Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Scrambled Eggs in Pita Pocket

Looks like my 'Silent Sunday' could extend into 'Silent Wednesday'...but that's not what's going to happen, because I have a lot to say, and I can't keep silent!
On my post from recent previous; I mentioned about 'throwing in the towel'..just not ready to do that! There's so  much to enjoy with blogging...especially with 'likewise foodie friends'...I enjoy so much from visiting all the blogs, and staying in touch with 'friends'...and I don't mean 'readers' some bloggers refer to other bloggers! me, that is a little 'letdown'. As far as I'm concerned, I, and YOU, have lots, and lots of the so called 'readers' that do not comment, they just READ, and continue on to other blogs to read more!
I was cleaning out my fridge the other day, and found leftover fresh spinach, bell peppers, and always have fresh ripe tomatoes on hand, since we have tomatoes all year round in S. Florida. I have not taken any photos of my foods lately, since my Red Clam Sauce, so at the last minute, I took some pictures of my simple Scrambled Eggs. I always have wonderful pita breads in my freezer (not homemade)...but one of these days!

I had to fast since last night because I had to have my 'blood tests' for my routine checkup this morning, and I stopped at the nearest breakfast place in my 'old' neighborhood...and what a 'letdown'...just for a simple egg sandwich...sigh!...I prefer my own scrambled egg sandwich, and I'm sticking to my promise next time...'MAKE YOUR OWN!'

Scrambled Eggs in Pita Pocket
my own concoction; by, Elisabeth

2 large eggs (scrambled in a small bowl)
1 medium onion chopped (I used red onion)
1 bell pepper diced, or pepper of your choice
(I used yellow bell pepper)
A handful of fresh baby spinach
1 cup (8 oz) grated cheddar cheese or cheese of your choice
2 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil

In a non-stick skillet, saute the onion, pepper, and spinach, till onion is wilted...add the eggs, that was pre-scrambled.

Just let the eggs settle carefully, add the salt and pepper.

Carefully separate the eggs in the middle, add the grated cheese, and just let it cook for a few not stir, or disturb the egg mixture any longer...done!...ready to serve!...that simple:)

This was the view this morning from my balcony...overlooking on the beach... when I left for my doctors appointment! Later, there was a huge storm...heavy downpour rains, but temperatures remain in the mid to high 70's!

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  1. Hi Elisabeth, that's a very delicious scrambled eggs. Love the amount of filling that you stuff inside the pita bread, so yummylicious!

    I love pita bread too cos it's so versatile, you can stuff any kind of filling. I use to make my own, so far have not try the store brought pita.

    Love the beach picture very beautiful. You are lucky to stay near sea front, can enjoy your cup of coffee with sea view.

    Have a nice day week ahead, regards. With hugs to you.

  2. The beach looks amazing...wild and rough!

    And the have a way of making me hungry!

  3. I should try this. My hubs is such an egg guy but I don't eat them and never quite know what to make with them. This is perfect, he'd love it.

    I would give my right arm for a view like that. I look out my window and see about 4 to 6 neighbours houses at any given time of the day.

  4. The eggs look scrumptious and I LOVE the wild scene at the beach!

  5. What's that about throwing in the towel!? Noooooo!!!
    Did you really miss me that much? Sigh. I'm here with a ton of hugs. I've had a couple of crappy months and have been awol with blog love and everything else. I must have missed out on what's been causing you to think of giving this up. I have been reading on and off but am one of the silent ones being in no mood to say anything.
    Things have settled a little and I will be back full blast and making sure you are too!
    Do continue. You are such a pillar of support for so many.
    Sorry, that got me so bad, I'd totally forgot about the lovely scrambled eggs. Did I mention I love eggs in any form?

  6. Glad you aren't throwing in the towel. If it makes you happy and it's not hurting anyone else, then just do it, that's what I've been trying to live by more. Plus you have lots more great advice still to share I'm sure. Hope you have a great rest of the week.

  7. Elisabeth, love the scrambled eggs! I am an egg lover and love whatever food with eggs in them :) Love the pita bread with the scrumptious eggs. This is a great idea for a packed lunch to take to work. I haven't been to the beach for ages. We have nice beaches back in Terengganu, my hometown. Do miss it quite a bit.

