Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Very Berry...oh, so Good Shortcakes

I am so way behind with commenting, and even my posting. Here it is, Wednesday, and I missed my Monday's post due to the holidays, and all the catching up to do in my household. I also downsized so much, donating at least 20 cookbooks that I have not looked into, just sitting around my bookshelf. Lately, food magazines and my older collection in neatly organized binder notebook with their plastic jackets, where I have tucked away recipes.
With all the abundance of berries available at this time of the year in South Florida, why not just enjoy the beautiful fresh and bright berries...especially the strawberries that are so affordable right now, and they are absolutely perfectly ripe, and flawless, so delicious, and so full of vitamin C that is so good for you. I hope you all had a wonderful Eater holiday, and are back into the normal routine of your daily lives.

First, and foremost, I do want to share with you as I have promised; my Flourless Chocolate Mousse Cake recipe which I have just recently found, tucked away in my binders notebook in a plastic jacket, behind some other recipes.
It seems, like every recipe of mine brings back special memories of places I've worked at, making  something special for the occasion, or holiday.
I'm not trying to take a short-cut, but I do have to, so this is the best way to post the recipe! Obviously, I don't have the source where this recipe originated from, I do know that I typed it myself, and this is how I used it.
Instead of the 2 ounces of the unsweetened chocolate, I used 2 ounces=which equals to 1/4 cup of dark cocoa powder. As for the cake pan, I used a 9 inch spring form pan...just spray the pan with cooking spray first. Everything else is just perfect...right down to a "science". Make sure you beat the egg whites, and egg yolks real well, and fold in the melted chocolate into the egg yolks first...then add the whites carefully in 2 additions, gently folding it in.

For the glaze: I used 1 cup of orange marmalade, 1/4 cup water mixed together (you can use other flavors such as apricot, or peach) follow the same way; heat up in a medium saucepan, bring to boil. slice strawberries, or leave them whole. Decorate the cake with the berries after it has been cooled, and removed from the pan, and take a medium mesh colander to spoon over on top of the berries. Place in the fridge, and let it set for about 2hrs. before serving.
Now, continuing the recipe for the Shortcake and strawberries!

Fresh Strawberry Shortcake
adapted from unknown source

for the shortcake:

6 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 cup sugar
1 Tbsp baking powder
1 Tbsp grated orange peel
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup col butter, cubed
1 cup heavy whipping cream
1/2 cup sour cream
1 egg
1 egg yolk
1 tsp. vanilla extract
Coarse sugar, for topping

Combine flour, the flour, 1/2 cup sugar, baking powder, orange peel and salt; cut in butter until mixture resembles coarse crumbs.
Whisk together 1 cup cream, egg, egg yolk sour cream, and vanilla, add to flour mixture, stirring just until moistened. Turn onto a lightly floured surface, gently knead 8 to 10 times.

Roll out to 1 inch thickness.

Cut with floured, 3 inch scalloped or round biscuit cutter, place on a parchment paper line- baking dish about 2 inches apart.Brush tops with 1 Tbsp. cream, sprinkle with coarse sugar, if desired.

Bake at 400 degrees F. for 15 to 18 minutes.

Cool on wire rack for 5 minutes. Just before serving, cut shortcakes in half, horizontally. Place bottoms on dessert plates, top with strawberry mixture. Replace tops.

Replace tops, and spoon over the top with whipped cream, and serve extra strawberries on the side, if you like.
This is the best shortcake recipe that I can suggest. So light, crispy on the outside, soft, and fluffy on the inside.

For the strawberries:

6 cups of strawberries, sliced
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup orange juice

In a small bowl, combine the strawberries, sugar, and orange juice, set aside, till ready to assemble, the shortcakes.

For the whipped cream:

2 cups of heavy whipping cream
1/4 cup confectioners' sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla

Beat cream in a large bowl until it begins to thicken. Add confectioners' sugar and vanilla; beat until soft peaks form.
Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. I want to go into the kitchen and make these now! I'm drooling-seriously:-)

    1. The shortcakes are easy to make, and this is such a great recipe. As far as for the flourless cake, that requires a little more time!

