Monday, August 13, 2012

End of the Mango Season in S. Florida

I'm not trying to bore you with more mangoes...but this time, I just want to share with you the last of our mangoes and the  Mango Jam recipe that my daughter Lora and I share. My recipe calls for lemon juice, which her Italian recipe does not, but from the last batch that I made she like the slight tangy lemon taste...this time, I used the juice of fresh lime, and that even made it taste better!
I'm going to share my little secret of how to can jams perfectly and to make sure they stay sealed, tight. You have to hear that 'pop sound' when you twist the jar to open...otherwise its not sealed right! I could never do this kind of work in my tiny beach condo kitchen, now you can understand why I spend just about every day at my daughter's house...not so much because she has a much larger kitchen, but because they have plenty of counter space and the kitchen is open and well lit! Also, the patio has ample natural lighting as well. I made this batch last week, and hoped I would catch a little sunlight that was 'sneaking around' for a short time...then the rain came!

I will guide you through the easy process...although a little time consuming, but I promise you that you can make this with the half of the amount from the full recipe!

This is what 1 kilo (2.2 lbs) of fruit will allow you to make. These are 12 oz canning jars with lids, that have to be sterilized (just run it through the dishwasher cycle lid too) or boil in a large pot of water, and let it cool to the touch.

You can make this with other fruits...peaches is what I would love to make it with, hoping that the price will come down from $1.99 a pound, we will probably get it less at our local produce market. Plums would work well also, for this recipe.

I used Sure-Jell pectin for my previous batch, but this time I use my daughter's Italian pectin that comes in a big pouch, so I counted out how many Tablespoons it requires, and marked down everything on paper to be saved, so good thing that I'm actually typing up this recipe and method to save for myself too!

With a jar of leftover mango jam, I also made cream cheese bars filled with mango jam

Mango Jam
adapted from Italian basic jam recipe

2 kilo (4.4 lbs) mango, or other fruit
750 g.(about 2 1/2 cups sugar
juice of 2 lemons, or limes
5 Tablespoons pectin (I used Italian import)

note: you can cut the amount exactly in half if you
want to make less jam.

Wash, peel, and dice the mango, or other fruit, and put into a large bowl. With a potato masher mash it well, but leaving little chunks of fruit which is really very tasty.

Add the pulp of the fruit to a large heavy stainless steel, or other heavy duty pot. Add the sugar, the pectin and the juice of the lemon or lime, and simmer constantly, over med. high heat.

Make sure you keep stirring, constantly, until it comes to a bubble and a slow boil. You must take it off the heat as soon as it does that, and start getting your jars ready to be filled by the hot jam. Don't be alarmed that it looks liquidy, because it will start to jel, as soon as it starts to cool a little.

With a ladle, carefully spoon the jam up to about where the neck of the jar is, to assure it will not spill not fill to the very top!

Just set them on a dish towel making sure the lids are well sealed, and here comes the tricky part that will assure double seal!

Turn the filled jars upside-down, and leave them sitting like that for about 10 minutes to assure safe sealing for the lids. You can also do a water bath in a large pot with water only up to half way, and simmer for 10 minutes, or just follow this method!

note: if you are planning to leave jams in a cool place in your cupboard, then you have to do the water bath method...otherwise just proceed with this method, but you must refrigerate after opening the jar...either way, when you open a jar of jam you must refrigerate it!

Jam is you can go 'jamming along'...a cool song of Bob Marley...Jammin!

Enjoy the jam...and share,'s that GOOD!

Linking to: Thursday Favorite Things @ Katherines Corner

Yesterday was such a lazy day...raining most part of the afternoon, but the nice gentle comfortable warm rain, that did cool down the temperature. I did not want to venture out driving in the rain, so I decided to walk around on my 2nd. floor condo unit and snap a few pictures. Don't you agree this looks like a painting?...perhaps a gentle water color?...well, this is how the beach looked. Gentle rain, the can't even see what color...gray ocean, but pretty!
The beach scene is the east view, and the parking lot is the west view...the building facing, is across the street, and behind that building, is the Intracoastal waterway...I love the gentle rain, especially when its one around, everybody is still out of town, state...out of the country; this is South Florida living for the ones that stay behind, like me!
Quiet and serenity is something that we all require and need from time-to-time to re-energize and recharge our senses and feelings. Rain is needed in much part of the U.S....the drought is not good; for some reason we were fortunate this hurricane, but who knows what next year will bring!
Hope you don't think I have 'no life'...ha, ha...seriously, I just wanted to share some of the beautiful nature to share, whether its 'sunshine, and roses'...or a 'cloudy and rainy day'...this is my little haven, that I enjoy, and worked for for so many years 30+...and I'm still 'alive and kickin'...gosh I'm sounding like a song now!

