Thursday, June 21, 2012

Cucumber Tea Sandwiches...and a busy day!

I was so determined to make something light today for lunch, and suddenly, an idea just came to my mind...why not Cucumber Tea Sandwiches?!...after all, I had all the ingredients, including the 'soft spread' cream cheese and fresh dill, which I like to keep on hand but they go bad so quickly. I don't even like to freeze them because they taste terrible when you thaw them out!
These little open faced sandwiches are not enough to satisfy your hunger...but for an afternoon snack with 'tea' my case, iced tea, would have been just the right snack to 'hit the spot.'

Also, did the same thing to the cupboards to check for items, and I even made a banana bread, as well. It sure was nice to have a large piece with cold iced tea  after the little sandwiches.

In the meantime...the lawn care guys came, and of course the little doggies went crazy, barking their little heads off!
When you have ripe bananas, I mean in little brown spots ripe; that's when its the best time to make banana bread and if you have some chocolate chips...even better...yumm

(Remind me to post the recipe on my next post)...although I do have at least two recipes on my blog for banana bread!

...and by-the-way, the loaf pan that I gave to my daughter, is a heavy-duty calphalon, so nice to bake in it, and it was actually brand new...such a treasure from Goodwill...a fabulous thrift find for $1.99.

We do get hot temperatures, but also rain, every day since last month. Doesn't rain all day long...just on-and-off, but trying to take pictures in-between the rain, and the sun...seriously; that's how it is here in S. Florida.

Getting back to my tea sandwiches!

First off: you must have one of these gadgets, the plastic mandolin...another thing, if you can't find this in a 'thrift store'...which is almost, but I should say...always new, because most people do not, or cannot use them because they don't know how! The cost:  99cents...and I have at least 3 of these, the other two have extra gadgets, for cutting different things.

For the method:
Take one, or two cucumbers, and peel partially, like in the photo, cut the ends off, and with a steady hand slice the cucumbers. (just watch the tip of your fingers, because the blade is extremely sharp.)
Set sliced cucumbers aside on a plate, and start cutting your bread.

You can cut your bread into any shape you would like to, if you want round shapes, just use a biscuit cutter, or different cookies shape cutters. Just make sure you cut the crusts of. I used a triangle cut, (they're not so even) but that's's just for myself!

The best cream cheese to use, is the Philadelphia spreadable cheese; leave outside for about 20 before spreading on your favorite bread slices. I used a really good oat bread. If you can't find the soft spread cheese, you can use the regular cream cheese, just let it come to room temperature!

Spread each slices lightly...

Line the thin slices of cucumber in a decorative style on the slices of bread, and with kitchen shears, snip a small piece off...I got a little carried away, on a couple slice of bread, with the dill; but I love dill so much, the fragrance is incredible, and so is the flavor! Such an Eastern European 'thing'...the famous DILL!

I sprinkled some freshly ground sea salt, and freshly ground multi-colored peppers on them...such light and delicious little sandwiches!

...and that's all there is to it; Enjoy!

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Elisabeth,

    This open face sandwich and banana bread is so yumm. You are so nice to give cold water and mango lawn care guys.Yes it is really hot out there.

  2. Wow what a great combo. So hot here this is a treat since its so light... your a genious!

  3. Oh dear, I adore you, Elisabeth! For the love of DILL! :) I just love it's flavor and aroma. If I keep all other spices in grams (oz), the dill in my kitchen is measured in kilograms (pounds). I grow it in the colder months, and use a lot of dry during the hot summer months. I don't think I cook anything without the dill, I even make dill seeds tea... :)

  4. How elegant! You really must remember to stick your little pinky up and out when you eat those things and drink your tea :)
    I do love lunches like this, light and refreshing and doesn't sit too heavily in the tummy.

    1. Ping, you crack me up...LOL You missed your calling. You would be a great 'stand-up' comedian!
      Yes, I will try to eat the sandwich like that, and in the meantime work on a "British accent."

  5. I would love to have a snack on those dainty little cucumber sandwiches right now. The banana bread sounds good too. I have overripe bananas that need to be used so I'm going to look for your recipe.

    1. This is my favorite kind of sandwich...only made better by adding smoked salmon and capers!

    2. I agree, Patty...but then that's a total different sandwich that I love. Instead of the cucumbers I would add to that thinly sliced purple onions...and not forgetting capers and dill. Yumm!

  6. Hehe, how very upper crust of you! Your cucumber sandwiches are lovely and would make a wonderful cool snack with afternoon tea :) Thank you so much for the dear comments you left on my last post about Mr. Rogers and the garden of our mind. I really appreciated you sharing your thoughts so freely. Wise words :)

  7. Nagyon guszták a szendvicseid, de jó lenne most reggelire :) A banános sütid is nagyon tetszik! Csuda jó dolgokat készítesz mindig!

  8. Cucumber and dill is such a perfect combination! I also use my mandolin quite often (it's also very useful for pickled salad I prepare every year). I do freeze dill, but then I use it only in warm dishes where it would wilt anyway ;-) Your sandwiches look fabulous! I love cucumber sandwiches (I make them with butter though).