  8. OMG-I envy so mych to have such a panorama from the window!!!:)
    ps. I never thougt of this combination with pita!
    Blog about life and travelling
    Blog about cooking

  9. Wish i get that fabulous looking satisfying pita pockets rite now..Yummy.

  10. Glad you're not throwing in the towel. You've been a terrific blogging friend to a lot of people, whenever you can. . . . love the eggs.

  11. Gorgeous view, darling! A great place to work up an appetite for some super yummy pitas!

  12. Eli, have you a spare room to rent out? I want to move in with you! Love your beautiful balcony view.
    These pita sandwiches look mouthwatering.

  13. Elisabeth,
    Every now and then, we all need a break:) Your scrambled eggs, with the spinach and cheese, are amazing. I like to put spinach in my scrambled eggs, too.

  14. Elisabeth I loved your expression "let the egg settle" that is the key Elisabeth isn't? Working with the ingredients and not against them... Your food has love written all over it, yes that is what it is.

  15. Kedves Elizabeth! Nagyon szeretjük a blogodat, és ha te is örömödet leled benne és van mit írnod, mondanod, akkor miért ne?! :) Szenzációs a tojásos pitád is! :)

  16. I love scrambled eggs and until this post, never thought to stuff them in a pita pocket! Love this idea and recipe.

  17. i would love to have this for my breakfast on the go. pita pocket will surely keep the scrambled eggs in place, while you drive. great idea!

  18. I woudln't mind having this for breakfast or for lunch. I know it's not a bagel but it sure does reminds me of the 2 breakfasts we had in that Bagel Shop in SF. LOL.. a hearty warm breakfast can never hurt anyone. Have a great weekend ahead! I am certainly looking forward to it. HUggss

  19. Én is szeretem a blogodat! A receptek nagyon jók és a sok fotó a lakhelyed közeléből pedig mindig lenyűgöznek. Mint most is! A tenger csodás! A pita szintén! :o)

  20. Kedves Elisabeth nagyon örülök, hogy nem hagytad abba a blogolást, és itt maradtál velünk. Bizony nagyon hiányoztak volna a finomságaid, és a csodálatos fotók, melyekkel megajándékozol bennünket.Most valahogy én is ritkábban vagyok, kicsit beleuntam, de annyi munkánk van a blogírásban, hogy nem szabad feladni.
    Csodálatos reggelit készítettél, itt nálunk most éppen reggeliidő van, így szívesen látnám a tányéromon. Szeretem az ilyen mindent bele rántottát, és a pitában valami isteni finom lehet. Puszillak

  21. I had my blood drawn on Wednesday, too! I should have stopped at your house for breakfast were serving a much yummier meal. This is exactly how I like in my scrambled eggs... simple, with veggies and cheese! Glad you're not throwing in the towel :) xo

  22. What a wonderful way to serve eggs, your pitas look delicious and I'd love to eat them sitting on that beach, though I think anything would be wonderful sitting on that beach!

  23. So good to see you again! I always like reading what you have to say! I prefer my own scrambled eggs as well...and I often will add spinach to mine and chopped tomatoes. Yours breakfast sandwich looks scrumptious! The Florida storm crop up fast don't they? and then they're gone! I always like looking at the water stormy or calm. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend! Cheers!

    BTW I am posting Chicken paprikash and I borrowed most of your recipe, thanks!

  24. hi elisabeth, i was chatting with a friend in facebook a while ago that it's so nice to enjoy a cup of coffee with cakes and at the same time overlooking a beach and here i am, seeing this photo!i dont get to see these kind of scene all the time only unless i go for holidays and if i do, my mind will wander, imagining i'm a bird! love eggs, scrambled eggs, fried eggs , hard boiled eggs...etc!

  25. It is such an ingenious way to use eggs, Elisabeth! I'm so sorry I have missed this incredible recipe! Your gorgeous filled pita opens so many ideas to my beloved eggs.
    (I'm glad you have decided to continue bringing as joy and visual feasts with your blog!).

  26. Hi Elisabeth- I think you and I like to eat the same kind of foods because every post you make is calling out to me- now I want scrambled eggs with sliced tomatoes! Sorry I'm behind on your blog-have a little catching up to do;-)