In the meantime, while I had all this time on my hands on a rainy Sunday afternoon...I decided to make something easy, and yummy at the same time...did grill a tilapia fish with my jerk seasoning, and grilled a potato, first nuked, and cut in half to grill on the George Foreman grill. One suggestion, the jerk spices are extremely hot on a delicate white fish...made some fresh coleslaw, with Marzetti's slaw, Marzetti's...always have! The fish was so spicy, I could not cut the spice...was sneezing, coughing...but I loved it! (no photos)

Next, I made these cute little bars, with my mango jam...a leftover one from last month. Tried to drizzle it with some melted chocolate, but wasn't enough, and too thick, so I gave up on that, but those little bars with the oats crust and cream cheese topped was really great!
I did follow this recipe...just don't use a 13x9 baking 8x8 inch brownie pan is plenty big enough!
I used my mango jam instead, but you can also use your favorite jam to make these yummy bars...and oh, DO use an aluminum foil or parchment paper to line and make sure to hang over the sides of the pan for easy removal, otherwise you will scratch up your pan. I forgot to use lining paper, but used a plastic spatula to cut and remove the bars.
A 'store brand' product will always saves you money, such as flour sugar, milk, and any other store brand products. This flour is great, but when I want to do some serious baking, I will always use King Arthur brand, but our local supermarket brand products are superior, fresh, and just as good if not better than some national brand you just pay for the name!
The oats, flour, sugar, and butter crust that you just mix together, and pat it down into the pan, was so ridiculously easy...pre-bake the crust for 15 minutes, then spread jam on top, and 1-8 oz. Philadelphia cream cheese mixed with 2 eggs, a little sugar and vanilla...beat till creamy, top with the cream cheese topping and bake for an additional 20 minutes. Really satisfies your 'sweet tooth'!

So that's it for today, hope you all had a wonderful Sunday!

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Love the were certainly busy!

  2. I was more busy making these jams the other week at Lora's, than I was busy with not much to do...other than reading recipes from back of my flour bag, and watching the rain, but I did make the cute and yummy jam bars!

  3. Hi Elisabeth, good morning from Malaysia.

    Your mango look awesome. I'll be back to comment.
    I got 4 awards for you which I'd just posted. Pleased drop by to collect when you free.

    hugs and kisses to you

  4. Hi Elisabeth your mango chutney looks yummy and awesome, i'll make it before the end of the season :)
    i'm following you.

  5. This looks really yummy Elisabeth. Mangoes are a touch and go these days, but when in season we pay one dollar for every mango. We lucked out with a nice one this afternoon. Elisabeth I wondered if you could suggest a light mango dessert for me that doesn't require too many mangoes?

  6. Beautiful photos, Lizzie...of both your condo views, your jam and those amazing bars! We're home from visiting family and move Nick this's been a busy summer! Hope you have a wonderful week :) xo

  7. You've done a marvellous job of the canning. I love your scenic shots too and the rain is welcome esp. when you have a lot of hot days. So glad that you didn't have any hurricanes this year.

  8. Hi Elisabeth, you make jam, you bake cookies and relax while enjoying the gentle rain, I'm enjoying just thinking about it! I really like the lime juice in with the mango jam-that sounds heavenly;-) Enjoy your week;-)

  9. That's a smart tip of sealing. I am making a note of it and will use this recipe next year.But I can sure try those mango bars, if I am lucky enough to get good mangoes.
    Those are some beautiful pictures of rain recharging you in summer.

