Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Mango Jam... Sweet Mango Chutney

With all the cloudy days we've been having, I haven't been able to take a descent outdoor/indoor 'natural light' photo in all last week. Don't you agree that this is a nice outdoor 'last minute'...photo of my amazing mango jam, and sweet mango chutney?
If I want to take descent natural light photos, I have to take them at my daughter Lora's house in her lovely kitchen with plenty of natural lights or on the patio. As for my little condo, I have only one spot for photos, but I DO have GREAT lighting in my tiny kitchen, 3 different types which are very helpful for photos!

Enough of the photos...still up to our 'eyeballs' with the mangoes, as you can see in Lora's recent post as well!

Since she came back from Italy, we've been busy making all kinds of things with mangoes...but she's the one that made the majority of the jams.

See what I mean? ...natural lighting is 'everything'...same mango chutney inside, by the glass door...can't even correct the color...and the same one, in the jar.

BTW-this pretty dish is an American antique from the 1930's 'thrift find' for $2.99 that I gave to Lora. I just love the ruffled details and the 18 carat gold...if that's not an amazing treasure, than I don't know what is!

Although Lora brought back with her Italian pectin and has used the metric system measure with her little scale to weigh the fruit, the sugar, and use the pectin accordingly, I am satisfied with our 'good old' American made by KRAFT FOODS, which I'm happy to say, I also used for the Sweet Mango Chutney, which I will give you a full recipe for the 'spicy' version, but you can eliminate the spicy peppers, onion, and garlic for the sweet version that I used, because the little ones love this even as a thick jam!
Just to let you know how much I love this product, I did buy a double VALUE PACK just the other day, to use it for a GIVEAWAY gift for any one, that would be interested of using that great pectin, made in the U.S. by KRAFT FOODS!
It is a double pack, sealed in plastic, with instructions on the box, and inside with a packing slip, as well for other suggestions of uses. It is 100% natural, and no 'animal' products added. If you are interested in receiving this amazing product, which takes the place of AGAR...that is a lot more expensive...than by all means let me know, and mention what you wold like to use it for! I will use the RANDOM.org calculation, to determine the winner, by Friday @ 11:00PM Eastern Standard time.

On another serious note:
Did you know that on Aug. 1, 2012, Foodbuzz will no longer exist?...or is it joining Daily Buzz Food? As a Foodbuzz Publisher, I don't recall getting any notice in my e-mail...but I do know that for several months now, I have not been getting paid for ads into my Pay Pal account. I have close to 3,000 friends on Foodbuzz that I have been so fortunate to befriend in the nearly last two years on Foodbuzz, among them my dear friend Lizzy, Gina, Chef Dennis, and Jo...from day #1 we've been supporting one-another all this time, and I've had the pleasure of meeting them (except Lizzy)...at last year's fantastic Foodbuzz Food Festival, in San Francisco...another question?
What is happening this year with the Food Festival? I've gotten the invite, but have not responded...and now, THIS?...I am totally perplexed!

I've submitted an application to be a content contributor for DailyBuzz Food, and given you my RSS feed. Why don't I see my content yet?

posted this on Jul 23 12:16
Our system soon will push your RSS content onto appropriate channels automatically, but for the time being we're manually processing posts. They'll show up as soon as we can mark them active. Thanks for your patience!

This was just one of the questions posted re: the new Daily Buzz Food...if anyone knows more info regarding the change on Foodbuzz, please let us hear about it...I'm in the 'dark'...and have no answers other than what you may all know!

For the Mango recipe:
Follow the instructions of the Sure-Jell, or other pectin of your choice, package instructions. You can make any kind of jam easy, as long as you have a sterilized jar, and lid...make sure you refrigerate it, otherwise you would have immerse the jars with the jams in boiling water for 10 minutes, and let it cool completely. before storing it in a cool place in your cupboard. (Personally, I prefer the fridge method)

Mango Chutney
adapted from Cooking Light

2 medium ripe mangoes
peeled and cut into chunks
1/2 sweet onion chopped
1/2 red bell pepper chopped
1 jalapeno pepper diced
1/2 cup golden raisins
3 Tbsp brown sugar
Juice of 1 lime
1 teaspoon white vinegar
1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar
1 teaspoon chopped fresh ginger
1 teaspoon of pectin
(you can use powdered instead)
dash of salt
dash of black pepper
1 garlic clove minced

Combine all ingredients in a medium saucepan Cook over medium heat for 20 to 30 minutes or until thick. Stir occasionally. Remove from heat, Cool completely. If too chunky, mash with potato masher. Spoon carefully into sterilized jars with sterilized lids, and refrigerate. It will keep fresh for up to 3 weeks (if it stays that long)

For the sweet version:
Just omit the hot peppers, including the black pepper, and also the onion and garlic...otherwise, follow as in the original method. (the original version did not use pectin; but it really does make a great difference in texture and flavor, so I added it)

note: either one is great as a condiment on burgers, fish tacos, or as a side sauce, heated up and thinned out a little, or even as a jam on toast!

