Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Easter Menu Suggestions...and Awards!

Homemade Garlic Rolls

These amazing homemade garlic rolls, filled with fresh herbs and lots of garlic may not be the appropriate type of rolls for Easter, but I assure you everyone will love it as an appetizer to start a fabulous Easter Sunday early dinner...or lunch
I've had the pleasure of being invited to join in the fun, from two of my lovely and talented food blogger friends, from Hungary, to feature 10 different suggestions from appetizers to desserts for Easter. Petra @ Reformkori Konyha. Also, Katalin @ Katalin Konyhája... were so kind and gracious to invite me that I was so thrilled to participate... I appreciate the offer.
 At the same time I will also mention the sweet award I received from two other talented, friends, that I will pay forward!
I am starting with some appetizers, and make my way to the desserts from my blog!

Arancini di Riso-Sicilian Rice Balls
Arancini di Riso-Sicilian Rice Balls
A closeup of the Arancini di Riso-Sicilian Rice Balls, so incredible, filled with ground beef in sauce, cooked rice, and a cube of mozzarella cheese, breaded, and fried to perfection, served with fresh Marinara sauce. Absolute comfort food for any occasion!
Beautiful Braised Lamb Shank, served over basic Risotto son-in-law Fabrizio's contribution, from Easter Sunday, 2011~
Teresa's Zucchini Quiche
Teresa's Zucchini Quiche...also from last year's Easter. According to Italian have to have an egg dish, or at least some type of eggs, for Easter!

Gingered Soba Noodles with Spicy Tofu
For Vegan lover's delight...Gingered Soba Noodles with Spicy Tofu. This was awesome...your don't have to be Vegan to enjoy, and really love this dish!
...and for dessert, may I suggest?
Carrot Pineapple Cake

New York Style Cheesecake
Fresh Strawberry Tart

 Angelfood Cake with Fresh Berries

This is the perfect time to mention the awards, that I received...and not passed on. My previous one, from my dear friend Amelia @ Amelia's De-sserts, and another recent one from a new friend,Carmen @ Carmen's Kitchen.

I would like to pass these awards on to Petra, and Katalin, who have invited me to join in the FUN GAME...for the Easter Menu Suggestions. Thank you once again, Amelia, and thank you Carmen!

Thanks to all othes who have presented me with awards, that I have already received in the past. as well!

I would love to link everybody, but again, from Amelia @ Amelia's De-sserts ...presenting these two beautiful awards to Petra, Katalin, and Carmen...incidentally, the roses, I personally "hand picked" from Amelia, and asked her if I could keep it as an award!

Also, the Happy Blogger Award, that I received from Carmen, that is so cute, and I am so honored to have been chosen as a participant to receive this awesome award. Thank you Carmen...again, back to Petra, and Katalin, and Amelia!

Köszönöm szépen Katalin, és Petra, a kedves meghivást, a Husvéti ajánlat játékra...fogadjátok szerettel el, a dijakat tőlem, és adjátok át akinek szeretnétek!

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. oh my gosh this all looks so good yummo!!!

  2. Buona Pasqua my friend spectacular round up I just am amazed on the wonderful cook, mom and friend to everyone, a very well deserved award!

  3. Congratulation with your award.

    Great planning for your Easter feast! I will choose the fresh strawberry tart for dessert... YUM!

  4. What a menu for the Easter. I am liking your Sicilian rice balls and I am going to try these.
    BTW Congrats on all the awards, I know its the hard part to link and share, when every blogger does amazing job with their posts.

  5. Oh, everything looks delish, Lizzie...I'm especially loving Teresa's quiche and your strawberry tart!!! And, darn it, I still haven't made your fabulous. Wishing you a blessed Easter with your family!!! xoxo

  6. Oh, I was just wondering what people who celebrate Easter eat as a main meal and here you are with a ton of yummies! I have my eye on the rice balls. I'll definitely try that out once things are more settled here. Happy Easter, dear friend!

  7. Everything looks good, what a wonderful spread of food for Easter! Congratulations on your awards and have a wonderful Easter with your lovely family;-)

  8. What an amazing array of good food, Elisabeth! Those sicilian rice balls look so yummy! :) No wonder you're being showered with awards :) Congrats! :)

  9. Yum...... You got me drooling looking at all the gorgeous food Elisabeth *slurp * . Congratz on your awards and happy Easter :D,

  10. Everything looks absolutely delicious!!!
    I just had my dinner and now I am again drooling like a hungry soul!!!
    Wishing you a very Happy Easter!!!

  11. This is where I want to be this Easter. Surrounded by all of the delicious food on this page. I better start cooking!

  12. Hi Elisabeth! Hmmm I know where to dine for the Easter... YOUR home! :-) So nice that you have so many recipes to share for the Easter. I like the picture of Arancini di Riso-Sicilian Rice Balls. Looks so delicious Elisabeth! Happy Easter!

