Sunday, December 8, 2013

Turkey Vegetable Soup...and Blessings

I realize this isn't much of a food presentation...but, it's a real 'thrift' of a wonderful homemade soup from 'scratch', that costs nearly nothing...and it's all fresh!

Everyone knows that I save the carcass from the roast turkey. This year, I ended up with 2, and huge leg bones as well. Nonno Sal, (he is not my nonno=grandfather, but everybody calls him that)...he is sooo sweet and adorable with amazing cooking skills from Sicily. Before we packed up leftovers he said to me...
"Éé...Elisabett, I saved some nice-a bone for you to make-a nice-a soupp! I told him "thanks, but I already have so much leftover carcass, and turkey meat!...but he insisted these huge leg bones were special, and he knows I always save them!

All it takes to make a beautiful turkey broth, is to place the carcass and extra leg bones in a large pot, fill it 3/4 up with water, bring it to a boil, skim off the scum, and lower the temp. so it could simmer.

I always, but always add a bay leaf or two to all my broth, and a half of onion, some leftover herbs, such as parsley, rosemary, or basil, that are in my fridge and are not so fresh...dump it all in, and let it simmer for about 45 minutes. Strain the entire broth over a mesh strainer, and discard all the contents.

Now, all you do is get a medium pot, and sauté in vegetable oil a medium chopped onion, a couple cloves of garlic, 2 stalks celery 3 pieces of whole carrots, scraped, and sliced, added some more chopped parsley, and another bay leaf. Do not add baby carrots, they are expensive, and they are not really baby carrots, just special cut to make them look like baby carrots.
Also, I added 1-5 oz. can of petite diced organic tomatoes, and fill the pot with the reserved broth to about 3/4 full, add some leftover turkey meat; just chop into small pieces and simmer the soup for another 45 minutes.
Bring it to a boil... add some leftover thin dry spaghetti from a leftover box...break it up in 3 portions, and boil until tender. Turn off the heat, and soup is ready to serve.
Yields about 12 generous servings, and you save a lot of money!

In my previous post, I mentioned that my neighbors next door to me from both sides are not very friendly, and/or receptive! Well, wouldn't you know it's like "one door closes, and another opens" situation that took place. Just over the weekend, a new person moved into our condo unit. I of course said 'hello' and introduced myself, and she as well!

Just yesterday, I stopped by to see if she's OK, because there was a large truck parked downstairs and bringing stuff down from her apartment. I seriously thought she decided to move back out again! I told her I'm so sorry she decided to move out before even settling in...and noticed that there was a Kitchen-Aid mixer sitting on the floor. She said she is 'downsizing' and donating stuff that she doesn't need, and she is not moving out. I asked her if  she's getting rid of the Kitchen-Aid and she asked if I wanted it?... before she gets rid of it. Well, of course my answer was YES~

She hasn't used it in a while...had it stored probably in a garage because it was so dusty, but in perfect condition...I cleaned it up, shined it up, washed the bowl and the mixing gadgets, and it's 'brand new' all over again! I thanked her, and promised that I will get great use out of it, and told her that I'm truly Blessed, and the 'blessing' will come back to her. She just smiled, and I know I made a friend with a new neighbor! Life works in mysterious ways...and you just 'never know'!

 Here's my gorgeous and top of the line 'fire engine' RED Kitchen-Aid....made in the U.S.A
All cleaned, and shined up...not a scratch, or even shown that it has been used; probably once or twice! Posed it for my daughter wants me to trade with her white one; which is smaller, I think. She laughed and said I should take a 'selfie' with the Kitchen-Aid...why don't I take it down to the beach...prop it on a chair and take 'selfies' with it sitting next to it...ha, ha,...funny, not ready to do a trade yet; will have to try it out first!

Hope your Sunday is going great...although I feel bad for some of you in the freezing and snowy weather; Bye now, from Sunny South Florida~xo


  1. Egy ilyen leves jobb, mint a gyógyszer és ráadásul nagyon finom:) Gyönyörű a KitchenAid, nekem van egy,de ha a szomszéd adna még egyet, nagyon tudnék neki örülni, minden nap használom és nagyon szeretem:) Nálunk már megjött az igai tél sok hóval és mínusz 6 fok van,de már megszoktuk. Szép hetet kívánok Neked:)

  2. The soup looks wonderful as usual...and that mixer is awesome...I use mine for everything!

  3. Hi Elisabeth,

    I must say... home-cooked food is priceless! Money can buy fresh ingredients but can't buy the love that we add into our food :D Carrot $0.20 Tomatoes $0.30...Elizabeth's turkey vege soup... priceless!


