Friday, June 29, 2012

Ricotta Spiral Pastry

I am so behind with my post that I intended for Thursday...and here we are, it's Friday now, and way into the evening. I don't have any new things to post, except these perfectly yummy Ricotta Spiral Pastries that I got the idea from a food blogger friend Gizike from Hungary. @ Gizi Receptjei (Gizi's Recipes)...Click over to check her Ricotta Spiral Pastry with Bacon English, but you will recognize it from the inviting photo of her yummy creation! While you're there, browse through her other amazing recipes, and lovely photos to illustrate them!

Hers is with crispy bits of bacon, and mine is with fresh chopped basil, and fresh chopped oregano. I used what my daughter had in her fridge, and freezer...she just diddn't have bacon. Lora and I are never without Pepperidge Farm  puff pastry, or phyllo dough, and other ingredients which for us are 'staple ingredients' such as ricotta, and Reggiano Parmigiana cheese.

Just reading the recipe in Hungarian, and knowing I had all these ingredients on hand, I got so thrilled about making it. Just thaw out the puff pastry and you're ready to start. Gizike's blog is in Hungarian, but she has a TRANSLATE option. Just 'sift' through some of the inconsistencies on the translator because some stuff may sound totally ridiculous, which does not fit correctly into the English language, or vica-versa, according to a Hungarian food blogger, constantly mentioning to me that the translate is humorous most of the time!

Speaking of which! Couldn't be any more humorous than, trying to translate from a Bulgarian food blog. Wonder who does these translations...because, that specific time, when I tried to get the recipe of a stuffed chicken, and was interested in the stuffing ingredients. I certainly was not about to print it out (in fact, I let the blogger know of the problem) response!......translate option said, instead of 'stuff the chicken'...'f--k' the chicken I'm blushing! So just venture with the translate, carefully!

 Ricotta Spiral  Pastry
 adapted from,Gizike

1 sheet puff pastry
1 cup whole milk, or low-fat ricotta cheese
1/4 cup parmesan cheese, grated
1 egg
a few basil leaves, and oregano leaves, chopped
or herbs of your choice
2 cloves garlic chopped
salt, and pepper to taste
2 Tbsp butter, melted (optional)

In a medium bowl, mix together with a fork; the ricotta, parmesan, basil, oregano, eggs garlic, salt, and pepper.
With a rolling pin, roll the thawed out puff pastry lightly, and evenly. Brush some of the butter on it, and spoon the ricotta mixture evenly.

 Start to roll up the dough 'jelly roll' style.

Now, you can start to cut them with a sharp knife.

Cut the slices carefully about 1 to 1 1/2 inches.

(note: the little end piece on the right corner. I actually saved that too.)

Place the spiral rolls carefully in a round cake pan...(I used a pan with a removable bottom. Make sure you spray the pan with cooking spray!
You can also use a rectangular pan, depending if you use a single portion, or double portion!

Brush the rest of the butter on top, and with a soup spoon, pat them down lightly and shape them into rounds.

In a preheated 375 degree F. oven, bake for 35-45 minutes, until it gets golden brownish around the edges.

It turned out incredible, flaky, and oh, so ridiculously overly amazing!

Now, on to some other things to mention!

I received a small package the other day...a fabulous gift for Lora and I, from our dear friend,  Lizzy...the most amazing French soap, the fragrance alone, is sniff, and you feel like you're in Paris...actually it was from Paris. This was her gracious token of gift to all of us who has guest posted for her, while she flew off to Paris...doesn't it sound romantic?...well it should, and I should be the one to go next time...LOL

Another thing:
I already announced the winner of my giveaway...which is Sissi, from With a glass ...Congratulations to Sissi!
Sissi was contacted and already responded by e-mail, and was very thrilled. I will soon have another giveaway, just can't decide yet, what it will be. Thank you Sissi, and thank you all for your kind comments, and participation!..xo

I wish you all lived closer, so I could give you some mangoes...I've been giving them to Lora's neighbors. Since we had that hard wind, and storm, the mangoes have been dropping from the tree like "dead flies"...oooh, not a good comparison. I even got one fall down and knocked me on my head...ouch! a nice bump...saw some 'stars'...even split the ripe mango open...ha,ha....just didn't want to post that photo.

