Sunday, March 16, 2014

Chicken Cutlets with Radicchio and Tangerine Salad

Photography by; Gabby (12 yr. old granddaughter)
I'm finally coming around...and actually posting foods; not that I haven't been cooking its just that I did not feel like taking photos of it. Tomorrow is St. Patrick's Day and here in South Florida, we have huge celebrations, which started a week before, in different sections of Palm Beach County, each day. I have not been to any of these events for years... because there's usually a huge crowd of people and you cannot find parking space, unless you're willing to pay $10. for parking.

Everybody that joins the celebration, will be wearing 'green color' I am, today, and tomorrow. On St. Patrick's Day here in the U.S. everybody is IRISH! I haven't met an Irish person that I didn't like...they are such great people; friendly, outgoing, and hard working Irish-Americans!

One day in the near future, I would love to visit Ireland
and see the beautiful Emerald Isle...the rolling green hills, overlooking the beautiful sea, and visit an authentic Irish Pub...a dream-come-true holiday/vacation!
One thing for sure, I will not be cooking Corned Beef and Cabbage; although I used to make that just about every year in the slow cooker, for my family! Last year, I made Irish Soda Bread...which was exceptionally beautiful, and delicious. No green beer, in this household, and no Irish Coffee, but I thing Irish Beef Stew would look and sound comforting and delicious; not making that, either!

Just check out these photos, and you will probably notice that this is not my style of taking food photos, and its with a professional Canon camera with an expensive lens. My granddaughter, who is in middle school...a 'school of arts'...studying drama, and photography, besides her other studies wants to be a professional photographer. She has been taking some very nice shots, (clicks)...even 2 years ago, and she is still only 12.

Chicken Cutlets with Radicchio and Tangerine Salad
inspiration, and adaptation... from; Food and Wine...
 (they made theirs with pork cutlets)
  1. 1/2 cup light mayonnaise 
  2. 1 cup all-purpose flour
  3. 1 teaspoon ground ginger
  4. 1 teaspoon dried dill
  5. 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  6. 1 teaspoon onion powder
  7. 1 teaspoon dried oregano
  8. 1 teaspoon sweet paprika
  9. 2 cups panko
  10. Four, to six thin pieces of boneless chicken breasts 
  11. Kosher salt
  12. Freshly ground pepper
  13. 3 tablespoons olive, or vegetable oil, plus more for frying
  14. 2 tangerines, peeled and divided into segments 
  15. One 10-ounce head of radicchio—halved, cored and thinly sliced  (few pieces of cherry tomatoes)...(optional) 
  16. 2 cups packed parsley, chopped
  17. 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
  18. 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
  19. Freshly shaved Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese, for garnish (optional)
  20. In a shallow bowl, add the mayo. In another shallow bowl, whisk the flour, panko, ginger, dill, garlic powder, onion powder, oregano and paprika. 
  21. Season the chicken cutlets with salt and pepper. Dip them in the mayo and coat with the flour, and  panko mixture; transfer to a baking sheet. 
  22. In a very large skillet, heat 1/4 inch of oil. Add half of the cutlets and fry over moderately high heat, turning once, until just light brown. Transfer to a aluminum foil lined bake pan. Repeat with the remaining cutlets.
  23. Bake in a preheat 375 degrees F. oven for about 6 minutes, turn them over, and bake for an additional 5-7 minutes longer until they are nicely medium light brown and crispy. Place cutlets, on few sheets of paper towel, to soak up excess oil...and set them on a platter.
  24. In a bowl, toss the tangerine segments, radicchio, parsley, lemon juice, and mustard with the 3 tablespoons of oil. Season with salt and pepper and garnish with the cheese. Serve the pork schnitzel with the salad.
Make Ahead The recipe can be prepared through Step 2 up to 3 hours in advance.

selfie photo from 3yrs ago!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!


  1. You look lovely in the hat! And I am so hungry for that chicken! Hugs right back at you!

    1. Thank you, Patty! We were at a lovely little tea house and they had a bunch of hats to wear while you were enjoying tea and tea sandwiches there! xo

  2. Hi Elisabeth! I must say that your granddaughter is a very talented photographer! I love her photos of your very gorgeous salad. And hey, you look absolutely radiant in that selfie (never mind that it's 3 years old)!

    1. Hi Phong Hong, Thank you for your sweet compliments, Gabby is a serious photographer, and she already chose that for her career! It was fun taking the 'selfie' ...otherwise I would not have this photo with the silly, but cute hat!

