Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Kahlua-Banana-Nutella Bundt Cake

After announcing that I'm back on my last post; which was nearly two weeks ago...a lot has happened in my personal life...although, one thing that is really positive is that my eye is healing very nicely after the Retinal surgery, and I'm starting to see better, but it will take at least six months for a full recovery of my eye sight.

Do you ever feel so overwhelmed with things happening around you...especially in your family during the holidays?

I had an urgent and important visit from my younger sister from out of town, staying for nearly a week, just focusing on her issues/problems...forgetting about my own (one of the reasons for not posting)...then, came the horrific tragic news about about the Sandy Hook Elementary School with a gunman on a 'killing spree'...which totally shocked, and paralyzed all of us in the nation, and especially in Connecticut where it took place. I am numb, and feel horrible, sad, angry, can't stop crying for the little 'angels' (I have 2 grandchildren their age) and adults whose lives have been taken so tragically...leaving their family 'heartbroken' forever!

So horrifying, and gut wrenching, that I can't begin to describe my feelings. I could go into a long theory of 'gun control' and 'mental illness' which is already a call for HELP~ I could ask, like a lot of people have asked?

"Why does God allow innocent young children to die in such horror?" "Where was God when this horrific massacre took place?" God established humanity with 'FREE will'...we can choose to do right, or wrong, evil...or good; but there are consequences to our choices. God did intervene...otherwise there would have been more death

We blame firearms, God, and our government, but never blame ourselves as a whole. We cannot ignore mental illness, and need to focus more and getting the help for our children early in life when this kind of problem is detected.

Although some bloggers have posted a 'Silent Monday'...we cannot be silent on any day, when it comes to 'gun control' in our society which has gone out of control in our country. We should have a 'moment of silence' in our own way, or together to honor the 'little angels' and adults that have gone on to their final resting place...so, so sad; our hearts and spirits are broken, and Christmas will never be the same!

 I totally re-created this wonderful bundt cake just from 'tweaking' my banana bread recipe with 1/4 cup of Kahlua liquor; you can substitute 1/4 cup strong coffee in place of the Kahlua. Swirl in 1/2 cup Nutella in the batter, but don't mix it in entirely. Also, be sure to add 1 teaspoon baking powder, and 1 teaspoon baking soda.

 I wanted to link this delicious bundt cake to #BundtAMonth for December to Lora's blog...so sorry; I just don't have the time or energy to do this right now...also posting my recipe. If you would like this recipe I created, do let me know, and I will post it later!

Thank you for all your sweet and caring comments, I am so ashamed for not even visiting my dear friends' blogs, not even my own daughter's @Cake Duchess!

I love you all, dear friends...please forgive me for my silence and 'aloofness.'

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  1. Get well soon Elisabeth..My prayers are with you..
    A very nice,superbly decorated bundt cake to celebrate the festive season..Loved your Spirit ! God bless !

  2. Hi my dear Elisabeth, soooo glad to hear from you after 2 weeks of silent mode. Happy to know that you're recovering, good to know about it. But anyway you still have to take care until you recover 100%. Don't strain your eyes too much, take plenty of rest.

    Your bundt cake is superb, very well baked and I'm sure it taste heavenly. One slice is definitely not enough, at least make it 2 big slices and a good cup of coffee will do me fine. LOL

    Feel so sad about the case in Connecticut, sometime life is so unfair. God bless those families.

    My dear, you too take good care of yourself, do not worry of return visit to our blog, we understand that. You're always in my thought, will pray for your speedy recovery. With lots of love and hugs to you. Have a lovely week ahead,regards.

  3. Kedves Elisabeth, örülök, hogy javul a szemed, nem gondoltam, hogy ilyen hosszú folyamat lesz, mire teljesen rendbe fogy jönni....
    A kuglófod csodás lett, nagyon finom lehet!

  4. Get well soon Elisabeth.. The cake looks so yummy. Would love a bite

  5. Elisabeth, I am glad to see you back and hope you will get better very very soon. You are so right about our responsibility... Since governments started forbidding all kinds of things, one by one (in Europe too), people have the impression they are no longer responsible for anything... Even in countries where guns are not allowed as easily, illegal arms can be bought without problems, so this is not an issue.
    Your cake looks so joyful and beautiful! I hope it has cheered you up a bit.

  6. Hey ELisabeth , glad to hear that you are doing well :D . Love your cake , it has all my fav ingredients , nutella and banana . I will try this and let you know :), till then Take care .

  7. Hi Eli, take your time to relax and enjoy the company of your sister.
    This banana bundt with kahlua an nutella looks so festive with colourful sprinkles. Simply irresistible!

  8. Drága Elisabeth, Először is örülök, hogy jobban van a szemed, nem tudtam, hogy megműtöttek, de remélem mielőbb teljesen rendbe jössz. Nagyon megdöbbentett mindenkit, az egész világon ez a tragédia, annyira sajnálom azokat gyerekeket és a felnőtteket is, nem is tudom, hogyan lehet ezt feldolgozni és tűlélni, őszinte részvétem minden családnak.
    Nem utolsó sorban a kuglófod gyönyörű lett:) Ha addig már nem jelentkezel, akkor nagyon boldog karácsonyt kívánok Neked és a családodnak is, pihenj sokat és töltsétek meghitten és boldogságban együtt az ünnepeket. Öllelek, Erzsi

  9. Kahlua, Banana, Nutella Bundt Cake...that sounds like a sin, that is just way to much deliciousness in one bundt cake! I will definitely have to try this recipe, looks fantastic. Thanks for sharing!!

