Sunday, October 20, 2013

Hungarian Mushroom Soup...

I couldn't decide what to post for a much overdue post for Sunday! Should I post a 'Silent Sunday' random photo...and call it a day?
...or should I just let Sunday slide, and wait till my previous post is 1 week old; as I have been dealing with this for the last few months?
...or, just do a random post on my latest photos of one of my self-created favorite Hungarian comfort soup that I've been eating since childhood?
Well, the answer is YES...and more!

As you can see, I changed my profile photo back to the one I took this summer...prior to my skin cancer surgery on my forehead. I did post a recent one, which you will find on my facebook profile page...which I will also be removing. When examining the photo up close, you can see the scars of my skin cancer surgery from last month.

Also, I've had a more recent skin cancer surgery nearly one week ago on top of my head...BASAL-CELL CARCINOMA. Unfortunately, this particular one, I've been putting it off for several months now...but, that did not solve anything, only made it worse; having the cancerous mole spreading wider, and deeper. I went through a 3 hour gruesome painful procedure, they had to keep cutting it deeper and wider...three 30 minute waiting time...each time having the biopsy after each procedure and going back to getting the cancerous tissue cleared up. (Vanity is not an option) do, what you have to do!...its a matter of saving your own life!

As for stitching up the wound...yet, I had to go to another facility by our local hospital, to have it stitched up, which was another 2 hour waiting, and treatment. Thanks to my sweet and patient 'one-and-only lovely and caring daughter, Lora)...I don't know what I would have done without her. She not only had to drop off two of her children (my grandchildren) ...on the way to school, early morning; but drove me straight to have the outpatient surgery, and wait with me for 5 hours.

Anyway...enough said: Even though doctors claim that I have Easter European, which is highly sensitive to the bright Florida sun...its also the fact that not just me...but we all have been ignorant of over-tanning in the dangerous sun without sun the last three decades, or so... and now, most of us are paying the price. 

Here's a very well collected information about BASAL-CELL CARCINOMA...on WIKIPEDIA

Also, I have found some support group on-line regarding skin cancer patients dealing mainly around the facial and head area; as I have. This will be my third surgery...two, on my forehead...and this latest on my head which was a total shock and surprise discovery!

Do not ignore any mole, or unusual growth on skin that might appear suspicious...especially if it bleeds...forms a crust, and does not disappear in a month or so. Also, look for discoloration on a mole, or anything that appears out of the ordinary. It could actually cause losing your life if you let it go untreated!
I have learned how to make the world's most famous Hungarian soups....gorgeous clear chicken, meat, or vegetable broths; creamy thick comforting soups and the most famous of them all is the Gulyás Leves= Hungarian Goulash Soup...which is NOT the stew, but the actual soup (another discussion and post for a later time)
I'm going to share a 'secret' product with you that is 'gonna knock your socks off'...seriously! Do you see the pretty red swirls on top of this delicious comforting and delicious soup?...well, it is imported from Hungary and its called PIROS ARANY= red gold!...seriously, you would think they discovered GOLD! Never, ever...have I tasted any condiment, so delectable, so creamy, not too-too spicy...just open up this beautiful red tube of the most amazing flavor enhancer (authentic paprika paste)... you will get hooked on this...I promise!...and oh, by the way, here's one place where you can order this. (as for me, I received this from Hungary through a niece of my sister here, in the U.S.)
Here's one source where you can get this amazing product: HUNGARIAN MALL

Also, you can purchase Piros Arany (paprika paste) from check this out!

I did not go grocery shopping all this past week...taking heavy duty antibiotics, and for pain; some strong pain medication (which causes drowsiness)...spent all my time at home, and decided to make this delicious soup, and grilled cheese sandwich, after literally having no appetite for the first 24 hrs.
Scrounging through my fridge and cupboards...always finding something to make...if nothing else, a nice comforting soup, and sandwich is always the best solution; Grilled cheddar cheese and sliced tomatoes on whole grain bread...yumm! (for the recipe-by request)


  1. Elisabeth, nagyon szorítok neked, hogy minden rendben legyen, sokat gondolok rád, imádkozom érted. Te erős vagy, meglátod minden rendben lesz. Isteni gombalevest főztél, szívesen megkóstóltam volna. Én házi piros aranyat használok, az még a boltinál is finomabb:)

  2. Kati, aranyos vagy, köszönöm hogy rám gondoltál, és hálás vagyok az imádra. Sajnos az utolsó két éve most már a harmadik komoly bör rák jelenkezett, kettő ebben az évben. Nem is tundém megszámolni mennyit le vettek a hátamrol pár éve, azok is mind rákosak voltak. Még az a jó hogy jó beteg segélyem van, mer ezrekben kerülne amit én nem is tudnék ki fizetni.

