Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Lemon Meringue Pie...in Memory of Rosario

The most perfect and heavenly Lemon Meringue Pie...a true Southern delight!
photo, and recipe, courtesy of...What's Cooking America
Who would not love a tangy sweet, and sour perfect Lemon Meringue Pie?...certainly all of us would love this perfect Lemon Meringue Pie, including my ex-husband Rosario;

He has passed away since I wrote the last post on my blog, on New Year's Eve. It's been very painful since that time. He passed away peacefully, on Jan. 3rd. of 2013. His last wish for Christmas was to have Lemon Meringue Pie...which he has been given as a gift from a dear family friend. She made the most fabulous Lemon Meringue Pie and as a gift to Rosario, for the last 10 years.

Unfortunately, this year she was not able to make it for him, and as for me...I have not made it in decades...with Eagle Brand Condensed Milk..which worked just fine, but there is a better method of making this heavenly... all American Southern pie!

At this moment, I am in excruciating pain from Sciatica (a very painful low back nerve pain)...which has started after this weekend from Rosario's Memorial service...still not buried...will be buried overseas in Sicily (Italy),,,accompanied by our son Joe. I posted on 'facebook' ...but not have had the strength to post it on my blog, so far. I could barely walk from the pain, and nerve, shooting up and down my low-back, and leg...but it's starting to ease up a little.

I owe you, my blogger friends the explanation of why I have been absent from my blog for so long.Thank you for all your kind comments, and condolences on my facebook page. Lora has not been able to update her blog as well, since...fortunately for her, her in-laws from Italy came to the rescue to help in any way they can. They are so super sweet, and kind. We, now, can start to eat some delicious home-cooked meals for the next month!

I'm dedicating this awesome Lemon Meringue Pie, in memory of my ex-husband Rosario...father of our two beautiful children, and grandfather of our four beautiful grandchildren. The last time I made this fabulous pie, was with the Eagle Brand Condensed Milk recipe, but from now on, I will be following the traditional recipe. I picked my favorite recipe, from Alton Brown!


Lemon Filling:

  • 4 egg yolks (reserve whites for meringue)
  • 1/3 cup cornstarch
  • 1 1/2 cups water
  • 1 1/3 cups sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 3 tablespoons butter
  • 1/2 cup lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon finely grated lemon zest
  • 1 (9-inch) pre-baked pie shell
  • 1 recipe Meringue, recipe follows


Adjust the oven rack to the middle position. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.
Whisk egg yolks in medium size mixing bowl and set aside.
In a medium saucepan, combine cornstarch, water, sugar, and salt. Whisk to combine. Turn heat on medium and, stirring frequently, bring mixture to a boil. Boil for 1 minute. Remove from heat and gradually, 1 whisk-full at a time, add hot mixture to egg yolks and stir until you have added at least half of the mixture.
Return egg mixture to saucepan, turn heat down to low and cook, stirring constantly, for 1 more minute. Remove from heat and gently stir in butter, lemon juice, and zest until well combined. Pour mixture into pie shell and top with meringue while filling is still hot. Make sure meringue completely covers filling and that it goes right up to the edge of the crust. Bake for 10 to 12 minutes or until meringue is golden. Remove from oven and cool on a wire rack. Make sure pie is cooled completely before slicing.

Meringue Topping:

  • 4 egg whites
  • 1 pinch cream of tartar
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
Place egg whites and cream of tartar in the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment. Beat egg whites until soft peaks form and then gradually add sugar and continue beating until stiff peaks form, approximately 1 to 2 minutes. Use to top lemon filling.
Yield: topping for 1 (9-inch) pie

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  1. Oh Elizabeth...you have had such a difficult month...take care and know that thoughts and prayers are with you!

    1. Thank you Patty; indeed we had a very difficult month since Christmas, and it's still not over. Your thoughts and prayers are greatly appreciated!

  2. It has been a long and difficult month. I can't think of a better way to be honored than with a favorite dish lovingly prepared.

    Take care. Rest.