Now, all I need is some ideas, and recipes to make mangoes with!...any suggestions?...please, send some my way!

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. These are beautiful...the ricotta pastries, the soaps and the mangoes!

    Be careful out there in a world where mangoes fall from the sky!

  2. Elisabeth this looks wonderful I haven't had like this

  3. Elisabeth,

    Puff pastry pin wheels looks delicious with ricotta filling. I wish am staying near to you. Fresh mango makes me hungry. Hope Debby doesn't do much damage in your area.

  4. Oooh that pastry looks so delish and I can smell the soap all the way over here ;-) It is greawt to have a mango tree but I can imagine it is difficult to eat all those mangos. Some ideas for use: mango slushes, mango popsicles, mango mousse cake and mango juice. Enjoy.

  5. They look so gorgeous and tempting Elisabeth... Would love to gorge on them... and the mangoes are so tempting

  6. Very delicious sounding and looking, great for the holiday! They are so elegant!

  7. Drága Elisabeth nagyon-nagyon köszönöm Neked ezeket a kedves szavakat, melyeket a blogom, és a benne található recepteknek szenteltél. Csodálatos lett a Te ricottás csigád, és a fűszernövényektől még sokkal finomabb, mint amit én sütöttem. Nagyon örülök, hogy Neked is ízlett, most bizony szívesen megkóstolnám.
    Csodaszép és finom illatú szappanokat kaptál, imádom Párizst, imádom az ottani parfümériákat a maguk csodálatos illatával.
    Gyönyörűségesek ezek a mangók, és amellett hogy nagyon finomak, gondolom jó nagyot tudnak koppanni az ember fején. Vigyázz nagyon, nehogy megint ilyen nem várt baleset érjen.
    Csodálatos hétvégét kívánok, puszillak.

    1. Gizike, amint latom megleptelek evvel a finom csiga keszitessel. Olyan gyorsan hataroztam, es rogton el is kezdtem...isteni finomsag, bacon nelkul is!

      Bar csik tudnek mangot kuldeni, de sajnos nem is volna szabad azt csomagban kuldeni. Az iden orias termesuek, es csak potyogtak le a faron, egy meg jol fejbe is vagott, az esesben! Koszonom a kedves szavaidat, es hogy nem haragszol mivel nem volt ido ertesiteni!

  8. Those mangoes looks lovely though I'm sure that bump on your head doesn't. I was concerned that the tropical storm may have some a lot of damage to your area but it looks like (outside of falling mangoes) all is well. Your pastry looks great and your translation section hilarious! Sweet Lizzy to send you and Lora such a lovely memento of her trip to Paris. Have a nice weekend!

  9. How sweet of Lizzy!
    These ricotta spiral buns/wheels look divine, Eli.
    o mango...wish I lived closer!!!!!
    Congratulations to Sissi!

  10. How about some spicy mango salsa. You could can and preserve it that way.
    I would stick those pastries in a muffin tin and serve them as appetizers. They look really good. Homemade Ricotta is still on my list to make.

  11. Elisabeth, thank you so much again! I'm still all excited by your announcement from yesterday. Thank you for your generosity and for choosing what looks like an extraordinary and very useful gift!
    The spirals look gorgeous! I also make lots of snacks with puff pastry, but never tried with ricotta.
    I knew the automatic translator was sometimes annoying, sometimes hilarious, but I had no idea it used swear words!
    You are so lucky to have so many beautiful ripe mangoes... I make several preserves with mangoes every year, so if you preserve too, I would advise European-style Mango Chutney (, Mango Chutney with Garam Masala ( and the easiest of all, the most versatile and my favourite Mango and Chili Sauce (

    1. Sissi, you're so sweet to keep mentioning the giveaway winning, I'm so glad that you like it, and know the you will, for sure. You will be wanting to make American dishes from all those selection of great recipes!

