Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Red Clam Sauce with Linguine

I'm at the point where I feel like 'throwing in the towel'...and take a 'blogging break'...I'm totally discombobulated, disconnected, so not on the 'ball' with my blogging, and keeping up with my posts that would actually amount to something or feel I have a connection to the proper groups, blog hops, social networks. I'm probably the only food blogger that hasn't used STUMBLE! Even my Google+ is sitting there all lonely and not properly attended to. I was one of the last ones that stayed on the old Blogger format, until they finally discontinued the old format! Good thing I'm able to figure out the new Blogger format, which is really great:)

As I mentioned the last time that I don't take photos of the things I make every day...but then, if I don't have a plan for something special, than I have no other choice but sprucing up my dish to take some photos, mostly in my kitchen, for the best light at night... if I want to have a new post.

This is a classic Italian Clam Sauce with Linguine, but one rule is that, it's either 'White Clam Sauce'...not a white cream sauce, but a simple extra virgin olive oil, garlic, and lots of fresh parsley; and don't forget the lemon. In case of the 'Red Clam Sauce'...not drowning the clams in a heavy red sauce, but the same format, leaving out the lemon juice and lemon slices, and using white wine. As for the tomato sauce, it really is just Hunt's diced tomatoes in their natural juices, or you can you fresh diced tomatoes, just don't overcook them so they keep their diced shape.

My recipe is from 'scratch'...from memory of a 70's classic that I still remember, only adding the diced tomatoes to it! The best way to make this even special, is to add fresh steamed whole baby clams, to add more flavor, and for presentation.

Red Clam Sauce with Linguine
recipe by; Elisabeth

2- 7 oz. cans of chopped clams
1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
3 or 4 cloves garlic chopped
a handful of Italian fresh parley chopped
1-15 oz. can diced tomatoes (I used Hunt's with sweet onions)
1/2 cup white wine (real wine, not cooking wine)
1 teaspoon chili pepper flakes
freshly ground pepper to taste
salt (use sparingly, clams are salty enough)
1 dozen, fresh baby clams (I used 10 for two serv.)
1 lb. linguine, or spaghetti

In a medium saucepan, add the 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil (don't worry about the amount, you need a lot of oil to soak up the clams and pasta)

On medium high heat, add the oil, the chopped garlic, the red pepper flakes, and heat up till the garlic sizzles, just don't let it get brown. Add the half cup wine, a good portion of chopped parsley, and the juices from the canned clams. Do not add the clams at this time.

Add the canned tomatoes with the liquid, and heat to a slow boil. Simmer for about 10 minutes, and at the very end, add the canned clams. Just gently stir, and simmer on low for a about another 5 minutes. Keep it on warm, while you're boiling the water for the linguine. For the fresh clams, In a skillet, add a small amount of chili red pepper and more garlic if you like, add another 1/2 cup of white, a small portion of parsley, Cover with a lid, and boil until all the clams open up, which should take no longer than a few minutes.

Important to note: Do not try to pry open any clams that do not open up by themselves. In my case, 2 clams did not open I had to discard it. (discard any that do not open up)

To serve: In a serving bowl, add the linguine, and ladle the sauce with the clams, and mix gently together. Garnish with additional parsley, and carefully surround the bowl with the opened fresh clams. (As a rule, do not add grated Parmesan cheese) Serves 4.

Linking to: Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop, @ Katherines Corner
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  1. Hey Elisabeth! Don't feel so bad, ok? Perhaps you are suffering from burnout. Take a break! It will do you good. I don't even know what is STUMBLE har..har...and my google+ is lonely too :) I love your red clam sauce linguine. Lots of flavors there and I have a thing for linguine. Be of good cheer!

    1. Phong, Hong, you are so sweet; actually, I don't feel so bad...although, I feel worst about not being to catch up with comments, and joining fun group, and mingling with different social networks. Thanks for your kind compliment, and comment!

  2. Dont worry Elisabeth, you are not alone! Sometimes all the blogging, commenting, paying back the visits, coming up with new recipes, or simply penning down a few words to put up a post can be very overwhelming and stressful. Its ok to take a break every once in a while.
    I love your blog and recipes. You are one of the first ones who were there with very encouraging and sweet comments when I first started blogging and someone whom I look up to! Agreed, with my new work and college schedule and a big family, my blogging has taken a back seat and I m not that frequent in visiting and commenting,but hey we are here to have a good time and to de-stress.