    1. Thank you, Velva...rest is what I truly need at this time!

  3. Hope your ciatica gets better real soon Elizabeth. Lora and all of you are on our thoughts and prayers.

    1. Paula, sciatica is mostly caused by stress; even worse, is to get the pain on both sides that is 'crippling'...just can't move~
      it is getting better now, after 4 days!

      Thank you for keeping us in your prayers!

  4. Hi my dearest Elisabeth, sorry to hear about your lost. My heartfelt condolences to you and your family.
    May GOD give you courage, strength and support.

    Take care. With hugs and love to you.

    1. Dear Amelia, you've been so sweet, kind, and supportive since the last couple months of me...not even visiting, or commenting back to your blog, but you have been there for me; I thank you for that. You are a 'true' friend!
      Thank you for your condolences, and encouraging words!

      Hugs, and much love to you, as well!

    2. Hi my dearest, drop by to wish you have a nice day. Hope everything is fine at your side. I know it's hard for you to accept your lost but GOD has got his reason to bring him home.
      We are all visitors to this time, this place. We are just passing through. Our purpose here is to observe, to grow, to learn, to love. And then we return home.

      Friends shouldn't be calculative, it's ok you didn't return visit or commenting. You got your reason for being MIA, I sure everyone one here understand that. And I know you will pay visit to all your blog buddies/friends again when you have settle down everything.

      Meanwhile take it easy, take good care of your health. You still got your bundle of joy... your children and grandchildren beside you to love and care. And all of us would love to see you back in action again with your scrumptious cooking. And I love your treasure in the thrift find shop.

      Take care, with hugs and lots of love to you. Warm regards. Amelia

  5. Hi Eli, I'm so sorry to read about your lost and sincerely sending my heartfelt condolences to you and your extended family. I do hope you get better soon and not to worry about being away. I'm sure every foodie blogger/friend understands the sudden disappearance and everyone who loves you will continue to support on this food blogging journey. I sure hope you get as much rest, since health is no#1 priority. When you have slowly recovered physically and emotionally, we will be here waiting to read on your next food journey. Till then.. may the LORD give you strength & courage to stay strong. Hugs & ♥, Jo

    1. My dear friend Jo, I can still recall the fun and happy times we've had in San Francisco over a year ago...seems like yesterday. You are so sweet, kind, and caring to all, and it's such a joy to know and stay in touch with friends like yourself, and all the others that I've gotten to know over the last 2yrs though my food blog.

      Health indeed, is the #1 priority,and I will do my best to stay healthy after this long journey of a difficult past year. I'm on my way to recovery, and thanking you for condolences and kind encouraging words.!
      Hugs, and kisses to you!

  6. Őszinte részvétem a volt férjed halála miatt. Mindig szomorú dolog, ha elmegy valaki örökre...Jobbulást a derekadnak, ez egy elég makacs betegség, remélem javul már. A pite óriási, már régóta készülök ilyet sütni, de még nem került rá sor. Nagyon guszta, rögtön meghozta a kedvemet hozzá!

    1. Kriszti, Köszönöm szépen a kedves részvétedet. A volt férjemmel soha nem szakitottuk a családi kapcsolatot mióta el váltunk, husz éve. A család mindig is az első volt mind kettőnknek az utolsó percig is.

      Ez a borzasztó derék fájás a sok sztressztöl jött, már el bucsuztunk szegénykétöl, de még nincs el temetve, mert Olaszországban lesz a temetése. A fiam és lányom fognak el menni, de én nem tudok. Az kis unokáim nagyon fontosak nekem.

      A pite kissé bonyolult, mert bizony el kell találni, de megéri nagyon ki próbálni, mert nagyon finom!

  7. I LOVE lemon meringue pie, it definitely one of my favs. I am definitely a pie person as opposed to cakes. Thanks for sharing, this looks delicious!

    Happy Valley Chow

    1. Thank you for visiting, and for your kind comment on my blog. I will visit your blog and comment as well, soon!

  8. Sorry for your loss Elisabeth, my heartfelt condolences to you and lora and Joe. I will pray that your nerve pain gets better soon. By the way this southern delight looks delicious.