      Thank you for the mango ideas. will check them out on your blog...they sound so amazing!

  12. Oh these look lovely - so full of flavor - really delicious and fun to make. I would love some mangoes!
    Mary x

  13. Hű, micsoda mangó termés! Nagyon irigyellek, hogy ilyen egzotikus gyümölcs terem a kertedben...A csigák fantasztikusak, párat elrepíthetnél ide hozzám... :o)

  14. Oh, YES! These pinwheels sound so yummy...I'd love them both with and without bacon. Isn't puff pastry a must for the freezer? And you're so sweet to post about the suitcase smelled so good on the flight home :) And I hope your head is OK after the mango attack :/ Ouch. Enjoy your weekend, my friend~

  15. Your ricotta spiral pastry looks delicious.
    Mangoes are beautiful too, I drink it punch :)

  16. I am so far behind with everyone this month...vacation prep, our trip, and then getting back into the swing of regular life. But...I'm trying to do some catching up today. And I'm so glad...THIS is just my kind of appetizer! I'm convinced that Pepperidge Farm puff pastry is a cook's best little secret!!

  17. The colours in those mangos is amazing! Mango smoothies would be my only real suggestion. Those ricotta spiral pastries look absolutely to die for - I bet they were good. I like that the ingredients are simple and quite often already at hand. Your blue and white corning ware bowl brings back memories - my mom had that set at one time. Lovely soaps - the packaging as well - which is sometimes almost as important as the product inside :)

    1. Jane, thanks for your suggestion...I make mango smoothies every morning, and love to mix it with banana as well!

      The blue-and-white corning ware is a real "oldie" from the sixties. My mom had the whole set of these lovely bowls. I split the set with Lora, so we both have different sizes. Yes, the soap has a beautiful packaging, and the most lovely fragrance. I'm really hesitating about using it!

  18. what a delicious post!! Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop Linky Party. I hope you have a wonderful weekend xo P.S. I'm having a party at Katherines Corner today and you are invited!

  19. When I read the title of the pastry recipe I envisioned it to be a sweet ricotta pastry until I read more and the recipe. I wonder if it could be altered to be made sweet? Probably sounds good since it is Sunday morning! And I'm so glad you clarified about not needing to 'have relations' with the chicken if ever translating from an Hungarian food blog; yikes!

    Loving your mangos! Wish I had a bucketfull here. I'd guess our temps may even be beating yours this summer Elisabeth. Just read Ping's Mango pudding recipe. A perfect use for some of those mangos!

  20. Toni, seriously...try using some of the translate programs for a foreign blog. They have the most twisted-mangled-hilarious translation that makes you wonder, 'are they talking about food, or what?'

    I'm laughing to myself about your funny reply about the chicken. I just gasped when I saw that on that food blogger's translation. One more week, and family will be back and we'll be making mango jam, and canning some, as well! Ping's pudding recipe, is awesome. Will be making that!

  21. Elizabeth, Love your beautiful pastries…they look incredibly delicious! Such a lovely gift from Lizzy…I’m sure you will enjoy the beautiful soap! And lastly I would love a few of your gorgeous mangos!! I see mango jam in your future!!! Have a great 4th, my friend!!

  22. Hi Elisabeth, love your pastry, it look soooo good. Very well baked!Wish I can have some right now,LOL

    Oh.. mango, my all time favorite. Sorry to hear that the mango drop on your head, lucky it's not a thorny kind of fruits.
    Anyway all the mango look so lovely. The raw mango can make pickles which it's very appetizing. The ripe mango can make mango sauce to go with angel cake. Mango is quite versatile can make mango salad too.

    Have a nice weekend, regards.

  23. These are something I could really get into, especially since it's with purchased puff pastry! Looks absolutely delightful. Such nice Parisian treasures you got from Liz, too. I have a mango sitting on my window sill ripening. Wish I had yours. I'll be surious to see exactly what your do with them, Elisabeth. If I'm not back before then, have a great Fourth!!!.

