Thursday, December 19, 2013

Hot Pepper Jelly

So, this is my awesome 'Hot Pepper Jelly' that I have never made before! As you notice those pretty swatches of holiday material...I would have loved to place around the jelly jar top...unfortunately; they were a little small, except for the one jar on the top, but they were extremely slippery for me to try to tie them around the jars, so I left them as 'it is' a little 'place mat'...or a small cocktail napkin, if your prefer, but the jelly turned out so awesome and just the right peppery taste!

My granddaughter Gabby was not say the 'least! She was expecting a mild light sweet pepper jelly, which I should have known from the start to make them with all sweet peppers...instead of mostly hot peppers add to some of the sweet. No time I will use all sweet peppers. At least...we, adults, get to enjoys these lovely gems, slathered over cream cheese topped little crackers...yummm!
It's so easy to make it, just follow the instructions on the recipe.

These are the peppers I used...purchase from the Green Market...the long red ones are the super hot pepper, and all the others are sweet!
KRAFT SURE JELL...Hot Pepper Jelly recipe... 

and I only used red, and orange peppers. The red ones were the hot peppers!
I washed, peeled, and chopped my peppers, and
put them in the food processor to chop them fine.
(be sure to remove the seeds first if you don't want them to be extremely hot)

Bring it to a boil, and skim off the are ready to ladle them into sterilized jars!

Aren't they so, and so pretty?
Well, you're not quite finished yet!

Cover the jar with the sterilized lids, and put them into water that covers them almost, to the top.

Cover the pot with a lid, and boil for 10 minutes.
Carefully remove the jars, and let it sit on a kitchen towel on the kitchen counter until it cools down...and your are ready to refrigerate them.

They are so good, served on Ritz crackers, with a dab of Philadelphia cream cheese and a small spoonful of the pepper jelly on top of the cream cheese...yumm! A perfect holiday treat!


  1. perfect for Christmas! I make a pepper jelly but its not hot, lol, sissies here!

  2. Ooh, it looks delicious. I've never had it before but it is very festive. I'm guessing it is a bit like jalapeno jelly only red instead of green. I like the jalapeno jelly too. Have a very Merry Christmas!

  3. Hot jelly, good as a dip for salty crackers.

  4. Olyan csodás színe van! Én is főztem már chili lekvárt. Ragyogó napsütés van nálatok. Olyan furcsa, hogy szép zöld minden és lassan Karácsony... Nálunk köd és borongós, hideg idő van. Hány fok van nálatok? Áldott Ünnepeket kívánok Neked és Családodnak!

  5. It looks beautiful...the color is amazing!

  6. Hi Elisabeth,
    Your Hot Pepper Jelly looks beautiful and I would love to taste it. Looks like a great gift to give. Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a fabulous 2014!
    Miz Helen

  7. I LOVE this stuff. So yummy. Well done, you.

  8. I have been making chilli jelly for years (I think there are at least two recipes on my blog; pity I didn't know you were looking for one!), so I'm glad to see you as a part of the club!
    I prepare different heat levels, depending on my mood and also on the people whom I offer these jars. I make even 100% sweet pepper jelly for the most "delicate" friends ;-)
    Your jelly looks beautiful! (By the way,why do you keep them in the fridge? You have processed the jars, which means they will keep for several years in a moderately cool pantry. I still open jars which are 4 years old and they are perfect. Most people I know wouldn't even bother with processing the jars... they would ladle hot jelly, turn the jars upside down to close and the jars would go for at least 2 years into the pantry)

    1. Sissi, this is a hot and sweet version of the pepper jelly! It is a pity that I didn't know you have made some as well...otherwise I would have looked for it on your blog. We don't call it chilli jelly...we call it either hot, or sweet pepper jelly. I should have made the totally sweet version of it for my granddaughter to enjoy...well, next time!

      ,,,and by the way, we live in South Florida...and have to refrigerate just about everything; I'm just so used to it by now. Cannot keep citrus, or root vegetables out for more than a day-or two, or we get 'fruit flies' so fast...and they multiply even that's why we refrigerate things. As for keeping things in the pantry, only canned goods, rice and beans would last. We get the little nasty bugs in our flour...sugar ants in our sugar. I have to keep my flour in the fridge or the freezer; and that's with the A/C on just about all year long!

      Oh, and I do know the upside-down method for the jellies...that's how I make my mango jelly; have that method with photo, on my blog!

  9. Perfect! I put this on my wish list :-)

  10. Nagyon szép lett a színe, finom különlegesség lehet! Én még nem ettem ilyet, de szeretem az erőset, így biztosan ízlene nekem is.
    Békés szép karácsonyt kívánok nektek! Én karácsony előtt már abbahagytam a bloggolást, de a konyhában még sok a teendőm :-)

  11. Elisabeth you need to send me one bottle of this jelly looks so delicious, you know I love spicy food, this jelly will be hit in my household.

    1. Swathi, I would certainly love to send you a jar of this fabulous pepper jelly...and I do know how much you and your hubby loves spicy foods; which of course is what I love, including my family as well. Will be making another batch after the holidays!

  12. I've never tried red pepper jelly (jam I think we call it?) but I love how this looks so pretty and tasty on crackers with cream cheese. It would be great used in place of chutney or relish too I'm guessing.

    Have a lovely Christmas with your family Elisabeth :)

  13. Hi Elisabeth, your hot pepper jelly looks so tempting and appetizing too. The colour is fantastic. I never know that there's such sweet peppers! See how naive I am!! hahhha...
    Here's wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and may this festival bring abundant joy and happiness in your life!

  14. Such beautiful pepper jelly Elisabeth. They're so versatile and they make such great gifts as well. I always use Nigella Lawson's recipe which is simple and not too hot.
    Have a wonderful Christmas!

  15. Kedves Elisabeth, kívánok Neked és családodnak békés, áldott ünnepet! :)

  16. Hi my dear Elisabeth, that's hot pepper jelly look awesome. Something new to me, look interesting. Great for Christmas gift too. Thanks for sharing your recipe.

    Merry Christmas to you and all at home. With lots of love and a huge hugs to you. This is the 3rd Christmas since we meet online. Really nice to have a wonderful sister from Florida.

  17. Ezt megkóstolnám szívesen...
    Boldog karácsonyt Elisabeth!

  18. Ciaoooo Carissimaaa!!!! :-)))
    Come stai???
    Volevo augurarti un Buon Natale a te e i tuoi cari,trascorrilo nel migliore dei modi insieme alle persone che ti amano,sono certa che sia facile volerti bene,sei una persona dolcissima.. <3
    Kisses Merry Christmas Eli
    p.s. "La ricetta è favolosa come sempre eh..;-)"

  19. hi elisabeth, this is interesting, nvr seen it here before. it sets so nice, just like a chilli jam, i love the colour too!