    1. Swathi dear, thank you for your heartfelt condolences, and your prayers for me, Lora, and Joe. It is greatly appreciated.
      I am starting to feel better now, at least my eye is almost totally healed and can see better now...the nerve pain has to take a little time, due to all the stress we have been through!

      This Southern delight has brought a lot of happiness and joy to Rosario, who is also from the South...but Southern Italy!

  9. My deepest sympathy for your loss, Elizabeth, it must be such a hard time for the whole family..Hope that your sciatica will get better before long.. Thank you for sharing this dedicated lemon-meringue recipe,you'll be in my prayers during this difficult time..Lots of hugs..

    1. Thank you dear Xara! I feel so bad for neglecting you and everyone else for so long. You have been such a wonderful friend for so long, and I will continue to stay in touch with you very soon!

      Thank you for you words of sympathy for me and my family. As for the sciatica, that will get better soon. I appreciate your prayers during this difficult time!

  10. My heartfelt condolences to you and ur family Elisabeth, such a different month na, My prayers are with u.

    Pie looks extremely delicious.

    1. Dear Priya, I feel so bad for neglecting to stay in touch with you and not visiting or commenting on your blog. You have been a tremendous support to me ever since I started my blog. You have been such a wonderful friend, and I thank you for that!

      Thank you for your kind and caring condolences and prayers during this difficult time! xo

  11. Kedves Elisabeth fogadd őszinte részvétemet, nagyon fájdalmas lehet ez most neked és a családodnak! Még ha nem is éltetek együtt, akkor is nagyon megrendítő lehet számodra....
    A derekad miatt jobbulást kívánok, majd csak minden rendbe fog jönni egyszer...
    A pitéd csodás!

    1. Kedves Katalin! Nagyon sajnálom hogy ilyen sokáig le maradtam a kommentálásokkal hozzád is. Köszönöm az őszinte részvétedet. Bizony nagyon fájdalmas volt a volt férjem betegsége, mindannyiunknak, és a halála nagyon megrenditett bennünket...nem beszélve arrol hogy mennyire megviselt engem egészségileg, már több mint egy hónapja!

      Nem éltünk együtt már husz éve, de mint család mindig össze fogtunk, és azért nem is volt alkalmam másokkal ismerkedni. Nagyon szépen ki jöttünk mert ő nagyon pártolta a Magyar nemzetet, ételt, és a családaimat is.

      Köszönöm az őszinte részvétedet. A pite az egy óriás nagy kedvence volt a volt férjemnek!

  12. I am very sorry for your loss Elisabeth and about you suffering the pain of sciatica. I know what it is like because I suffer the same pain now and then:( Thanks for sharing this wonderful recipe of the lemon-merignue pie. Take good care and I will be thinking of you. Hugs.

    1. Thank you Veronica! You have been such a wonderful and supporting friend throughout our blogging friendship. As for my suffering pain of double sciatica...your Quay Lo can tell you that it is just like MURPHY'S LAW!...'when one thing goes wrong, everything else wrong will follow' is what happened to me:)

      Thank you for your kind words of sorrow. I will be back soon to visit, and comment!

  13. Elisabeth, I am so sorry for your loss. I understand it is a sad and painful and I wish for you strength and resolve to pull through this difficult time. Your lemon meringue pie sure sounds terribly delicious, I'll keep the recipe for a time when I get really adventurous!

    1. Phong Hong, you are such a sweetheart, and I thank you for your kind words of sorrow. I do need all the strength to pull through this difficult time, especially since we have been together since I was a young girl...till the end!

      The lemon meringue pie was my best choice to dedicate, since this amazing pie is just about every 'lemon lovers' favorite. Not an easy one to make, but worth the 'challenge'...and the taste is most rewarding!

  14. I am so sorry to hear what you have been through...(((HUG))) I thought you took another break after the holiday.
    that's a gorgeous meringue pie, I adore that thick layer of lemon curd filling.
    Take good care of you, Elisabeth.

