Thursday, April 24, 2014

Shrimp Ceviche...and Easter Sunday!

Hi order to keep this staggering food blog of mine going, I must be honest with you, and mostly with myself; that I'm never gonna make the Top 9 on Foodbuzz!...Foodbuzz?...oh, how sad!...there is no more Foobuzz, so I don't have to worry about the Top 9!

Although we all remember how nice it was to be part of that 'fun' circle, meeting each other way back about 4 years ago, buzzing each others' posts...and actually even meet each other in person, at the Foodbuzz Festival events, in San Francisco! Great memories...but that's all in the past!

This post may seem out of place...or I'm out of touch; but this amazing and refreshing...all fresh veggies, and the most delicious fresh Florida shrimp marinated in fresh Florida lime juice, and the freshest chopped cilantro, also Florida product, like everything else fresh Florida grown products.
As for every holiday you may well know that not only in our immediate family do we celebrate both holidays...for Passover (no photo)...and Easter, but we always celebrate with our wonderful and best friends, who also celebrate both holidays! you see; we all get along, and still believe in one GOD!

I watched both the Ten Commandments movies...the Hollywood fancy version with Charleston Heston, and the most recent one on the UP channel, and the recent one was quite intriguing...realistic, and more accurate. Unlike in the old one where Charleston Heston came down from Mt. Sinai with totally white hair and beard; in the more recent one...he still had the brown hair and beard!
Also, with the Passover movie...I was very shocked to see the 1960's version of Jesus with a short straight hair...only covering his ears; and the 'blue eyes'...that was a shocker to me with the Middle Eastern Jew...could not understand the part at the Last Supper...only 8 disciples?...what happened to the other 4?...guess they didn't fit into the picture screen?...also I watched the Book of Ruth movie...that was another Hollywood glamorous festive movie...among some of the others. So, I spent an entire week of 'reconnecting' with the biblical people!

I feel bad for having to post these quick photos that I took...just didn't have a chance to take time to stage my photos; but I must admit that this shrimp ceviche...which I cam up with at the last hour of desperate attempt, to bring something to the Eastern celebration!
Maria's beautiful home...we started out with my Shrimp Ceviche...
A few of us started out early, as usual, it's always a 'feast' at holiday; Easter is one of the biggest holiday for Italians and it is such a joyous tradition!
Such a sweet and gracious lovely hostess...Maria

Nonno Sal, (Maria's husband...carving the lamb roast, which was specially purchased from an Italian meat market. It was perfectly done...medium, rare, to medium. Lamb is a very traditional Easter treat especially in Italy and Greece!
A typical festive Italian holiday table setting; can't leave out the kids' table!
Great company, fantastic foods, we are so blessed to have great friends who are like 'family' to us!
My daughter Lora's traditional Easter wreath that she makes every year! Isn't it gorgeous?...almost too pretty to eat!
Lora's Italian Ricotta flaky and delicious with the ricotta, and chocolate chunks filling...yumm!
Thank you for all your good wishes; Hope all of you had a blessed and Happy Easter!
Shrimp Ceviche
recipe by; Elisabeth

2 cups grape, or cherry tomatoes diced
2 cups English seedless cucumbers diced
1 cup scallions sliced thin, including the green part
1/2 cup tomato juice
about 1 or 2 Serrano chili, sliced thin (optional)
juice of 2 limes
1/2 cup tomato juice
a handful of finely chopped scallion

Mix all the ingredients in a bowl, add sea salt and pepper to taste.

