Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Roasted Paprika, Lemon, and Pepper Chicken

The aroma of homemade roasted chicken and the flavors, so crispy on the outside, and moist and juicy on the inside. I decided to roast two chickens...since I found the most beautiful organic young chickens in my local supermarket. They are about 5 lbs each. I have a generous and large roasting pan with a removable rack, so the chickens could easily be removed when they are done. I also added a few whole, peeled carrots, split a whole, peeled onion and stuffed it in the cavity of each chicken, along with half of 1 lemon for each chicken, and another whole lemon zest, and juice on top of chickens.

recipe by: Elisabeth

2 roasting chickens (4 1/2-5 lbs.each)
1 tsp. coarse salt
1 tsp. black pepper
1 Tbsp. Hungarian paprika
1 tsp. dry thyme
1 medium onion peeled, and cut in half
zest of 1 whole lemon, and juice of the same lemon
2 Tbsps. vegetable oil
1/2 cup chicken broth
1 extra lemon cut in half
stalks of 3 or 4 carrots (optional)
1 whole sweet, or hot pepper (optional)
Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Set rack in pan; pour the chicken broth on the bottom of the roasting pan. Remove giblets and neck from inside chicken. Rinse chicken under running cold water and drain well, and pat dry. Tuck wings under. Place chickens breast- side up on rack, in the roasting pan; rub with the vegetable oil on both. With dry hands sprinkle with the spice mixture, and the lemon zest. Stuff the cavities with half of onion, and half of the extra lemon. Cover pan with the cover, or heavy duty aluminum foil. Roast for 25 minutes covered, and reduce heat to 350 degrees. Uncover the roasting pan, and continue to roast for and additional 1 1/2 hours or until juices run clear, when pricked with a fork in the thigh area. Let rest for 5 minutes before carving. Pour pan juices into a bowl, and save to serve as sauce for the chicken.

Serve with baked, roasted, or mashed potatoes, with side of your favorite vegetables. You can use the same method for 1 whole chicken...just cut down on the amount of spices. Leftover chicken is great for making chicken salad, great for slices of chicken breasts cold...for sandwiches; it can also be reheated for leftovers...or, as I did (give one to family, or friend; which I did)

Thank you for all your kind comments; sorry for not keeping up with commenting back to some of you dear friends; I've had quite a rough week...it's 'breast cancer awareness month'...my dear departed mom's birthday a couple days ago... (lost her to the same disease decades ago)...also been losing sleep since last week, my remaining kitty Mush is still mourning the loss of her companion Prince, and it's been over 1 year now; she is just not so happy these days, always meowing in the middle of the night, pacing up-and-down few times... looking for Prince! I need to get answers for the way she is acting...I know one of us will need 'therapy'...and some much needed sleep! Hugs,


  1. love the flavors in this chicken... yum...

  2. Gorgeous color in the skin :)

  3. I love roasted chicken and yours look scrumptious.

    I'm sorry to hear about your rough week and the loss of your mom. This can be so difficult. I too have been having a rough time of late. My mother has been in declining health for years and requires complex care. The care she is getting is not up to standard. I'm working so hard to help her. It is very stressful for her and also for me. I'm hoping for real progress soon.

    Maybe your poor kitty needs another cat or kitten companion. If you are home to help her acclimate to another cat around, it could help her. Best of luck with it all. Hugs. xx

    1. Thank you, Penny! I don't know which is more difficult...to lose a mother before the age of 50, or have to watch them decline when they are so advanced in age. I have a friend that is going through the same thing as you, except her mother does not want to go into a home and her daughter is her only caretaker...very, stressful either way!

      My kitty does not want another cat or kitten companion; I already tried that when I took her to my daughter's for one month while I was house/and pet sitting. I tried to have a 'play date' for her with the neighbor's cat...that was not too successful to say the least:) Hugs,

  4. Ahogy néztem a guszta pipiket úgy nyeltem nagyokat! Nagyon finom lehetett! Sajnálom hogy fájó emlékeid vannak .Az állatok nagyon érzékenyek, szeretteik elvesztését nehezen dolgozzák fel. Édesapám mikor meghalt volt egy kedvenc kutyusa és nem olyan messze volt hozzánk a temető , a kutya mindennap kiment a sírhoz és egyszer ott találtuk meg elpusztulva.