    1. Angie, thank you so much for your caring, and kind concern; it seemed like I took a 'blogging break' which was necessary after the holidays, but unfortunately things have took a 'different turn' ...death happened! We were all hoping for a recovery, but in the end, God decides what's best for all, when a person suffers so much~

      Thank you for the big HUG...I could use all the hugs at this difficult time!

  15. Drága Elisabeth, fogadd őszínte részvétemet.
    Ez a pite nekem is rég tetszik, hátha egyszer sorra kerítem.

    1. Katika kedves, igazán nagyon hálás vagyok az őszinte részvéddel!
      Köszönöm szépen. A pite egy mennyei finomság, de csak ha jól sikerül.

      Próbáld meg, de ne csodálkozzál hogy első alkalomra nem fog jól sikerülni, mert legtöbbeknek ez a problémája vele. A habnak nagyon fontos felverni keményre, és egészen a pite széléig kel kenni, hogy nehogy össze essen a sütés közben!

  16. My sincere condolences on the loss of your ex-husband Rosario. I shall keep you and your family in my prayers and I hope that you recover from your Sciatica soon.

    1. Thank you, dear Paula for you kind and sincere condolences, and prayers.
      Sciatica is not an option during such difficult stress, but it will get better soon. I appreciate your kind concern!

  17. De limón que bien y que corte tan lindo.
    Un saludito

    1. Miju, Gracias por usted comentario amable, y felicidades!

  18. My sincere condolences, Elisabeth. These difficult moments surely add to that back pain. I will have you,your family and your health as well present in my prayers. I will love to try your meringue pie, it looks wonderful.


    1. Thank you, Mari! You have always been such a kind, caring and supportive friend to me, and my daughter Lora. I am grateful for your condolence and prayers at this difficult time.

      Do try the meringue pie, you are such an amazing baker of the most gorgeous professional cakes, and decorations, this would be an easy challenge for you!

  19. Oh! I feel sorry for you and I'll pray for you.
    Thanks for sharing the recipe, you have taken some time for it.

    Peace & Blessings!

    1. Thank you Rashida! Your kind words of sorrow and prayers are greatly appreciated.
      Peace, and Blessings to you, as well!

  20. Elisabeth I can so relate, as we lost the boys dad a few years ago. I too did a cake for him in his memory. This is such a thoughtful gesture. You are such a good mom, wife and friend. Not an easy time to go through for them or you. My condolences to all and to help you all through this difficult time. The pie is simply perfection. R.I.P. to your departed.

    1. Claudia, my dear friend; you, of all people can certainly relate to your boys losing their dad, as well as Lora and Joe has! You can certainly understand the pain and anguish they are going through at this time.

      Thank you for your kind words and condolence throughout this difficult time. We were such a close family to the very end, and I have no 'regrets'. We were great friend before, during, and after marriage. A strong bond like ours was, is not easy to replace!

      Will keep in touch, my dear friend!

  21. Kedves Elisabeth! Ezzel a tortával igazán szépen emlékezel Rosarióra. R.I.P. Fogadd őszinte részvétemet.

    1. Kedves Anna! Köszönöm az őszinte részvétedet. Sok szomoru napokon át mentünk mult hónap óta mióta nagyon megbetegedett szegény!

  22. I'm so sorry Elisabeth, so sad for you and your family. And I hope your back feels better.

    (lemon meringue pie used to be my favourite dessert when I was little, I really should revisit it after seeing how fluffy and gorgeous yours is).


    1. Emma dear, you have been such a caring and wonderful friend throughout our blogging 'careers'. Thank you for your kind and caring words; wouldn't you know that this problem happened with my back (just when my eye got better)...what weird 'luck'!

      Do revisit your favorite childhood dessert, and give it a try to bake one!

  23. I'd heard what happened through Lora's Bundt club and I'm very sorry for your loss. Ex husband or not, it's still painful, especially since you know your children are in pain over it. You've had a rough time lately but it will get better. Wishing you well!

    1. Anita, I have just noticed yesterday on google+ your delicious lemond bundt cake, and wondered about how come Lora didn't post this month's #bundtamonth for her Bundt Club; and then realized that she has made the announcement to the club.

