Saturday, February 23, 2013

Easy Chicken Noodle Soup

Do you ever...or have you ever felt like there's a 'cloud' over your head and it just does not seem to want to leave?! I'm not talking about the Jimmy Dean breakfast sausage commercial with the actual dressed up person as a 'cloud' but a cloud that just does not seem to lift?...even if you live in S. Florida as I do.

For the last four months, one thing after another. My eye surgery, death, sciatica, the flu...and back again, feeling
'gloomy'! Not enough energy...not eating right, just plain tired, on-and-on. Valentine's Day did not help either...although I did get a beautiful bouquet of red roses from my precious and beloved children and grandchildren, so that really cheered me up. As for cooking and baking, I haven't done much...isn't it nice to have a wonderful daughter that cooks and bakes every day and shares, the 'love'?

Talk about sharing! My dear friend Marina, @Picnic at Marina offered to treat me to a nice bowl of her famous Chicken Broth, but of course she lives much too far. I did make a huge pot of almost the same identical broth, but I like to put more carrots and a sweet potato as's just me. You can make such awesome recipes with your fresh broth; all you have to do is just freeze them in ice cube trays, or portion sized plastic containers and pop them out of the freezer to have it ready when you need it for a recipe that calls for chicken broth.

For the actual recipe, click on Marina's beautiful blog for the Hot Water Soup...a.k.a. Chicken Broth and you can variate this amazing broth to make Easy Chicken Noodle Soup if you would like more vegetables and noodles, or as in my case, I added leftover broken up thin spaghetti pieces right into the boiling broth.
 Never under estimate the power of a great homemade chicken many different ways of making it from just by making a huge pot of chicken broth. I actually used up half of the entire large pot of the broth to make my simple Chicken Noodle Soup with my simple favorite vegetables.

Easy Chicken Noodle Soup
inspired by Marina's Chicken Broth

2 1/2 quarts (80ozs.) (2 1/2 L.) homemade chicken broth, (for recipe click on the link at Marina's)
3 peeled sliced, or diced carrots
1/2 large onion or 1 small chopped
2 stalks celery chopped
1 large, or 2 small bay leaves
Leftover pieces of chicken from the broth
2 med. red skinned potatoes (don't peel) diced
handful of fresh parsley chopped
2 Tbsp. canola, or vegetable oil
Leftover thin spaghetti about less then 1/4 lb. broken up in bite size pieces, or use noodles of course
adjust flavor by adding spices of your choice...I added
freshly ground pepper, and hot sauce, or red pepper flakes if you like it spicy. (optional)

You can use canned broth, or water, adding bullion cube if you're not using homemade broth.

Saute onion, carrots, and celery in the canola or vegetable oil, until onion gets glossy, and wilted. Add the potatoes, the chopped parsley, bay leaves, your seasonings, and add about 2 cups of the broth. Cover, and slowly simmer until all the vegetables are almost done. Add the rest of the broth the torn up chicken pieces, let the broth come to a boil, add the broken up spaghetti pieces or small amount of noodles right into the broth and boil gently until it's cooked completely. You can cook the broken up spaghetti pieces or as much noodles as you want separately, and add as you go along. You can sprinkle extra chopped parsley on top, and adjust seasoning
 Noodles or pasta tend to get soggy in the broth so do not cook a large amount in the broth itself.
Serves an entire family of 4-6 with this generous delicious for the GODS!

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Hi Darling!! :-)
    Splendida ricetta!!! :P

    1. Grazie bella! Sono così contento di sentire da te. Abbracci e baci

  2. Your chicken soup looks so delicious. I'm sorry you've been going through such a difficult time. It seems that life some times can and does throw us some major curve balls. I pray you will start to see a more positive turn soon. Hugs. xx

    1. Thank you sweetie! I think we all go through difficult times at one time or another...just have to be strong and cope with life's challenges. Hugs to you, as well!

