Friday, February 10, 2012

Oven Roasted Tomato Crostini...and with Rigatoni

When you have a beautiful loaf of homemade bread, and red ripe tomatoes, what could be better, than a "fresh bruschetta topped" or an Oven Roasted (fresh) Tomato Crostini? ...knowing that you have the best extra virgin olive oil, and chopped garlic, and have a batch of fresh basil, you're all set! You don't even need to waste electricity to roast them in your big oven. Your handy toaster oven will do the job for you!
This past week has not been a very successful one, as far as cooking, or baking from my Weight Watchers cookbook...simply, because of last weekend which was the NFL Super Bowl weekend! Missed my WW meeting, didn't keep track of my points, only knowing by now, how much points each item has, that I eat. For instance, one crostini with the roasted tomato topping is 5 points, which is not a lot, but having 2 of these, you're up to 10 points, granted it's very, delicious, and a satisfying snack, but I literally had this for lunch, which was OK. The worst part of the weekend, was, the Super Bowl Sunday, not because I ate too's what I ate. BBQ ribs, twice baked potato, pasta with clams, and for dessert, a slice of Tiramisu! That means, the next following days, I gained back 2 lbs. so now, I'm 3 lbs away from my goal of the 10 lbs loss...sad, but true! Although I hit the gym again...just have to get back to my routine, and stay with the program.
"Kill two birds with one stone" Roasted Tomato Crostini, and Roasted Tomato Rigatoni

Oven Roasted Tomato Crostini
my own recipe

4 to 6 medium ripe tomatoes, or
6 to 8 ripe Roma tomatoes
halved, and cut into quarters
salt and pepper to taste
dried herbs, such as basil, oregano, thyme
2 to 4Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
chopped garlic (optional)

(I didn't add the chopped garlic when roasting tomatoes, I added it to the crostini. You can add it when roasting tomatoes)

Line a small baking pan with aluminum foil, (dull side up)
Place your tomato pieces, and sprinkle with the salt, pepper and spices, and drizzle the extra virgin olive oil on them. Bake in a 375 F. degree oven, for about 45 minutes.

(I used a toaster oven, so simple, and less space used, easier clean-up, and saves electricity)

This is how they will look like after 45 minutes. Almost all of the oil soaked up, just the perfect texture, and incredible sweet flavor. Not using the garlic while you roast them gives them the true sweet flavor. Garlic tends to overpower them while roasting. Use garlic afterwards, if you like, according to taste!

All you do afterwards is, set the tomatoes in a dish with a rim, or in a small bowl, add a little more extra virgin olive oil, adjust seasoning. You can add fresh chopped herbs at this time, and a touch of balsamic vinegar if you like.

I also added some to cooked rigatoni pasta, with some of my leftover chickpeas, and shaved Parmigiana cheese!
It was the best topping for a simple, healthy and delicious pasta, I could think of at the moment:DDD
Points value for the pasta: 7 points

For the Crostini:

Chop  a few cloves of garlic, place them in a small ramekin, add about 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil to it, and you have a nice garlic spread. Spread some of that lightly on a nice thin slice of crusty bread, spoon some of the roasted tomatoes on, and on a 350 F aluminum foil lined baking sheet, bake for about 10-12 minutes. Roll about 3 fresh basil leaves, and cut them into thin slices (chiffonade) ...scatter them on top, just before serving. You can also add shaved Parmigiana on the crostini, as well.
Do not add the basil when baking the crostini, or it will darken or burn!

This is the most difficult part...paying forward the awards! Not just because of the length of time it takes, to link it to the blogger you want to give it to, but because I do feel everyone deserves it...but knowing that, if I should mention, as a lot of others have mentioned in the past. Please feel free to accept it, and keep it, or pass it on, BUT...there's a catch to that. You don't see you name on the list, and you say to yourself..."hmmm, why should I bother with this? name isn't on the list!" I've had that happen to me quite a few times, and almost thinking..."no, I can't take this award, it wasn't meant for me!"...and so, it goes!

