Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Candied Spiced Walnuts

Just think...when you find the perfect selection that inspires you and knowing that you don't have to google it, or search through your collection of cookbooks...then just relax and simply print out your blogger friend's recipe and go for it!
With the holidays just around the corner, you want to have something quick and easy...yet, exciting and tantalizing for your 'taste buds'...questioning, what kind of spices are used in this addictive, crunchy, sweet, and spicy walnuts. Most of the recipes for this type is usually made with pecans, but as a personal preference...I think walnut work better; for one thing, they are less expensive, and crunchier. Pecans are softer and I would save them for cakes and pies!
Check out this recipe and more...Asian inspired; from my talented friend...
 Ridwan, @Rice and Coconut

I did change the title of this yummy treat, since its sweet, and spicy! (this is how recipes are made, but its always nice to give credit to the actual source, which most bloggers DO NOT follow) In the old days of our mothers and grandmothers, it was 'word of mouth', 'hands on', and of course 'hand me down' recipes, even in the seventies when I was a very young mom with toddlers, we just copied down recipes from friends' handwritten, and/or books and old magazines...never thinking about the source. No excuse these days, unless you create your own recipe just from your own creative basic source.

I did use the same amount...12 oz. shelled walnuts; the only addition of spice, was the cayenne pepper, in addition to the other spices.
Also, I used Spam, to spray the aluminum lined  toaster oven tray.

I put all the walnuts, spices, and maple syrup which I added more than just drizzle on...mixed it up and got it ready to toast in the oven.

Now, you just spread evenly, and bake at 350 degrees F. for no more than 12-15 minutes...any longer than that, they will start to burn, so be careful!

I did not equally measure things...just 'eyeballed'
all the ingredients, and being careful not to 'over spice'...probably used about 1/4 cup of pure maple syrup. You can store in tin can the  leftovers
but I doubt you will have any leftover, its so
addictive, and oh, so heavenly with goat cheese
on pear slices!  Do try out this recipe, from
...and tell him I sent you! xo



  1. oh my gosh, aren't they beautiful! What a great addition to so many things, yummo!

  2. delicious addictive walnuts..perfect for Christmas...

  3. Hi Elisabeth, Thank you for making this spices walnuts and link back to my blog,appreciated, your version looks more tasty, I like the addition of maple syrup,is perfect and thanks for sharing good *Tip * by using spam for spray and aluminum line on on the baking pan , I made quesadilla with leftover these ingredients it was YUmmY Too and perfect for finger food for holiday :)

  4. Delicious spiced walnuts, I am planning to make some with pecans as you said they are expensive. So go with some other nuts. yumm.

  5. Hi Elisabeth,

    Totally agree... that blogging is great!

    I have been enjoying lots of delicious cooking and baking using the recipes that have been cooked by our blogging friends. Got your message that this candied spiced walnuts by our friend Ridwan is really really good!!!!

    ok ok... let me print this page now!


  6. Elisabeth...everything looks delicious and pretty!

  7. Hi Elisabeth, what a great way of eating candied spiced walnuts with pear!!! This is indeed very yummy and addictive too and perfect finger food too! Have a wonderful day ahead and hugs from me :)

  8. Your spiced walnuts look amazing. I love nuts and you just made them even better.

  9. what a fun snack spicy and fun crunch

  10. I love spice nuts, Lizzie, and these sound spectacular! Perfect to add to salads or give as hostess gifts. Perfect to have around all through the holidays. Hope you're having a lovely week, my friend!!! xo

  11. Yum! Elisabeth, I could easily finish these walnuts in one sitting, very dangerous hah! hah! I have stopped buying walnuts because they are expensive over here (pecans even more so) and most of the time, the ones I buy go rancid very fast or are already rancid. Perhaps the shop did not store them properly. I agree with you that we must give due credit to the recipe source even if we have made drastic changes to it. Take care, Elisabeth! I am really pining for your walnuts hah! hah!

  12. What a wonderful appetizer in time for upcoming holidays :-)

  13. Jaj de jó Elisabeth, Te már gondolsz az ünnepekre :-) Ez nagyon finom lehet, még nem ettem ilyet. Én most kandírozott fügét készítettem, épp tegnap tettem fel a képeket és a receptet róla. Az is nagyon finom lett :-)

  14. this is a lovely idea... nice to munch on it as it is...

  15. I am salivating....we are huge fans of spiced nuts...the only problem for me is that I have no self-control over those nutty treats.