  3. THis soup looks wonderful and I hope will chase away the clouds. Lots of love and hope the sun comes out very soon.
    Mary x

    1. Thank you Mary! A bowl of good homemade chicken soup does wonders for the 'soul'. Sunshine does wonders for us all! xoxo

  4. Jaj, de jó kis tartalmas leves, kérhetek egy tányérkával? :)

    1. Kedves Hankka, nagyon aranyos vagy, köszönöm hogy benéztél hozzám. Szivesen adnák a finom levesböl, bár mikor!

  5. That is a beautiful chicken soup-perfect for a soul that needs comfort.

    Sending best wishes your way.


    1. Beautifully said, Velva! Thank you for your kind words. xo

  6. Hi my dear Elisabeth, love your comfort soup. Look so good and delicious, nothing like homemade even thou it's just a simple meal. Love the yellow plate, very nice and bright color.

    I love to see you pick up yourself again. GOD is with you, he will give you strength. I'm dedicating the following songs to you, hope you like it.

    A little faith brightens are rainy day
    Life is difficult you can go away
    Don't hide yourselves in a corner
    You have my place to stay
    Sorrow is gonna say goodbye
    Opens up you see the happy sunshine
    Keep going on with your dream
    Chasing tomorrow sunrise
    The spirit can never die
    Sun will shine my friend
    Won't let you cry my dear
    Seeing you she'd the tear
    Makes my world disappear
    You'll never be alone in darkness
    See my smile my friend
    We are with you holding hands
    You have got to believe
    You are my destiny
    We're meant to be your friends
    That's what a friend should be

    With lots of love and big big hugs to you, my Florida sister. :)
    Have a lovely weekend. Warm regards.

    P/S Listen to the first song in my blog " After You", very meaning and lovely song from 1956 Jerry Wallace.

  7. Even in a slump your food looks amazing!

  8. Dearest Amelia, you have no idea how your sweet words and song dedication have touched my heart. I listened to the sweet song, and love each and every meaningful words. After hearing these lines, it made me cry...happy tears. Thank you for being my friend and a special sister from Malaysia! I will click over to your blog now, and check out your latest post and hear the special song! Big hugs, and kisses to you!

    Sorrow is gonna say goodbye
    Opens up you see the happy sunshine
    Keep going on with your dream
    Chasing tomorrow sunrise
    The spirit can never die
    Sun will shine my friend

    1. Hi my dearest Elisabeth, I'm glad you love this song. I like the lyric very much cos it's very meaningful. Thank you for your lovely compliments and comments in my blog. I appreciate and cherished our friendship a lots.

      Take care, with lots of love to you.

  9. Ez nagyon finom, én is szoktam hasonlót készíteni:)

  10. Elisabeth, I know what you mean about the cloud! I get it every now and then too. But I guess we somehow come out of it through the help of prayer, family and friends. You have a loving family and I know you have been through challenging times. Hopefully there will be more sunshine coming out of the clouds! Love the chicken soup. Sometimes I cook up a big pot too to last me for a few days.

  11. Kedves Elisabeth, csodálatos már a színe is ennek a húslevesnek. Gyöngyöző, tele zöldségekkel, tésztával, és csirkehússal, bizony én is így szeretem. Amikor hazajöttem a kórházból, én is főztem egy jó nagy fazékkal és napokig azt ettem. Holnap írok neked levelet, addig is nagyon vigyázz magadra. Puszillak

  12. This is what I call 'soul food', Elisabeth. My mom used to make lots of this kind of homey and delicious soup for us. I love it.

  13. What a wonderful soup! I love Marina's nice that you were inspired by her wonderful recipe.

    I hope your black cloud lifts, my friend. I think this soup is the start of good times :) xo new blog is still being redirected through Blogger to WordPress...and I bet that messes up the sidebar link :(

  14. Oh I remember Green Acres hot water soup! Now that was quite a while ago. :-)

    Lovely, homey soup Elisabeth, we do know how to make soup don't we? I don't know about Americans, but if it doesn't come from a package or a can, Canadians don't often eat soup. I do believe that the mark of a cook is the skill to make soups from scratch. And there is more to soup than onion soup or clam chowder. I never order soup at a restaurant, they seldom make it from fresh ingredients. And even if they make soup, it tends to be rather salty. And yet there are times when a bowl of nice hommade chicken soup can sooth body and soul.