    Happy Valley Chow

  10. Hi Elisabeth, just coming by to check up on you!! This has been such a sad week as a grandmother, like you with small grandchildren the sad feelings have been very intense for me as well. We are so blessed to have our grandchildren close to us this holiday season and I'm focusing on that and taking comfort from it at this very sad time. ps. your baked creation is very creative and looks delicious-thanks for sharing-hugs to you;-)

  11. Elisabeth, I kept crying for those little ones, what a cruel way for them to die! Eva posted it almost right away; I couldn’t even respond I was so upset at the time. I have my grandchildren in the States too. Why do people need so many guns?

    What a lovely bundt cake! One of these days I would like to try to make Babka following Marcy Goldman's recipe.

    Keep well friend.

  12. Get well soon Elisabeth..glad to see you back with a stunning cake.

  13. Elisabeth, take rest enjoy holidays with family and friends, that is more important. Your cake looks perfect.

  14. Very happy that your eye is healing but I agree it was a heartbreaking week. The cake looks wonderful.

  15. Elisabeth,
    Glad that your eye is healing, and you will be able to see better. Sometimes life gets in our way of blogging, and family and your personal health comes first. Nive to see you back, and the love the banana Kaluha combo in your cake.

  16. I am so glad your back and on the mend. I too feel the pain and horrorible tragedy of those children.. its just terrifying.
    How does this happen.
    The cake is amazing Kahlua rules! GREAT holiday cake!

  17. Kedves Elisabeth, nagyon örülök hogy javul a szemed, és minél előbbi teljes gyógyulást kívánok neked. Pihentessed sokat, és nehogy nagyon megerőltessed.
    Szörnyű ez a tragédia, annyira sajnálom azokat az édes kicsi gyerekeket, na meg persze a felnőtteket is.
    Nagyon guszta a kuglófod, látszik rajta milyen finom szaftos a tésztája. Puszillak

  18. Well said Elisabeth, off all the discussions I've read about this terrible tragedy, yours is the one which most resonates with me.

    I hope life settles down for you through the holidays and things are sorted out as much as they can be - A lovely Christmas and New Year to you and yours ♥

  19. What I am pleased is that Australia has banned guns many years ago, and I feel very sorry for those little kids and family! Let's hope things will heal and a better control of gun law will happen soon. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  20. Yes, yes YES, I also feel so overwhelmed at times, especially this holiday season that I wanted to do so much and couldn't due to situations beyond my control. Many sad things have happened this months, but we have to be thankful to be alive and for our family. I am so glad you are healing well from your eye, and hope your recovery period will be much faster than you think it will be.

    Have a Merry and Blessed Christmas!

  21. Hi Elisabeth,
    This looks like a awesome Bundt Cake, very moist. I am stopping by to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas!
    Miz Helen

  22. Áldott Békés Karácsonyt Kívánok Neked! Remélem már jobban van a szemed! :o)

  23. Hi Elisabeth, I know how "life" can get in our way at times. I feel so bad being missing in action myself for so long...it's very hard to get back when you spend more time in the real world and with family.

    At work the Sandy Hook tragedy has hit us all very hard too. Especially working in an elementary school. We can see our principal (who is very much like their principal was) do the same thing to rush out to protect our kids. We are always looking for ways to improve keeping everyone safe. It hits us so hard working in the school clinic seeing all the kids throughout the school. We look at these first graders and are in such disbelief on how this could happen. Our hearts are torn apart each day when we think about it! I don't know what else to say, but I can keep praying!

    Your bundt cake looks so speacial, I must try it.

  24. I agree with you completely on the Sandy Hook massacre.
    I too think we need very stringent gun controls.Police and people with risky jobs may be armed but a housewife with a disturbed son only needed a good burglar alarm system,maybe some mace.
    I am angry too, that the disturbed son was trained by his mother to use these weapons & had free access. Also these vicious violent computer games are not something parents should buy for their children.
    There are lots of collectors of stamps, antiques etc.Why collect something so deadly? And store all that ammunition besides???
    It's so senseless.
    I can't even write about it.

  25. Kedves Elisabeth! Mielőbbi gyógyulást kívánok, pihenj sokat! Békés, Boldog Karácsonyt! :)

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  27. Hi Elisabeth, don't feel bad, I've been meaning to pop by for a visit and am only here now - days after your post! Sounds like you need a bit more time to relax and heal :) I think the Sandy Hook tragedy took something away from the 2012 Christmas season for everyone... I can't imagine how those families and their friends are feeling right now and how they can go on - such a senseless act.


  28. Nagyon boldog karácsonyt kívánok!

  29. Elisabeth, another yummy cake from you! Great to hear that your eye is healing. Wishing you and your family Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  30. Hi my dear Elisabeth, drop by to wish you Merry Christmas. May the good times of the present become the golden memories of tomorrow.

    Take care, with lots of love and hugs to you.Warm regards.

  31. Oh Elizabeth, I missed this one! Beautiful and decadant…perfect for the holidays!