  4. Turkey soup is one of my favorite things about Thanksgiving leftovers! :) You are so fortunate to get the mixer- it's beautiful! :)

  5. I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving Elisabeth. Great use of the carcass... they do make wonderful stock. Speaking of which, I have a chicken soup simmering on the stove right now... made using chicken carcass. Dad is having a cold and terrible coughs... so hopefully the soup will make him feel better.
    And I want a Kitchen Aid mixer so badly.. maybe Santa will bring me one this Christmas :)
    Have a great day!

  6. Oh, Elisabeth, lucky you! You have gained a friend and a Kitchen Aid :) I have been eyeing one for years and because it is expensive and I don't bake so frequently, I will just KIV it for a while. It is a great idea to save turkey or chicken carcass for soups. I haven't actually tried that but will keep in mind for my future soup!

  7. wow your nighbour is kinda sweet! Lucky you! I had some easy carrot soup today for the lunch...good food doesn't have to be expensive at all.

  8. Elisabeth your kitchen aid look georgeous!!!
    Love this soup!!

  9. Csodás a levesed, melengető, finom! :) A Kitchen Aid pedig szuper, használd egészséggel! :)

  10. Elisabeth gratulálok az új gépedhez, majd meglátod milyen szuper egy masina. Én nagyon sokszor használom, nagyon szeretek vele dolgozni. Nagyon jó a macaron szett, könnyű vele adagolni. Már látom előre, hogy egyre több macaron receptet fogok begyűjteni. Biztos nagyon szuper lehet az a könyv...

    1. Kriszti, szivesen el küldeném neked mert én nem hiszem hogy fogom használni!

    2. Kedves Elisabeth! Ha valóban nem használod, akkor szívesen elfogadom tőled a könyvet. Biztos nagyon szép kiadvány lehet. Írj nekem egy e-mailt és n megírom benne a címem. Várom a leveled: Puszillak.

  11. Oh! I'm so jealous! It's sunny? Man, I wish I was there! Up north here, it's freezing!

  12. Homecooked turkey vegetable soup is really delicious Elisabeth, those ktichenaid are worth. I love them.

  13. I know you're going to have so much fun with that mixer. It's gorgeous and so nice that you've forged a new relationship. Wish I had a bowl of your yummy soup on this cold winter evening!

  14. Gyönyörű színe lett a levelesednek, nagyon finom lehet! Az új géped is nagyon szép, legyen benne sok örömed!

  15. Hiper-szuper masina...
    Szép leves, én minden levest imádok, de húslevest általában csak tyúkból főzök, igaz nem túl gyakran...

  16. Hi Elisabeth, what a nice hearty soup and what a lovely and unexpected gift!!! I have the white one, it was also a gift and I just love it!!! I'm sure you will too...Glad you have a new friend :) XOXO

  17. Ciao Carissima amica mia,
    come va??:-)
    Thank you for your nice word to me..*__*
    La tua zuppa di tacchino dev'essere sensazionale nel gusto e anche nella vista..bravaaaa!!!!! ;-))
    Tanti Kisses

  18. Oh she sounds a sweet neighbour, and score on the beautiful KitchenAid, I love mine!

    And such beautiful, warming soup - good for the soul!

  19. You have now the appliance of my dreams! It's so expensive in Europe, I think I'll never buy it. Your neighbour sounds like a Santa Claus! I would give a lot to see your face when she asked if you wanted it ;-) I suppose we'll be seeing lots of cake recipes soon ;-)
    Your soup looks wonderful. Homely, warming, comforting... and I'm sure it doesn't need any special presentation. A good soup speaks for itself. I'm glad to see your stock recipe. Everyone has a different one (or several!). I must post my Western stock recipe one day too.

  20. Now I wish I had saved my turkey carcass! Your soup sounds perfect. And congrats on your beautiful new KA mixer...and even more, congrats on the new neighbor and the budding friendship. Sorry I've been MIA...hard to keep up with everything, but I had to stop by and say hello :)

  21. two great gifts in one day; KA mixer and a friend! i'm picturing you taking a selfie photo next to the KA..haha..that will be funny !

  22. "Do not add baby carrots, they are expensive, and they are not really baby carrots, just special cut to make them look like baby carrots."


    This is so true and funny at the same time. Companies forming baby carrot from broken crapy non-salable carrot and making huge profit. The real baby carrot the one you pull from your garden, speaking of that,
    next year I am planting 4 different kind of carrot. Carefully selected from my new heirloom seeds catalog.:-))) I’m always changing my garden varieties what I grow. Also will try a cucumber that looks like a
    Erzsike the turkey soup looks just awesome, you know I love soup, any kinda soup, in fact today I making fish soup. Have a great weekend.

    Ps.: Love your organic life style.
