Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Fresh Peach and Apple Crisp

Buying the most beautiful and perfect peaches deserves a photo 'prop'...don't you agree?
The reason that I'm featuring these gorgeous peaches is...we are in the midst of being able to get Georgia peaches here, in S. Florida and they are quite affordable at this time of the year, and also...organic as well.

Fruit crisps, are the easiest things are to make when you just want a quick dessert to serve with a scoop of ice cream, or just by itself...even, cold!
It looks like a 'ray of sunshine' all around the dish, made in my vintage pink Pyrex that used to belong to my mother from the sixties. I also have the matching bowl with it. Taking photos of it in the natural light with a 'ray of sunshine' also helps to feature this easy and yummy quick homemade dessert! The recipe is so very simple and easy, you just have to remember the basic equivalent measurement of everything ...except the butter.

I served this right out of the oven and the aroma with the apple, peach, cinnamon and brown sugar was totally incredible and intoxicating. Actually you have to wait at least 15 minutes for the fruit crisp to settle and the juices thicken as it cools, otherwise it gets so juicy...which is not a bad thing as long as the topping stays crunchy!

Topping it with your favorite ice cream really is scrumptious and heavenly!

After a few minutes, the ice cream starts to melt over the warm crisp and you'll also need a spoon with your for...better yet, just scoop up all the yummy goodness with your spoon!

Fresh Peach and Apple Crisp
recipe by; Elisabeth

1/2 cup quick cooking rolled oats
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon
dash of salt
1/3 cup butter
zest and juice of 1 lemon
4 medium peaches peeled and sliced
3 medium apples peeled and sliced thin

In mixing bowl, combine oats, flour, cinnamon, salt, and brown sugar (leave 1 Tbsp. sugar for mixing into the fruit.) Cut the butter into small pieces and crumble them into the flour and oats mixture. Set aside

In a large bowl, add the peeled, sliced peaches, the peeled slice apples, the grated lemon zest, the juice of the 1 lemon, and the 1 Tbsp. brown sugar. Place fruit in a 10x6x2 inch baking dish, Sprinkle the flour mixture over the fruit, Bake in a 375 degree F. oven for about 45 minutes or until fruit liquid starts to bubble.
Serve warm over ice cream.

Here are some photos to share with you from this past weekend...

Linking to:Thursday Favorite Things @ Katherine's Corner

sail boat on the beach...
view from our private beach...
view of the moon in the background...
at sunset, across the street on the Intracoastal water...
just down the street from me...
well manicured public lawn, and well kept trees...Palm Beach
Gabby taking photos...as well!


  1. Beautiful scenery :-)

    Those are perfect peaches. I happen to love cobbler and ice cream too.

  2. Gorgeous crisp, Elisabeth. Save me that portion with ice cream :-))

  3. De szép barackok, ezekből isteni lehetett a morzsás süti:) A fotók most is csodaszépek:) Elisabeth, remélem jól vagy, minden rendben:) Puszi:)

    1. Köszönöm Kati, szerettem volna több barackbol késziteni a morzsás sütit...de a barack annyire finom volt hogy amit számitottam a morzsás sütiben, felét meg ettem. Jó vagyok, kedves vagy hogy érdeklődsz! Puszillak

  4. Ezt mi is nagyon szeretjük, bármilyen gyümölccsel, de főleg ilyen csodás barackokkal. Mi ezt crumble-nak hívjuk, vagy az más? Nekem főleg azzal gombóc fagyival ízlene, nagyon finom, ahogy olvad meleg illatos gyümölcsökre. Szépek a fotók, úgy látom te meg az unokád sokat fotóztok együtt:)

    1. Erzsike, crisp és crumble...egy, és ugyanaz. Ki hogyan hivja. Az alap anyagja egyforma. Igazad van, a fagyival a leg finomabb melegen. Én és az unokalányom sokat fotózunk, de neki sokkal jobb gépje van!

  5. Nice combination of peaches and apples...and yes, with ice cream!
    Beautiful pictures of the beach...hope you are having a great week Elisabeth :D

  6. Gorgeous scenery and gorgeous dessert - I just made an apple crisp but what a great idea to add peaches!
    mary x

  7. Such a beautiful peaches and flower picture agreed, great shot, and delicious combo crisp,perfect with a scoop of ice cream,yum :)

  8. Thank you for all your kind comments...unusual, not to hear from my regular commenter friends. Everybody seems to be so busy with 'kids back in school'...people out of town, just about daily routines, and welcoming in the FALL season. Love the fall season, sad to say we are not having any of that in South Florida:( xo

  9. Elisabeth, what an indulgent dessert! It looks so yummy especially with that scoop of ice-cream! I really wish I could have some right now, it would really cheer me up :)

    1. Phong Hong, I really wish this could cheer you up...would love to share it with you. I do hope you're feeling better now. Will visit your blog right now! xo

  10. Hi my dear Elisabeth, wow... this is really awesome. Look like to die for.... make mine with 2 scoops of ice cream please. Love the fresh peach, your 1st picture... I feel like grabbing it from the screen. LOL
    Your pyrex set look wonderful.

    Thanks for sharing the beautiful scenery.
    Have a good week ahead. With lots of love to you

  11. at times a crisp is just what we needed to make comfort to ourselves and our days..and definately love that with ice cream!

  12. The crisp (or crumble as I would call it) looks fantastic, Elisabeth. I will go tomorrow and buy some nice peaches because peach crumble is my favourite.
    Your weekend must have been amazing, judging from the photos.
    (PS I'm sorry for coming here so late. I have been on long and very busy holidays).

  13. Ah what wonderful peaches - they are the glory of summer. The crisp you made from them looks luscious!
