back, I have strated back on the weightloss road, did you find your hair became thin losing that much weight so quickly, mine did and theysaid it was becasuue I didn't eat enough protien, I don't see how that can be, good luck to you,, very brave you are, sharing with the world, but it gives you lots of supporters, you still look lovely even with the extra pounds,

  26. Ez a leves színeiben, ízeiben valóban erőt adó testnek és léleknek egyaránt.
    Bejegyzésed címe megegyezik egy könyvemnek a címével,mely olyan történetek gyüjteménye, melyek valahogy erőt adnak, lelket öntenek belénk életünk sötét pillanataiban.
    Talán ismered te is, Jack Canfield és Mark Victor Hansen válogatása.

  27. Ez tényleg csodás, gazdag leves, sok finomság van benne! Imádom a húslevest, télen-nyáron!

  28. Excelente sopa luce hermosa y tentadora ,es muy reconfortante,tienes razón recupera el alma,abrazos hugs,hugs.

  29. A beautiful, beautiful soup.

    Good luck to you in your weight loss goal. WW is a great diet.

    Happy New Year!

  30. Hi Elisabeth! Diet or no diet this soup looks outrageously good to me right now!
    I'm loving the papardelle noodles in the soup;-)
    Good luck with your healthy diet, I won't tell you the horrible thing I ate last night, feeling sorry for myself because of having dental surgery yesterday!
    I promise to follow your example and be good today;-)

  31. Oh, am I craving some of that chicken soup! It is so cold here and it would be so nice to sit down to a big bowl of homemade soup! It looks incredibly delicious! Have a great weekend, Elizabeth!

  32. Perfect comfort food. Thank you for sharing.Thank you for participating in the Thursday Favorite things hop and for always sharing with your readers. I hope you made some new bloggy friends. Hoping your weekend is a sweet one xo P.S. did you enter the pink poodle giveaway?

  33. Happy New Year Elisabeth! You are off to a great start!! Soup is definitely good for the soul & your recipe sounds just perfect :) Hope you have a great weekend!!

  34. Your soup looks wonderful! Congrats on the making the commitment to eat better and lose weight!

  35. laughing over your title right now... reminded me of those chicken soup for the (fill in the blank)'s soul i read when i was younger.

  36. Beautiful looking soup Elisabeth , I love soups and this one looks really delish and healthy :) .

  37. I just had sausage and ham soup over the weekend. I can't wait to devour in this simple flavourful chicken soup. Yumm.. it is certainly comforting to the soul. I just love the combination taste of celery and carrot and fresh herbs. Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmm... Hugggsss..

  38. i have been in such a soup mood lately.....going to have to try looks absolutely wonderful

  39. Hey Elisabeth, this is a beautiful and classic soup...I have not made one in awhile and need to make some for my family :)

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