This time, I'm doing this differently...very differently!The persons that have mentioned the award...and I know all of you have noticed it, but did not problem! Can't mention every little detail; but those of you, who did...other than the bloggers that the award came from, you will be awarded this award, and ...thereafter, who comments on it, as well...any blogger that would like to grab it, and pay it forward! As long as you can read Hungarian, or Russian
No Rules apply...just please accept it with my BEST WISHES, and BIG HUGS!...pass it on to as few, or as many as you would like to, just be sure to link it...(good luck with that'll be linking for hours if you do 10)

Congratulations, on the well deserved award:DDD
According to the comments on my previous post, in their order:

Kathy @ Bakeaway With Me
Jill @ Dulce Dough
Marsha @ The Harried Cook
Amelia @ Amelia's De-sserts
Christine @ Christine's Pantry
Maria, and Xara @ Cookendfeed
Ping @ Ping's Pickings
Erzsebet @ Troll a Konyhámban
Lizzy @ That Skinny Chick Can Bake!!!
Nancy @ Kitchen Gypsies

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Hi Elisabeth, Let me be the first to say that this looks and sounds divine! A wonderfully healthy topping for pasta for sure. Don't get too hard on yourself for the occasional slip-up, you certainly had a good reason and it's pretty hard to be cooking and then watching everyone else eating without indulging a bit yourself - it's to be expected. You'll get back yourself back on track :)

  2. Your oven roasted tomatoes look amazing!!! Of course the crostini is the best when you use homemade bread and roasted tomatoes! YUM! And you are right you can use it for pasta too. Great tip on not adding the basil when baking the crostini!

  3. Istenien néz ki, és el tudom képzelni, hogy milyen finom lehet igazi napérlelte paradicsomból:) Amit itt lehet most kapni, az nem is paradicsom ízű:) Na meg a házi rozskenyér sem semmi, egyébként holnap készülök megsütni a rozskenyeredet:)

  4. LOVE those oven-roasted tomatoes! These crostini must have tasted heavenly.

  5. Unfortunately all the tomatoes I can buy here right now are very tasteless.I would love to have this dish tonight, but it will have to wait until later in the year. Non to be found under the heavy snow blanket.

  6. Akárcsak a bruschetta, a crostini is nagy kedvenc nálunk. Egyszerű, gyors, finom. Igazán szép lett!

  7. Nagyon szeretem a bruschettát, és amit Te készítettél az csakis nagyon finom lehet. ÓÓÓÓÓ, azok a csodálatosan szép piros paradicsomok!!! Itt nálunk még bizony sokáig kell várni rá.Ugyan a zöldségesnél lehet venni, de az ízetlen, éretlen, na és kitudja mivel kezelték, hogy ennyire is beérjen. Már alig várom a tavaszt, és akkor palántázok a kertbe paradicsomot, na és akkor én is készíthetek megint ilyen finomságos ételeket.:)

  8. Looks so summery and delicious!

  9. oooo, this sounds amazing, you'll lose that 2 lbs,, probably water weight,

  10. These tomatoes are GORGEOUS! I have never oven-roasted them myself...must remedy taht!

  11. The oven-roasted tomatoes look SO good... I've never tried doing that, but I must! Looks so flavorful... Thanks for sharing this great recipe, Elisabeth!

  12. I can have bruschetta anytime of the day ... and night :D Even better with your fabulous homemade rye bread!
    Thank you a million and one times for the award! Good things deserves to be mentioned, no?
    Love the pic ... so deliciously colorful!

  13. Crostini looks great.

    Thank you so much Elisabeth for the award. I truly appreciate it.