  2. No...they were just for my blog...LOL
    Of course WE ate all of them; I set up 4 for the photos, ate one for myself, and the family ate it before dinner, and I left all the others at my daughter's house; plenty of strawberries and whipped cream which they shared with their neighbor friends!

  3. Love love love strawberry the orange flavor in the berries! I always add a bit of sugar and Grand Marnier to my sliced berries...

    1. Hi Wendy-so sorry I haven't been to your blog yet...I hope you had a wonderful Easter!

      I would love to add Grand Marnier to my strawberries; just have to go out and buy a bottle of the GOOD STUFF:DDD

  4. oh my goodness! You wont believe my son just did a guest post with a biscuit and strawberry shortcake... I love the addition of sour cream and orange peel goodness that sounds delicious... I better not let him see this one he will be jealous he didnt use your recipe! I love it!

  5. Hope you had wonderful Easter Elizabeth, This shortcake with strawberries looks delicious.

  6. oh my gosh they look wonderful and that flourless chocolate cake sounds heavenly.
    We have beautiful Florida strawberries in our stores right now and they are so good.The local berries here won't come until July!

  7. These look gorgeous! Shortcakes are always the way to go ;)

  8. Oh my! This is a wonderful recipe. Strawberry Shortcakes have always been my dad's favourite. I will make sure to make these one of the weekend for him. Thanks for stopping over Elisabeth. Hoped you had a wonderful Easter and take care now!! HUggssss

  9. Hi Elisabeth, it's so awesome. How can I resist such a lovely strawberry shortcakes temptation? Wish I can sit side by side with you sharing the shortcakes. :)

    It look really good and I especially love the fresh strawberry.
    Thanks for the chocolate Mousse Cake recipe, it look really good too.

    I'd take the Happy Blogger Award and posted it in my blog.
    Thanks again for passing the award to me, my dear.

    Have a nice day.

    1. Amelia, you are more than welcome to sit side-by-side with me to enjoy the yummy shortcakes; just wish you didn't live so far, far away!
      I'm glad you took the Happy Blogger award away...I will check your blog now!

  10. Beautiful! We will be saving this recipe to make and enjoy.

  11. Both of these look amazing and strawberry shortcake is one of my very favourite deserts, which I don't think I've had for a few years now that I think of it - seems people usually take the easy route and have it on angel food - homemade shortbread is oh so much better :) That whipped cream looks pretty darn good as well, lol!! I need to post a recipe on my blog - seems like ages since I have - something springy.

  12. Elisabeth, those shortcakes look so beautiful! I was smiling when I looked at the picture with the recipe: I do it all the time, there's no recipe that I've left without any notes (if I made it).

  13. Absolutely super! so full of flavor and yumminess!
    Mary x

  14. Super tempting shortcakes,cant take my eyes from ur clicks..

  15. Nagyon guszta lett az epres sütid, finom lehetett!

  16. Feel like singing Strawberry short cake after seeing this superb recipe.

  17. Mindkettő isteni, gyönyörűek:) A shorcake nálunk az egyik első számú kedvenc és tényleg nagyon egyszerű elkészíteni. A te képeid mindig valahogy olyan napfénnyel telik, még at epreknek is más színe van, mint amit itt lehet kapni:)A liszt nélküli mousse tortát mindenképpen elkészítem:)

  18. yay for #berrylove! i've actually never tried flourless chocolate cake, but i've heard people rave about them all the time!

  19. Mmmm, this looks gloriously decadent :) Gorgeous fresh berries!

  20. I'm right there with you on getting behind on my commenting. I had to double up on you I still haven't got my Wed post out yet. I hope to catch up some time...maybe when school gets out. :) Your strawberry shortcake looks perfect! Gotta love it this time of year!

  21. Ó, de csodásak! Remélem hamarosan itt az eperszezon, nagyon szeretem süteményekhez használni. :)

  22. The original strawberry shortcake is made with shortcake. I just never had the nerve... I always fall back on piskota. These look lovely Elisabeth!

    1. Zsuzsa, this is such an easy recipe, and truly the best shortcake that I've made so far. Really flaky, and perfect to soak up the strawberries that have been marinating in the sugar, and orange juice. You can "spike" this up if you like!