  10. Thanks for showing the step by step instruction on how to make own homemade jam. I do love the sound of opening up a bottled jam. And never knew we could have that effect the same way by turning the jars upside down. How I wish I could buy a bottle from you? And I will definitely share it with my family. Have a good week! Huggsssss, Jo

    1. Hi Jo, I'm glad I was able to take photos of the step-by-step direction. Turning the jars downwards for no more than 10 minutes will assure perfect seal. Longer than 10 minutes will start to gel and thicken, and it will leave a gap on the bottom when you turn the jar over.
      I wish I could send you a jar (not to sell, but to give) of the jam...unfortunately, I cannot for 2 reasons. First and most important, is because its been refrigerated and requires refrigeration, and being on route to Malaysia will take at least a week and it might spoil...second, because I only kept 2 jars for myself, and gave the rest away, and Lora did the same thing. Can't hold on to something wonderful like this just to yourself!
      Next time, I will follow the boiling method for the jars, to assure that it doesn't have to be refrigerated until you open the jar!
      Huggsss to you too!

    2. Thanks for the tip Elisabeth! Much appreciated. I have some pectin at home and now I know what I can do with it. Will make sure to keep a timer next to me. THANKS for thinking of me my friend {HUGS}

  11. Mangó dzsem, ezt imádnám! Gyönyörű színe van! :) Kár, hogy nálunk nem kapható igazán finom, érett mangó :((, csak nagyon ritkán - azt pedig inkább megeszem frissen. :)

  12. Hi Elisabeth,thank you for sharing this recipe,peach-mango is my most favorite jam!!!(I will add peaches to it) Very tasty bars and lovely photos from Florida!After all this extreme heat we've been experiencing,I do appreciate when rain comes our way..Have a great week,XOXO

  13. Csodálatosak lettek a mangó befőttjeid, szívesen megkóstolnám. Még nem ettem mangó dzsemet, de ránézésre nagyon finom lehet!!!

  14. Nagyon gyönyörűek lettek a dzsemek! Nemhogy mangó dzsemet, de még mangót sem ettem. :) Ezt a fejreborítós dolgot egyszer kipróbálom, csak sajna többnyire régi üvegeim vannak, és azoknak a teteje alá már kell celofán. :)

  15. I'm so envious that you have mango jam, not only one but tons of them! ;) I don't think I ever tried mango jam, and I'm a huge mango fan (maybe I'm not allowed to call myself a fan, without trying jam, huh). I'd spread this jam and use it for everything! You are making me drool. :-)

  16. The mango jam looks awesome and I love those creamy bars too!

  17. Elisabeth,I will never get bored with your mango's recipe especially with this great "mango jam recipe" looks tasty jam and sound so delicious for spread or mixed sauce or anything ( I'm mango fans )
    beautiful beach view,I miss florida, I spent six months work @ country club in 2006,I really like it down there :)

  18. Csodálatos a színe a mangó dzsemnek, és biztosan nagyon finom. Mangóval még nem is találkoztam itt nálunk.
    Sajnos elolvasni nem tudom, hogy mit is írtál, mert valamiért nem jön be a lap tetején a fordító. Többször megnyitottam az oldalt, de sajnos sikertelenül.:((
    Csodaszépek az esőben készült képeid, mindig szívesen nézegetem őket. Puszillak

  19. Que rico el mango :)
    Un saludito

  20. I have never made mango jam before but I know it taste good. Thanks for sharing surrounding at where you stayed. My place here is so hot as no rain for several days.

  21. I've had mango chutney but not jam, how lovely!

    I love that beach pic - overcast days often make wonderful photos.

  22. Istenien néznek ki, nagyon finomak lehetnek! Ki kellene próbálnom őszibarackkal! :)

    1. Hankka, egész nyugottan próbáld ki őszi barackkal, én is avval szeretné kipróbálni hamarosan. Az őszi barack nagyon drága, de meg éri dzsemet csinálni vele!

  23. I wish I have stayed near as your neighbor, mango jam looks perfect. Love that bars too, they are awesome treat.

  24. You were such a joy to be jammin' with;) It's a messy job that not everyone wants to tackle! This is delicious jam and I'm sad that we're eating it so quickly:)

  25. It looks fabulous! I had no idea the mango season ended in August in Florida. I have no idea when and where the mango season starts or ends since here we have only imported mangoes and depending on the season they come from different places in the world. We have them all year round, but they are nothing compared to mangoes from your own garden (or your daughter's).

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  27. hi, thanks for all the tips given and i never knew about turning the jar upside down to assure good sealing. we got plenty of mangoes here and i dont know why i'm not making them :( Can i know is pectin used to make the jam set more nicer and quicker?