  14. OH I did miss the award! Thank you, Elisabeth! I really appreciate it and accept it gladly! :)

  15. I love these crostinis! They looks so great!

  16. Your oven toasted tomatoes look fabulous...I can eat all of it at one go...I tried it once and charred a whole lot...reading your recipe is tempting me to try again. Have a lovely weekend :-)

  17. Elisabeth, Nagyon köszönöm a díjakat, megtiszteltél vele:)Jó hétvégét:)

  18. Oh, I just know you will get back on track...we can't be perfect every single day. Keep strong, my friend!!! But I can see why you'd eat two of these gorgeous, delicious crostini!! And thanks so much for passing on TWO wonderful blogger awards...I am so touched, as always, with your kindness. Have a great weekend, my friend! xo

  19. Húúú, ezt a kenyeret én is szívesen megkóstolnám, persze könnyű ilyen szépet sütni, egy olyan kiskuktával! :)))
    Kedves Elisabeth! Köszönöm szépen, a szavaidat, és meg is ragadom az alkalmat, hogy átadjak Neked ismét egy aranyos díjat, fogadd szeretettel. :)))

  20. when i landed on your page and saw the first photo im like "omg this looks amazing!" and then i wandered if it's WW friendly... but we all need a break right and get back to the "routine" again. Don't worry you'll get that goal achieved soon... i just know it!
    happy weekend my friend!


  21. Hi Elisabeth, congrat on your awards, you truly deserved it. Thank you so much for passing the award to me. I really love both of then, they are so cute. Thanks again for thinking of me.
    I'd not eaten crostini but yours look delicious and appetizing. Lovely pictures too. Happy weekend.

    With hugs and warm regards to my dear friend.

  22. Love this kind of dish Elisabeth, it's one of my favourite things to eat - your crostini look really amazing.

    You will get back on track my friend, I've been there, holidays are challenging to say the least. I think you're doing brilliantly in any case!

  23. Hi Elisabeth!
    I loved this dish and your crostini!
    Thanks for sharing.
    Have a wonderful week!

  24. Elisabeth,
    Gorgeous, mouth watering crostini. I would eat this for for lunch, for sure.
    When we have good tomatoes in the summer, we make crostini often. Next time we will roast the tomatoes.

    Congratulations on your awards! Have a great Sunday!

  25. Elisabeth,
    Stay the course on your WW, and you will be fine. Don't be so ahrd on yourself.

  26. Hang in there Elisabeth, you're almost to your goal!
    Thanks for reminding me how much I love oven roasted tomatoes- always a good time to find tomatoes and enjoy them roasted.
    Hope you have a great week and like Becky said, don't be too hard on yourself;-)

  27. Hi Elisabeth,how could one resist eating delicious things, especially on super-bowl day?Don't worry, the weight will just melt once you're back on the program..Thank you so much for the award,Maria and I really appreciate it..Have a very Happy Valentine's Day!

  28. I absolutely agree with you, if you have the right ingredients the bruschetta is the best thing to do! Yours look mouthwatering Elisabeth! I am on a diet too and sometimes I simply cannot resist to certain food and sweets!

  29. awwww Elisabeth....Queen of Reds and love...Happy V day! long live love and mush mush!!

  30. Hello Elisabeth, I love this bruschetta recipe! It's very chic and tasty! The oven roasted tomatoes sound divine! I have never cooked tomatoes like that before , but I definitely want to try. I really enjoy reading your blog! I am learning so much from you, you are an amazing cook! I have added you to Carmen's Kitchen Friend list!

  31. Sorry--forgot to say that your crostini looks wonderful! I am going to give this a try this summer when we have tomatoes from our garden. And--thank you for the award!

  32. Oh I haven't visited in a while..I miss you posts and yes very very yummy recipes!!! This one is absolutely amazing! What a great color and I have feeling it's so delicious!!!!

  33. Elizabeth, Your crostini looks amazing...I love oven roasted tomatoes! Thanks so much for the award!

  34. Such a delightful crostini! And I adore roasted tomatoes, always :)
    I am always a bit, or so behind, but noticed that you have changed your site...looks great!
    Congratulations on your awards and to your recipients :)

  35. I keep coming back to your roasted tomatoes Elisabeth, what a gorgeous sight these are, this would be definitely wasted on winter ones from the store - I have summer on my mind... the snow is almost gone. It will be awhile before summer pickings begin in my part of the world… sigh.