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  1. This jam looks so delicious and sunny! I'm equally perplexed about the whole DailyBuzz thing--however, I've bookmarked your site and will check in on your posts that way.

    1. I'm more perplexed about the whole 'foodbuzz' thing, of not letting members informed ahead of time, especially Featured Publishers as myself and lots of others as to what changes they are making.

      As for bookmarking my blog...I do appreciate it; but wouldn't it be easier just to follow on Google Friend connect, when you and I have the same option? I usually bookmark a page for recipes, and not someone's blog, when I know I have the option to follow.

      We all make our own choices, and if this is what you prefer, then by all means 'bookmark' my site!

  2. It is amazing how different food looks in different lighting. Most of mine are poolside in my lanai. I often have troubles when my dinners end up being after dark...or my bento lunches are prepared in the dark of morning! Summers are nice for taking natural light pics! I do have to laugh at all your mango posts! It sounds delicious though. I would like to try to make some jams or jellies, maybe with Jamaica flower.

    As for foodbuzz, I joined before I had my food blog and then I never did get the hang of posting my blog posts there. I know I've been missing a lot, but it's was overwhelming to me. Chef Dennis is usually a wealth of information!

    1. Lyndsey, that's the biggest issue with most of us food bloggers. You pretty much have to make that dinner dish while their is light outside, or have it for lunch!

      As for foodbuzz, posting your blog post is relatively easy; once you get the hang of it. There's so many food blogs on foodbuzz, and adding or requesting for friends is so easy...but now, we'll probably lose all our friends and have to start all over again!

    2. I have even got a confirmation email/thank for joining mail, but I don't even know where my profile is in DailyBuzz now.

    3. I don't know where my profile is either, Angie! We'll be notified, I'm sure, by the end of this month!

  3. Nagyon finom lehet! pont ilyen csatos üvegem van nekem is, de csak egy...Nagyon guszta!

    1. Kriszti, tényleg finom, és sok féle képpen tudom használni a chutney-t A csatos üvegben valami csemege volt eredetileg, és a lányomé persze, de én is használom. Nekem még van nagyobb is ennél!

  4. I love the dish and I am amazed at the sheer numbers of mangoes...they just keep on coming!

  5. Delicious mango chutney and mango jam Elisabeth, mango is my weakness too. I don't know much about foodbuzz thing, I will wait until august 1st and see what happening.

  6. This is wonderful looking chutney and jam, Elisabeth (I made chilli jam this week), and I agree with you about being able to get some natural light into photos. It being winter here at present, I have been really struggling with this for weeks now as opportunities to get a good photo in daylight hours are rare here.

    I'm a bit bewildered about the DailyBuzz/Foodbuzz thing too.

    1. Hi Sue, it's so nice to hear from you. Will check out your chilli jam, hope you posted it. I love a good chilli jam, and need a recipe!

      We will find out soon enough what's going to happen with the new transition!

  7. Oh,,,I told you allready,I'm a big fan of mango this mango jam/chutney looks perfectly YummY,delicious post :)

  8. Oh this is wonderful. I can just smell & taste it. And all the work involved is very worth it.
    Thank you for an all-over good feeling this recipe and post brings to me~real comfort food the kind I miss so much!

  9. I love mango in all preparation. Love your mango chutney. I could see using this with so many dishes. What lovely dish you found, it is truly a treasure. I agree with you 100% to take food photos under natural lights. They look so much more vibrance and original in colors. I take most of my food photos with natural lights. The only problem is we have to wait for the right time of the day to do that. Thanks for this lovely recipe and I got to try making some mango chutney soon. Hugs.

    1. Veronica, since we have so much mangoes this year, I really did a huge research with my own recipe books, and collections...found so many different ideas. Unfortunately now, the mangoes are almost all gone. Froze a few bags, and Lora canned some more jams recently.

      We also are limited with our natural light to take good photos outside, or even in the kitchen, to certain hrs of the day!
      I will for sure be making the spicy version of this wonderful mango chutney soon, as well!

