Sunday, July 21, 2013

Overnight Baked French Toast

I planned to make this glorious brown-sugar crusted rich, eggy Overnight Baked French Toast for this morning, but ended up having to make it three days earlier...only having to freeze most of it along with the berries!
I was so thrilled to find this awesome recipe in the Good Housekeeping Cookbook 125th Anniversary edition, which I rented from the local library and I'm so tempted to buy this book. I do have an older copy from 1986 which also has great recipes but no photos, only drawing illustrations. I got a pleasant surprise invite from my daughter and hubby to join them for the weekend in Orlando. Lora, for her Food and Wine Conference, and Fabrizio for his cooking demonstration at the Culinary, I was with my sweet grandchildren enjoying fun stuff at the hotel. It was raining all weekend long, even in Orlando, Florida but it's always nice to get away for the weekend!

If you visit Orlando and wish to stay at a nice hotel...about 20 minutes by car, or bus (which is FREE) to go to Disney World.... I highly recommend the Shingle Creek Hotel

Overnight Baked French Toast
 from: The Good Housekeeping Cookbook

12 slices firm white bread
6 large eggs
2 cups milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
pinch salt
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
4 tablespoon butter or margarine, softened
1 tablespoon maple syrup

Arrange bread slices in four stacks in 8-inch square baking dish.

In a blender, combine eggs, milk, vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg, and salt and blend until mixture is smooth. Slowly pour egg mixture over bread slices; press bread down to absorb egg mixture, spooning egg mixture over any uncovered bread. Cover and refrigerate overnight.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. In small bowl, stir brown sugar, butter, and maple syrup until combined. Spread evenly over each stack of bread. Bake until knife inserted 1 inch from center comes out clean, about 1 hour. Let stand 15 minutes before serving.

To serve, cut each stack diagonally in half. Makes 8 servings.

Linking to: Full Plate Thursday @ Miz Helen's Country Cottage
                 Thursday Favorite Things @ Katherines Corner


  1. It's BREAKFAST time over here, Elisabeth. I have tea ready and now I am not sure I want my usual boring bread any more. Your French toast looks so good!
    p.s You can get agar agar powder from amazon.

  2. French toast is one of my favourites. Mom used to make it so it would melt in your mouth. Yours looks delicious!

  3. Akkor jó programod volt a hétvégére:) Kár, hogy nálunk nincs ilyesmi:) Nagyon guszta a sütid is, a friss gyümölcsökkel:) Szép hetet, puszillak:)

  4. Wow, these french toast looks so good,Elisabeth, great combo with berries, I can't wait to try this recipe for our guest next week :)

  5. Nagyon mutatós, finom lehet ez a sütemény a sok szép gyümölcsökkel !

  6. Elisabeth, this sounds so delicious! A great way to prepare breakfast the day before. Very convenient I think :)

  7. Oh this story! Food can always with family...too precious!

  8. I have never had baked French toast but it looks really delicious especially with the seasonal berries on top. I would love to have it now for my afternoon tea...

  9. De jól néz ki, már annyiszor akartam ilyet készíteni, de valahogy mindig elmaradt:) Lehet azért, mert nem szoktam reggelizni, de nekem ez bármilyen napszakban tökéletes lenne, sőt desszertként is jöhet:). Ha egyszer eljutok Floridába,. mindenképpen abban a szállodában fogok megszállni. Szép hetet kívánok neked:)

  10. That was a great weekend Elisabeth! I wish to make it next time. Overnight french toast is the best idea ever. It looks so good with berries.

  11. sounds like a wonderful weekend even in the rain, this french toast sounds and look amazing, have never made it this way but will try now for sure,

  12. This sounds so good and your weekend sounds wonderful, what a fun surprise!

  13. Fincsi lehet a bogyós gyümölcsökkel, nagyon jól néz ki! :)

  14. Oh, phooey. I SO wanted to go to the Food and Wine Conference, but we had a family vacation scheduled. Maybe next year...I'd love to meet both you and Lora!!! Anyway, your French toast looks magnificent. I love making these casseroles for company and yours with berries must have been wonderful!

  15. Hi Elizabeth,

    Feeling the chill at Melbourne, I wish that I can be at Orlando now. Thanks for your recommendation. I will know where to stay if I'm visiting Orlando.

    Soaking the bread overnight... Your French toasts must be extra tasty being fully absorbed with lots of yummy flavors.


  16. This is such a great recipe...have it all prepared the night before...perfect for a weekend brunch.
    Thanks for the recipe Elisabeth and hope you are having a lovely week :D

  17. Kedves Elisabeth, olyan csodálatos fotókat készítettél, hogy kedvem lenne rögtön felfalni az egészet. Már jó ideje készülök én is készíteni, na most már nem halogatom tovább. Igaz itt nálunk most éppen trópusi meleg van, de majd korán reggel üzemelem be a sütőt. Puszillak

  18. I adore these types of recipes for overnight soaking…makes for such an easy morning, and a delicious breakfast! Yours looks so heavenly! Yum!

  19. My goodness... I am drooling. I love baked french toast... they make such delicious breakfast and with those beautiful berries, oh yum!

  20. What an amazing french toast Elisabeth! Yum.

  21. Hi Elisabeth, this look like a luxury breakfast. Something new to me and it definitely look heavenly. I like the nutmeg and cinnamon combination, very flavorful. Thanks for sharing your recipe.

    Have a wonderful weekend, hugs and kisses to you.

  22. hi elisabeth, sorry for coming by late..just back from a trip. This is the overnight french toast that you mentioned earlier to me, glorious indeed and even more glorious with so much berries!