  23. Szuper mindkét desszert! Minden epres dologra "vevő" vagyok :)

  24. Elizabeth, csodálatos mindkét sütemény!! Imádom az epret, de ilyen csodálatos pirosakat még nem is láttam, eltudom képzelni, mennyire finom lehet. Most szívesen megkóstolnám a finomságaidat, diéta ide, vagy oda.:))
    Mostanában ritkábban néztem be hozzád, na meg máshoz is, mert valahogy nem vagyok jól, kérlek nézd ezt el nekem.Nagyon megvisel az időjárás változás, örökké fáradt vagyok. Puszillak

    1. Gizike, teljesen megértem, valahogy én is igy vagyok az ünnepek óta. Nem vagyok a legjobban, és a diétámat is el hanyagoltam már két hete.
      Teljesen igaz hogy nálunk az eper ilyen gyönyörü piros...szinte hihetetlen! Az ize meg fantasztikus perfekt édes!

  25. I can't wait for our strawberries season to come to make this shortcake! All the berries posts that you put up are so nice!

  26. Gosh, this is so so tempting. Strawberries are moving out of season here and I've asked my fruit vendor to keep some final boxes for me; I've hulled and treasured a batch though ;p

    Hope your Easter went on well.

  27. Looking at your berry dessert I feel as if it is almost summer.

  28. Those strawberry shortcakes look so divine ! Perfect for an afternoon tea :)

  29. You bake/make some amazing foods! My stomach is growling!

    1. Thank you Mr. Pineapple Man...what a cute name! Also, thanks for the following on my blog...will be following you back, right now!

  30. hi elisabeth, your flourless cake is very beautiful! so are your strawberry shortcakes!oh, how i wish i hv those paper recipes like yours, i'm really lazy to type recipes most of the time!

  31. Thank you Lena! As far as typing recipes...this one was probably the last one, from seven years ago. I'm just glad I found it tucked away in my notebook!

  32. Hi Elisabeth! I got behind from the Easter holiday as well;-) I love the idea of a light as air chocolate cake just loaded with sweet berries and your strawberry shortcake would be one of my favorites too! When the berries drop in price at the market I always load up on them. Have a great weekend;-)

  33. Love how summery and delicious these shortcakes look! It has definitely cheered me up with its beautiful colour.

    I wish you a relaxing weekend!

  34. TWO marvelous recipes!!! I think you knew the chocolate mousse cake would be right up our alley...and we are anxiously awaiting local berries to dine on strawberry shortcake! I use a different biscuit recipe each I will try yours later this spring. I've never added sour cream, but I know they will be fantastic. Have a wonderful weekend! xo

  35. It's so refreshing to find articles like the ones you post on your site. Very informative reading.

  36. Kedves Elisabeth! Köszönjük a kedves szavaidat és a 2 csodálatos - decadent recipes!!!
    Sok szeretettel Kaliforniábol!

  37. What a beautiful summer dessert. And I know the feeling, I'm so behind now too! Oh well, this is a busy time of a year. Thank you for sharing, my sweet friend. I hope you have a beautiful and bountiful Saturday!

  38. Your strawberry shortcake looks delicious and I can see by the beautiful red color that they are in season,yum!

  39. Your strawberry shortcakes look adorable! Love the addition of orange zest in the little cakes too.

  40. these look so indulgent....but the shortcake has my attention...anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE WHIPPED CREAM and anything that is a vehicle for whipped cream lures me in. These shortcakes seem so easy to make, I am going to try them!!!!

  41. These look so wonderful! I always think strawberries are just so gorgeous...wish I were not allergic :(

  42. These strawberry shortcakes look amazing! Love it!

  43. Oh my're killing me! lol These shortcakes look like the most satisfying dessert (well, maybe...because your flourless chocolate mousse cake is so decadent and rich and I love chocolate!!!) I'd have to have both! The heavenly clouds of whipped cream on top of the shortcakes are calling my name! The photo's are so bright and crisp and pretty!
    Oh how I wish you lived right next door to me! I'd have to visit regularly! :)

  44. I MUST HAVE THESE!!! I wish I had them in front of me right now!!!! looks delicious! Your instructions are easy to follow :)