  24. Elisabeth, can I move next to you, please, to be your neighbor and get some of those mangoes? :) Spirals look very delicious, and I think I have a puff pastry in my refrigerator. Thanks for the recipe. I baked (!) some cookies, come see it. :)

  25. Elisabeth,

    I am inviting you to join me in .Favorite recipes event: Cookiestaking place in my blog.

  26. Dear Elisa,.. love your ricotta! and the colours in those mangos is so amazing! love it... :))

  27. Oh my, don't they look yummy! Wish I could have some.

  28. wow, looks so delicious, first time here, absolutely loving it.., beautiful clicks, The mangoes are awesome, reminds me of India, wish I could be your neighbour :)

  29. hahaha! Yes, translators rarely work! Too funny! Your recipe looks delicious. All of the ingredients would be a big hit with my family. Thanks so much for sharing with Hearth and Soul!

  30. Oh my! What a lot of mangoes! The things you can do with them ... yeah! Maybe you'd like to give my mango agar a try? Hope your head feels better :) Poor mango.
    I love savoury pastries and esp those that have cheese in them. And spiral? Did someone say spiral?

  31. haha! i almost choked on the chicken translation..! oh dear, i think i better read twice next time when on translation. I still havent not tried ricotta cheese, i think i really ought to get a pack and see how they taste like, nevertheless your pastry looks great. wow..there are really lots of mangoes, all i can think of now is mango salsa and mango sorbet or ice cream. Oh, hope your head is getting better!

  32. What a fabulous idea Kedves Elisabeth! The pastries look absolutely delicious, and so flaky. Have several package of Puff Pastry in my freezer and are looking forward to try. - We love to make Mango Salsa and serve it with chicken or fish.
    Stay safe from the Mangoes :)

  33. Oh my Gosh! the mangoes!they look amazing. I wish I lived closer to you and can make something with the mangoes which you will love because there are hundreds of ideas I don't know which one to share. The first thing you do is to freeze some of the mangoes (diced).

    My daughter always ask me to make different fillings for puff pastry. This ricotta filling is new for me.

    1. Balvinder, I can hardly wait to have my daughter come back from Italy in a week, so we can make our traditional yearly mango jam together. You are so right about freezing them, cutting them up in dice pieces. We were still using frozen mangoes and jam, up until a few months ago, from last yearQ

      Puff pastry, is so awesome and versatile to use in so many recipes. The ricotta savory filling, was a new one for me, as well!

  34. Ezek a mangók tényleg gyönyörűek! A bőség zavara:),irigyellek, még látványnak iS csodás! Én az érett mangót csak salátához szoktam keverni, lassit vagy chutney-t készítek belőle.
    A thai Nam-Pla Wan-hoz zöld mangót ajánlanak, recept a blogomon is:

    1. Köszönöm az ajánlatot, a zöld mangót is okvetlen fel fogom használni, mert abbol is van sok!

  35. Surprisingly this pastry looks easy for me to make, especially using puff pastry, I can do it! It looks like a perfect lunch or snack with my kids. I can ask them to help with me. :-)

    Oh Lizzy is so nice and considerate! And congrats to Sissi!

    1. Nami, its surpisingly filling, and it is a good snack or lunch, with a green sald to go with it. Will be fun for the kids to help out'

      Yes indeed, Lizzy is and has been always very considerate, kind, and lucky to have her as a friend!

  36. Elisabeth, these look very yummy! I happen to have all the ingredients, this doesn't happen often, I will have to make this, thank you for making it and posting!

  37. Looks delicious! Thanks for sharing, love your site! Have a great day =]

  38. I have go get myself some Ricotta cheese, and make these. It's been too long that I cook or bake savoury dishes. Love the step by step directions. Take care and big hugggssss

    ps: Do forgive me for not coming sooner as things has been hectic in the office.

  39. Puff pastry and cheese...sigh. This would make both a great brunch dish and a fun appetizer.

  40. Wow, these are fantastic, I just love cooking with ricota! One of those recipes I want to have right now.