  10. What a treat - fantastic flavors and ingredients -
    Mary x

  11. This chutney was so good! I received an email from foodbuzz about dailyfoodbuzz. I can forward to you. You know we could sell this chutney w/all the mangoes there were this year;)

    1. Lora, yes...please forward it to me in e-mail. Foodbuzz did contact me and said will inform about the changes.

      The chutney did turn out so exceptionally good w/o the spicy peppers, and the onions. A new kind of mango jam~

  12. Elisabeth, I am having problems with my photos too, dark, dark skies too often of late, gets too dark in winter, overgrown trees in summer... There must be another way! Nice photo BTW and delish looking jam.

    1. Thanks Zsuzsa! The best way for getting good photos with light is to photograph your food in the best light in your home. I do have my small kitchen very well equipped with lights!

      Both jams are so very delicious...glad I made them. I got 10 jars out of the plain mango jam!

  13. Hi Elisabeth, your mango chutney look so good. So more mango recipes after this? The first picture look excellent. Love your dish from thrift find, very beautiful and unique.

    P/S Your first comment in my coconut pineapple bar, I did not received and it's not in spam too. So sorry about it that you have to sent a second comment.

    Have a nice week ahead, with hugs to you.

    1. Hi Amelia, last night I was struggling to leave you a comment...unfortunately you have the you-tube music which often freezes up my computer; no worries, no reflection on your blog, its just my old PC that is slow sometimes, and I have to shut it off to start again! Will try again this morning, since it's refreshed and working fine after cleaning out 'files, and cookies'

      Big hugs to you too!

  14. I have also light problems - too dark kitchen - I prefer to take shots outside but I don't have such a spossibility everytime, so from time to time the pictures are too dark...
    anyway, these look very sunny and brigh!

    Blog about life and travelling
    Blog about cooking

    1. I think we all have the lighting problems with natural light. I just happened to be able to get about 5 minutes of afternoon sun, that day! It was cloudy all day long!

  15. The jam looks delicious! I'm enjoying all your mangoey creations. Even had a peek at Lora's mango cake and bread. Yum! Funny why I've only made the spicy chutneys with them and never a jam. Hmmm ...
    I've only recently found fruit pectin on on sale here. Not easy to find. I've always made jams without them relying on lemon juice and the seeds.
    I'm as much in the dark about DailyBuzz as you are. I've sent them an email asking if we need to re-register or do Foodbuzz Featured Publishers automatically become DailyBuzz members. So far no response, only an automated acknowledgement reply, not an answer to my question. Oh well, we'll just have to wait and see.

    1. Ping, this year is the best crop we had with the mangoes...and also for the jams, as well. I automatically use lemon juice, and Lora doesn't. I like the slight lemony flavor to it, that's why I loved the mango chutney in a sweet jam form!

      When you click on to Foodbuzz, there's a notice for you to check out about the Daily Buzz. You have to leave them a note to respond back to you, which they did with me, and I filled out the form for the Featured Publisher for Daily Buzz. (they will let me know if I'm accepted..hmmm! that's a new one!)

  16. Hi Elisabeth, your mango jam looks gorgeous! I'm guessing this bounty has kept you & your daughter very busy :D Your food pics are always lovely, but it's certainly true that lighting makes all the difference. Enjoy!

    1. Thank you Jane~ yes, we have been quite busy with the bounty of these lovely mangoes, and lastly now, just freezing the peeled mango chunks in large zip-lock baggies, for smoothies!

      Over the last two years since I've been food blogging, the lighting is more, and more needed to be correct...indoor, or outdoor natural lighting is the best! ...with the exception of a good indoor light!

  17. I'm not entering the contest, just wanted to say how delicious your mango chutney looks and yes, the photographs are great! Hope you hear from DailyBuzzFood soon. ~ Paula

    P.S. for some reason I'm no longer able to enter a comment using Name and URL so I have to resort to an old log in under OPEN I.D.

    1. Sorry for the inconvenience Paula. Sissy already mentioned the same thing to me, re: the URL. Will have to check it out again and straighten this out. Lately, I've been having all this stranger blogger issues, and comment problems!

      ...and yes I did hear from Daily Buzz Food, and will get some more info from foodbuzz, as well!

  18. I wish I could have some for my morning bread! Love the plate with golden ruffled rim..
    I understand very little about DailyBuzz, not sure where to log in my own profile...so I keep going back to Foodbuzz though I have already registered it.

    1. Angie, thanks...the plate, which is actually a shallow bowl, is so pretty and delicate, and the golden trim is flawless. Can't believe that someone would give up an heirloom such as that. I'm sure it has a wonderful history behind it.

      If you already registered for the new food community, Daily Buzz Food, which Foodbuzz already featured for the last couple months...then you're on the right track! Guess we'll all have to start all over...maybe!