  3. Elisabeth you are on the ball! Hubba hubbba I love the hat :-) The food photos are amazing, your Gabby is one talented lady! St Patrick's Day? Hmmm. Maybe I cook green beans :-)

  4. Oh wow...ur grand daughter is a superb photographrr. Such perfect shots and she has captured the true taste of that cutlet chicken. As for the chicken it looks simply delish and i will try it as soon as i reach singapore as it my sons fav..
    U look lovely in the green and wish u all a happy St Patricks day.
    Thanks for the recipe.

  5. this looks wonderful and cute snap have a great saint patricks day

  6. Happy St. Patrick's Day my friend! I hop you have a great celebration.
    The chicken cutlets and the salad look lovely and I also love the photos.

  7. Oh my that looks delicious (and your granddaughter is a wonderful photographer!). Love your pretty selfie :)

    Happy St Patrick's Day.

  8. Nagyon finomat készítettél ismét! Gyönyörű lett a saláta is, csodás színei vannak!
    Jó ünneplést!

  9. Nagyon guszta ez a tál azzal a sok színes zöldséggel. Biztos nagyon finom! Kellemes ünneplést kívánok nektek sok szeretettel!

  10. The salad sounds so interesting!

  11. Elisabeth, this is so beautifully presented. And the chicken cutles look so wonderfully delicious, simply perfect with radicchio salad.

  12. Hű, micsoda zöld ruciban vagy! Méltón az ünnephez! Jól áll! A husi isteni lehetett ezzel a friss salátával... Nagyon guszta!!

  13. Nagyon gusztán néz ki, csodásak a fotók!

  14. Nagyon finomat főztél-sütöttél, istenien néz ki a hús is és a saláta is! :)

  15. Hi Elizabeth,

    Happy belated St Patrick's Day!!! You look very good in green! Are you dressing up in green for this year???

    I must say Gabby did a fantastic job photographing your delicious chicken cutlets! Lucky you that you have a talented photographer to help you for FREE!!! Or are you paying her???... with this delicious meal? :p


  16. Hi Elisabeth, this is such a mouth-watering meal, especially enhanced through the lens of your new photographer!!! Hope you had a great St.Patrick's day!! Enjoy the rest of the week, XOXO

  17. Hi Elisabeth, Happy St Patrick's Day! Look great in your selfie pic. Nice hat too! Wow, your 12 years old grand daughter has talent in photography. For a 12-year old, excellent shots! The Chicken Cutlets with Radicchio and Tangerine Salad looks great. Tempting and irresistible. You have a wonderful week ahead and best regards. Hugs...

    1. Thank you Ivy, for your sweet comments. I made selfies back 3yrs ago...before I even knew they were called 'selfies'. The chicken cutlets did turn out perfect and delicious, and the Radicchio and Tangerine salad went really well, with it. Gabby is a very serious photographer for her young age, and want to pursue it as her chosen career!

  18. Great looking meal, Elizabeth! Your chicken is perfectly cooked…and the salad looks so vibrant and healthy! Happy St. Patrick’s day to you too…a bit late!
    I am totally blown away by Gabby’s photos…they are just beautiful! She has such a talent for photography! Way to go, Gabby!

  19. Corned beef always sounds so good this time of year, but Bill will not eat it. He'd much rather have your chicken cutlets. What a yummy and gorgeous plate. Gabby's photos are incredible...I think you may have a 3rd generation of food blogger in the making! Have a great weekend, my friend...we're just boarding our flight in Phoenix to head home. look so cute all decked out for the holiday! xo

  20. Hope you had a great St. Patrick's day Elisabeth! The last time we had chicken cutlets it was in Budapest and these look absolutely beautiful. Gabby is a very talented photographer she captured the lovely vibrant colors of the radicchio. Have a wonderful time together :)

  21. Lovely spring meal, Elisabeth! I love the photographs. Your granddaughter is very talented indeed.

  22. Hi my dear Elisabeth, wow... this chicken dish sure look extremely look. Looking at the ingredients you used... I can practically smell the fragrant scent from here. :)) Look so scrumptious. Excellent photography skill, keep up the good job.

    Have a lovely day. With lots of love and hugs to you.

  23. Nagyon gusztusos étel, főleg a színei tetszenek!
    Elisabeth, neked pedig nagyon jól áll a zöld szín! :)
