Thursday, December 2, 2010

Cranberry Sauce, and a Stylish Blogger Award

It  is Hanukkah, and it officially started at sundown on Tuesday, and will last for 8 days. We just left Thanksgiving behind, and here comes all the holidays one, and before you know it, it's the New Year.
Well, for Hanukkah, all we do is just keep frying the nice and aromatic shredded potato latkes=pancakes. The best way to do them is to just pass it through the shute of your food processor with the shredding disk, and you'll have a big bowlful to work with, a super messy kitchen, and the aroma of fried potatoes, and onions...and before you know it, your batch of latkes are gonna be eaten up in less than 10 minutes.

Will post some photos about the latkes, my granddaughter took the photos with her camera, mine just totally went screen. Will be getting my new camera this weekend. A present to myself!

Christmas is around the corner too, but we're still in the Hanukkah celebration.

Here's the recipe which I used from Chef Ris La Costa that was featured in the Fine Cooking magazine from 2009.
The only change I made, was that I used Gran Marnier instead of  Creme de Cassis liqueur

Cranberry Sauce with Vanilla, Maple Syrup, and Cassis

6 cups (about 1-1/2 lb.) fresh or frozen cranberries, picked over and rinsed
2/3 cup granulated sugar
1/3 cup fresh orange juice (from 1 orange)
1/3 cup crème de cassis (black-currant liqueur)
1/4 cup maple syrup
1 Tbs. finely grated orange zest (from 1 orange)

Half a vanilla bean, split and scraped
Put 3 cups of the cranberries and all the remaining ingredients in a 3- or 4-qt. saucepan. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat, reduce the heat to medium, and cook, stirring occasionally, until the cranberries have popped and broken down and the juices look slightly syrupy, 5 to 7 minutes. Stir in the remaining 3 cups cranberries and cook until these have popped, 3 to 5 minutes more. Remove from the heat, discard the vanilla bean, and let cool to room temperature. Cover and refrigerate if not serving right away.

Now, it's time to thank Wendy, from The Weekend Gourmet whom I received the wonderful
Stylish Blogger Award.
Wendy, certainly has a Stylish blog, and is truly deserving of receiving the award. She graciously passed it on to me, and 14 other great bloggers. I truly appreciate it, Wendy, you're a sweetheart!

*To accept this award, there are 4 rules:*

1. Thank the person who gave you the award: 

2. Share seven things about yourself

3. Pass the award on to bloggers you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic.

4. Contact the bloggers you picked and let them know about the award.

Here are 7 things about myself, that I'm sharing with you!

1. I excelled in art from elementary school all the way through high school, but did not pursue it afterwards.
    I majored instead in business administration with an associate degree...moved to S. Florida in the seventies.
2. We opened up a "turn key" " mom and pop" pizza and pasta restaurant-- I then pursued a culinary degree. 

4 Our 2 children, both decided to use their
  scholarship attend college in Europe...daughter in the South of France, and Italy, and son
  in Florence, Italy, and Israel.

5.I  worked for a large catering company...I had 
  quite a few clients encourage me to start my own little business, which I did.

6 I used to live a very private life during my work years, until I started to work in a beautiful country club
for the last few years.

7.I am very close to my two children, my ex husband, but mostly my daughter, and son-in-law.

1. Barbara-Cucina di Barbara 

2. Marie-   The English Kitchen

3.Carolyn- All Day I Dream About Food


5.. Gourmet Getaways

6..Luna-  Luna's recipes

7..Ping- Ping's Pickings

8. Biren.Roti n Rice

9. Nancy-Kitchen Gypsies

10. Evan-Sweets by E

11. Mia- Bright Morning Star

12.Veronica- The Enchanted Cook

13.Swathi-Zesty South Indian Kitchen
14.Monet Anecdotes and Apple Cores

15.Aipi US Masala

16.. Kavita-Kavita's Kitchen

17. Lora-Cake Duchess

18. Priya Priya's Easy and Tasty Recipes

19. Chef Dennis-More than a Mountfull
20. Jennifer-Jane Deere

21. Veronica-Quay Po Cooks

22-Lizzy-That Skinny Chick Can Bake

23.Kitchen Boffin

CONGRATULATIONS  to the Stylish Blogger Award winner...well deserved!

Unfortunately, we received bad news, last son calling me sobbing, and screaming...I was at my daughter's watching my two grandchildren, while my daughter was attending a school function dinner.  She left her work and was walking to a nearby function to attend an award, and was struck by a hit-and-run driver, and left on the road, never even stopping. Another car came speeding through and she was struck again.
Sheryl was a beautiful angelic lady, only 59...she had plans to celebrate her 60th. birthday, next month, and she never made it.

I cannot begin to tell you, how important it is to appreciate your loved ones, because in a "split second" you could lose them.

What really is comforting, that they all celebrated Thanksgiving with extended family, just last week, and they kept in touch by phone, every single day.
Sometimes illness is not the one that takes a toll, to end a life...a sudden weird and freaky accident could take a person's life!