    Tudom hogy neked milyen fantasztikus házi aranyod van...ugy szintén a lányom is kap anyósátol olaszországbol, ők is hozzá tudnak jutni a chilli paprikához, és a magyar piros paprikához is! Persze hogy finomabb a házilag, de ezt a fajtát én jól ismerem, és megfelel nekem, mivel hogy praktikus!

    1. Elisabeth, nagyon sajnálom, tényleg szerencse, hogy a hogy jó betegsegélyed van, nálunk is rengetegbe kerülnek az ilyen műtétek. Remélem, hogy sikerül eltávolítani az utolsó kettő komoly bőrrákot is, és minden rendben lesz veled. Isten segítsen, adjon erőt Neked, én is szorítok érted.

  3. Elizabeth I'm so sorry you are having a difficult time, very scary, you have such a wonderful attitude, you are an inspiration, what would we do without family! Yor wonderful daughter by your side, this is a beautiful delicious soup, thank you for sharing this, take care sweet lady, there is only one you!

    1. Thank you, are truly an inspiration to me and to all that has come to know you. Of all people, you have so much courage and determination...knowing how you have lost most of your precious 'eye sight' and are a marvelous and talented artist and painter. You have been through so much, and still have such a positive outlook in life. You still see so much beauty around you (mostly through your minds eye)...I can only look up to you and use you for one of my best 'role model' in life. Thank you for your caring, and friendship! xo

  4. I am thinking of you dear Elisabeth. Get well.

  5. Thank you,'re a wonderful friend, and a great inspiration to me!

  6. I hope everything will end up well for you!

  7. Elisabeth, nagyon szorítok érted!!!! A gombalevesed guszta lett, és tuti finom. Vigyázz magadra. Puszillak

  8. Elisabeth, so sorry that you have been having a rough time. Just the other day I was thinking about you while watching 'the Big C'. The soup looks mouthwatering! Thank you for sharing the secret ingredient...which I first thought it was just some standard paprika :-)

    1. Angie, thank you for thinking of me...I'm finally through the worst part of it, just hoping the new ones don't pop up.
      This paprika paste is not at all like the heavy tomato paste in a can. It's light, fragrant, and really have to use in small doses, to make it last!

  9. Hi Elisabeth, I am so sorry to hear of your condition. Whatever it is, be optimistic and pray to God. I am very sure you will be able to go through this trial time. Also be assured that you are always in my prayer. Be strong and wishing you speedy recovery, my dearest Elisabeth. Yeah, remember that you have all your good friends behind you and you are not alone. Hugs and muaks. <3

    1. Thank you Ivy, you are such a dear friend, and I do appreciate your friendship! Hugs,

  10. I am still waiting for a bowl of this fabulous mushroom soup. Now I know what the secret ingredient is. Love this soup!!

    1. Lora, your brother took the leftover portion of the soup...sorry, I didn't save any for time!
      As far as the 'secret ingredient'...I only receive one tube of this awesome paprika paste, but now we know where to get it from, next time!

  11. Your hearty soup is calling to me. I am going to set up a soup a week on Bizzy Bakes and I have to add this to my list to make. You also have me wanting grilled cheese.

    The importance of support groups can't be mentioned enough. Going through difficult challenges need others to listen and and share with. I wish you the best and may you have a complete recovery.

    Thanks for stopping by.

    1. Thank you Chaya...I didn't realize there was a support group out there for this type of skin cancer, but its good to know that others can share their stories with us.

      Your delicious coffee cake really inspired me...I already printed it out (copy-paste-print)
      since I didn't see a 'print' option. So nice to be back in touch with you again!

  12. Hi Eli! I have always loved mushroom soup, the earthy & creamy taste. I have never made hungarian mushroom soup before and yours looks absolutely comforting. I can only imagine myself dunking in a good garlic bread in it. I do apologize for not coming back in a timely manner. I have been really caught with work as we need to turn things around in our team. Life has been spent at home mostly. For now that 's the routine and it has taken a toll on my blog too. I will try to come back into action as soon as I can and catch up on all the reading that I have missed out on. Till then, keep smiling my friend. I missed our good times and I hope that we meet again someday. ♥ & hugs, Jo

    1. Hi Jo, I do miss our great time, we spent in San the Foodbuzz Food Festival...sad to say there's no more Foodbuzz, but food blogger do get together at 'food blog conferences' which I have still yet, to join at some point in the near future.

      You don't have to apologize for not coming around to my blogs or others as often as you would like to; we all do get caught up in every day LIFE...not just work, or cooking and baking to post on our blogs. Sometimes we do not feel like taking special photos just to post on our food blogs (at least, I don't).
      Take care, dear friend...big Hugs,

  13. It is getting chilly here now- we're supposed to have frost this week. Some of your wonderful soup would sure taste good! It looks delicious. :)

    1. Hi Betty, for us in S. Florida...chilly weather right 71 degrees F. which sound really good! Up north in Ohio...where I'm from is 39 degrees F. and snowing! brrrrr...will not moving back there, anytime soon! Thanks for your complement, soup does sound good, especially on a cold day!