For the Shrimp ingredients
2 lbs of large shrimp peeled, deveined, and chopped
juice of 4 fresh limes

Marinate shrimp and lime juice for 30 minutes. Add shrimp to the ceviche, and serve with fresh tortilla chips.
Serves 12


  1. Happy Easter! Your shrimp ceviche looks so fresh and delicious! Lora's Easter bread is gorgeous too. :)

  2. Hű micsoda nagy lakoma volt! Látszik hogy mindenki jól éreztétek magát a sok finomság mellett :-)

  3. Such a nice gathering for Easter. I love the ceviche. It looks so fresh!

  4. What a great Easter lunch party!
    I love your shrimp ceviche and Lora's ricotta pie!!!

  5. I miss foodbuzz too :) looks like fun gathering with delicious foods and happy faces :) I'm glad that you had a great holiday with family and friends :)

  6. Nagyon jó társaságban töltötted a húsvétot, ahogy látom:) Finomakat ettetek:)

  7. Csodás minden ! Nagyon ügyes lányod van hogy ilyen szép kalácsot sütött!

  8. Micsoda ünnepi asztal és milyen finom fogások! :) A lányod nagyon ügyes, gyönyörűséges kalácsot sütött! :)

  9. Elisabeth, your ceviche is the best! Although both the lamb and the cute Easter wreath look delicious too. Lamb is also traditional Easter food in France. We didn't have guests this year and didn't travel, but I bought a nice lamb shoulder and slowly baked it for four hours... For someone who is not religious such excellent food traditions are worth keeping just for their sake ;-)

  10. Ciao Carissima!!!!!!!
    Thanks for this wonderful photo!!!!
    Your family is so beautiful!!! :-))
    Ricette deliziose come sempre!!!
    Kisses and hug Elisabeth bella


  11. Oh I'm so happy you had a lovely Easter Elisabeth! Such lovely food and beautiful photos of your family and do you know, I've never tried ceviche but your photos make it look so appealing.

    I remember Foodbuzz back in the day as well, it was a lot of fun.

  12. Irigylem ezt a nagy családi étkezéseket! Az olyan jó dolog! Csodálatosan megterítettél és nagyon finomat főztél! Csak gratulálni tudok! Szép virágot kaptál!!!

  13. Ó, most már elolvastam...Bocsánat, annyira lenyűgöztek a képek, hogy elterelte a részletekről a figyelmemet. Nagyon helyes a lányod, szép a mosolya! A saláta mennyei lehetett!

  14. Csodás minden, volt itt minden ami szem -szájnak ingere ! Nagyon jó kép rólatok lánykáddal.

  15. Oh Elizabeth…what a feast!! Your shrimp ceviche looks so fresh and appetizing, and I think your photos are lovely! I also always make an Easter Bread…the recipe comes from my aunt and I have been making it since my kids were little…and the ricotta cheese pie, too! Looks like you had a marvelous Easter! Cheers!

  16. Oh yes, I remember the good old Foodbuzz :)
    What a feast! Looks like you all had a wonderful time. Love the ceviche and the Easter wreath looks beautiful!

  17. yea, that foodbuzz was quite sometime back. I remember i started joining several months after started blogging but not actve in it at all. It's so nice to see you and lora in the pic, look great both of you. I hv not tasted any kind of ceviches before, what an delicious idea for the feast! it looks colourful and sounds appetising! take care, elisabeth!

  18. Hi Elisabeth! Your Shrimp Ceviche is so colourful and I can see the freshness of this dish! Though I have not eaten ceviche before, I get a feeling that I will like it a lot. Your daughter Lora is very talented and I know from whom she got it from :) I am glad that you had a wonderful celebration with family and friends. You are so blessed, my friend!

  19. Gosh! 4 years ago.... Man I do miss those odd Foodbuzz days when you actually connected with other writers... sigh.

    Sorry I've been such a horrid visitor, I came out of a fog in March and realized that I had lost contact with so many people I used to visit - life does get in the way sometimes, it seems.

    That being said, Props to you for that ceviche - I've never been happy with my results in making it. From your recipe, I think I'm over-thinking it. And a bit high 5 to your Daughter for that ricotta pie..., although I'd not be sharing it with anyone if it were on my table.

    Hope you all had a wonderful Easter, and I look forward to reconnecting with you this year!
