Saturday, November 10, 2012

Oven Baked Chipotle Sweet Potato Fries

One potato...two potato...well, you know the rest of this little 'nursery rhyme'...not trying to put you to sleep, but it seems I have done so. Not one single comment since yesterday, on my Sweet Potato Bread... so movin' on! I purchased 2 large beautiful sweet potatoes at Walmart Super Store this week, and instead of making the usual baked sweet potatoes, I tried something different! You've seen the first version, now here's the second!

I have a confession to make: I am a Pinterest 'junkie' ...I love Pinterest! so there, I said it again! Every time I pin one of your fabulous dishes or desserts, sorry to say, I get stuck pinning, and pinning, and more pinning. You find so many awesome things on Pinterest, and so many ideas, and recipes for things that catches your eyes. You just click on the source, and it brings you to the site, or to the blog and you are very pleasantly surprised. I actually got the idea for the Oven Baked Chipotle Chile Sweet Baked Potato Fries from one of the pins that I pinned a while back, and discovered it again, when I made my Sweet Potato Bread, to go back to the pin, again!

Here's some of my burgers, and a collection from various sources for my Burgers and Sides board on Pinterest for 'foodandthrift' will see a few sources for fries, and of course sweet potato fries. At this time I cannot reveal the actual source where it came from...for you will also be 'sidetracked' but I'm sure you'll figure it out! Click, to check out all the mouthwatering burgers and fries!
Burgers and Sides
Yeahh, I did it! Yes, I'm totally featuring my yummy spicy, crispy Sweet Potato Chipotle Fries...stole the simple 'prop' idea from stand it upright! I found one of my 'latte' mugs, 'thrift find' ...of course, and cut a piece of parchment paper to wrap it around with, and it worked. I wasn't happy with my 'night photo' shot and my counter background, so I figured out a way to block out on my photo shop setting for my Canon camera browser...just want to show you how amazing these fries were...sorry, did not share this...only ONE POTATO!
I also made the Mayo Sriracha Dip...(not shown) but you will find it on my Pinterest  board!

Linking to: Hearth and Soul Blog Hop @ Zesty South Indian Kitchen


I will take you step-by-step to show you how easy it is to make these yummy fries. If you want to use regular baking potatoes...well, that's fine too!

First, you must peel the potato

Wash it, and first cut it in half lengthwise, trim the little tip off from the not cut them in half across, or they will be too short. keep cutting them into strips, but not too thin. (its OK if some are shorter)

I used 4 ingredients...fine ground Kosher salt, multi-color freshly ground pepper, Chipotle Chile
Powder, and hot Hungarian Paprika...use about 1/2 teaspoon salt, and the rest just sprinkled on the amount I needed. Mixed it all in a small bowl or jar, with the addition of 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil.

Put the potatoes in a large Zip-Loc bag...pour the oil and spices on them and shake...shake...shake...'baby'! Fold the bag over, and refrigerate for about 30 minutes...or longer; even overnight!

On a parchment lined baking sheet, bake in a preheat 425 degrees F. oven 15 minutes on one side, flip them over carefully with a flat spatula, and bake for an additional 10-15 minutes longer until they are golden brown, and crispy...serves 2.

Last, but not least...I wanted to share my awesome little 'thrift find' with you; a little scale that you can weigh for baking to get the exact grams. No more converting, just pop it on the little plastic scale, weighs up to 2 kilos which is all I need for easier instant conversion. It even has a nice convenient lid. Cost: $1.99

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh I love sweet potato fries and yours look scrumptious. I don't use chipotle spice on mine but I do make chipotle dip. I'll have a look around for the spice which I haven't seen yet on my store shelves but I guess I can use regular chili powder and Hungarian paprika does abound here. Enjoy your weekend.

  3. I am sure these are delicious. It's too bad these sweet potatoes are not sold here, I miss them so much. We have a different variety of sweet potato, I guess I'll have to try it with that one. These make a perfect side dish for a T-bone steak :)


  4. these look awesome and I agree pinerest rocks for recipe ideas

  5. Send some over to Australia ASAP please Elisabeth! I absolutely love sweet potato fries and how on earth did you get them to stay so crispy? Genius.

  6. The company Badia is local apparently my brother said he met him on Fisher Island. I only use their spice he will love this post going to have to send it to him! As soon as I get a free moment I am so making this recipe! We love sweet potatoes then with this great healthier baked recipe who could resist? AWESOME ONE!!!!!!

    1. Claudia, Badia products are amazing! I use all their spices that are available...they are so fresh; if that makes any sense. They are Miami based, which I know!...small world! Yes, do let them know and go ahead to send this post!

  7. Love your fries, Elisabeth - I am a big sweet potato fan, and I love all the flavouring you added to them. Dying to check out that mayo too.

    I totally haven't got the hang of Pinterest yet - probably just as well, as it sounds highly addictive - would be one more thing I don't have time for :-)

  8. I never had this before. Looks so yumm and really tempting. Very well explained dear. Sure will give it a try.

  9. I know when I don't see you for a few days something delicious will show up here-come on!love these spicy fries:)

  10. Hi Elisabeth,your sweet potatoes look deliciously spicy!!!I really don't blame you for not wanting to share..Have a great weekend, XO

  11. Én még nem láttam ilyen édesburgonyát felénk, de elkészítve nagyon guszta:)

  12. Today I made some baked potatoes (wish I had sweet potatoes; last time I bought some and noticed they were imported from the states!!) with smoked paprika. Gotta try yours with chipotle next time.

