Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Zucchini and Caramelized Onion Focaccia

When it comes to baking breads, rolls, and other baked goods with yeast...I don't do much of that. I've been spoiled, growing up as a child with all the amazing homemade breads and and sweet pastries made by my mother, grandmother, and aunts. When my children were little, we still had my sweet Hungarian (aunt) Mariska néni who made all the wonderful treats for us, not just for the holidays, but every week something different. She is no longer with us but we still have the fond memories of all the yeasted treats she baked with so much 'pride and joy'...but seriously, we are the ones that was given so much joy and happiness. That's what home baking does; honest!
This is my favorite topping; paper thin sliced zucchini, and sweet-crunchy caramelized sliced onions. Focaccia and pizza dough is so easy to make, just pop the ingredients in the standing mixer with the dough hook and the machine does all the work for you. The only dry yeast I trust is RED STAR. It is fail-proof rapid-rising dry yeast...never have to worry about the dough not rising.
To make a single focaccia, you need at least 3 1/2 to 4 cups of flour. I highly recommend bread flour. Some recipes do not use olive oil in the dough, but I prefer to add olive oil in the dough, and brush some on the top...as well!
Zucchini and Caramelized Onion Focaccia
recipe by; Elisabeth
3 1/2 to 4 cups bread flour
1/4 cup olive oil
1 cup of warm water
2 teaspoon RED STAR or your favorite rapid
rising yeast
1 tablespoon sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons coarse salt
corn meal for dusting
2 medium zucchini, sliced thin with mandolin slicer
1 medium onion, sliced into thin circles
2 cloves of garlic, minced
1 tablespoon brown sugar
1 teaspoon coarse salt
freshly ground pepper
3 tablespoons olive oil
In a bowl of a standing mixer fitted with a dough hook, proof the yeast by combining it with the warm water and sugar. Stir gently to dissolve. Let stand for 3 minutes until foam appears. Turn the mixer on low, and slowly add the flour to the bowl. Dissolve the salt in 2 tablespoons of water and add it to the mixture. Pour in the 1/4 cup olive oil. When the dough starts to come together, increase the speed to medium. Stop the machine from time-to-time to scrape dough off the hook. Mix the dough until smooth and elastic, about 10 minutes, adding flour as necessary. (I added another 1/2 cup more.)
Turn the dough onto a work surface and form into a round. Place in a large oiled bowl. Turn to coat the entire ball with oil. Cover with plastic wrap and a towel. Let rise on a draft-free place, until doubled in size, for about 45 minutes.
You could coat a baking sheet pan with olive oil, or just use a large parchment paper, and directly coat the parchment paper with corn meal. When dough is doubled in size, punch down the dough and turn directly onto the cornmeal lined parchment paper. Pat the dough into an oblong shape but do not force dough to make it thin. Cover with a tea towel and let the dough rest for about 20 minutes so you can stretch it and shape it again. (In the meantime you could make the topping)
With your thumb, make indentations in the dough and brush with 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Preheat oven to 425 degrees F. and pre-bake for about 10 minutes without the topping. Spoon topping over the pre-baked focaccia; don't worry about having neat slices if zucchini is paper thin. Finish baking for an additional 10 more minutes, until focaccia is light brown, and vegetables are caramelized.
For the topping: Use remaining 2 tablespoons olive oil and in a large skillet sauté onion and garlic first... adding salt, pepper, and brown sugar. When onion mixture gets nice and caramelized add the thin zucchini slices and just mix all together...no need to cook zucchini; it will finish cooking in the last baking process. 


  1. Hi Elisabeth,

    Before blogging or moving to Australia, I'm guilty of doing any cooking at all. Totally agree that home cooking and baking make a lot of differences!!! Your homemade zucchini and caramelized onion focaccia looks beautiful!


  2. Hi Elisabeth, your zucchini and caramelized onion focaccia looks very soft and yummy too. Thanks for sharing and have a nice day :)

  3. Elisabeth, this is so yummy! I really have to make an effort to bake bread. Honestly, I am sacred I might fail but never try, never learn! I am keeping your recipe and one day I am going to try it. I can just imagine what it would be like to eat this focaccia while it is still warm. And the caramelised onions would really make it even yummier!

  4. Elisabeth, that focaccia looks so beautiful and what a great flavour combo. I am annoyed that I didn't think of that myself :) I can't wait to try this!

  5. What a beautiful focaccia,looks perfect and the caramelized onion sound really well with zucchinni, welldone Elisabeth, I would love to make this sometime:)

  6. You might not believe that I have never tried a focaccia made with zucchini. This looks fabulous! Great photos, Elisabeth.

  7. The most beautiful focaccia I have ever seen! It looks both crunchy outside and soft inside and so well risen. I am often unlucky with yeast (frankly I think I am not attentive enough or patient enough) but I know one thing: a good yeast brand is crucial, just like you say.

  8. I love this...and yours looks so beautiful!

  9. ÓÓÓÓ, de gyönyörűséges már látványra is!! Szinte érzem az illatát, és nagyon finom lehet a cukkinivel és a karamellizált hagymával. Holnap veszek élesztőt, és megsütöm én is. Köszönöm drága Elisabeth ezt a remek receptet. Puszillak

  10. Ciao bella!!!!.:-))
    Come stai??
    La tua focaccia is beautiful and delicious..like you..:-))

  11. Ez tényleg mesés, nekem a cukkini a nagy kedvencem, meg a spenót és így együtt a karamellizált hagymával nagyon finom lehet:) Nagyon tetszik, hogy ilyen vékonyra van gyalulva a cukkini, a tészta állaga is tökéletes:)

  12. Such a fantastic and very beautiful toppings..Love this zucchini and onion combo for toppings.

  13. this looks wonderful :-) love foccacia

  14. Like Lora, you bake beautiful bread! This zucchini-caramelized onion focaccia looks so moist and wonderful...I've made a few dry versions myself :/ I'm pinning so I can try your recipe next. Thanks for all your kind words, my friend. It's been a tough few weeks...hoping all will be on the mend soon. xo

  15. Nagyon guszta és igen finom lehet! Cukkinit még így nem használtam de a hagymával különlegesen finom lehet!

  16. Elisabeth, your focaccia looks beautiful. I love the zucchini and caramelized onion that you topped this with, sounds like it is full of flavor.

  17. ÓÓ ez szuper, nagyon guszta lett!! Így még nem csináltam, de hétvégén elkészítem:)) Puszillak.

  18. Nagyon guszta, szinte érzem az illatát :) Ügyesen megcsináltad, finom lehetett, de ilyen szépen megkelt tésztából csakis finomat lehet sütni :)

  19. This is epic Elisabeth! Love the pretty zucchini, such an interesting addition and your pics just make me want to grab off a hunk of that deliciously soft bread.

  20. Nagyon finomnak néz ki, kedvem lenne harapni belőle. A többi ételed is nagyon guszta és szépek a fényképek.

  21. Nagyon szuper recept. Még cukkinit nem tettem kelt tésztára. Nagyszerűen fest!

  22. this is beautiful! I love the flavors - your dough looks incredible!
    Mary x

  23. Hi my dear Elisabeth, very nice focaccia bread. The texture look so soft and fluffy. This is great for anytime of the day and accompanied with hot coffee. :))

    With lots of love and hugs to you. Regards