  14. Elisabeth, I am very concerned that you have had surgery again. I am sure after that challenging ordeal, you are recovering well. Please take good care of yourself and focus on getting well. I am very fascinated by your Hungarian Mushroom soup. Love the color and I would imagine that it is very delicious. Hope that you will post the recipe once you are feeling better. I wish you a speedy recovery, my friend!

    1. Phong are such a dear friend, do not be so concerned about my repeated skin cancer surgery, it's all over for now, and hopefully this will be the end of my facial and head areas. Thanks for your caring and complement; any kind of spicy, colorful, flavorful spices...such as Asian, and Indian, is close to my heart...along with my Hungarian beautiful red sweet, or spicy paprika, and now the paprika, paste, or the paprika sauce; as well! xo

  15. Omg, really scary, take care of you Elisabeth.. Please take enough rest and good care of you. Health is very much important.

    Soup is just breath taking,and definitely filling.

    1. Priya, you've been a dear friend, and constant supporter on my blog...since day #1, and I do thank you, and appreciate your caring and concern!

  16. Vigyázz magadra, mindannyian szorítunk érted, hogy minden rendben legyen és jól alakuljon! :) A gombaleves pedig nagyon guszta, látszik, milyen tartalmas, finom! :)

    1. Hankka, nagyon aranyos vagy, és tiszta szivböl hálás vagyok, és köszöm a kedves szavaidat. A leves tényleg tartalms, és bizony egyszerü nagyszerü volt!

  17. I wish you the best and well recovery and take care yourself, interesting recipe on the soup,perfect for the season great pair with sandwich :)

    1. Ridwan, thank your for your kind and caring words of support, and compliment!

  18. Hi Elizabeth,

    The Australian sun here can be very lethal too... We are told to remember to slip-slop-slap during summer... This is the Aussie iconic sun protection campaign.

    Hope that you have a speedy recovery. Cooking and enjoy delicious soup is good :D

    Take care!


    1. Wow, Zoey...did not realize you guys have an Aussie sun protection campaign cute: slip-slop-slap!
      Thank you for your good wishes! xo

  19. Great looking soup!! Perfect for Fall

  20. Hi my dear Elisabeth, so sorry to read about your surgery. Hope all is well and nothing serious, wishing you speedy recovery. You're in my thoughts always and you still got nice bunch of friends who are always here for you.

    By the way, can your get sour sop fruit from any supermarket... if it's available take this fruit regularly, it's one of the super fruit for anti cancer.

    Your comfort soup look very appetizing. Love the colour and the red swirl, it look extremely good. Great for light lunch too.

    Have a lovely week ahead, with lots of love and hugs to you.

    1. Amelia, have been such a dear and caring friend of mine...since the first day we met on our blogs and have kept in touch. Thank you for your sweet and kind concern; I will be all right from now on. As far as for the sour sop fruit...we cannot get this at all in our supermarket; must be one of your special fruit from Malaysia!

      Berries, especially blueberries are a good source of cancer fighting fruits...that we have all year round, and I always have them in my fridge to snack on.
      Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks for your kind comment, and support! xoxo

  21. I hope you can get your BCCs sorted out soon Elisabeth, I live in a place similar to you, in that skin cancers are super common and most of us end up getting them sooner or later. Good luck for a speedy recovery.

    And soup and grilled cheese is so comforting, particularly your delicious recipes!

    1. Thank you, dear Emma! I do realize that your Australia hot summer climate is very similar to ours, unfortunately our skin cancer problems...mine and others' skin cancer dates back to the time; decades ago from not using sun protection...or maybe just sun tan lotion with very minimum protection.

      Yes, soup and grilled cheese sandwich is such a comforting and delicious lunch, and even for snack, or dinner!

  22. De jó! Olyan messze repült a Piros Arany?! :o))) Nagyon guszta a leveskéd! Imádom az ilyen tartalmas, bőséges leveseket.

    1. Kriszti, a Piros Arany, és más finom Magyar kolbász és szalámi féléket szerencsére mit is tudjuk rendelni egy jó import házbol. Köszi a kedves kommentedet!

  23. Elizabeth, I am so sorry that you are going through so much with the skin cancer! My husband goes for a check up every six months and has had several things removed. Take care of yourself! Hope you will mend quickly!
    Your soup looks like the perfect comfort food! So very delicious looking!

    Sorry, I haven’t been commenting lately, but we have been on the road traveling.