  13. I have some sweet potatoes. I want to try this recipe but I don't know if I can find chipotle here.

  14. Legközelebb veszek édes burgonyát és megsütöm így. Nagyon guszta, biztos nagyon finom lehet. Még nem ettem ilyen formán... :o)

  15. What a find! Love that mini scale! And your fries look fantastic...I've been hit or miss when I've made sweet potato fries...will pin yours to try soon! I made your sweet potato bread yesterday for Thursday's Improv's amazing. THANK YOU!!!!

    1. Lizzy, the mini scale really is great, and accurate; just love it. I've made these in the past but this is the best method for the oven baked sweet potato fries. You can adjust the spices, or change them to a simple salt and pepper. The baking time and temperature is important.

      I can hardly wait to see your version of the sweet potato bread Thursday...and THANK YOU, for making it!

  16. Maing these tonight so glad I visited your site! Ciao!

  17. These look so inviting. May even get me to love sweet potatoes.

  18. i actually created an account on pinterest weeks ago but havent really worked on it yet and was reading how to this and that. That kitchen scale is so cheap!im sure you must be laughing your way getting that back! i would!have a good week!

  19. I just love sweet potato fries…make them all the time. However have never tried them with the chipotle spice. They sound wonderfully yummy! I have a family of sweet potato lovers who would love these! Have a great weekend, Elizabeth!

  20. Elisabeth, I hopped in immediately upon seeing your oven baked fries! I love fries and always looking for healthier ways to make them. I will try your recipe soon!

  21. I adore sweet potato fries... can't get enough of them! These look so delicious and I believe healthy too, since they're not fried...

  22. Elisabeth, ez a krumpli fantasztikus! A sok finom fűszerrel nagyon ízletes lehet, a színe is csodálatos. Édeskrumplit sajnos még nem ettem :(

  23. I rarely made fries with sweet potato,yours looks seriously irresistible,i dont mind munching some anytime.

  24. Ok the downside of 'reading you' on my phone, on Google+ and Pinterest is I can't comment easily! And the downside of visiting on the computer is my mouth begins watering like a Saint Bernard (bad visual, sorry). It's early a.m. on a snowy Colorado day and I'd eat a batch of these for breakfast! The photo of the fries on the white paper is tormenting Elisabeth. In an utterly fantastic way!

  25. Hello Elizabeth! Missed you while I was away from blogging... I need to go and see that commentless post, and some other's too. You always treat us to some good eats! :)

  26. Elisabeth these are wonderful fries. How ever did you get that photo without a background? I like your scale too.

    1. Zsuzsa, I was just messing around trying to adjust the background to just focus on the actual food. I'm discovering various ways on my own, with my Canon photo shop! The scale has become so much help for me.

  27. I love sweet potatoes and this sounds like a great alternative to the usual baked sweet p!! I've never tried chipotle and now I'm very curious...Pinterest, blogging, facebook...all so addictive! I will have a look to your boards (I always forget to pin!!!). Ciao PS I signed in with my google account!!

  28. Your fries look very yummy and more guilt-free than the standard 'fry' - we make a version of these here - but your recipe is different and I plan to give it a try :) I note you are a fan of parchment paper - I only started using it a few years ago (not sure when it became popular again) and it's a wonderful tool - I don't know how I got by without it all these years! Love your thrift find latte mug and scale - as you know I am a big fan.

    1. Jane, I'm a huge fan of parchment paper; use it for baking cookies, as well as other things...terrific! I used to use wax paper for lots of baking years ago, but parchment is a lot better!
      I have a few latte mugs, and they are so useful. I know you are a big fan of thrifting; that's so awesome!

  29. Hi Elisabeth, I love sweet potato but have not try bake version. What we have here is slice 1/4 inch thick, coat with flour batter and deep fried it.

    Yours look so delicious and I guess it must be difficult to stop munching. LOL
    Thanks for sharing the recipe.
    Have a lovely week ahead. With hugs and love to you.

  30. Nothing wrong with being a pinterest junkie---it gave way to these beautifully crisp and spiced babies!!

  31. Elisabeth, I have almost bought sweet potatoes today... I should have because your fries look fabulous and I would love them for tonight. I don't eat enough of different carbs (recently it's bread and rice all the time with short breaks such as buckwheat groats which I think I will actually start cooking straight away because they remind me of childhood days and are a kind of comfort basic carb, although to many people they sound like a new crazy health food discovery...).
    I adore the clever way to present the fries too. I might steal it from you for the future cooking experiments with photos (which are mostly big suffering).
    The scales are a great find. You will be now ready to use all the European recipes quicker.

  32. I have fun with Pinterest too!- and have picked up so many wonderful ideas and recipes, it's a little overwhelming!!
    Looks like you've landed on a fantastic recipe here- I just love all these flavors and sweet potato fries!!! so pretty as well as tasty ;-)
    I hope you are enjoying your week, I'm with you, I'll be finding and pinning more goodies on Pinterest this week too ;-)

  33. Oh goodie! I just bought a big bag of sweet potatoes because they were so cheap, now I know just what to do with them! These fries sound amazing!

  34. Wow, these sweet potato fries would just fly in my house. They look perfectly crisp and delicious! I have been looking for a scale and this is such a great find!

  35. Elisabeth, these sweet potato fries look great, especially with the chipotle on it...yum!
    Thanks for the recipe and hope you are having a nice week :)