  16. Nagyon szeretem a diót, így még finomabb lehet:) Puszi, ölelés, Kati:)

  17. Ooo my goodness Erzsike.
    Ez nagyon supperul nez ki, TV nezes kozben mi kell meg ennel jobb.
    Este mindig kivanom az edeset, a dio legalabb egeszseges, a fagyitol csak hizik az ember.

    Looks supper, what better I need while I watch TV at night. Its healthier than ice cream anyway.

    1. Zolika, nagyon aranyos vagy, és köszönöm a kedves kommentedet. Evvel a dióval csak az a nagy probléma, hogy nem tudod megállni fel falni az egészet, és bizony a dió meg nagyon drága. Én inkább a pattogatott kukoricát fogyasztom a T.V. nézésben, finom, olcsó és kevesebb kalória van benne!

  18. Pinned these!! They can be used for so many things now with the holidays coming up!!! LOL when i saw the BADIA packaging!!! Such a hispanic and south florida thing… People up north probably have never head of Badia before.

    1. Thanks for pinning. Yes indeed, BADIA is a S. Florida spice company...after all we live in S. Florida. I love their spices; great product, and so affordable, and KIRKLAND maple syrup...is of course, from Costco!

  19. Hi Elisabeth! I love this recipe, and i know my entire family will love it too! I will be sending this to my father-in-law right away, we have a family walnut ranch in California and he will be so happy to have a new and tasty recipe for walnut candies! Just in time for Christmas too!!!! Thanks for sharing this! x

  20. What lovely treats Elisabeth! I enjoy reading Ridwan's blog, so I know that I will love this recipe. I definitely like your addition of cayenne. Especially for a party... yum! Have a great weekend.

  21. I love such sweet and spicy snacks, so I'm sure I would be delighted to have these tonight with my wine. I also like the way you put them on pear slices with goat cheese. Such a creative elegant snack idea!

  22. What a great addictive snack! Can you move further inland so we can cook together?

    1. Claudia, I don't think it would be necessary to move further inland to you, my dear friend, also from Florida...you are only about probably no more than 3hrs away, so we should make an effort to get together! xo

  23. I love nuts these sounds delicious!!

  24. this is truly addictive , i also doubt there will be hardly any leftovers! totally agree on the credit thing..!

  25. Fantasztikus rágcsálni valót készítettél! Este tévézés közben micsoda csemege! Elmentem, mert nagyon tetszik ez a recept... Guszta nagyon!

  26. Kedves Elisabeth, hogy milyen nagyon finom ez a dios recept! Mi is szeretjuk a diós dolgokat és bizony itt is Californiaban eléggé drága lett.
    Hope you have a fabulous November:)
    Sok Puzsi,
    Judit és Corina

    1. Kedves Judit, köszönöm hogy nagy elfoglaltságodban ujra rám találtál. Nagyon szép szakácskönyvet szerkesztél Corina lányoddal. Sok szerencsét és nagy sikert kivánok nektek.
      A dió itt Floridában nagyon drága lett, de megér minden darabot felhasználni valami finomságos ételben és süteményben.
      Sok puszi nektek is!

  27. Hi Elisabeth, I love your candied walnuts! You're right, there would be no leftovers here..they look like a very nice gift from the kitchen at Christmas time! Happy Veterans Day, XO

  28. Hello dear friend, this is an inspiring arrangement and I think the walnut tree in my backyard would agree that I will have to try it one of these days.

  29. Oh! I make candied walnut often, but never added any spices on it...next time I will make sure to add some cayenne pepper to spice it up...
    Have a wonderful week Elisabeth, and yes, I am back :D

    1. Juliana, I'm so happy to see you back on your new site...will check it out right now!
      Your determination paid off and you have your friends to back you up with your new site! Looking forward to keep up with your new site:)

  30. These would make lovely gifts for Christmas, they look wonderful.

    Also, walnuts are super healthy!

  31. Simply delicious!
    Sweet, creamy, nutty and crunchy snack.....

  32. Thank you everyone for your kind and thoughtful comments. I've had such a strange but eventful few days...have not been on the computer for over 24 hrs...(no other technical devices; not even a smart phone, or I-Phone...I-Pad)...so bare with me and I will keep you updated with what's been happening! xo

  33. felicidades por la receta y por el blog, esta genial, asi que con tu permiso me quedo mirando cosas ricas por aqui, saludossssss

  34. Hi my dear Elisabeth, so sorry I very very late this time. How you doing?
    Your this spiced walnut sure look very tempting. I think hard to stop munching and it sure pair very well with coffee. Thanks for sharing your wonderful recipes.

    Have a lovely day. With lots of love and hugs to you. Take care.