  19. Csodálatos mindkettő, a jam is meg a chutney is:) Én most éppen erdei áfonyát gyűjtöttem, hajnalban lekvárt főzök belőle, remélem finom lesz. És legalább biztosan adalék és színezékmentes:)Nekem a legjobb fotóim minfdig a teraszon készülnek, természetes fénynél, de télen nagyon nehéz itt jó fotót készíteni. Szerintem a te fotóid szépek, természetesek:)

  20. ÓÓÓÓÓ Elisabeth, csodálatos színe van a lekvárnak is és a chutneynak is, az ízét pedig csak elképzelni tudom, de biztosan nagyon finom. A fényképezéssel én is így vagyok, a lakásban képtelenség egy rendes képet készíteni, de végre most a szabadba talán szebbek készülnek. Igaz elég sok macerával jár, ki-be pakolászni.:)) Gyönyörű szép a fodros szélű tálad!!!Puszillak

  21. Oh, I hear ya on the light! I made dinner early just so I could get some photos...and then the clouds roll in. I'm thinking I will have some dreary looking pasta! Your chutney looks fantastic...I can't wait to see what you come up with next! Although I'd love to win your contest, I know the Sure-Jell could possibly sit in my cupboard for a year before I ever use it...I'd love to give someone else a chance instead :)

    Yeah, what's going to happen with no more Foodbuzz? I started jotting down all my favorite blogs...since we may not have an inbox, I'm not sure how I'll be able to stay in touch with some of my newer friends. You, Lora, Gina...well, I can remember your blog names, thank goodness :) Enjoy your week! xo

  22. the photo is gorgeous! Makes me want to dive into that sparkling pool and finish up with some of that delicious mango chutney!!! I didn't know about Foodbuzz changes, I've been so behind on that. My world has been a bit chaotic since baby #3 arrived on the scene, and even now, almost a year later, I'm still playing "catch up"

  23. Mmmmmm, your photos are so beautiful!!!! Elisabeth, you must have a lot mangoes :-D I am amazed how you can come up with so many great ideas with one fruit! I wish I was half as creative as you! Thank you so much for sharing this recipe, I have been looking for idea for my next food swap event, now I know what I am going to make.

  24. Lovely photos of your mango chutney and the bowl is adorable! I hope you sort out your food buzz situation soon;-)

  25. I have been seeing a lot of mango recipes lately, and I am tempted to now stock up on mangoes. LOL.. I remember having mango chutney served alongside with pork chops and also had them with crackers and brie cheese. It was divine! I know I am a weird foodie, and I still think I need to be more adventurous in trying new flavours. Love your recipe btw, and will make sure if I have extra mangoes, I will be making this chutney to keep. Biggg huggsss, Jo

  26. Oh Elizabeth, Looks like you and Lora have been very busy with all those mangos! That chutney looks fabulous!

    I have never really gotten into Food Buzz…I find it odd that no one was notified about the closing of the site.
    Strange happenings for sure!

  27. Elizabeth, Do you use Google Reader…I put all of my favorite blogs in my reader and it lets me know when someone posts.

    1. Kathy, I do use Google Reader, but not have put everything in there...but Blogger Buzz shows me every followers latest post; even the followers that never comment!

      I didn't even know Foodbuzz existed, until after 3 months of starting my food blog. Foodbuzz has been around since at least 2007.

      Yes, it is a strange happening, not being notified until the last minute...scrambling around for 'answers' to a lot of questions?~

  28. Mango chutney is something we love in Australia Elisabeth - it's a gorgeous condiment isn't it? I'd love to pile a heap of yours onto a massive cheese sandwich, I think it'd be amazing! :)

    Odd about Foodbuzz although I never really got into it that much for some reason, I hope they give you a heads up soon.

  29. The chutney looks fabulous and I do like your natural light photos:)

  30. What a pretty chutney! I love mangos in my salsa...and salads...but have never made jam or chutney. I should rectify that and soon!!

  31. I love mango chutney. We use it as a condiment to our chicken curry. My family thinks that chicken curry is not compete without mango chutney... weird huh? haha
    I am confused too with what's going on with foodbuzz. I tried renewing my contract with them but since I was late in turning my renewal, they turned me down.
    I hope you are having a great week!

  32. Even I was confused until yesterday but then I saw my post content on their site. i think it will take some time.
    By the way you are going mangolicious these days. This mango chutney is delicious and I want a jar.
    Your photos in natural light do look nice.

  33. I still can't decide if I want to use dailybuzz at all. I need to make up my mind.

    I love the chutney. The color is so pretty.

  34. I love mango chutney! I usually make mine differently using coconut, but I like the addition of jalapenos...the hot and sweet combo must have given this quite a zing!

