Sunday, September 9, 2012

Easy Chicken Salad Sandwich...and more

I have so much stuff to share with you...but first things, first. Yesterday, as I was commenting back on some of the comments (yes, I know I owe a lot more)...I came across a comment from Cathleen @ A Taste of...Madness
and as soon as I saw her yummy, and simple chicken salad sandwich, I immediately decided to use of the large roasted leftover chicken breast, from the whole roasted chicken, I made the other day.
For the recipe, just click on the link, but I also combined half of the portion for the mayo, with my homemade tartar sauce, or you can use a bottled purchase tartar sauce if you would like!
Roasted chicken is so versatile, but most of the time I purchase it ready made, fresh  rotisserie style, from my local supermarket. Just can't resist the aroma and the freshness of a roasted chicken.

The leftovers can be utilized so many different ways...if you haven't devoured all of it in one sitting, with family or company. In my case, I always have some leftovers which happen to be one of the large breast which I use for chicken sandwiches, but have not made chicken salad in a long time!

How could you not enjoy this delicious sandwich on your favorite sandwich bread or bun (I chose 100% whole wheat)

On the bottom slice of the bread, pile on the yummy chicken salad, and on the other
slice a generous chunk of your favorite lettuce, a slice of perfectly ripe tomato, and a thin slice of red onion (optional)...cut it half diagonally, and enjoy your sandwich with homemade ice tea...can't get better than that!

A 'sitting duck'...this isn't...but more like a 'squatting chicken'...which it is; 'hunch back', and all!...yikes! This image of a well roasted chicken, right out of the oven is NOT very attractive, but the chicken is perfectly roasted...except for the two bottom legs...which are squatted, and did not get golden brown, but it did get tender.

So why am I showing you this funny looking squatting chicken?...well, because of the cast iron roasting pan, and how clever and useful it is.

So, this is the famous cast iron skillet by Chef Emeril...I did not find this as a 'thrift find' a matter of fact, I ordered it online from HSN Home shopping...the cost was not cheap...close to $40. I must admit it really is an unusual, and different kind of roasting pan, but I am not crazy about it, and therefore,

I will want to get rid of it....probably donating it to Goodwill, or offering someone in the U.S. who will not mind paying for the shipping charge...that's all; just let me know if you're interested!

This was the original plan...roasted chicken, and baked sweet potatoes!

I'm gonna share my homemade tartar sauce recipe with you, to add to the chicken salad recipe!

So, I made my own delicious tartar sauce...which was not difficult, at all!

My homemade tartar sauce, which I featured in my previous post.

Here are the ingredients that I used...

 here you have all the ingredients to process for the tartar sauce...sweet pickle slices, caper berries, and and scallions.Give it a whirl or two, and you can add this to your favorite mayonnaise.

So, that's all to making a simple homemade tartar's my personal recipe concoction!

Tartar Sauce

! 1/2 cups really good mayonnaise
2 Tbsp. sweet diced pickles for the relish
1 Tbsp. caper berries
2 Tbsp. lemon juice
1 Tbsp. chopped onion
1 teaspoon brown mustard
about 1/2 teaspoon of pickle juice

Mix all ingredients together, and use it for side dish, or for sandwich spreads, and dips!

Sending you our beautiful rainbow from our South Florida early evening scene!

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Who can resist that golden chicken then turned into a perfect sandwich after wards you really aced this one my friend. I can just see us doing brunch right now on a balcony on the ocean... oh boy my mind is wandering... bellissimo!

    1. Claudia, you're a dear are welcome to join me for a nice brunch any time you feel like driving south from your north end of Florida! Ciao!

  2. Nagyon finom lehet ez a mártás, mentem is a receptet! :) A szivárvány csodaszép, itthon már régen láttam! :)

    1. Hankka, a martas nagyon finom plane hideg csirke hussal ossze keverve, egy finom szendvicsen. A szivarvanyt hirtelen lattam es mar is le kaptam a fotot!

  3. did you photoshop in that rainbow-wow! That sauce looks incredible. Great sandwich:)

    1. Lora, I already told you about the beautiful rainbow, but did not tell you that I took photos! The sandwich was amazing...just don't like that skillet!

  4. Chicken salad is one of my favorites! In fact, I'm making some today with leftover roasted chicken!! Sorry I haven't been by to say hi lately...been so hectic lately, but trying to get back into a commenting routine for my favorite blog friends!!

  5. Szuper szendvics, a gyerekeim egyik kedvence:) Mikor csirkét sütök, egyből kettőt szoktam, hogy biztosan maradjon belőle, mert imádják, ha ilyet készítek a suliba. A tartár szószod nagyon jól hangzik, van is hozzá minden otthon, feltétlenül kipróbálom, szerintem a lazachoz is passzolna. Nálunk is ilyen gyönyörű hatalmas szivárvány szokott lenni, már elég soszor sikerült lefotóznom:) A vas serpenyőd nagyon egyedi, én sörös dobozra szoktam ráhúzni a csirkét, a dobozba pedig lehet akár fűszereket is tölteni, nagyon finom lesz a csirke és ilyen klasszul megsül mint a tiéd:) Szép hetet kívánok Neked:)

  6. Just recently, I made a batch of chicken salad. Reading your post I was reminded how delicious a good simply prepared chicken salad can be-thanks.


  7. You have a way of making me hungry for whatever you post!

    This looks extremely yummy!

    I must do this soon!

  8. Elisabeth, I love your sandwich. Wow! I am gonna make those soon. I could not help laughing at the chicken. It looks hillarious propped up like that. That pan with the stand in the middle is very cool. Kinda remind me of a chiffon cake pan. But don't worry, I won't put my chicken in there!