    1. Hi Anuja, so sorry that I have not been to your blog commenting, either! I realize you're so busy, and your schedule does not permit for you to spend as much time as you would like to on your blog.
      Yes, you're absolutely right about being here to have a good time, and de-stress!

  3. Hű, mi ez a finom kagylós étek? Nagyon guszta! Szeretem a tenger gyümölcseit... Máris elolvasom a receptjét! Szuper!

    1. Kriszti, ez a kagylós étek, rengeteg van nálunk, több fajta és más különleges formában. A receptje nagyon könnyü, mert ennek a tengeri gyümölcsnek a fele, a konzerves formában is kapható. Köszi!

  4. Guszta, szép színes lett a tálad, szépen tálaltad! Bár én nem eszem tenger gyümölcseit, de azért tetszik :)

    1. Katalin, én már több mint 35 éve itt élek Floridában, és rengeteg tengeri gyümölcs és friss halak kaphatók naponta. Az exotikus ég hajlat kellemessebbé teszi az életet, ha hozzá szokunk az egészséges dolgokra...sok gyümölcs, zöldség, és hal ételekre!

  5. No worry, Eli, I too love blogger old format...get dizzy looking at the new one. Yesterday I was trying to edit layout on beta blogger, but was told it's retired and pushed me to the new one.
    Enough babbling...pass the fork over, pleeeeeeeeeease!

    1. Angie, I was perfectly satisfied with the old Blogger format, but Blogger seems to keep upgrading their technology, which is not such a bad thing...just have to learn and adjust. Thanks for your input re: the new format!

  6. Dear Elisabeth, it's totally normal to feel this way at times! But enjoy what you love first: is it family and food? Blogging is just a by product of your first love. Whenever I get to read about you on the post is a gift without any expectation. :) Have a great weekend, dear friend.

    1. Thank you Kay, you are a longtime friend of mine...having such a blessed position in common of 'church supper catering'...not an easy job, but all the wonderful members of the community has surely made the job easier. Can't believe I held that job for nearly 4yrs as a second job.

      Yes, my first love these days are 'family, and food'...and the joy of it comes thru my food blog. Such wise words..."blogging is just a product of your first love" Will always remember that, my dear friend:) xoxo

  7. I think all us go through that blogging slump where it just seems like a lot of work and what for. I think comments are dwindling for most of us since foodbuzz went away. It's a hard thing. But I love your blog and you so I hope you stay. For me I'm cutting back a bit and some days I just don't photograph what we eat. I've had a day off rule since the get go regarding dinner. One day a week it's nice to eat hot food and not have to putz around. I'm working part time now too so I have limited time. Trying to work out a new schedule that keeps me wanting to blog but gives me needed days off. Okay I'm rambling big time now.

    This is a recipe my dad would have gone nuts for. He grew up out east so clams were something he loved and he always made sure to make them a couple of times per year. I have lots of fond memories of my dad and dishes like this. It's such a pretty dish.

    1. Kim, as you notice, I put the Foodie blogroll badge back on again, and working to upgrade that since I haven't done anything with it while I was with foodbuzz. I sure miss all the follower friends from, I don't even know where to find most of those bloggers.

      You're not rambling at all, I just love hearing from you and your heartfelt comment; especially the one of how your dad loved this this!

  8. Don't tell me they snuck a new format in on me while I had to take a little breather!!! I'll never be able to keep up! I still love to cook, love to write about it and share but sometimes the technology and networking is a lot! I'll take a lot of this linguine, though. I love that you can make a great dish like this with your eyes closed. It looks just fantastic. I bet you make a great white clam sauce, too.

    1. Rosemary, you're absolutely right; it's mostly the technology, and the networking that boggles me. I've been hanging on to the old Blogger format, until they finally took it away entirely, so now just working step-by-step with the new one!

      For the clam sauce, I've been making it for a decades, since the seventies, and mostly with the white clam sauce...plenty of fresh parsley, and lots of lemon juice and a few lemon slices. Thanks for stopping by, and commenting!

  9. Nagyon guszta, és olyan csodálatos színekben pompázik ez az étel, hogy kedvem lenne rögtön felfalni. Nagyon szeretem a tengergyümölcseit, de kagylót itthon még soha nem készítettem.

