Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sour Cream-Blueberry Muffins

Hi everyone!...this may be my last post for a while, as far as uploading photos from my computer; which is a total disaster!

I made these muffins a couple months ago, and had no intention of posting it because these are just so ordinary, cute little yummy muffins that really do not require to POST, or BOAST about...but now, I'm desperate for another post from my own files.
Not only did I end up buying a new Canon camera, but I I have the same 'communication error' blinking on this one as well, when I try to upload my new photos. After all this complication, I strongly believe that it's my computer that has the problem. the USB port plug-in is not connecting to the tomorrow, I will have to disconnect everything from my PC and physically take the computer to the 'Geek Squad' at our local BEST BUY to have them check it it and hopefully correct the problem!
Oh, and my old camera...which is just barely over one year old...well, that one is totally broken down now from all the stress of trying to fix the problem; but I still insisted on Canon again, since I've used Canon 35mm in the past over for over several years and that one is still working, but who wants to bother with getting film developed, when it's so convenient to just pop out the little memory card when it's filled and you can decide if you want to develop photos and choose how many you want.

Also, now I removed my old picture file from my previous camera which also was able to correct the photos the way you want, I downloaded the Windows Live program which also has the photo gallery. Not sure if I like it.I have been trying to be this 'self-taught' computer technician...finding new and improved things, but cannot fix the actual problem. So bare with me and enjoy this simple muffin filled with fresh ripe blueberries,  topped with a comforting sugar topping...or streusel if you prefer. The recipe is so simple, I even found my old recipe online from Food and Wine.
U.S. Metric Conversion chart
  • 1/2 cup(s) light brown sugar
  • 1/3 cup(s) all-purpose flour
  • 2 tablespoon(s) unsalted butter, softened
  • 1 teaspoon(s) cinnamon
  • 1 1/2 cup(s) all-purpose flour
  • 1 tablespoon(s) all-purpose flour
  • 2 teaspoon(s) baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon(s) baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon(s) salt
  • 1 large egg
  • 3/4 cup(s) sugar
  • 1 tablespoon(s) unsalted butter, melted
  • 1 cup(s) (rounded) sour cream
  • you can substitute Greek yoghurt  
  • 1 teaspoon(s) pure vanilla extract
  • 3/4 teaspoon(s) finely grated lemon zest
  • 1 cup(s) (rounded) frozen blueberries 

  • Make the topping: Preheat the oven to 375°. In a medium bowl, combine the brown sugar, flour, butter, and cinnamon. Rub with your fingers to form coarse crumbs. Refrigerate until ready to use.
  • Make the muffins: Butter a 12-cup muffin pan. In a medium bowl, whisk the 1 1/2 cups of flour with the baking powder, baking soda, and salt. In a large bowl, using a handheld mixer, beat the egg at medium speed until frothy. Add the sugar and melted butter and beat until pale yellow, 1 minute. Beat in the sour cream, vanilla, and lemon zest until blended. Add the dry ingredients and beat at low speed until almost blended. In a bowl, toss the blueberries with the remaining 1 tablespoon of flour. Using a rubber spatula, fold the blueberries into the batter.
  • Fill the muffin cups three-fourths full of batter and sprinkle with the topping. Bake for 25 minutes, or until a cake tester inserted in the center of a muffin comes out clean. Remove the muffins from the pan and let cool on a rack. Yields: 1 dozen

“If your eyes are blinded with your worries, you cannot see the beauty of the sunset.” ~Jiddu Krishnamurti

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  1. Delicioso y lindo me encanta soy fan de los arándanos ,abrazos y abrazos.

  2. Hi sweetie hope your having a great week I love your sour cream muffins they look amazing!

  3. Nagyon szeretem az áfonyát és a vele készült dolgokat. Ez a muffin a kedvencem...Guszta!!!

  4. Elisabeth, that reminds me that I haven't baked muffins for quiet a while now. I love blueberry muffins but her in Malaysia, fresh blueberries are extremely expensive. But I guess I could use your recipe but substitute the blueberries with other fruits. Hope your PC problem gets fixed soon :)

  5. These definitely are blogworthy and not ordinary at all, Elisabeth. They are delicious and beautiful with all the berries. I am glad that you have decided to share them.
    Hope your computer problem get fixed soon.