Sheryl died on the first day of a joyous celebration; Hanukkah! She will always be remembered with kindness, and love, and will always live in our hearts, forever.
May your memory be a BLESSING Sheryl...and MAY YOU REST IN PEACE!


  1. Cranberry sauce looks delicious. Congrats on your awards. Thanks for sharing the award with me. I will put in my Award blog.

  2. Sorry to hear about your daughter-in-law's aunt. Hope her soul rest in peace.

  3. Thanks for your kind words, doll! And so very sorry to hear of the sudden death in your extended family. You just never know when it can happen out of the blue. We found out that one of my FILs cousins has a brain tumor and only 3 months to live. So sad...

  4. Kétszer is elolvastam a bejegyzésed, nagyon érdekes, de gondolom egyben nehéz életed volt. Csodállak érte!
    Sajnálom a családodban történt tragédiát, de remélem azért az ünnepetek szép lesz!

  5. I am absolutely horrified at the awful accident for poor Sherryl. You and your family are in my thoughts. I am so touched you thought of me for the award, thank you so much!

  6. What a terrible tragedy. So sad.

    Thank you for passing on the lovely blogging award.

  7. Carol, let me start off by expressing my condolences to you and your family. May her memory live strong throughout your family's generations..
    Thank you very much for making me part your your 15, i am truly honored...


  8. Oh my goodness.. let me first say, I am so sorry for your family's loss :( What a horrible thing to happen so close to the holidays. Your family is in my prayers!

    But thank you so much for passing along this award.. you have no idea how much it means to me :)

  9. Elisabeth, I'm so sorry to hear about Sheryl, that is very tragic. She will be missed. We used to live very close to Edgewater, in Linden. Somehow having been there makes it feel more real in my mind. Thank you for including me in your 15 bloggers. I am honored to be included in this list of impressive bloggers. Some of them I hadn't visited before but thanks to you I will have the chance to know them. I will try to pass on the award this weekend. :)

  10. This recipe is so easy and delicious that you'll never need to open another can of cranberry sauce again!

    Healthy meal Recipe for kids

  11. Elizabeth,this is so heart wrenching and my heart goes out to the bereaved family. I know how shattering an accidental death can you said she was just a month away from her 60th birthday. I pray to God he gives everyone the strength to bear this huge loss at this time of the year.Thanks so much for giving this award to me,it means a great deal:) Here is a hug for you. Stay strong !!! Lots of love

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Thank you so much for the award! My very first ... and stylish? I'm so honored!I will definitely pass it on to some other very deserving bloggers soon. Just a little typo ... it's ping's pickings, not picklings :D altho that sounds nice too! On the down side, I'm very sorry to hear about Sheryl. Fortunately, you will have all the good memories to remember her by.

  14. Elisabeth, I am so sorry to hear about Sheryl. That's really tragic. My condolences to your family.

    Thank you so much for passing the award to me. I am truly honored. Thanks also for sharing a little bit more about yourself. It sounds like you have a loving family and I am sure your grandkids must love you to bits :)

    YThe cranberry sauce looks fantastic. Itmust have been delicious with the turkey.

  15. Hi Elisabeth- What can I say, after reading your post I feel like I have known you personally for years. Life is such a roller coaster. I really applaud you for braving through it..
    I saw the video and Sherryl appears to the kind of person that would light up a room when she entered. I am deeply sorry for your loss.

    Thank you for sharing the award with me. God bless

    US Masala

  16. Congratulations for the blogger award, well deserved. The cranberry sauce looks yummy. I like the twist you give it with the maple syrup.

    Have a wonderful weekend :)

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Hi Elisabeth,
    I am very sorry for your lost. I wish you solace and peace. Thank you for allowing me to know you better and thanks for the cranberry sauce recipe which I will definitely make for Christmas to go with the roast turkey.

  19. Hi Elisabeth
    what a wonderful cranberry sauce to post, just perfect for this time of year! Congratulations on a much deserved award, and thank you so much for thinking of me! I am truly honored!! It is always nice to learn more about our online friends!
    I hope you are having a wonderful weekend my friend!

  20. Hello Elisabeth,
    Thank you for the blogging award! I appreciate it! Double thanks for the cranberry sauce recipe, just in time for Christmas! Love cranberry sauce and will have to share it with my sister in law who makes hers for Thanksgiving every year.
    I feel like I've learned so much about you and your life. You've had quite a journey! Not too many people can say they've traveled and lived abroad. Your grandchildren are lucky to have you!
    I am so very sorry to hear about the tragic loss of Sherryl. Unbelievable how someone can have no conscience about another life. Thank you for sharing all this. Have a great weekend! xo

  21. Hey Elisabeth , im so sorry to hear about her, i was reading ur post and loving reading all about u and wham , i read this news!
    So bad to happen to anyone and my condolences to u and her family!
    So horrible and saddens our hearts!!
    please take care of u too!!
    I want to thankk u for ur award and kind love and support always !!
    Will look forward to hear from u and do take car!
    Love and hugs to u!