    Kedves Elisabeth, tegnap megsütöttem a sütőtökös-banános kuglófreceptedet,igaz pici változtatással, és muffin formában. Isteni finom lett, nagyon köszönöm a receptet. A blogbejegyzésnél belinkeltelek,mert biztosan van olyan aki az eredeti hozzávalókkal szeretné megsütni. Puszillak

  10. Tengeri ételekben mi is bővelkedünk itt Norvégiában, de ilyen kagylósat még sosem készítettem, de most itt van a remek recepted, ki fogom próbálni:)Nekem sem sok időm van mostanában kommentelni, meg válaszolni, bizony ez sok időt igényel. A régi megszokott dolgokhoz pedig én is ragaszkodom, nehezen szoktam meg az új bloggert:)

  11. You shouldn't worry about any of this...blogging is only fun when it's fun...your posts are always lovely and family must always come first...and Mush second!

  12. Thats a greating looking linguine, my h wont mind to finish that whole plate,he just love seafoods in anything as anything.

  13. Don't feel bad- I can't keep up with all of the social media either. I just took a break because I couldn't even keep up with posting! I've decided that I'm just going to do what I can and not worry about the rest. This linguine looks amazing- I heart clams. :)

  14. Totally lost most of my valuable friends I had at Foodbuzz. I prefer the older version where we can vote our favorites and be in contact with other foodies. Pasta looks inviting and so yum!

  15. Elisabeth, I don't even know what STUMBLE is! Some new technology things get on my nerves and are such time stealers... All I want is to share my love for food with other friendly, like-minded people. I feel that some blogs become lose their human, warm aspect, and become very cold, as if made by machines, with all the applications, social media and other things that are invented constantly and that people feel they should keep up with.... I probably sound like an 80 years old complaining lady ;-)
    Your clams look delicious and remind me that I never buy clams, but always mussels (they are easier to get here and somehow I got used to them). I am however often tempted when they are on special price... I must experiment soon because I feel the season has just started.
    I also often feel as if I wanted to make a break, but usually after a week I start missing blogging and most of all my dear visiting friends (and those I visit!).

    1. Sissi, actually, I just signed up for 'stumble' and it is really a nice social networking...stumbling your own posts, and others' as well!

      No, you don't sound like an 80yr old complaing...LOL I do a lot of the complaining, myself. I know what you mean about the 'break'...I feel I lost so many friends from our foodbuzz social networking, and now they're all scattered around, somewhere else!

  16. Where were you Elisabeth when I had to let a box of live clams slowly expire in the fridge? I had no idea what to do with them and could not bring myself to cook them alive... The seagulls and the bears at the city dump must have had a feast a week later. You actually make these things look appetizing.

    1. Zsuzsa, I feel bad that you had to toss the box of! Mine were live, as well, but I only had one dozen, and they're not cheap! If I knew you had them, I could have given you a bunch of recipes 'right off the top of my head' ...for you! I just made New England Clam Chowder, but with canned clams; too expensive for the 'live' ones!

    2. Yeh I know. My son in law gave them to me before they left for holiday. He said you can cook anything. Ha! I had trouble cooking them alive. [I felt sorry for them.] I tried to pass them on but nobody wanted it. :-(

  17. Csodás étel, nagy kedvenc nálunk is a hal és a tengeri "herkentyük", viszont nincs olyan választék, szoktam kagylót készíteni, nagyon szeretjük, leginkább csak sima fekete kagylót, ritkábban jakab kagylót...

  18. Hang in there, Lizzie! We all have those ebbs and flows...especially when we've been blogging 2 + years. You have so much knowledge to share...I love coming here and reading what you've made...even if it's just one recipe a week. Your clam sauce looks amazing...I need Bill to go out of town again so I can make a batch and eat it night after night till it's gone! Enjoy your weekend! xo

  19. Oh my I so know how you feel! I get that way often. This week I had 13 hour days and three meetings for work in Orlando staying overnight in the Hotel and got so way behind I almost missed this one! I am still not with it today. Laundry, grocery, house cleaning. Everything screams why the heck are you blogging again. The fact is it keeps me in touch with great people like you! We share the same unique reason to keep in touch with people we have never met! You can take a break I will still be here for ya! Have a great weekend~!!! Going to be in Pompano for three days! who knows we may meet yet!