  6. Elizabeth, these muffins are far from ordinary…they sound perfectly delicious!! Love the addition of the sour cream. They are simply beautiful!
    Hope your technical difficulties get solved soon!

  7. Classic blueberry muffings have been in my mind for a few weeks, yet never happened. These are perfect Elizabeth! Your usb connection might be broken and it will probably be fixed in no time.

  8. Beautifully done, who can resist to this wonderful muffins.

  9. Gyönyörű muffinok, rengeteg áfonyával, amit imádok:) Sajnálom, hogy még mindig problémáid vannak a képfeltöltéssal, remélem hamarosan megoldódik és többször látjuk a receptjeidet:)

  10. Finomnak néznek ki, nem kell szerénykednek, igazán ide valók :)
    Én is sajnálom, hogy még problémáid vannak a technikával, őszintén kívánom, hogy mielőbb rendebe jöjjön minden!

  11. I don't think I have ever had sour cream in muffins before, sounds delicious!

    Happy Blogging!
    Happy Valley Chow

  12. Kedves Elisabeth!
    Csodaszépek ezek a muffinok, és én nagyon szeretem, így telepakolva áfonyával.

    Sajnálom, hogy gondjaid vannak a képfeltöltéssel, de reménykedjünk hogy hamarosan újra minden rendben lesz. Nemrégiben én is így jártam, egyszerűen nem tudtam feltölteni a képeket a gépemre. Aztán vásárolt a férjem valami kis kütyüt, és most azon keresztül töltöm fel.
    (Most jöttem az orvostól, májusban lesz a következő műtétem. Nagyon félek, de már jó lenne túl lenni rajta :( )
    Csodaszép napokat kívánok Neked!!! Puszillak Gizi

  13. These little muffins are adorable!!! Looks delicious!

  14. These are the most moist muffins I've ever seen! They look incredible!

  15. I'm so sorry you're still having camera/computer woes. I hope the geeks can fix it all quickly! Glad you had some yummy muffins to share...can't wait for berry season to arrive!!! xo

  16. Oh I'd love one of these gorgeous little cakes right now with a coffee! And the simple recipes are always the best.

    It does sound as if your computer is the problem Elisabeth, so sorry about all your uploading problems. My laptop is being fixed as we speak and I'm desperately hoping she can be revived.

    Technology eh?!

  17. I have the same problem with upload pictures sometime,hope you 'll be back with new post soon,btw these muffin's just looks so moist and delicious, I wish I have with my coffee right now :)

  18. Tudod, hogy imádom a muffint:) Főleg áfonyával, isteni lehet:)

  19. These muffins look absolutely irresistible! Blueberries always tempt me, even when I see them in the middle of the winter and strangely, the big farmed ones are rarely disappointing (I don't talk about the small wild blueberries because I haven't tasted these wonders for years...). I must make your muffins. My husband would love them too.
    I'm sorry to hear you have computer problems. I hope you can fix it soon.

  20. no elisabeth, just blog and share with us what you have. These muffins look great and it's always nice to see what friends are making. Hope your computer will get fixed asap.

  21. I love blueberries! In pies, cakes, muffins or just eating by the handfuls. I hope that you are able to get all your camera/picture uploading issues resolved...real soon :)

  22. I hope your PC problems gets resolved. I baked some muffins a few months ago that has sour cream on it and loved it. It was moist which made it irresistible :)

    I hope to see you around.

  23. Oh I love blueberries muffins, they are my favorite kind! I can never get tired of them! Can't wait to try this sour cream blueberry muffin recipe These cute little muffins certainly deserve their own post, they look so moist and tasty! P.S Hope you'll get your computer fixed soon. Don't stay away for too long! :-)

  24. Hi my dear Elisabeth, hope your computer problem is solve by now and looking forward to your next posting.

    Those muffin sure look delicious, soft and fluffy. I love the combination of blueberries and sour cream, it sure taste heavenly. Great to go with coffee.

    Beautiful sunset picture. Have a lovely week ahead,regards. With lots of love and hugs to you.

  25. love the last picture! it's gorgeous!

  26. Oh Elisabeth these are lovely, now I can hardly wait for the blueberries to grow in the backyard.
    Sorry you keep having technical problems with your photos.