      I never really referred my ex-husband as an 'ex'...since we were always so close as a family to the very end. (just not lived together) It is indeed very painful to see my children grieving for their dad. Things will get better in it's time.

      Thank you for your kind words of condolence, and good wishes!

  24. Elisabeth,
    So sorry for your loss, and condolences to you and your family. I hope that sciatica is better soon.

    1. Becky, I thank you on behalf of my family for your kind words of condolences, and for my getting better soon with this painful sciatica!

  25. I am very sorry for your loss Elisabeth and I hope you will be feeling better very soon, xxooxx-Patty

    1. Patty, I feel so bad for not visiting and commenting for such a long time on your blog; but I have been making more of an effort on facebook recently.

      Thank you for your kind words of condolence, and your good wishes to feeling better, soon~ xoxo

  26. Be well my friend. I am thinking of you.

  27. I am very sorry for your loss. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Take care.

  28. Very sorry to hear about your loss. Take care Elisabeth! ( I love Lemon Meringue Pie, yours looks extremely tasty, light and fluffy! )

  29. elisabeth, i'm sorry to hear about this and things that you're going thru right now. My deepest condolences to you and your family. Do take care and hope your back recovers asap.

  30. oh bella, again I am truly sorry for your loss. When my (ex) step father passed away a few months ago, I thought of my mother so much, because I know she loved him deeply for a season of her life. And although they divorced, and my real parents got back together, he remained close to us as he and my mother had a child from that marriage. I am praying for you and all of the family. I am so sorry about your sciatica and am praying for you now - I have missed you so much sweet friend. I finally posted again after many months, and am jumping back in to all my favorite blogs - sending lots of love and my best wishes for a very happy new year!!!

  31. I am so sorry for your loss Elisabeth. I am praying for you and your family during this time. I do hope you are taking care of yourself and I hope you will recover soon.
    The lemon meringue pie looks utterly scrumptious.
    Lots of love, Michael.

  32. i am so sorry elisabeth. i really am.

  33. My most heartfelt condolences to you and your family on your loss, Elisabeth. And sorry to hear about your sciatica woes - this can be very debilitating as I saw for myself when I witnessed my girlfriend's father literally crawling around the house when I was in high school. This was a very burly man and he'd been off work for weeks suffering with it. Take care, thinking of you, Jane

  34. I am so sorry for your Loss Elizabeth, my heartfelt condolence to you and your family..the food you post looks awesome and delicious.

  35. I am so very sorry for you and your family on your loss, Elizabeth. My thoughts and prayers are with you all! I am also so sorry to hear about your sciatica. This has been a very hard month for you. I think of you often and pray that soon you will be back better than ever. Hugs to you my friend…take care of yourself!

  36. Elisabeth, I am so sorry to learn these sad news... I hope your health problems end soon. The meringue pie looks so joyful and sunny... such a thoughtful gift from your friend. Take care of yourself!

  37. This is not an easy start of the year for you Elisabeth... I'm sorry for your loss and for your children. It must be not easy (Sciatica pain does not help...). Nice of thinking about his favourite cake made with lemons which are one of the most typical Sicilian fruits....

  38. Take care of yourself, sweet Elisabeth! It sounds like you and your ex remained close after your divorce, which is so nice to hear. He sounds like a wonderful person, and I'm glad his passing was peaceful. I'm glad your back is better and hope you're back to 100% soon. In the meantime, I love your pie...citrus is one of my favorite flavors, but I've never made a lemon pie.

  39. Elisabeth, I am so sorry for your loss, and also for your illness--sciatica is the worst, particularly at a time when you're dealing with an emotional loss. This pie is a lovely tribute to Rosario.

  40. Elizabeth, Just stopping by to let you know I’m thinking of you!! Miss you...Hugs!!

  41. Dearest Elisabeth,
    My heart hurts for you in the loss of your Rosario. I have been lifting you and your family in prayer and will continue to do so. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
    Miz Helen

  42. Sincere condolences to you and your family at this sad and difficult time. Take care of yourself though- I do hope you start feeling better soon.
