Tuesday, October 2, 2012

White Chocolate Chip, Chocolate Cookies

While I'm trailing behind everyone else, on the 'food blogger scene,' I still try to come up with decent photos and different type of recipes. I must admit that I could actually post something every-other day...even every day; let's face it, we all have to eat every day 3 meals a day... but who actually wants to take photos of everything you make?...not me; although I should have taken a picture of my awesome homemade 'nokedli=spaetzli'...or even, my northern bean-vegetable soup cooked in my slow-cooker last week, but then I would have to stop and measure everything from the start because it's from 'scratch' and memory...scratch that, and let's start with my cookies.

Even with the cookies...when you don't have semi-sweet chocolate chips, or any other chocolate chips; just white, what do you do?...well, you make a 'White Chocolate Chip, Chocolate Cookies'...duhh...how easy is that to figure out?

Luckily, I always save the empty bag from the Nestle Semi-Sweet morsels, the 12. oz bag, and follow the recipe on the back, but just alter it a little to make it dark chocolate, with white chocolate chips...no problem...done!

Homemade cookies are so much more appreciated and it is much better than store-bought with all the preservatives, unless it's 'OREOS'..but that is always saved for emergencies.

You can make any kind of 'chip' cookies with the basic Toll House cookies recipe from Nestle's, just keep that in mind. Next time it will be with peanut butter chips with dark chocolate...just switching around the white chocolate chips.

Good thing I have another batch in my fridge...ahh thought you would be wondering why do a have a 'second batch' in my fridge?...saving it for a 'rainy day'...not such a bad idea! Today was actually a rainy day, and I had to be at my service station at 9:00AM sharp to get an oil change, and walk over to Goodwill with my umbrella, while car was being serviced. (didn't really find anything,) or at least nothing that I wanted to carry back on foot to pick up my car...so now, here's the slightly adapted recipe for a different chocolate chip cookie!

White Chocolate Chip Chocolate Cookies
adapted from Nestle's Toll House Cookies

2 cups all-purpose flour
1/4 cup Hershey's or another good brand cocoa powder
1-1 oz block of semi-sweet baking chocolate
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup butter (1 stick) melted with the 1 oz. of the semi-sweet chocolate, and cooled
1/2 cup (1 stick margarine) or 1/2 cup shortening
3/4 cup granulated sugar
3/4 cup brown sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 large eggs

2 cups (12 oz. pkg.) white chocolate chips or dark chocolate chips

Preheat  oven to to 375 degrees F.

Line a baking pan with parchment paper. Combine flour, baking soda and salt in a small bowl.In a large bowl, beat cooled down melted chocolate and butter mixture, the 1/2 cup (1 stick margarine)...or the 1/2 cup shortening with the granulated sugar and brown sugar, and vanilla extract until creamy. Add eggs one at time, beating well until each addition.

Gradually beat in flour and cocoa mixture. Stir in chocolate morsels.

Drop by rounded teaspoon onto parchment paper lined baking sheets, keep them 2 inches apart. Bake for  9 to 11 minutes. Cool on baking sheet for 2 minutes.

Note: on the photos above, I saved more than half the portion of the dough, patted it down, wrapped it in plastic wrap...then aluminum foil, and took out more as needed the next few days. Score them first, then cut equally, shape into a walnut size ball and press down lightly; follow baking instructions.

Have a cookie...or two...or three:) You'll love these...yumm!
Linking to: Hearth and Soul Blog Hop @ Zesty South Indian Kitchen
                Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop @ Katherines Corner
                 Full Plate Thursday @ Miz Helen's Country Cottage

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. What scrumpticious cookies I would eat them all.. just in time for the holiday!

  2. I have to say again I love this white background...and those cookies make me want an icy cold glass of milk...and one or two cookies!

  3. Elisabeth,
    These cookies look so yummy. I love that the recipe is versatile, and you can just change out the chips, and get different types of cookies. Also, I like that you can freeze part of the dough for later.

  4. oohhh..those look fab...I cant get enough of chocolate these days!! Think, I even put on a couple of pounds due to my chocolate frenzy....lol....So I will on see and drool and crave....but i wont make...atleast i hope I won't...hehehe....hey, u should share those recipes you make from scratch...I know the measuring and writnig down is a little painful....but surely those would be more special! :)

  5. wow..perfectly done dear. hope i can grab of few of those cookies now..they have come out so perfect.loved the way u saved the extra dough. will surely try it. nothing beats freshly baked home made cookies.

  6. Nagyon szép, finom kekszeket készítettél! És nagyon jó ötlet lefagyasztani a nyers tésztából!

  7. Eli, I am in need of some chocolate comfort! These look fantastic.
    I too don't photograph everything I eat...too troublesome. And very often I had to cook the same recipe twice to enjoy them warm as they didn't taste that good after warm up or cold.

  8. Gyönyörűek ezek a kekszek...

  9. Anything with white chocolate chips (or peanut butter chips) makes me extra happy. :)

  10. Tetszenek, nagyon guszták a fehér csokival! :) Finom házi kekszek! :)

  11. I hear you on not wanting to shoot everything. I concentrate more on those things that I truly adore. Cookies are one of those things, yours look so good and made me smile this morning.