  35. I have never made anything like this and know I would love it... you inspired me for sure going to book mark this one!

  36. Hey Elisabeth , it's been almost a month since I have been missing from the bloggers circuit , surprised to her about foodbuzz , I agree with you they should have let us know , anyways the mango chutney looks awesome and the pic looks great . Have a great day Elisabeth :D. Take care .

    1. Hi Shabs, yes, you've been MIA for more than a month now! Always so mysterious...hehe! If I would disappear for that length of time, I would come back with all kinds of stories to tell, and catch up real fast.
      It's nice to have you back, of course...looking forward to more of your amazing recipes, and fab photos:Dxo

  37. Elisabeth, it's an excellent idea to use up mangoes this way. I also make mango chutney regularly. Mangoes are so versatile and so many dishes and preserves can be prepared with them. (Wow! I can comment with name&url, it really works! congratulations for solving this problem, sometimes it's not obvious...).

    1. Sissi, its by sheer accident that I came upon this recipe, and I must have been saving it in my recipe folder for some time now! With our mango crop so rich this year, it sure is nice to prepare them different ways! Love your mango chicken salad, which I'm looking forward to make next week!

      Glad that I worked out the commenting issue, on blogger!

  38. Hi Elisabeth, I understand your frustration about the photos, I have the same issue with the natural lights, so we are in the same shoes...:) I would love to try some of that chutney, never had anything like that... I am sure it's delicious! :)

    1. Thank you Marina...guess we are in the same shoes re: photographing! We have cloudy days, just about every day for the last couple months now, and its not easy to take photos in the natural light.

      Do try the chutney...you don't have to add all the spices if you prefer it less spicy, but the chutney is very versatile, and delicious!

  39. Oh, Yum! I am crazy about mango chutney but was too lazy to look for a recipe. Thanks so much Elisabeth!

    1. Phong Hong, this is a 'tried-and'true' excellent recipe, that I'm sure you would love to try. Thanks for the compliment!

  40. Thank you all for your kind comments, and input...as far as Foodbuzz; we all know each other by now, and follow each other, so "no great loss"...and as for Daily Food Buzz, we shall find out soon what is going to happen!

    Now, for the Sure-Jell pectin giveaway, no-one seemed to show any interest, accept Lizzy, and Ping...and Lizzy declined and graciously gave it up. I'm not even bothering to use Random.org, but are going to offer the giveaway to my dear friend Ping@ping's pickings.I know she will have a great use for this...just as good as Agar, which is a lot more expensive here, as well!
    After all, this is my blog, and I didn't set any rules, so rules do not apply as to how I should decide who to give it to!
    I enjoyed each and every comment, so keep them coming, and I will try to catch up commenting back, as well!


  42. i have only 2 spots in my house to take photo and still that depends on the mood of the sun. If it's a gloomy day, i can just totally forget about taking photos..better still, forget about cooking anything to post..LOL!i believe your mango chutney is also great on cold ham in sandwiches! i just knew about daily buzz food, i'm actually in the dark what's going on there! I'm not active in there..:(

  43. Hi Elisabeth! Gotta come by, as the previous time I left a comment about your mango chutney, and did not talk about the new "Daily Buzz". Honestly, I am in the dark too just like yourself. Filled up the form, gave all the details required, but DON'T SEE MY POST in daily buzz food. So I am getting worried, cause I know contract is still valid. I filled up their contact form and left a note in their Facebook. NOBODY got back to me too. So this is seriously a huge question, as I really don't quite know how the new Daily Buzz work. Plus it feels like a hit and run thing on the selected post for top 9. For example, how do we know if they are suddenly keen on Peaches, Berries etc? I feel your concern my friend. We must continue to buzz them and find out more details. Have a good week ahead.. Huggsss Jo!!

    1. Hi Jo! First of all...Foodbuzz bailed out on us, without a word of any kind of notice...second, enter Daily Buzz! I filled out the form, even for the Featured Publisher, never mind the old contract...that's 'null and void'...no longer exists, just like our Foodbuzz profile, and everything else that was on Foodbuzz...wiped out, as if we never existed! Sad, but true!

      Daily Buzz, already picked who they want and are featuring their Top 9. As for buzzing, I'm not buzzing anything, or anybody, if I can't be part of their group! Will just have to accept things how they are until further notice...if any!
      Huggsss to you too!

    2. Hi Elisabeth! Just managed to come online, as the internet back home was down. Oh! well, I understand that's life, and if they don't want to feature us it's their lost. I'm glad that I met all of you before foodbuzz decides to go hiatus. Keep up on your cooking or baking..till then, have a good rest too. Hugggsss