  22. Congratulations on your award
    Elizabeth, you've passed it on to a few bloggers that I know and the rest are new to me:) Thanks for sharing your holiday recipe for cranberry sauce which sounds delicious. Thanks for sharing about yourself, it's nice getting to know you better!

  23. Lizzie, my gosh, your life has been full of twists and turns, but you've kept it all together...brava!!! So much you've revealed..never knew you grew up in Ohio! You deserve this lovely award and I am honored to accept it from you..thank you SO much.

    Again, my condolences on the tragic loss of your's times like these where you realize how fragile life is!


  24. I'm so sorry to read about your loss. That is just heartbreaking. What a wonderful positive spirit you are and great advice you have given. Thank you for sharing and reminding us to cherish every single day with our loved ones.

    And thank you so much for the Stylish Blogger Award!

    All the best,

  25. Hi friends-Thank you all so very much for your kind support and condolences. Life is so precious, and we just never know what will happen, unless we know there is a serious illness, and the person is not going to get better. We're still in shock, although the funeral is now, in process, and we are all praying that Sheryl will find peace.

    Just when you think your life is so perfect, and you are truly happy with yourself, and the world...then, something like a freaky accident could, very sad!

    I congratulate all of the new friends, and friends that I have known in the last few months for the Stylish Blog Award, and believe me, I could have easily added another 15 bloggers to double the list, I can honestly think of 15 others at this very moment...just do not have the time to mention, and link all.
    That is your job now. 25 blogger awards x 15=375 awards to be given. That's nothing to
    "sneeze at" now, it's your turn! Congratulations to and so many other stylish bloggers, deserve this!

    I would like to THANK YOU all...listing you!
    Hugs to all of you!

    Swathi-I have only met your recently, but feel that I know you all ready
    Wendy-Without you honoring me this award, I could never have passed it on. So sorry about the cousin who has only 3 months to very sad.
    Citromhab-Erzsi, bizony az életem nagyon körülménes volt, pláne még gyerek koromban amiröl egy egész regényt tudnák irni. Köszönöm a kedves szavaid.
    Gourmet Getaway-I am so excited to have found your blog, and that we are following each other.
    Luna- So happy to have found your blog, and that we are following each other.
    Evan-My daughter also followes you, and comments.
    Nancy and Vijay-So happy that I met you through Kavita.
    Elpi-I tried to find the source where I could reach you to post to you...just like to thank you for your kind comment.
    Kavita-My sweet friend, so glad I met you.
    Ping-Just love your blog, I am so glad I met you.
    Biren-You're an absolute sweetheart. Thank you for being a friend.
    Aipi-I too feel like I have know you for a long time. Such a good friend, you are, and Priya too.
    Mari-You are an incredible baker, and cake decorator. I hope you give lessons.
    QuayPo-Veronica-You too share so much of yourself and your family, you are such a lovely lady.
    Chef Dennis-Whom I called a Guru before-so inspirational to other, you give so much of yourself.
    Kat-Your Brazilian mussels recipe, is so over the top, I have to make this, for sure. So happy that I met you.
    SugarPlumFairy-Mia- You are such an incredible young very talented-follow your dream.
    Pacheco Patty-I am so very sorry, I honestly forgot to list you as a recently met blogger, and missed you. I do have 2 more awards to pass forward, and for sure you will be on the list.

    My dear friend, and "namesake"-Lizzy-Seems I shared more than I was willing to, about myself...seems like my life is an "open book" now. I did have a lot of curves that went every which way in my life...I just had to put a strong control on it, and it turned out somewhat GREAT...who knows what the future will bring?
    I usually don't comment on my comment section, but I just wanted for all of you to know, I really appreciate you, and your kindness!

  26. delicious cranberry recipe... looks yum. feel sorry for ur loss.let the mind heal as the time runs..

  27. Hi Elisabeth. My condolences to your family. {huggs} Love your cranberry sauce. Am bookmarking this recipe. Also, THANK YOU for thinking of me and awarding me with The Stylish Award.I'll post it up soonest possible. I wouldn't have gone far without your constant support. Do take care my dear friend! Jo.

  28. thank you so much Elizabeth.. for sharing the award with me... in fact this is my first award and am so thrilled that I can't contain my happiness..thanks again!

  29. What a wonderful recipe! I love seeing all of the delightful versions of cranberry sauce :)
    Congratulations on your award, well deserved. And to your recipients as well :)

  30. Congratulations for the well-deserved blogger award. My deepest condolences for Sheryl. How sad...
    On a happier note, the cranberry sauce sounds divine, especially with the maple syrup addition.

    Eleonora @ Aglio, Olio & Peperoncino

  31. Thank you for the this fabulous award. I can't wait to pass it around to other amazing bloggers. :)

    Lovely cranberry sauce photo!

  32. Congratulations on the Award Elisabeth! Much deserved. I truly enjoyed reading about you... I love that part of all of these awards. It's so nice to learn about those we read so often!