    1. Lina, pectin assures that it sets the jam nicer, and quicker. You just have to know the right equivalent to use...just how I posted it on the recipe! So nice that you can get plenty of mangoes, it would be worthwhile to make jam with it:)

    2. thanks, i might have seen pectin selling here.Hope to try my hands making jams some day.

  28. Sunshine in bottles! Now you have mangoes the whole year round.
    I love the looks of those bars ... yum! Can't wait for the pectin so that I can start jammin' again :)
    I've never used pectin before. Hope I get it right. Thanks again, Elisabeth, for your generosity. xo

    1. Ping, I thought you have received the pectin by now...the problem was, that our local post office closed down after 30yrs being in the same location, and I had to go to another location. Just follow the recipe, and you will get it right. You can use other fruits as well!
      The only mangoes we will have all year around are the peeled and cut ones we froze. Not much jam leftover, after giving most of them away!

    2. I will let you know if and when I do receive the pectin for sure. Things might be delayed slightly due to the festive season here (Eid) and people still do send greeting cards by mail!

  29. summer time yummies for winter time eats, giggle xo

  30. I love homemade jams!
    Wish I lived closer so I could stop by and try yours!

  31. Elizabeth, Such a lovely post!! Your jam looks delicious…I so enjoy making jam. I just made two batches of fig jam last week. Great pictures of your very pretty part of the world. We are having some of that steady rain right now…I’m loving it, for the same reasons you stated! Have a great day!!

  32. Ez igen, a színe olyan mint a sárgabarack dzsemnek, s látom darabok is vannak benne. Sajnos nálunk csak olyan kényszerérett mangót találni, inkább zöld mint sárga. A süti is nagyon finom lehet:)

    1. Kati,a kényszerérett mangóbol nem lehet jó dzsemet csinálni. Tapasztaltam amikor sok zöld mangó le esett a fárol, nem érett meg olyan szépen mint a többi érett! Köszi a kedves szavaidat!

  33. There's no way to get sick of mangoes when they look this gorgeous. That color is like sunshine in a jar!

  34. I wish I lived near you so you could teach me how to can properly. It scares and intimidates me. But my gosh I need some mango jam in my life. Absolutely beautiful

    1. Kim, I would be happy to teach you, and so would Lora. If you're in the area, just give us a call:)

  35. Micsoda napsugaras színe van! Csodálatos!! Kíváncsi lennék az ízére, biztos nagyon finom. Sajnos itthon nagyon drága a mangó, úgy hogy csínján bánok vele, ha veszek... :o)

  36. What a beautiful batch of mango jam! The color is wonderful and the flavors sound delicious. I know just how you feel about canning in a small kitchen. I used to make chili sauce every year, but that's gone by the boards since I now live in an apartment.

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  38. That was a really detailed post on the jam, how wonderful of you to share it!

    The pictures remind me of how much I miss Florida. :) They're really lovely.

  39. Another wonderful recipe i want to try! I am now debuting whether I should make this Mango jam or your sweet mango chutney for the next food swap...They both look so good and sound so yummy. I think I will have to make both of them, my friends are going to love me !!!!!!

  40. Elisabeth, beautiful, and so good! I can imagine it on a toast or muffin in the middle of the cold winter somewhere north: mmm, piece of summer and warmth! :) Is there a on-line store for all things Italian (including pectin)? Thanks! :)

    1. Marina, I honestly couldn't tell you that information. The Italian pectin is the same as Sure Jell pectin...did not see any difference in the quality. My daughter brought back a few packs of Italian pectin from Italy, and we both used it!
      Probably an Italian market in your area would possibly carry Italian pectin, but I still like our American brand, which I'm used to!

  41. Hope you are having a wonderful week. The jam and the squares look great! It was a prolific mango season for you and I enjoyed all the recipes that you shared with us.

  42. As a mango fanatic I can't believe I've never heard of mango jam. Thank you so much for sharing this, I can't wait to give it a try. Have a great weekend:)

  43. Egyszer megadatott, hogy Izraelben dolgozzam, akkor rengeteg mangót ettem.
    Kár, hogy itthon, csak nagyon drágán és nem jó minőséget lehet venni. Pedig ínycsiklandó a dzsemed, szívesen elkészíteném. :)