  9. Hi Elisabeth, your chicken salad sandwich is mouthwatering indeed..Thanks for the tartar sauce recipe, it's great for dipping fried fish bites..Love your rainbow photos..Hope you have a great week, XOXO

  10. What a coincidence! I'm just making a roast chicken today, but mainly for salads and sandwiches during the week (to pack them as lunch). I love the way your sandwich looks! Tartare or just good seasoned mayonnaise, they are both perfect with chicken. I also often put red onion in chicken sandwiches.

  11. Eli, you are not going to believe that I have just roasted a whole chicken. Why do you want to get rid of that pan? It's perfect for roasting chicken, maybe even a bread ring.
    The sandwich looks droolworthy!

    1. Angie, the heavy cast iron pan is just not as practical for me as i thought it would be. Also, you have to remove all the higher racks from the oven. I would not want to keep this super heavy pan around just for making chicken; although bread ring sounds ideal!

      Thanks, the sandwich was super delicious...especially would be with one of your amazing breads to slice!

  12. That pan looks rather interesting but it gives me a feeling that the chicken wont cook through very well unlike our traditional rotisserie....the sandwhich looks it ok to omit the caper berries while making tartar sauce?

    1. MJ, the chicken did get cooked through; the only issue I have with it is the legs are pushed down by the heavy body, and did not get the pretty golden roasted look.

      Certainly can omit the caper berries if you do not wish to add them. The sweet pickles are the main ingredients in the tartar sauce!

  13. another yummy burger from you!seriously, i dont mind eating this least for now! i love sandwiches ! that rainbow photo looks fascinating and you managed to capture that!! is that roasting pan use for special purpose cos i see that hole in the center? not that i want it but a lil curious. Have a good week!

    1. Lena, I would love to comment on your blog, I already mentioned to you that your word verification is not letting my comment go through!

      The special pan is for roasting chicken, and you fill the hole, which is a small compartment for liquid; such as water, and for herbs...I used fresh peeled rosemary!
      Have a wonderful week!

    2. thanks for letting me know about the word verification. I'll chk again.

  14. Great chicken salad recipe,,,I'm hungry now just look at "sandwhich" pic :) and Wow,, what a beautiful rainbow,Gorgeous photo :)

  15. what a beautiful rainbow! and i'm sure your sandwich tasted delicious!

  16. Fresh produce, nice job and the finished product looks very good.

  17. Yum! I also love using rotisserie chickens and the leftovers make wonderful chicken salad!

  18. Wow now that's a great chicken for leftovers! Actually this is just one great idea!

  19. Oh, how I love those rainbow photos...what magical scenes nature puts before us! And your chicken salad looks fantastic...I am long overdue to make a batch, and the rotisserie shortcut is perfect! Life is getting busy again and I still want yummy food but without spending hours in the kitchen. Great idea to use your homemade tartar sauce to amp up the flavor! Happy Monday to you! xo

  20. Good grief Elisabeth I should not have looked at this post I am SO HUNGRY now!

  21. Elisabeth-you're killing me with this sandwich-just over the top delicious looking, yummy!!!

  22. That pan reminds me of good 'ole beer can chicken! Although you want to get rid of it now..the chicken does look great! Love chicken salad and your sandwich looks sensational, as does your homemade tartar sauce..which is a fantastic dressing for chicken salad! I want to try it without cutting the usual plain mayo :)xoxo

  23. Ilyen formájú csirkesütőm van nekem is kerámiából! Csirkét gyakran sütök, de szendvicsnek még nem próbáltam. A házi tartárnak nincs párja, én is mindig magam készítem.
    Gusztusos, finom ételt készítettél!
    Én az idén nem is láttam szivárványt, nálunk két hónapja eső sem volt(sajnos).

  24. When I saw the picture of the pan I thought... "hmmm this is what I need for roasting my own chicken" But then when I read your text I said "nah not a good roasting pan" You see I'm looking for something like a rotisserie kind of pan that I could put inside an oven. I would like to use it too with my rolled pork belly. So i wonder if this pan works for that too.
    Sorry i haven't been around lately because I hurt my right elbow which extends to my arm and hand (I can't type as much as I could) But glad I could do a little typing now so here I am...
    Have a great day mi amiga,

    1. Malou, So sorry about your elbow, I know how you feel; I has a sprained wrist over a month ago and it effected my typing, as well.
      As for the roasting pan, I personally prefer a regular roasting pan with a rack for the fat to drip down. I haven't tried this pan for other than chicken.

      BTW-I left my comment for you on google+ ...your word verification is not letting my send my comment thru. So sorry, about that! xo

  25. This has to be the best leftover sandwich ever! I think I want one for lunch too! I too cannot resist that fresh roasted chicken aroma in the supermarket! I like to have mine with fresh salad! Your tarter sauce looks fantastic and easy to make, very healthy too! I will have to make some soon! Thanks for sharing the rainbow photos, they are beautiful! Have a great day Elisabeth x

  26. Perfect tartar sauce recipe! We Filipinos also blend some shredded chicken with a similar tangy spread, so good. Thanks for this, I have bookmarked this for summer!

  27. Hi Elisabeth, your sandwich is excellent. Great idea to use up left over roast chicken. And your tartar sauce look so good. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

    Have a nice week ahead, regards. Hugs to you.

  28. I hope you find a new home for your cast iron pan. You know, we grill chicken on our rotisserie all the time and I always use the leftovers to make hot chicken sandwiches (with home fries). Your scrumptious sandwich photo has me craving for one right now and believe me, the next rotisserie chicken we do will have us making sandwiches just like yours with the leftovers.

    Love your rainbow photo, such a nice high arc to it.