  13. Happy Easter to you! These dishes are awesome for Easter! The garlic rolls are my favourite. :)

  14. Thank you for such great photos it made me smile.

  15. I love seeing all your gorgeous recipes. Happy Easter dear Elisabeth! And congrats on your awards :)

  16. Elisabeth nagyon szép a menüsorod, egyik szebb mint a másik, finomak lehetnek.
    Köszönöm a díjakat, örülök, hogy rám is gondoltál.
    Nagyon szép, boldog húsvétot kívánok neked és családodnak!

  17. Hi Elisabeth, congratulation with the cute awards. I'm very honored to pass the beautiful roses and the circles of friends award to you and you truly deserve it my dear.

    Thank you for the mention and again passing me the Happy Blogger Awards, this is so cute and I love it.

    Thank you for posting so many delicious, mouth watering, awesome dishes and dessert. And all the pictures are so well taken.

    Happy Easter to oyu and your family. *hugs*

  18. What time did you say dinner's being served? An amazing spread - I think I just gained about five pounds, lol! Everything looks delicious - I'd most like to try... a bit of everything :)

  19. mmmmm...those garlic rolls have me salivate terribly..and I have a huge grin on my face staring at those beautiful cakes!!
    Have a fun Easter!

  20. wow what a wonderful roundup. i can't believe there is rice inside a meatball! crazy. my family doesn't really celebrate easter with a huge dinner (nor christmas for that matter). we go to church for service, but no big family shabang. hehe. have a great weekend!

    1. Junia-this is not a meatball, it's meat peas and cheese inside the RICE BALL...just the other way around.
      We have a big celebration for Easter...all day eating...LOL

  21. Hú, micsoda pazar ajánlat:) Nekem is egy nagyon hasonló répatorta receptem van, nagyon finom:)Nagyon vidám, békés Húsvétot kívánok:)

  22. Elisabeth, remek a húsvéti ételajánlód! Nekem különösen tetszik a szicíliai rizsgolyók, meg a friss epertorta.
    A gyönyörű rózsacsokor illatát pedig érzem.

  23. Gratulálok a díjazáshoz, megérdemled! remek menüsort készítettél!!!!! Kellemes Húsvéti ünnepeket Neked és családodnak, szeretetben!!!! :)

  24. Elisabeth, remek húsvéti menüt állítottál nekünk össze, szívesen végigkóstolnám mindet. Csodálatosak a rózsáid, szinte érzem az illatukat. Gratulálok a díjaidhoz!!!

    Kellemes Húsvéti Ünnepeket Kívánok Az Egész Családnak!!!! (a lányoknak sok locsolót,már ha Nálatok is szokás a locsolkodás) Puszillak

  25. Csodás menü! Gratulálok a díjakhoz! Boldog húsvétot! Happy Easter!Hugs Anna

  26. Congratulations for the award,Elisabeth!All your Easter suggestions are truly mouth watering!Wish you and your family a great Easter weekend!!!XO

  27. Every single thing on this post is amazing....thank you for reminding me that I must make those garlic rolls!!!! And the arancini, that's been on my "bucket list" for a while now....going to get to that very soon!!!!! oh bella, I hope you are feeling much better, I am sending all my love and prayers and wishing you a very blessed and very happy Resurrection Sunday celebration xoxo j

  28. Elisabeth, these are mouthwatering recipes, so good for a family gathering...and maybe a friend from the other side of the state that happens to drop in at dinner time!!! :D I can't get over the amazing garlic rolls...I think I can smell the aroma from here.

    BTW, thanks so much for your help the other day I think I took care of problem and you should be able to see my blog without any interruption!!

  29. Fantasztikus a menü, de nem is vártam mást! A bárányra szavazok és a sok-sok tortára.... :)))))) A többi meg jöhet szép sorban. :))))
    Nagyon szépen köszönöm a díjakat, és az illatos rózsákat. Igazán kedves vagy.
    Kellemes húsvéti ünnepeket kívánok nektek! :))))

  30. Oh my mouth is watering over every single dish on this post! I especially love the look of the arancini and the garlic rolls...and the lamb shanks...and...and... :) Elisabeth, I hope you and yours are enjoying the beauty of His gift as we reflect on the resurrection! Love and blessings!!!

  31. Hi Elisabeth, what a lovely post! You are very welcome. It was really my pleasure to share the Happy Blogger Award with you! You blog makes me very happy! Thank you so much for sharing the beautiful roses award and the circles of friends award with me. You have totally made my day!!!!!!! I'm truly honored. Have a very happy Easter! Carmen x (sorry it took me so long to respond! I have been terribly busy this week!:-))

  32. Gorgeous menu…The garlic rolls look amazing!
