Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The "Smiling" Hug (huge) Pot

You may may be wondering what this crazy woman is up to...a  Hug pot?...yet alone, a smiling one?...
(this is a reflection of the corner of the white rimmed stove top...so cool!)well, actually, this is my wonderful turkey leftover resource, a hug pot of turkey broth which I made after Thanksgiving, as a thrifty, and frugal person that I am, living the good life, on the beach, in S.Florida

I could not bare the thought of throwing good leftovers out, when there are so many people in the world, even in this country who go hungry, and not enough food to eat. We have so many things to be thanking God for our everyday life's blessing, and Thanksgiving is the one most important day of them all!

I commented on Chef Dennis at More than a Mount Full post late last night about his amazing, and beautiful Thanksgiving feast, and also his gorgeous Turkey Pot Pie. Left a comment with a "typo" error which I do so often because I type too fast, and have this crazy "gift for gab"...just saying what comes to my mind, and like magic, it's all there in typewritten words, not looking back for goofy and weird mistakes, sometimes!

Just to prove to you, here's the copy and past comment posted to Dennis, but immediately I posted another one correcting it. You have to have enough sense of humor sometimes to laugh at your own self...well, in that case, no wonder I have such happy days, and not be in a "funk". When you learn to laugh at your own self, and not be so self-absorbed, I find that the world looks to me like a happier one, and people will tend to get closer to you, and understand you better. (I've been trying to explain that to my children.)

In the midst of my Smiling Hug Pot, I've decided to post my sweet friend Kavita's rules for the tagging, along with the wonderful bloggers she tagged, including me. I am so honored, once more, or should I say twice more, the first time was from my awesome same name foodie "buddy" Lizzy. As you might as well know, I am Lizzie too, only with a different spelling, which I told Lizzy, from... That Skinny Chick can Bake....you can call me Lizzie, every one else calls me that...close family, friends, and mostly my 4 precious grandchildren...to them, I am NONNA LIZZIE...sounds real nice! 
   Here are my sweet friend's Kavita's from... 
  Kavita's Kitchen  questions
1. What is your take on organic food , is it a big deal for you ?  
It certainly is a big deal for me. I feel more assured that it is left natural, without pesticides, that would certainly kill the bugs that attack to fruit or vegetables, but would also harm, and kill humans after a period of time. To me, any homegrown, or private farm grown fruit and vegetables are considered organic. It's so much healthier for you.  
2. Do you time your breakfast,lunch & dinner or eat when you are hungry ? 
 For breakfast, it's mostly oatmeal, and before lunch, some healthy fruit or plain yogurt w/granola, and throughout the day just small portions of healthy things, like fresh fruit, or a smoothie. and for dinner, a balanced meal. I'm not really hungry during the day, and don't nibble on junk food!
 3. What inspired you to write a food blog ? 
It's mostly, not what, but who?...the "what factor" was, that I was no longer working due to my health issues, which is under control, and had time to spare, and the main factor was that my daughter inspired me, to just post about my daily routine, and foods that I prepare. By that time, May, of this year, she already had a food blog, and encouraged me to do a blog too. I wasn't totally sold on it, I was more interested in sharing my "thrift finds"...glad that I added more foods, thanks to joining Foodbuzz!    
 4. You try a new recipe and it does not turn out good,what will you do ?      
Usually, in cooking, I don't follow the recipes, I just need to know the basic ingredients, and I always change it around to my way, adding different ingredients. Just need the idea! As for baking, it has to be more precise...the only recipes that do not turn out are yeast dough breads, or rolls, (which most of the time, I blame it on the yeast, that it wasn't fresh)...LOL..just a big "copout"...in that case, it gets thrown out! 
5. Name three ingredients you consciously avoid or eliminate even when the recipe calls for it ?
The 1st. one is yeast, because I would much rather prefer fresh yeast from a bakery...don't care too much for the powdered yeast. 2nd. is sugar, but I just try to cut down on it, and not avoid it. 3rd. would have to be adding too much butter, to a recipe...in most cases, it would be in desserts, or cakes. As far as food recipes are concerned, there really is not a thing I would avoid, accept in baking.      
 6. Name three things you have to use in most recipes ?  
 Again...I will refer to baking recipes, which would be 1. sugar, 2. butter, 3. eggs. Cannot bake without those three things. There really is no substitute for achieving a beautiful result without those three things.   
 7. How important is eating meals together as a family to you?     
As a kid, growing up, in Ohio, my dad worked two jobs, my mom was a seamstress... always busy sewing clothes for people in our own home, and she only had time to make 1 pot meals, or casseroles, and during the week every one ate at different times. The only day we ate together, was on Sunday. I did not want to carry on that same tradition, and it was very important to me, that with my children, we always have our meals together. This tradition has been carried on by my children and to my little grandchildren.  
 8. You do not like a particular dish at your favorite restaurant,what will you do ?  
 Somehow, that has not occurred in a favorite restaurant, but it occurred in a restaurant, where I haven't eaten before. Just tried to make the best of it, and not go back again...that's all!    
 Thank you Kavita, I will be posting my 8 questions to 8 bloggers, on my next post. Also I have 2 more Lovely Blog Awards to pay forward, and another one from Wendy, at
 Weekend Gourmet which is the Stylish Blog Award to pay forward, which is slightly different.  I already contacted a few people to let them know about awarding them, and will follow through in the next few days.    