    Be well my Friend.

  15. Guszta kis leves lett, szívesen elfogadnék egy tányérkával :)

  16. Hey Elisabeth , I am so sorry you are going through a bad phase but it will pass , it happens . Good to see your post , I would love that soup right now as I have this darn cold which does not want to go away . Again good to see your post , take care :) .

  17. Nagyon guszta leveske. hasonló mint itthon a "becsinált leves" És látom, nálatok is van cérnametélt... Guszta!

  18. Elizabeth, Chicken soup is so good for what ails you…and good for the soul!! Yours looks so perfectly delicious!! Sorry this cloud is hanging heavy over you…it will lift! I’m sure all of these things happening so close to one another has caused a bit of a depression. Clouds lift and the sun will shine again, my friend! You have a great support system in your family and friends. Hugs!!

  19. Hi Elisabeth, thanks for linking me! I am writing this comment all covered in flour: trying to concur pie pastry dough! :) I am glad to hear you are doing better, dear friend. I really wish I lived closer so I could bring you a few cups of chicken soup and spend some time with you to cheer you up. For now I am sending you a big warm hug and my best wishes to get well soon. :)

  20. Hi Elisabeth,
    I believe that Chicken Soup has magic power, it heals everything. I always tell folks to have a bowl of Chicken Soup it will just make it better. This is a great recipe and that bowl of Chicken Soup looks amazing. I am sending you a big hug! Thanks for sharing,
    Miz Helen

  21. That flat, gloomy feeling (I know what you mean) is pretty normal after what you've been through. Your lovely family are a tower of strength I'm sure.

    I love the addition of spaghetti and potatoes in this - they're really great mood elevators Elisabeth :)

  22. I know exactly what you mean...and you have had a lot on your plate these past few months. Chicken soup is the perfect comfort food--they don't call it Jewish penicillin for nothing!

  23. You've had so very much on your plate the past few takes a while to start feeling more like yourself again. Hoping that Spring is a time of renewal for you, Sweet Elisabeth! I agree that chicken soup has such restorative qualities, no matter what ails you!

  24. Hello Elisabeth! You must be in a daze reading this comment... yeah I know i haven't been around lately. but yeah just like that Jimmy Dean cloud, there are just so many things clouding my mind. there's this dilemma of not going to post, or post, not going around the blogs or to go around the blogs, etc., etc,. But Ifeel so sorry though for not being here to cheer you up while you went through all those things that transpired over the past months. So now I'm sending you positive vibes your way to clear the clutter in your life. we all go through that, but what's good is that we always come out better and stronger. As Kelly Clarkson's song goes: What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.... haha I sing that all the time when I feel low.
    take care!

  25. I'm so sorry Elizabeth that times have been tough. I understand becasue we've been through times like that too. It seemed like the situation just kept getting worse rather than better. But now looking back, we can see it was all part of a Sovereign plan, a plan that worked out for our good, in the big scheme. I pray that the Spring brings new hope and life and encouragement to you! Oh, and your soup looks like it could cure anything that ails a soul! Delish!

  26. Elisabeth, your chicken soup looks extraordinary! Gorgeous, joyful colours, but most of all there is something homely, comforting and soothing about it... I can almost smell it!
    I totally agreee about home-made stock. Nothing replaces it and I prepare it regularly.
    So nice to see you back... (and sorry for coming so late!).

  27. Everybody goes through the "blahs" at some point but the world turns and things get good again. In the meantime, lay low, enjoy your children's love and eat lots of chicken soup! :)

  28. This soup is calling to me! It has a wonderful clear broth that is so appealing to me! I have pinned it and am now following your blog!

    Cynthia at

  29. What a crazy coincidence this was my lunch last Friday!! I had homemade chicken stock leftover and I added noodles + soy sauce (no salt) D E L I C I O U S. I agree homemade chicken is the best.