    1. Éva, köszönöm kedves szavaidat, a kutyusok talán jobban sajnálják a gazdájukat, ebben egyet értek veled. A fiamék kutyusát én szoktam minden nap kivinni sétálni mivel mind kettő hosszu órákat dolgoztak, és többször is vigyáztam rá hetekig. Már az utca elején megismerte a kocsim hangját és nyivogott utánam szegényke...és mindig siratott amikor haza mentem. Szegényke ő is elmult mult évben, pont akkor amikor a Prince cicámat le tettük nyugodni...borzasztóan fájdalmas érzés volt!

  5. very good selection of spices for me!

  6. Nagyon guszta lett a csirkéd! Fincsi lehetett :)

  7. Perfect and simple roasted chicken Elisabeth!

  8. They look so golden brown and crispy...perfectly done, Elisabeth.
    I am so sorry to hear Mush has been so unhappy and looking for Prince...poor thing. (((HUG)))

  9. beautiful chickens, wonderful recipe! I am so sorry you are ad at this time, my Mum died of breast cancer too, the horrible beast of a disease, it must have been a hard week for you. Its also hard when a pet mourns the passing of another, its heart breaking, if they could only talk to us, I have no answrs for that one, we experienced the same problem, all I can say in our experience was it took time, precocious time, that was all,

    1. Laurie, I'm truly sorry about your mother's passing of the same breast cancer! Not very pleasant, except now there's more hope for breast cancer survivors. Pets are so sensitive to the loss of another companion, and they are just like us...they mourn as well in their own way!

  10. The chickens was perfectly seasoned and golden brown, i bet smell really good with these spices :)

  11. oh wow... those chickens look amazing! I can just almost smell the beautiful aroma.... and such beautiful colour too. Take care Elisabeth.

  12. That chicken is so golden and flavorful!! Wow.. All those spices must be so flavorful.

  13. Drága Elisabeth, csodálatosak ezek a sült csirkék!!! Éppen itt állt mellettem a férjem, és felkiáltott "én ilyen pipikét szeretnék holnap ebédel". Így reggel irány a hentes, mert lehet egy ilyen kérésre nemet mondani. :)
    Ahogy olvasom a soraidat, nagyon bánatosak a napjaid. Szegény Édesanyád nyugodjon békében. Sajnos nekem a legjobb barátnőm halt meg fiatalon ebben a szörnyű betegségben.
    Nagyon sajnálom a kis Mush cicádat, szegényke ennyire hiányzik neki Prince.
    Csodás napot kívánok a nagy bánatod ellenére is. Puszillak

    1. Gizike, köszönöm kedves soraidat...ezt a fajta csirét muszáj lesz hamarosan csinálni mert nagyon gyorsan el tünt, és tényleg nagyon finom is volt!
      Szegény Édesanyámat borzasztóan hiánzoljuk az egész családben...sjnálom hogy te is elvesztetted legjobb barátnődet te is, és még fiatalon...anyám sem érte meg az ötven évét, sajnos! A Mushi cicám nagyon érzékeny szegényke, és nem tud kirázkodni a bánatábol szegényke! Puszillak

  14. Omg, love the flavour of this spices used in this chicken,wonderful dish.

  15. A csirke fantasztikus!!! Sajnálom, hogy nincsenek jó napjaid, van az úgy, hogy az embernek összejönnek a dolgai. Viselem én is a rózsaszín szalagot, az édesanyámat szintén rákban vesztettem el, a szülinapja is nemrég volt, fájó emlékek. Remélem jobban tudsz majd aludni és a cicád is megnyugszik hamarosan, gondolok rád, puszi:)

    1. Erzsike, borzasztó ez a rák betegség...annyi sok ember keresztül megy rajta, és sajnos sokan meghalnak belőle. Sajnálom hogy te is elvesztetted Édesanyádat ebben a borzasztó rák betegségben. Még ráadásul a nagynénémet is elvesztettem rá egy évre miután anyámat vesztettem el! Apám nővére meg hál isten hosszu évet élt, és szépen nyugodtan ment el...89 éves korában!...hát "ez az élet"...köszönöm kedves szavaidat! Puszillak

  16. Those birds are gorgeous! They'd be so good for dinner tonight. So sorry you're having a rough time. It sounds like you need a cat whisperer. :)

    1. Thank you, Betty! A cat whisperer?...how awesome and totally interesting; I've never would have thought of that...now that's something worth looking into. The situation I'm going through is so intense...and tense right now, and I'm totally without a 'clue' as how to solve it!