Blogger Elisabeth said...
Thank you for sharing your Thanksgiving story and showing off your feast. Everything looks so inviting, and beautiful. So funny about the crostata story...LOL I made a hug pot of turkey broth with my leftover carcass, that I strained and froze in plastic containers. I love your turkey pot pie, will work nice for chicken as well. This is the perfect recipe that I'm looking for, and the crust is Superb!
November 30, 2010 1:27 AM

 Enhanced by Zemanta
These are two of the leftover amazing foods that I recycled...A HUG-e pot of turkey broth, and the next day, a mussels, and clams, in wine/lemon/herb sauce from the leftover seafood that was made at Thanksgiving by my son-in-law. Lucky for us, he is an executive chef.

I invited a friend over for this yummy feast.
and she brought over a nice bottle of Chardonnay...another recycle...a bottle of wine that I have given to her the week before. Yet, another feast! ALL FREE!


  1. better to laugh at yourself then have others laugh at you!! haha
    I'm always up for a good laugh, luckily I am clumsy and careless so this happens often!!
    Whenever you come to Van, bring some of that pot pie, would ya? :)

  2. you are too funny!! I hate to think about all the typo's I have left across the blogoverse..sigh
    Thanks so much for the mention, and the links...you are too kind!
    Give your pot of broth a hug from the chef!

  3. I only have one comment...as the saying goes,
    "too many chefs spoil the broth"...LOL...not in this case, because this old "gal" CHEF...ie...myself, and me and myself alone made the broth, that otherwise, the poor turkey remains would have been discarded...same goes for the steamed clams, and mussels, which a family friend, so helpful in the kitchen, was ready to toss the entire leftover seafood...sigh...just before tossing it, he asked?
    "Are we saving this?"...and me, growling...yes we are!!!"...OK, now you get the picture...recycled gourmet feast, the next day!

  4. Wow your right too many chefs can spoil the pot!I love the leftovers and feast wow!~

  5. I am the princess of typos! It is great when you can laugh at yourself over them though. :) I am a hug-e fan of next day feasts. How lucky you are to have a son in law who can cook such delicious looking food! Its a great addition to the amazing stuff I see on here day after day :)

  6. Left overs are best at times! :) True friends don't worry about typos too much.

  7. *A Biggg Hug * Elizabeth:) The left over feast is more like a very intelligently & thoughtfully put together feast which looks and I can bet tastes terrific. I love the pot of clams & mussels,it is so inviting ,I am craving mussels at 11.54 p.m hehehe.

    Thank you so much for taking the time off to answer the questions,you have made the whole exercise so meaningful with your answers :) I would like to visit your daughters blog(if it is ok) I am impressed with your disciplined approach to your health issues,and I wish you the best of health always :)You are an amazing person with a wonderful sense of humor and honesty.I wish you & your family lots of happiness & togetherness always,love & hugs,kavita
    P.S I will check out cafe Sapori

  8. I just enjoy reading your post :) Love the messels and clam over spaghetti. It looks so yummy and homey :)

  9. I think that pot will have to be called the "hug" pot from now on!!!! I do the same sort of typos...LOL. SO nice of you to mention me on your blog (such a sweet comment!)...and I'm happy to have you as a foodie buddy, too :)

  10. Molto carina questa intervista ara,bravissima!!! ;-)
    Un bacio ciaooo:-**

  11. Homemade turkey broth is a hug in and of itself, Elisabeth! With or without a smiling pot. Yum! And the seafood meal that you made with it looks delicious.

  12. Wonderful post. I like the smiling pot. You have nice blog. Sure comeback again.

  13. This post make me smile!!! love your smiling pot and the amazing sea food feast!!!

  14. What a huge and happy pot!!!

    I would have leftovers forever with that one (probably not actually, I have a teenaged son that demolishes leftovers).

    I always cook in large quantities so that I can have "a day off" after a big occasion :)

    Love your blog, you have a fantastic sense of humour :)

  15. That's a GIANT pot! Nice to know more about you!
    The mussels looks so fresh and tasty!

  16. Well,it's probably gonna happen again in a couple of weeks...christmas leftovers! Usually I'd prefer everything to be eaten up ... don't like leftovers but you have made it sound and look so good, maybe I'll purposely make more than enough this xmas. Oh, btw, I loved your kitty widget so much, I had to get one!

  17. Aaawwwwww... lol Elisabeth you are so cute and funny and sweet... :)

  18. I have made many typos myself, even spelling the name of my blog wrongly...yikes! Hopefully people understand that a slip of the fingers is not a fault of the mind.

    That's a huge stock pot. I made some turkey broth too. Can't let all those tasty bones go to waste.

  19. I have made so many typos...and I loved that you shared this one. Hugs are always good things though! I need a HUGE pot, myself. We are putting that on our Christmas list. I loved reading a bit more about you. Eating dinner with the family is so important to me too!