    1. Claudia, my blogging has been really a 'social gathering' place since I started to do my food blog. You are so right about keeping in touch with great people, such as you, as well!

      If I decide to take a break...I may not come back for a long time...if at all, so I would rather post less often, but not to pass one week...then, people get tired of coming back to the 'same old, same old' post!

      You must let me know when you will be in Pompano, so we can meet for lunch. I will come to you. It's about 45min. from us. Keep me informed abt. your trip!

  20. Dear Elisabeth, This is one of my favorite dishes. I should make it more often. Thank you for reminding me. Your dish looks absolutely wonderful. Blessings dear. Catherine

  21. This is exactly how I love my linguine with red clam sauce..since I'm more of a white clam sauce 'girl'. Chunks of tomato rather than smothered in a heavy tomato sauce..which I seem to get every time I order it. I never knew the two differences between white and red clam sauces were lemon and tomato, so if I want red, leave out the lemon and add tomatoes - white..add lemon and leave out tomatoes. So simple and obvious, but again..I didn't know lol It looks magnificent, Elisabeth! xoxo

  22. Oh sure you just signed up for STUMBLE now I'm the only one that is not on STUMBLE! Okay I have read a few of your comments and there are a few others. I accidently took a few weeks off, and it was pretty easy to pay attention to my family and work and just fall into bed and not worry about posting, but then I am like you...mine is about the social part, I like keeping in touch with my blogger friends and not so much about the food...although I do get a lot of ideas from my foodie friends and enjoy sharing my old stand-by tried and true even if they are easy recipes with my friends and family...whew! Is that a record for the longest run-on sentence? :)

    I did miss chatting with you on my break, I am with you on just posting a little less often, but I just wanted to let you know I can relate to all you do! Thanks for sticking in there! Now I have to check out STUMBLE!

  23. Oh yeah, your clams in red sauce looks awesome! I changed mty mind on the red sauce after seeing this. I want to try it soon. Will you make it for me when I visit? :)

    1. Lyndsey, you are just like's all about the social part of it; so nice to keep in touch with friends that you've met through blogs, and not so 'intense' about the food.
      Do check out Stumble...I'm stil 'stumbling' on Stumble; meaning that when I'm on your blog for instance, and click on my own Stumble button, it takes me to other food sites that I haven't heard of and find interesting foods and stories!

      Do visit me, when you get a chance, you're a Floridian 'buddy' and not too far from me...I promise to make you the Red Clam Sauce with the linguine:)

    2. So do you know how to link your blog to stumble yet? I did sign up, but haven't spent much time there yet.

  24. Your dish looks great, Elisabeth!Lots of color and flavor,a tasty summer reminder ,especially for some of us in the far north,at the doorstep of winter..LOL..Have a great weekend, XOXO

    1. Xara, I've heard of your practically early winter in Canada...would not mind a little cooler weather here, in S. Florida! Have a wonderful Sunday! xoxo

  25. i know how you feel, i have taken a break a lot of times and yeah you are right people don't come back anymore... not a lot of people stop by at my blog now too (well i mean if you could tell by the comments i get) you are well loved seeing all the comments that you have here... but i hear you.. sometimes we don't get the "connection" anymore.

    but i hope you still blog... I love coming over here.
    Take care,

  26. I too was one of the last to leave the old format on blogger…I would still be using it, but they just pushed me right into the new one! I am getting used to it, just takes a bit of time!
    Sometimes life just gets in the way of commenting on all the blogs you love. This past month we have had a lot on our plates, wedding anniversaries, visits to family and babysitting! Now we are in Florida till the end of the month. With all that travel I have no choice but to close the computer! However, every spare moment I spend visiting my favorite people…and you are one of them my friend!
    Elizabeth, This dish looks simply scrumptious!! So flavorful and delicious! Have a great day!!

  27. Your pasta and clam recipe looks great, keep posting!

  28. One of my most favorite pasta dishes that you make. Somehow I wasn't there for this one and I hope you make it again soon (*hint, hint)Looks amazing!!

  29. me too, im getting a little stressed in fact these 2 months and i was telling a blogger friend that i needed a break!..soon..after all the food events that i'm attached to..dec! and so slow in catching up with posts. Initially it was just 2 posts per week, but last month and this month, i'm posting like 3 or even 4 in a week becos of datelines..urrgh! why am i making myself so busy?? LOL!