  17. Gyönyörű étel, és természetesen finom, a hazai ízek..., jó "méretes" pipik, nem kis adag...
    Szép napot kívánok!

  18. Hű, Elisabeth micsoda pompás csibe pecsenyék! Ezt nálunk is nagyon kedvelik. A vele sült sárgarépa a kedvencem, olyan fantasztikus íze lesz. Nagyon szép pirosak!

  19. Roasted chicken is such comfort food! One of my favorite family dinners! They look wonderfully delicious!

  20. Wow Elisabeth, the chickens look so tempting...perfectly roasted...love the lemon and the spices...
    Hope you are having a great week :D

  21. I love roasted chicken, Your chicken looks like it turned out perfect.

  22. Gyönyörűek a sült csirkék, nagyon étvágygerjesztőek! :) Sajnálom, hogy ilyen nehezebb időszakon mégy át, együttérzek veled! :)

    1. Köszönöm, Hannka! Tudom hogy együtérzel velem...olvastam hogy sajnos te is hasonló helyzetben vagy barátnőd elvesztésével! Nagyon sajnálom helyzetedet én is!

  23. Hi Elisabeth, this roasted chicken is finger licking good! May I come over now? Have a great weekend ahead and cheers :)

  24. Thank you all for your kind comments, I appreciate that you stopped by...it really means a lot to me, and to know I have such wonderful friends like you. Never would have imagined that 'blogger friends' could be so 'near'...even though some of you actually live across the globe from me...but we all share the same interest in food, family, friends...and some in the same community!
    Have a wonderful weekend to all! xoxo

  25. this roasted chicken is very tempting.its looking yummy ...I do roast Chicken in a similar way except for the onion and the broth

  26. Ciao Eli!!!!:-))
    How are you?
    I hope well..:-)
    Il tuo pollo sembra uscito da una rosticceria...dorato e succulento com'è..bravissima cara!!!:-)
    Baci e abbracci a presto bella

  27. There are few things as homely and comforting as a roast chicken. Your chickens look perfect.
    Big big hugs, dear Elisabeth! I wish I lived closer... You do not need to explain your absence!

  28. Elisabeth, ma délben jó lett volna ez a gyönyörű sült ebédre a kukoricaszedés után:)
    Jobban vagy? Hogy érzed magad? Puszi:)

  29. Your chicken looks fabulous, I know your house was filled with a wonderful aroma. Sorry you've had a tough week, hope the coming days are brighter :)

  30. No other chicken can compare to home roasted chicken! They look fabulous, I love putting lemon on the chicken for roasting and also bake it uncovered the whole time. I will follow your tips next time. I love you recipe.

    Hugs to you and mu best wishes for you and your loved ones :)

  31. hi elisabeth, sorry to know that you had some rough times..and i understand that sometimes when this happens, we just sit there and dont know what to do..and becomes moody too. take care elisabeth, rough times will become lighter after some time..:)

  32. Oh, I'm so sorry for your rough week, my friend. I hope you'll find an answer for your kitty's troubles...our pets are such an important part of our lives and household...it's hard when they're not 100%. I'm having trouble keeping up with comments, too, so no worries. Your roast chicken looks amazing. I'm pinning so I don't forget to try it. xo

  33. Oh Elisabeth, reading about your poor little kitty and your stress made me sad ... I'm a stress case so I can understand somewhat, particularly as I have the same kind of family history. I'm always glad when October is over tbh, as if we need to think about breast ca even more!

    Look after yourself :)

  34. Hi Elisabeth! I am catching up on my visits. It is a public holiday over here. Goodness me! Your chickens are so beautifully browned and golden. Absolutely scrumptious! I am bookmarking your recipe :)

    Sorry that you are having a rough time. Breast cancer is something familiar in my family too and we just got to be careful and get ourselves checked regularly. I guess cats are just like humans. They miss their loved ones too. Please take care and be of good cheer!

  35. Dear Elisabeth, So sorry your kitty keeps you awake nights. Forgive me for phoning at a bad time yesterday. Please take good care of yourself. The chickens look simply amazing and must have tasted the same.

  36. lovely spiced chicken!
    i bet this must be tasty as it's looks...