  12. Oh wow, these look so delicious! I love Mrs Fields' chocolate chip cookies, but I have to say, yours look so much better!!!!! Will try this recipe soon!!! :-D

  13. Nekem a fehér csoki a kedvencem, nagyon jól mutatnak a tieid:) Házi keksszel minden lelkiismeret furdalás nélkül etetem a családot, hiszen tudom mi van benne:) Már én is próbáltam fagyasztani tésztát, de már másnap elő kellett vennem, mert elfogyott a keksz:) Itt is Oreo láz van, mindenki szereti, csak én nem, lehet, ki kéne próbálni otthon elkészítve, nincs egy jó Oreo recepted?

  14. I have been a food blogger for just over 3 years. I can tell you that taking photos of everything you eat can get boring-really fast! It's better not to over do it. My opinion anyways;) Your cookies look perfect! Great recipe and thanks for sharing.

  15. Scrumptious cookies, feel like grabbing and munching some..

  16. Scrumptious looking cookie. I'd have to freeze most of them once they were baked or they'd all be gone in a flash.

  17. I've cut back on taking photos of everything I make, too...there's just not enough time in the day. And the family wants their food when it's hot :) Excellent cookies....I like your trick of subbing out some flour for cocoa. These would be a major hit at my house :) Hope you've had a good week, my friend!!! xo

  18. Beautiful cookies, Elisabeth! I think I have never heard of chocolate cookies with white chocolate chips, but now that you post them they seem so obvious!
    I sometimes spend more than a week without having a single dish I could photograph (either it's already posted, or too "boring" or it's a dinner and the night photos I make are simply awful).

  19. Yum! These cookies look and sound scrumptious. Chocolate chip cookies are always a welcome in our home... will have to take note of your recipe..thanks for sharing..HHL

  20. These look yummy Elisabeth! I noticed the combination of butter and shortening, this is a good idea here. I am thinking of making a similar cookie with cream cheese. I am a little hesitant I had so many failures playing with my food lately.

  21. Wonderfully delicious looking cookies, Elizabeth!! i have to get into a cookie making mood…they look scrumptious!

  22. Dear Elisabeth, Delicious looking cookies for this baking season. Blessings, Catherine xo

  23. Exquisito y muy lindo me encanta,abrazos y abrazos.

  24. oh these look great please pass the milk. Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things hop. xo

  25. it's wonderful to know that the dough can be stored for later. Couldnt agree more to your first paragraph talking about everyday food and taking pictures. one thing is that sometimes everyday home cooked food is so so common that i wonder if i shld need to blog about it :))

  26. Gorgeous cookies! I actually find it quite stressful cooking AND taking photos, uploading them, etc so I couldn't do it every day. I mean sometimes I just want to enjoy cooking and eating!

    Also Elisabeth, I'm offering a giveaway so check it out when you have a moment :)

  27. This look unbearably good Elisabeth! Do you deliver?! First snow yesterday and I could do with a dose of PJ's all day, hot coffee and these cookies by a fire. (Love seeing you on Google+, Pinterest and here too!).

  28. Thanks everyone! You're so sweet and kind with all your wonderful and interesting comments. I love to hear about the 'feedback' on the every day cooking, taking photos of it and posting it. Seriously, I did just that on a 'whim' for a simple scrambled eggs (cleaning out my fridge to use stuff)
    Now, I must post my latest for the #bundtamonth to link up with Lora (CakeDuchess) ...that's quite a project to 'link' along!

    Toni...I would deliver my cookies to you, in person (catching a plane to Colorado) Would love to see that 'first snow'...or any snow for that matter; getting away from South Florida for a short while:)

  29. If you are behind I must be way out of the picture! I missed you Elisabeth! I do know what you mean about taking photos and posting everyday food and meals. I also don't make something different everyday occasionally I have repeats, but then maybe I should post a few repeats especially if they turn out better than what I originally posted. But the hardest for me is to stop and measure the recipes that i just throw together...or substitute ingredients for what I have on hand. Sometimes the best tasting things just don't photograph well and you second guess yourself on whether you should post it or not...my favorite way to grill a steak is with onion powder, a pinch od steak seasoning and Allegro marinade, but to get a good photo of the steak that I just grilled after it is already dark outside just doesn't happen!

    I have a lot of catching up to do, you'll probably hear me commenting on some of your older posts, see ya soon!

  30. Love your cookies and bookmarked it.

  31. Imádnivaló kekszek!! Csokoládé nálam bármikor minden mennyiségben jöhet, ezek a kekszek pedig nagyon jólesnének a délutáni kávém mellé. Télen sokszor sütök aprósüteményt, vannak dobozaim és abba sokáig eláll. Vagyis elállna, ha a férjem pár nap alatt fel nem falná az utolsó morzsáig. Én csak egy-egy darabkát merek bevállani.:)