  9. I'm always thinking about making tea sandwiches but never take the time to make the effort with all the special touches! Your sandwiches are lovely and I think cucumber and dill make the perfect fillings. I love seeing your thrift store finds, I know there are a lot of good ones out there, just have to find the time to search;-)

  10. Hi Elisabeth! I love this idea. Tea sandwiches are always wonderful, lovely idea to add the dill.

  11. Elisabeth, What a great post! I love these kind of sandwiches, very light and perfect for summer time! Btw your banana bread is calling my name! Got to make it soon...

  12. Why didn't I think of making open sandwiches like this! They look light yet so fresh and delicious.
    Enjoy your weekend!

  13. I often add chocolate chips to my banana breads too. My son-in-law loves it when I do :) Your open-faced cucumber sandwiches look so light and refreshing and I'm sure they'd hit the spot on a hot summer day. I love how you are so thoughtful and caring to the yard workers. I'm sure they appreciate your kindness.

  14. oh those sandwiches look really yummy. I don't have a mandolin. I slice my cucumbers by hand. I find it the most pleasant of activity. I place the peeled cucumbers in a large bowl and take it into the living room. I sit down and slice away to Leonard Cohen or Mozart. Cucumbers are the only vegetable I slice in my living room. I haven't figured it out the reason I do this.

    1. Zsuzsa, I'm sure you have one...everyone has one of the stainless steel 'box graters' that has 4 sides for different grating, and one side is for slicing; you just didn't think of it as a mandolin.

      I have never heard of someone peeling and slicing cucumbers in the living room..ha,ha, that's the 'first'...wonder what memories draw you to that?

  15. looks light yet screaming for me to have a bite... iced tea for me too please?
    Btw, cucumber sandwich reminds me of a movie How to Lose A man in 10 days, wow did I get the title right? Yeah it's one of those movies where I remember the food more than the story haha...
    enjoy the weekend my friend!

    1. You have such a good memory, Malou! To remember the title of the movie, and what they were eating...that's incredible!

      I don't just make any iced tea...fresh brewed tea, with different flavors each time, and always put it in a nice tall glass pitcher with lemon slices, and sweetend with Agave nectar! (no overload of sugar)
      You're welcome to have tea and tea sandwiches for me, anytime!

  16. What a perfect tea time snack...I'm always needing a little nibble mid-afternoon, and these look so yummy! Would you come to Indiana to do my house sitting???? LOL...Lambeau would adore you and you could clean my fridge ;) Have a fantastic weekend, Lizzie!

    1. Lizzy, I would love to come to Indiana and house/dog sit for sweet Lambeau. I sure would do a good job of cleaning out your refrigerator; for some reason, that is a favorite 'hobby' of mine, taking out everything, and examining the expiration dates, take out all the drawers and racks, and wipe everything down with baking soda, mixed with white vinegar in a bucket of warm water. It sure makes everything fresh and clean smelling!
      Have a wonderful weekend!

  17. Incredible and guilt free tea time snack..

  18. Az uborkás szendvicsről nekem mindig az Angol Királynő jut az eszembe...Egyszer olvastam róla, hogy ez a kedvenc szendvicse és sokszor kér ilyet, ellenben Harry herceg pedig már nagyon unja... Azért nagyon guszta! :o)

  19. i love your tea sandwiches , easy to make and not too heavy for the stomach! another great great bargain price for that loaf pan..that is really so cheap! you must be having a good time at lora's place, did you swim? have fun and enjoy the weekend!

    1. Lena, I find these kind of amazing bargains all the time; just can't keep buying them...ans if I do, I have to get rid of some of my stuff that just sit around, to make room for things.

      I only swam in the pool a couple times, we're having lots of rain every day, but also sunshine, and now there's a tropical storm out there, that could become a hurricane!

  20. Nagyon guszták a szendvicsek,holnap reggelire meglesz!!!

  21. Elizabeth, I clean out my daughter’s refrigerator almost every time I visit! Love your thrift finds…wish you lived closer, so that we could hit all the thrift stores together!
    Cucumber sandwiches are such a favorite of mine…yours look delicious with cream cheese and dill! As soon as my garden starts producing them I will eat one every day with pita bread and yogurt…yum! Have a great weekend! Hope you find something fabulous!!

  22. delicious looking sandwiches perfect to cool off

  23. So English of you Elisabeth to have a high tea with cucumber sandwiches :) I love simple sandwiches like this, it's late where I am but am craving it with a cup of tea right now!

  24. looks lovely and delicious...mouthwatering!

  25. That's one of my favorite sandwiches, light and refreshing, perfect for hot summer days!!!!!

  26. It is such a refreshing food to have on hot weather. It has been raining, windy and cold in Australia and I'd like some soup instead. You have influence me to go thrift shopping, I have been finding treasure from shop at such a bargain price!

    1. Nice to hear from you, Veronica. Our weather is not as hot as most weather all over the U.S. and Europe. Our weather here in S. Florida is always breezy, and now, rain/sun every day!

      There was an article in the newspaper with photo of a 19th century crystal vase that a man paid $55. He had it estimated at an antique dealer, and was told it's worth $9,000. This was here, locally at a thrift store!

  27. I can't believe I missed your tea sandwiches! So fun! I love that you had everything on hand. I like checking in on all your thrift store finds, hey it's like you named a blog after it or something! ;)

    At least the rain cooked us down. We never get the real hot weather like they do in the rest of the country, of course it helps being on the coast, warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer. Perfect! We've never reached 100 in Sarasota. That's for the SW and center of the continent!

    Next time I want to see eccles cakes for high tea...when I come to visit...hehehe! ;D
